• Title/Summary/Keyword: 동학

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Example Guided Inverse Kinematics (측정 데이타에 기반한 향상된 역 운동학)

  • Tak, Se-Yun;Go, Hyeong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 1999
  • This paper proposes example guided inverse kinematics (EGIK) which extends and enhances existing inverse kinematics technique. In conventional inverse kinematics, redundancy in the model produces an infinite number of solutions. The motion could be jerky depending on the choice of solutions at each frame. EGIK exploits the redundancy for imitating an example motion (a premeasured motion data) so that a unique solution is chosen. To minimize the gap between the goal and current end-effector position and imitate the original motion at the same time, nonlinear optimization technique is employed. So, the resulting motion resembles the original one in an optimal sense. Experiments prove that the method is a robust and effective technique to animate high DOF articulated models from an example motion.

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Business Cycle and Labor Market Transitions : A Comparison among Demographic Groups (경기변동과 고용 동학에 대한 분석: 집단 간 취업-미취업 이행확률 비교를 중심으로)

  • Goh, Young-Geun;Ahn, Taehyun
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.31-59
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    • 2018
  • This study examines how the rate of transition between employment and non-employment changes with the business cycle using monthly panel data constructed from 2000-2013 Korea Labor and Income Panel Study(KLIPS). In particular, we investigate whether the transition rates are different across demographic groups when the labor market is depressed. We find that, as the labor market weakens, the transition rate into non-employment significantly increases. The rates of transition into non-employment are substantially higher for female, older and less educated groups than those for male, prime-aged and more educated groups.

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Nonlinear Dynamics between Economic Growth and Pollution (경제성장과 환경오염 간의 비선형동학 분석)

  • Kim, Ji Uk
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.405-423
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    • 2006
  • This paper develops theoretical model between economic growth and pollution as follows: First, emissions are generated from final good production process and technology accumulation. Second, pollution is directly connected with increase in final good production or in consumption, Third, no pollution abatement activity would be undertaken. Fourth, reproducible factors associated with labor and capital input are used in production function. We also test the existence of nonlinear Dynamics between economic growth and pollution using an exponential smooth transition autoregressive model(ESTAR). We find the presence of nonlinear dynamics between economic growth and pollution with a time series data for Seoul. This result shows indirectly that an inverted U relationship between air pollution and economic growth exists.

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Characteristics of Mixed Urinary Incontinence and Stress Urinary Incontinence: Relationship between Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Urodynamic Parameters (복합성 요실금과 복압성 요실금의 특성: 하부요로증상과 요역동학 검사결과의 관계)

  • Lee, ji Yeon;Song, Misoon
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.60-68
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between lower urinary tract symptoms and urodynamic parameters to investigate the characteristics of mixed urinary incontinence (MUI) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Methods: The subjects were 318 women with MUI and 128 women with SUI. Data were collected retrospectively from electronic medical records including Bristol Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms-Scored Form (BFLUTS-SF), Incontinence Quality of Life Instrument (I-QOL), voiding diaries, and urodynamic parameters. Results: Compared with the SUI group, the MUI group was older and showed lower I-QOL and more severe urinary tract symptoms. The MUI group had more urinary frequency, more nocturia, and a higher urgency score than the SUI group. In the correlation analysis, the greatest difference between the two groups was that urgency was associated with Qmax, maximal cystometric capacity, and detrusor overactivity only in the MUI group (r = -.175, p= .004; r = -.281, p< .001; r= .232, p< .001, respectively). Conclusion: As a result of this study, we propose that a customized management program that emphasizes the control of urgency for the MUI group, and one that effectively strengthens the weak pelvic floor for the SUI group.

대순사상에 나타난 동학의 위상과 증산의 참동학 전개

  • Go, Nam-Sik
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.16
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2003
  • The Jeungsan(1871-1909)'s revelation is the important meaning. Jeungsan hands down the two revelation for solution of Chosun postscript problem and presentation of Utopia. One time Suwun(1824~1864) is handed down and afterwords Jeongsan(1895-1958) after Jeungsan's Hwachon at 1917. Two revelations accomplish the day of the Jeungsan in public but the character is the countenance. The Jeungsan's revelation to Suwun solves present generation problems, the Jeungsan revelation to Jeongsan is continuously to do the day of the Jeungsan even after Hwachon. The Jeungsan stepped on the failure of the Donghak and on the upper lifestyle with the Cham-Donghag it opened the different side. The Cham-Donghag is concerned about the future Chosun to be the first-class country and Chosun Haewon is related with Danju Haewon. Danju Haewon is to be a fifty years religous study of Jeongsan. The Jeungsan's Gangse is to accomplish the Sungsajaein and it actualizes the appearance of Dotonggunja. Jeongsan is trying to do the religious activity about Sungsajaein and Dotonggunja as the Daedumok. The Jeungsan starts from revelation to the Suwun, to accomplish thought of the Cham-Donghag after Hwachon. The Jeungsan continuously has handed revelation led from religion activity, let Jeongsan do fifty years religious study. In the long run, it completes the fact that it accomplishes the outer space and the Chosun society of new setup, and a sacred religious work has been arranged the advocate of the Cham-Donghag through the Jeongsan by Woodang(1917-1996)'s Daesoonjinrihoe(1969).

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