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A Study on Chaosmos Approach in Music and Architecture - Focused on Pierre Boulez' works and Rem Koolhaas' works -  

박소라 (인하공업전문대학 실내건축과)
Publication Information
Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal / v.13, no.3, 2004 , pp. 35-42 More about this Journal
This study dealt with approaches in architecture and music in the contemporary situation characterized by accidence and uncertainty through Pierre Boulez and Rem Koolhaas' works. First of all, we examined basic positions with starting from zero degree breaking from fixed ideas and with relative neutrality. Then, from a methodological aspect, we inquired into 1) anti-hierarchical objective approach, 2) accidental approach to form. 3) diagram of structure and event, and 4) the use of selective routes. Lastly, from a receptive aspect, we dealt with the space of pluralistic perspective and works in progress. The two persons used chaosmos approach that enables adjustment and control through structure defining the relationship with accidence or chaos. With the approach, they created works in progress or open works that have a pluralistic viewpoint working in the field of specific relation and the concept of endless regeneration.
카오스모스;삐에르 불레즈;렘 콜하스;
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  • Reference
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