• Title/Summary/Keyword: 동적 파괴거동

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Experimental and Numerical Study on the Dynamic Fracture Processes of PMMA Block by NRC Vapor Pressure Fracture Agent (NRC 증기압 암석 파쇄제에 의한 PMMA 블록의 동적 파괴 과정에 관한 실험 및 수치해석적 연구)

  • Gyeongjo Min
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to investigate the dynamic fracture characteristics of rocks and rock-like materials subjected to the Nonex Rock Cracker (NRC), a vapor pressure crushing agent that produces vapor pressure by instantaneously vaporizing a liquid mixture crystallized through the thermite reaction. Furthermore, the study seeks to develop an analytical technique for predicting the fracture pattern. A dynamic fracture test was performed on a PMMA block, an artificial brittle material, using the NRC. High-speed cameras and dynamic pressure gauges were employed to capture the moment of vapor pressure generation and measure the vapor pressure-time history, respectively. The 2-dimensional Dynamic Fracture Process Analysis (2D DFPA) was used to simulate the fracture process caused by the vapor pressure, with the applied pressure determined based on the vapor pressure-time history. The proposed analytical method was used to examine various fracture patterns with respect to granite material and high-performance explosives.

기계 진동을 받는 구조물의 동적 해석 모델링 기법

  • 송영훈
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 1998
  • 본 기사에서는 진동을 유발하는 기계장치의 지지 형태에 따른 해석 모델링 기법을 소개하는데 중점을 두었다. 다양한 해석 모델등 중 어느 것을 사용할 것인가는 주어진 조건이나 정보, 요구되는 정확도, 효율성 등을 고려하여 설계 엔지니어가 판단하여야 한다. 또한 진동 하중을 받는 구조물에 대한 설계 및 해석을 하기 위해서는 기계장치에 대한 사양 및 요구사항, 지반의 물리적 성질, 외부 환경적 요인 등을 파악하여야 한다. 종합적인 판단하에 구조물을 모델링하여 얻어진 결과들을 가지고 실제 설계 요구 조건과 비교, 검토를 하여야 하며, 이러한 설계 조건들은 다음과 같은 사항들을 포함한다. 1) 지반이나 구조물의 파괴, 과도한 처짐 등에 대한 정적 강도를 검토한다. 2) 진동 응답에 대한 최대 변위, 최대 속도, 최대 가속도를 검토한다. 3) 최대 확대계수, 최대 동적하중 계수, 공명조건, 최대 전달계수 등을 포함한 동적 거동을 검토한다. 4) 실제 구조물에서 일어날 수 있는 모든 모드들에 대한 검토를 한다. 5) 기계, 구조물, 연결부 등에 대한 파괴 가능성을 고려한다. 6) 사람이나 기계장치의 작동 등에 대한 환경적 요구조건의 만족 여부를 검토한다.

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Various Dynamic Behavior of Three Point Bend Specimens under Rapid Loading (빠른 하중을 받고 있는 3점 굽힘 시험편들의 다양한 동적거동)

  • Lee, Ouk-Sub;Cho, Jae-Ung;Han, Moon-sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4 s.97
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    • pp.178-188
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    • 1999
  • 충격하중을 받는 시험편 높이의 1/4 길이의 notch를 가진 3점 굽힘시험편들의 기계적 거동에 관한 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 하고 이 시뮬레이션에 대한 실험적 검증도 하여 그 타당성을 입증하였다. 시험편들의 양쪽 가장자리(지지점)에서 작용되어지는 여러 가지의 하중속도에 대한 경우들과 탄소성 von Mises 재질인 모델들을 시뮬레이션에 포함시켰으며 이들에 대한 결과들을 간극 개구 변위, 반력, 크랙선단 개구 변위 및 변형률등이 속도에 의존되는 재질(점소성 재질)에 대한 시뮬레이션 결과와 비교하였다. 또한 여러가지의 동적 하중을 받는 상황하에서의 안정성이 본 연구의 시뮬레이션을 통하여 비교되었으며 그 차이점들이 규명되었다.

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Numerical Analysis for Comparing Beam-spring and Continuum Model for Buried Pipes Considering Soil-pipe Interaction (매설관과 지반의 상호작용을 고려한 보-스프링 모델과 연속체 모델의 수치해석적 비교 연구)

  • Jeonghun Yang;Youngjin Shin;Hangseok Choi
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2023
  • The behavior of buried pipes is directly influenced by the nonlinearity and complex characteristics of the surrounding soil. However, the simplified beam-spring model, which ignores the nonlinearity and complex behavior of soil, is commonly used in practice. In response, several studies have employed continuum analysis methods to account for the nonlinear and complex behavior of the soil. This paper presents various numerical continuum analysis techniques and verifies their comparison with full-scale tests. The study found that reaction force results close to the full-scale test could be obtained by applying contact surface characteristics that take into account the interaction between the ground and the buried pipe. In the case of sharing pipe and soil node method and ignoring the interaction between pipe and soil, excessive reaction force was derived, and the failure shapes were different. In addition, this study applied the dynamic explicit analysis method, ALE method, and CEL method. It was confirmed that the displacement-reaction relationship and failure shape are similar to those of the static analysis.

Dynamic Behaviors of Metal Matrix Composites in Low Velocity Impact (저속 충격하에서의 금속복합재료의 동적 특성)

  • ;Gamal A. Aggag;K.Takahashi
    • Composites Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 1999
  • This study has observed that the dynamic behavior of Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) in low velocity impact varies with impact velocity. MMCs with 15 fiber volume percent were fabricated by using the squeeze casting method. The AC8A was used as the matrix, and the alumina and the carbon were used as reinforcements. The tensile and vibration tests conducted yielded the yielded the tensile stress and elastic modulus of MMCs The low pass filter and instrumented impact test machine was adopted to study dynamic behaviors of MMCs corresponding to impact velocity. Stable impact signals were obtained by using the low pass filter. Impact corresponding to impact velocity. Stable impact signals were obtained by using the low pass filter. Impact energy of unreinforced alloy and MM s increased as the impact velocity increased. The increase of crack propagation energy was especially prominent, but the dynamic toughness of each material did not change much. To show the relation between crack initiation energy and dynamic fracture toughness, a simple model was proposed by using the strain energy and stress distribution at notch. The model revealed that crack initiation energy is proportional to the square of dynamic fracture toughness and inversely proportional to elastic modulus.

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A Numerical Study on Shear Behavior of the Interface between Blasted Rock and Concrete (발파 암반-콘크리트 경계면에서의 전단거동특성에 대한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Min, Gyeong-Jo;Ko, Young-Hun;Fukuda, Daisuke;Oh, Se-Wook;Kim, Jeong-Gyu;Chung, Moon-Kyung;Cho, Sang-Ho
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 2019
  • In designing a gravity-type anchorage of earth-anchored suspension bridge, the contact friction between a blasted rock mass and the concrete anchorage plays a key role in the stability of the entire anchorage. Therefore, it is vital to understand the shear behavior of the interface between the blasted rock mass and concrete. In this study, a portable 3D LiDAR scanner was utilized to scan the blasted bottom surfaces, and rock surface roughness was quantitatively analyzed from the scanned profiles to apply to 3D FEM modelling. In addition, based on the 3D FEM model, a three-dimensional dynamic fracture process analysis (DFPA-3D) technique was applied to study on the shear behavior of the interface between blasted rock and concrete through direct shear tests, which was analyzed under constant normal load (CNL). The effects of normal stress and the joint roughness on shear failure behavior are also analyzed.

Effect of Average and Cyclic Shear Stress on Undrained Cyclic Behavior of Marine Silty Sand (해양 실트질 모래의 비배수 동적 거동에 대한 평균 및 반복전단응력의 영향)

  • Muhammad, Safdar;Son, Su-Won;Kim, Jin-Man
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2014
  • Offshore wind turbine foundations are subjected to wind, current and wave loadings. Hence, both static and cyclic behaviors of foundation's soil are important for the design of offshore wind turbine foundation. Undrained cyclic behaviors of soils depend upon the number of loading cycles, vertical effective stress, cyclic shear strain, relative density, and the combination of cyclic and average shear stresses. In order to evaluate the effect of average and cyclic shear stresses on the undrained cyclic behavior of marine silty sand, cyclic direct simple shear (CDSS) tests are performed with relative density of 85%, vertical effective stress of 200 and 300 kPa, and failure criteria of either 15% double amplitude cyclic shear strain (${\gamma}_{cyc}$) or permanent shear strain (${\gamma}_{p}$). The results are presented in the form of design graphs or contour diagrams. The undrained cyclic behavior of marine silty sand is found to be dependent on cyclic and average shear stresses and/or the combination of both shear stresses. It is found that when significant average shear stress exists the permanent or progressive shear strain is the govering failure criteria instead of cyclic shear strain.

SHPB Tests for Rock Dynamic Behavior by Shock Loading (충격하중에 의한 암석의 동적거동 측정시험장치)

  • Park, Chul-Whan;Park, Eui-Seob
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.318-324
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    • 2010
  • Dynamic properties of materials by shock loads such as rock blasting and earthquake are recently attracted in the design of aboveground and underground structures. The advance of measuring devices enables to obtain the whole histories of stress and strain in rock specimen of which the failure is completed in several hundred microseconds. The SHPB has been a popular and promising technique to study the dynamic behavior of rock. And the dynamic compressive, tensile and other test with this experiment system are planned to be Suggested Methods of ISRM. This technical paper is to introduced one study article which focuses the design of 3S (special shaped striker) to produce the half-sine wave to eliminate the problems of the rectangular wave. This article is also describing the advantage of half-sine incident wave and size effect of rock dynamic strength.

Dynamic Behavior Responses and Investigation of a Small-Class Satellite Having Sandwich Panel Structures (샌드위치 패널 구조로 된 소형 위성의 동적거동 응답 및 연구)

  • Cho, Hee-Keun;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Cha, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.40 no.9
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    • pp.771-780
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    • 2012
  • Naro-science satellite which will be launched by KSLV-1 has been successfully developed. Naro-science satellite is a 100kg-class small size science satellite whose structure is composed of one of a typical light and high strength aluminum honeycomb sandwich panel. In this research, dynamic responses of the satellite with respect to the design requirements were investigated by means of real experiments and numerical finite element analyses. The core technologies of the structure design and analysis about fracture and safety has been obtained through a wide range of analyses and tests. The results obtained in this study can be significantly utilized for the next generation satellite development.

Dynamic Fracture Behavior of Some Polymeric Materials (고분자재료의 동적 파괴거동에 관한 연구)

  • 이억섭;한정우;한문식
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.1630-1641
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    • 1995
  • The dynamic stress intensity factors (DSIF ; $K_{I}$$^{dyn}$) were studied in some polymeric materials using caustics method with a high speed camera system. Also crack tip propagation speed was measured by dynamic crack propagation velocity measuring device. To calculate DSIF a finite element analysis program-INha Stress Analysis Moving CRack(INSAMCR) was utilized. Dynamic fracture characteristics were investigated to verify a relationship between DSIF and crack tip propagation speed and acceleration in PMMA, Homalite-100 and Polycarbonate. The relationship between dynamic stress intensity factor and crack tip velocity revealed typical shapes. Measured crack tip acceleration data envelope converges to the zero level with increasing DSIF. Equivalently crack tip velocities show a wide spread range at low values of DSIF, but become a constant with a higher DSIF. $1.2MPa{\sqrt{m}}$, $1.4MPa{\sqrt{m}}$ and $1.3 MPa{\sqrt{m}}$ were obtained as $K_{I}$$^{dyn}$ values to arrest the dynamic crack for PMMA, Homalite-100 and Polycarbonate, respectively. INSAMCR was run to verify experimental results in PMMA and shows good agreementment.