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The information process on labor and the protection of information human rights (노동정보처리와 정보인권보호)

  • 하우영
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2003
  • The information drive of the businesses requires new alternatives in that the promotion of business efficiency through information process technologies ends up conflicting with the protection of information human rights on laborers' side. Nevertheless, apathy on information protection has a tendency to be distorted by the efficiency of the businesses. Should the capital and mass media warn economic red lights, political circles with uneasiness would ignore the significance of information protection on the behalf of business efficiency. Therefore, the importance of information protection is considered a smaller interest than that of business efficiency with the infringements of human rights on laborers' side arising. Informatization of the businesses along with the developments of information process technologies has enabled the management to monitor and control the behaviors of laborers. This new problem needs to establish both information protection mechanism and institutional devices to regulate those labor controls. The security of business activity without human rights infringement warrants both basic rights of the public and spirit of the Constitution. The study suggests the establishment and revision of laws suitable to the period of information human rights. On top of that, the establishment of the basic law for information protection of individuals' with the common principle that integrates the related laws and rules on-off line is needed. This will warrant the active participation of labor unions and create specific alternatives for information protection.

$CO_2$ Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Technology Development in Europe

  • Pettersen, Jostein;Neksa, Petter
    • The Magazine of the Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2002
  • $CO_2$ 20세기 초 천연 냉매 $CO_2$는 광범위하게 사용되었지만 프레온계 냉매의 출현으로 1940년경부터 $CO_2$냉매는 사용이 제한되었다. 그러나 반 세기 동안 사라졌던 $CO_2$냉매는 1980년 후반에 노르웨이 과학 기술대학 (NTNU)과 북구 최대 민간연구소 (SINTEF)의 Lorentzen 교수에 의해 $CO_2$천연 냉매 사용을 재고하게 되었다. 프레온계 냉매의 환경적 논쟁이 쟁점이 되면서 천연 냉매 사용을 재고하게 되었다. 특히 비가연성과 비유독성으로 인한 $CO_2$냉매가 주목을 받고 있다. 초월임계 사이클레서의 고압 제어에 대한 새로운 개념은 Lorentzen 교수와 동료 연구원에 의해서 특허로 제안되었다. 이에 대한 상업적 권리를 Norsk Hydro사는 1990년에 얻었고,1990년대 초반에 NTNU/SINTEF의 공동 연구개발 프로그램을 통해 기술 경쟁력과 실현 가능성이 검증되었다. 현재 연구소에서는 최초로 초월임계 $CO_2$사이클을 이용한 상업용 온수 열펌프 시스템, 2003년 시작할 연료전지 전기 자동차에 대한 연구를 수행하고 있다. NTNU/SINTEF에서 개발된 $CO_2$기술은 Hydro-SINTEF 공동 벤처 기업인 Shecco기술회사를 통해 제조업자에게 허가된다. 본 고에서는 NTNU/SINTEF에서 수행하였거나 수 중인 과제들을 중심으로 유럽의 $CO_2$시스템의 결과와 주요 개발 범위를 정리하였으며, 특히 작동유체로서의 $CO_2$냉매의 특징을 간단히 설명하고, 온 수 열 펌프, 자동차용 공조기 및 열 펌프, 상업 냉동기 등이 기술되었다. 그 외 압축기 위주의 요소기술 개발에 관한 내용도 기술되었고, 차세대 기술 경향과 전망에 대해서도 제시되었다. 제시되었다.성균 350$\times$$10^4$ CFU균, 방선균 434$\times$$10^4$ CFU균, 진균 676$\times$$10^4$ CFU균으로 진균의 개체수가 비교적 높게 나타났으며, 비산불지역에서는 호기성균 328$\times$$10^4$ CFU균, 방선균 319$\times$$10^4$ CFU균, 진균 461$\times$$10^4$ CFU균으로 진균의 개체수가 높게 나타났다. 토양미생물은 호기성균, 방선균, 진균 모두 비산불지역 보다 산불지역에서 많이 나타났다. 본 조사지역에서 호기성균은 활엽수림보다 침엽수림에서 많게 나타났으며, 방선균과 진균은 침엽수림보다 활엽수림에서 많이 나타났다.효과와 이를 이용한 자기냉동의 방법 그리고 최근에 이루어진 새로운 진전에 대해 소개하고 공기조화 및 냉동분야에의 적용 가능성을 전망해 보고자 한다.및 도입 등 선주들에게 다양한 선박건조자금을 제공하여 내수기반 확충에도 노력해야 할 것 이다.있었다., 인삼이 성장될 때 부분적인 영양상태의 불충분이나 기후 등에 따른 영향을 받을 수 있기 때문에 앞으로 이에 대한 많은 연구가 이루어져야할 것으로 판단된다.태에도 불구하고 [-wh]의미의 겹의문사는 병렬적 관계의 합성어가 아니라 내부구조를 지니지 않은 단순한 단어(minimal $X^{0}$ elements)로 가정한다. 즉, [+wh] 의미의 겹의문사는 동일한 구성요 소를 지닌 병렬적 합성어([$[W1]_{XO-}$ $[W1]_{XO}$ ]$_{XO}$)로 그리고 [-wh] 의미의 겹의문사는 중복된 발은을 지닌 한 단어로 ([W]$_{XO}$ )

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Occurrence Characteristics and Existing Forms of U-Th Containing Minerals in KAERI Underground Research Tunnel(KURT) Granite (한국원자력연구원 지하처분연구시설(KURT) 화강암의 U-Th 함유광물 산출특성 및 존재형태)

  • Cho, Wan Hyoung;Baik, Min Hoon;Park, Tae-Jin
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2017
  • Occurrence characteristics and existing forms of U-Th containing minerals in KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) granite are investigated to understand long-term behavior of radionuclides in granite considered as a candidate rock for the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste. KURT granite primarily consists of quartz, feldspar and mica. zircon, REE(Rare Earth Element)-containing monazite and bastnaesite are also identified. Besides, secondary minerals such as sericite, microcline and chlorite including quartz vein and calcite vein are observed. These minerals are presumed to be accompanied by a post-hydrothermal process. U-Th containing minerals are mainly observed at the boundaries of quartz, feldspar and mica, mostly less than $30{\mu}m$ in size. Quantitative analysis results using EPMA (Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer) show that 74.2 ~ 96.5% of the U-Th containing minerals consist of $UO_2$ (3.39 ~ 33.19 wt.%), $ThO_2$ (41.61 ~ 50.24 wt.%) and $SiO_2$ (15.43 ~ 18.60 wt.%). Chemical structure of the minerals calculated using EPMA quantitative analysis shows that the U-Th minerals are silicate minerals determined as thorite and uranothorite. The U-Th containing silicate minerals are formed by a magmatic and hydrothermal process. Therefore, KURT granite formed by a magmatic differentiation is accompanied by an alteration and replacement owing to a hydrothermal process. U-Th containing silicate minerals in KURT granite are estimated to be recrystallized by geochemical factors and parameters such as temperature, pressure and pH owing to the hydrothermal process. By repeated dissolution/precipitation during the recrystallization process, U-Th containing silicate minerals such as thorite and uranothorite are formed according to the variation in the concentrated amount of U and Th.

A Placeness and Identification on the Place Names of Geomorphological Landscape in Jukdo, Yangyang (양양 죽도의 장소성과 지형경관의 지명 고찰 및 비정)

  • Rho, Jae-hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2019
  • This study, which starting from Yangyang Jukdo's topography formation and questioning revealed in landscape guide and landscape commentary board, is to sort out the characteristics of Jukdo natural landscape through literature research, field observation research and stakeholder interview as part of the proper recognition of Jokdo landscape and search for landscape resources, and pursued a review of nominations and criticism. The results of this study are summarized as follows. Yangyang Jukdo is an island named because it was full of blue bamboo. From before the first half of the 14th Century. to the middle of the 18th Century., there was a Gwanlan-pavilion to see the sea and the bamboo in the west. The time when the original island, the Jukdo, have been a land-tied island connected with the land by the tombolo formed by the erosion of the sand. It is located at the end of the 14th Century. and before the middle of the 18th Century. In Jukdo, colorful weathered terrains, coastal terrain, and structural terrain formed by long-time weathering are found. Among them, the type of weathering, the tafoni style and the gnamma style are the scenic landscapes with the key stories of legend and poetry that are brought to Jukdo. In addition, there are seven kinds of letters caved in the rocks in Jukdo. The rocks found on the coast, basketball cannons, shrines, and sutras are seen as shrouds based on a Taoist hermit motifs and style. In addition, it can be interred from the photography of "jeongssisejeog" that the souvenir of Jukdo was the family of Chogyejeong of mid 18th Century. In terms of observational geography and poetry, Jukdo has been handed down a great deal of missionary color with key motifs such as 'Jukdo-seongoo', 'Jukdo-Dolgooyoo', or 'Stone mortar of Taoist hermit' It is proved that the pearl which is called 'The stone of the Taoist hermit' is a porthole formed in a separate space rather than the topography of the geomorphology in terms of shape, size and function. Currently named Shun-tang is a product of the ridiculous 'naming' of interest. The present landscape guide and commentary is not only incompatible with the place of Jukdo, but also does not match the traditional cultural landscape. Future scenery information such as guide signs and commentary boards should be improved in the direction of positively highlighting the stories and motifs related to the present that are present in order to enhance the landscape identity of Yangyang Jukdo.

A Comprehensive Review of Geological CO2 Sequestration in Basalt Formations (현무암 CO2 지중저장 해외 연구 사례 조사 및 타당성 분석)

  • Hyunjeong Jeon;Hyung Chul Shin;Tae Kwon Yun;Weon Shik Han;Jaehoon Jeong;Jaehwii Gwag
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.311-330
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    • 2023
  • Development of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technique is becoming increasingly important as a method to mitigate the strengthening effects of global warming, generated from the unprecedented increase in released anthropogenic CO2. In the recent years, the characteristics of basaltic rocks (i.e., large volume, high reactivity and surplus of cation components) have been recognized to be potentially favorable in facilitation of CCS; based on this, research on utilization of basaltic formations for underground CO2 storage is currently ongoing in various fields. This study investigated the feasibility of underground storage of CO2 in basalt, based on the examination of the CO2 storage mechanisms in subsurface, assessment of basalt characteristics, and review of the global research on basaltic CO2 storage. The global research examined were classified into experimental/modeling/field demonstration, based on the methods utilized. Experimental conditions used in research demonstrated temperatures ranging from 20 to 250 ℃, pressure ranging from 0.1 to 30 MPa, and the rock-fluid reaction time ranging from several hours to four years. Modeling research on basalt involved construction of models similar to the potential storage sites, with examination of changes in fluid dynamics and geochemical factors before and after CO2-fluid injection. The investigation demonstrated that basalt has large potential for CO2 storage, along with capacity for rapid mineralization reactions; these factors lessens the environmental constraints (i.e., temperature, pressure, and geological structures) generally required for CO2 storage. The success of major field demonstration projects, the CarbFix project and the Wallula project, indicate that basalt is promising geological formation to facilitate CCS. However, usage of basalt as storage formation requires additional conditions which must be carefully considered - mineralization mechanism can vary significantly depending on factors such as the basalt composition and injection zone properties: for instance, precipitation of carbonate and silicate minerals can reduce the injectivity into the formation. In addition, there is a risk of polluting the subsurface environment due to the combination of pressure increase and induced rock-CO2-fluid reactions upon injection. As dissolution of CO2 into fluids is required prior to injection, monitoring techniques different from conventional methods are needed. Hence, in order to facilitate efficient and stable underground storage of CO2 in basalt, it is necessary to select a suitable storage formation, accumulate various database of the field, and conduct systematic research utilizing experiments/modeling/field studies to develop comprehensive understanding of the potential storage site.

Changes in Growth and Antioxidant Phenolic Contents of Kale according to CO2 Concentration before UV-A Light Treatment (UV-A 조사 전 CO2 농도에 따른 케일의 생육과 항산화적 페놀릭 함량 변화)

  • Jin-Hui Lee;Myung-Min Oh
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.342-352
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    • 2023
  • Ultra-violet (UV) light is one of abiotic stress factors and causes oxidative stress in plants, but a suitable level of UV radiation can be used to enhance the phytochemical content of plants. The accumulation of antioxidant phenolic compounds in UV-exposed plants may vary depending on the conditions of plant (species, cultivar, age, etc.) and UV (wavelength, energy, irradiation period, etc.). To date, however, little research has been conducted on how leaf thickness affects the pattern of phytochemical accumulation. In this study, we conducted an experiment to find out how the antioxidant phenolic content of kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) leaves with different thicknesses react to UV-A light. Kale seedlings were grown in a controlled growth chamber for four weeks under the following conditions: 20℃ temperature, 60% relative humidity, 12-hour photoperiod, light source (fluorescent lamp), and photosynthetic photon flux density of 121±10 µmol m-2 s-1. The kale plants were then transferred to two chambers with different CO2 concentrations (382±3.2 and 1,027±11.7 µmol mol-1), and grown for 10 days. After then, each group of kale plants were subjected to UV-A LED (275+285 nm at peak wavelength) light of 25.4 W m-2 for 5 days. As a result, when kale plants with thickened leaves from treatment with high CO2 were exposed to UV-A, they had lower UV sensitivity than thinner leaves. The Fv/Fm (maximum quantum yield on photosystem II) in the leaves of kale exposed to UV-A in a low-concentration CO2 environment decreased abruptly and significantly immediately after UV treatment, but not in kale leaves exposed to UV-A in a high-concentration CO2 environment. The accumulation pattern of total phenolic content, antioxidant capacity and individual phenolic compounds varied according to leaf thickness. In conclusion, this experiment suggests that the UV intensity should vary based on the leaf thickness (age etc.) during UV treatment for phytochemical enhancement.

An Experimental Study on the Hydration Heat of Concrete Using Phosphate based Inorganic Salt (인산계 무기염을 이용한 콘크리트의 수화 발열 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Jeong, Seok-Man;Kim, Se-Hwan;Yang, Wan-Hee;Kim, Young-Sun;Ki, Jun-Do;Lee, Gun-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.489-495
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    • 2020
  • Whereas the control of the hydration heat in mass concrete has been important as the concrete structures enlarge, many conventional strategies show some limitations in their effectiveness and practicality. Therefore, In this study, as a solution of controling the heat of hydration of mass concrete, a method to reduce the heat of hydration by controlling the hardening of cement was examined. The reduction of the hydration heat by the developed Phosphate Inorganic Salt was basically verified in the insulated boxes filled with binder paste or concrete mixture. That is, the effects of the Phosphate Inorganic Salt on the hydration heat, flow or slump, and compressive strength were analyzed in binary and ternary blended cement which is generally used for low heat. As a result, the internal maximum temperature rise induced by the hydration heat was decreased by 9.5~10.6% and 10.1~11.7% for binder paste and concrete mixed with the Phosphate Inorganic Salt, respectively. Besides, the delay of the time corresponding to the peak temperature was apparently observed, which is beneficial to the emission of the internal hydration heat in real structures. The Phosphate Inorganic Salt that was developed and verified by a series of the aforementioned experiments showed better performance than the existing ones in terms of the control of the hydration heat and other performance. It can be used for the purpose of hydration heat of mass concrete in the future.

Urban Climate Impact Assessment Reflecting Urban Planning Scenarios - Connecting Green Network Across the North and South in Seoul - (서울 도시계획 정책을 적용한 기후영향평가 - 남북녹지축 조성사업을 대상으로 -)

  • Kwon, Hyuk-Gi;Yang, Ho-Jin;Yi, Chaeyeon;Kim, Yeon-Hee;Choi, Young-Jean
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.134-153
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    • 2015
  • When making urban planning, it is important to understand climate effect caused by urban structural changes. Seoul city applies UPIS(Urban Plan Information System) which provides information on urban planning scenario. Technology for analyzing climate effect resulted from urban planning needs to developed by linking urban planning scenario provided by UPIS and climate analysis model, CAS(Climate Analysis Seoul). CAS develops for analyzing urban climate conditions to provide realistic information considering local air temperature and wind flows. Quantitative analyses conducted by CAS for the production, transportation, and stagnation of cold air, wind flow and thermal conditions by incorporating GIS analysis on land cover and elevation and meteorological analysis from MetPhoMod(Meteorology and atmospheric Photochemistry Meso-scale model). In order to reflect land cover and elevation of the latest information, CAS used to highly accurate raster data (1m) sourced from LiDAR survey and KOMPSAT-2(KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite) satellite image(4m). For more realistic representation of land surface characteristic, DSM(Digital Surface Model) and DTM(Digital Terrain Model) data used as an input data for CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) model. Eight inflow directions considered to investigate the change of flow pattern, wind speed according to reconstruction and change of thermal environment by connecting green area formation. Also, MetPhoMod in CAS data used to consider realistic weather condition. The result show that wind corridors change due to reconstruction. As a whole surface temperature around target area decreases due to connecting green area formation. CFD model coupled with CAS is possible to evaluate the wind corridor and heat environment before/after reconstruction and connecting green area formation. In This study, analysis of climate impact before and after created the green area, which is part of 'Connecting green network across the north and south in Seoul' plan, one of the '2020 Seoul master plan'.

Meteorological Element and Vegetative Structure for Sorbus commixta Hedl. Natural Populations at Ulleung Island (울릉도 마가목 천연집단의 기상인자 추정 및 식생구조)

  • 김세현;장용석;정헌관;최영철
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.158-165
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to reveal the role of meteorological elements on the habitat characteristics and vegetative structure for S. commixta natural populations at Ulleung Island. Potential Evapotranspiration(PET) by elevation of Ulleung Island was estimated using Thornthwaite's climatology estimating method. Also, Warm Index (WI), Coldness Index (CI) and vegetative composition by elevation were determined. The following results were obtained: The S. commixta trees wire mainly distributed from an elevation of 300 m to 900 m. The WI and CI were about 66.8∼95.0, -21.5∼-7.7, respectively. Water deficit by precipitation and Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) mainly occurred from March to October at all elevations. But wafer deficits diminished with increased elevation. The apparent species in S. commixta natural populations at Ulleung Island were: 10 tree layer species, 17 subtree layer species, and 25 species in the shrub layer. In the tree layer, S. commixta was dominant with the highest value of 46.85, then Fagus crenate 13.43, Acer mono and Tilia amurensis 12.41 and 12.03, respectively. In the subtree layer, A. mono was dominant with the highest value of 13.16, then F. crenata 12.68, Acer pseudo-sieboldianum and S. commixta 11.37 and 10.76, respectively. Dominant species and IV values in the shrub layer were Sasa borealis (22.09) and Rhododendron brachycarpum (10.51). The S. commixta natural forests were in a relatively stable rendition because of the even distribution of its various indexes: the species diversity index of Shannon, the evenness index and dominance were 0.6199∼1.1390, 0.6199∼0.8825 and 0.1852∼0.3801, respectively.

A Study on Visual Identity of Korean Government (우리나라 행정부의 시각 정체성 연구)

  • Cho, Ju-Eun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2006
  • As we cannot think of our lives without a nation, it is closely related to almost every part of our daily lives. The role of government is becoming more important in the complex modern society as an essential element of national authority even though the government has indirect and secondary characteristics in its functional performance. Therefore, the government has to be efficient in planning and executing its policies, and it needs to be representative and fair as part of a national authoritative community. In the 21st century when symbolic and cultural importance of images are becoming more important, it is crucial for the government organizations to have an integrated identity design system that can satisfy both of these requirements of the government. However, the C.I.(Corporate Identity) of each Korean administrative branch has been developed separately and sporadically, which resulted in lack of consistency as part of the government. Shape and material of their C.I.s that follow short term design trend and popularity also lack uniqueness which can be distinguished from those of any private corporation. This may show that our government lacks systematic administrative capability, since image of a feature represents its characteristics and reality, and their recognition and evaluation from others become identity of the feature. In this perspective, the purpose of this thesis is to suggest an identity design system that has certain rules and regularity with wide variety of possible alterations for the central administration in Korea. In order to represent this visually, identity design system with both integrity and variety of possible alteration is created based on traditional Korean culture, especially the concept of Umyang-ohaeng and Samjae.

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