• Title/Summary/Keyword: 동시조서

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An Exploratory Approach to Designer Models for Pattern Design Using ChatGPT (챗 GPT를 활용한 패턴 디자인의 디자이너 모델에 대한 탐색적 접근)

  • Hua-Qian Xie;Seung-Keun Song
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.799-805
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    • 2024
  • Recently, generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been rapidly developing and its application fields are expanding beyond text, voice, image, object recognition, time-series forecasting, and natural language processing to the creative design field that AI was thought to be incapable of. We aim for an exploratory approach to study the cognitive model of pattern designers using generative AI. To this end, we used GPT 4o, which is the most well-known generative AI, and applied the protocol analysis method, a cognitive science research method, to the pattern design process. Four design graduate students were selected as subjects and pilot and main experiment were conducted. Voice recording and video capture were performed to collect data. The protocol method applied the concurrent protocol method, which simultaneously expresses what comes to mind while performing the task. The collected verbal data was used to classify the design process by segmenting words and developing a coding scheme to establish a framework for analysis. As a result, analysis, selection, visualization, evaluation, and optimization were discovered. We expect to present design guidelines for pattern design practice.

One-time measurement of irradiation intensity of Solar Simulator using cds photo-sensors (cds 광전소자(光電素子)를 이용한 인공태양(人工太陽) 일사강도(日射强度)의 동시측정(同時測定))

  • Bai, K.;Cho, S.H.;Lee, N.H.;Auh, P.C.M.
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 1985
  • There are two kinds of irradiation intensity deviation, depending on time and position, on illuminated plane when thermal performance of solar collector is tested by using solar simulator. In this study we measured only position deviation of irradiation intensity using 45-cds photosensors and data acqusition system and found the point of average value. By this result we can improve the accuracy of irradiation measurement in indoor test of solar collector.

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Exploratory Approach of Social Gameplay Behavior Pattern : Case Study of World of Warcrafts (소셜 게임플레이 행동패턴의 탐색적 접근 : World of Warcrafts를 중심으로)

  • Song, Seung-Keun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this research is to discover the rule of gameplay related to the task interdependence to analyse the behavior pattern of social gameplay. Previous literatures related to the gameplay were reviewed and game which was suitable for the gameplay of the task interdependence was selected. A party-play includes a team of five people in the experiment during the gameplay with think-aloud method and video/audio data about action protocol and verbal report were collected. The video observation and protocol analysis were conducted to analyse data. The objective coding scheme were developed from consolidated sequence model task analysis. The player's behavior was analysed. The result was revealed that four rules and four modified rules were included into the total eight behavior pattern. A behavior graph integrated with five gameplay was written. The excellent cooperative spot and error and failure place could be identified. The social gameplay behavior graph is expected to be the key practical design guideline on whether the level design and balance design are proper.

In the 1930역s Spatial Image of Korean Immigrants to Pukkando -on Migration Novels and Short Stories- (1930년대 북간도 지역에 대한 조선이민의 공간이미지 -이민소설을 중심으로-)

  • 이은숙
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.419-434
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    • 1999
  • 연구의 목적은 최서해, 박계주, 안수길의 이민소설을 중심으로 1930년대 북간도에 대한 조선이민의 공간이미지를 조사하며, 이것이 이주와 정착과정에 미친 영향을 밝히는 것이다. 최서해, 박계주, 안수길은 리얼리즘 작가로서 많은 장편과 단편 소설을 통해서 당시 북간도라는 이민공간에 있었던 조서이민의 삶을 사실적으로 형상화하였다. 따라서 이들 소설은 그 자체로서 1930년대 북간도의 지리적 현상이며 동시에, 지리적 자료로서 가치를 지닌다. 조선 이민의 공간이미지를 보면, 이주 전 이미지와 이주 후 이미지 사이에 차이가 있다. 이주 전 이미지는 북간도 공간에 대한 지식과 그들이 접한 정보를 중심으로 형성된 객관적 이미지이다. 이것은 이주 후 삶의 공간으로서의 개인적 체험과 고향의식을 통해서 개별적이고 주관적인 이미지로 변화되었다. 객관적 이미지는 이주 의사 결정에 영향을 주었고, 주관적 이미지는 북간도에서의 적응과 정착과정에 영향을 주었다.

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"의자의야(醫者意也)"에 관한 소고(小考)

  • Kim, Gi-Uk;Park, Hyeon-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 2007
  • 재한의학적착자상상견적"의자의야"저개어구(在한의學的着者上常見的"의者意也"저개語句), 파의학이론적신비성(把의學理論的神秘性), 치료방법적영활성(治료方法的영活性), 의가적오성간주'의'(의家的悟性看做'意'). 환구화래설(換句話래說), 한의학적운치포괄"가이의회(한의學的운致包括"可以意회), 난우언전"적감각(難于言전"的感覺). 수연의학기자연과학우실용기술(수然의學旣自然科學又실用技술), 환미비소우의가이'의'여하구축학문적연구(환未비소于의家以'意'如何구筑學問的硏究). 여금종각개각도평가전통과학기술화문화적시후(如今종各개角度評가전統科學技술和文化的시候), 서방과학기술재지구상번성이보급이후(西方科學技술在地球上繁盛而普及以后), 유일한의학잉연유불쇠퇴적생명력(唯一한의學仍然有不衰退的生命力), 저취시양인문표시경희(저就是양人們表示倞喜). 여차동시인문안조서방과학적시각화표준(여此同시人們按照西方科學的시角和표准), 파유일지탱생명력적한의학부단지관찰(把唯一支撑生命力的한의學不단地관察), 검사(檢査), 평가(評價), 요구(要求), 개조(改造). 저양적정황하(저양的情況下), 대표착"의자의야"적한의학불유득수도료허다견책(代表着"의者意也"的한의學不由得受到了許多遣責). 대우연구한의학래설(대于硏究한의學래說), 응해소주여하이해고대의가전래적저구화(應該소注如何理解古代의家전래的구句和). 통과요육군적연구등(通과寥育群的硏究等), 논자요분석이정리(論者要分析而整理), 매시기"의자의야"적다양포함화표연형식(每時基"의者意也"的多양包含和表演形式).

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The Pattern Analysis for Gameplay of RPG(Role-Play Game) Genre base on Smart-phone : Toward 'Blade for Kakao' (스마트폰 기반 RPG 장르의 게임플레이 패턴 분석 : '블레이드 for Kakao'를 중심으로)

  • Han, Sang-Geun;Song, Seung-Keun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.38
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    • pp.237-258
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    • 2015
  • This research aims to analyze gamer's behavior pattern on 'Blade for Kakao' RPG genre based on smart-phone. Three subjects were recruited using the concurrent protocol method to conduct ten episodes in region 1. As a result, it derived four behavior patterns according to the combination of space type affordance and the arrangement affordance of obstacle(monster). The result of this research revealed the forward attack arranged for the fixed obstacles in the wide space, the indirect attack as avoid-type arranged for scattered obstacles in the same space, the hunting up attack once arranged for the crowded obstacles in the same space, and the pulling attack arranged for obstacles in the narrow space. Moreover, it revealed the character growth and the optimization of attack method according to the attribute affordance of the obstacle(monster). This research expect to offer the design guideline for game level design to investigate the relationship between the game play and affordance in RPG genre based on smart-phone.

A Study on Condition Assessment of the General National Road Bridge Deck (일반국도상 교량 바닥판의 상태 현황분석 연구)

  • Oh, Kwang Chin;Lee, Jun Gu;Shin, Ju Yeoul;Chang, Buhm Soo
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2012
  • Bridge deck has a role in a comfortable and safe passage of vehicles. At the same time, it preserves upper structure against the abrasion and shearing due to impact of traffic loads in bridges or has a role to protect the plate from off adverse effect of climatic process as rain, chemicals. Currently, the total number of inspected bridges is 6,248 in the general national road and to maintain effectively, Introduction of GPR system mounted in the vehicle has been considered. In this research, the comparison and analysis of bridge deck condition on general national road has been performed with major variations of superstructure type, span lengths, located region and ages by using 'the current status of road bridge and tunnel' that is provided by MLTM(Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs). As a result, Condition assessment grade, superstructure type, age and length were derived as a major factor to determine priority for the condition assessment.

Gameplay Experience as A Problem Solving - Towards The New Rule Spaces - (문제해결로서의 게임플레이 경험 - 새로운 법칙공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Song, Seung-Keun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.25-41
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study is to develop an analytic framework to code systematically the gamer's behaviour in MMO(Massively Multi-player Online) gameplay experience, to explore their gameplay as a problem solving procedure empirically. Previous studies about model human processor, content based protocol, and procedure based protocol are reviewed in order to build the outline of the analytic framework related to MMO gameplay. The specific gameplay actions and contents were derived by using concurrent protocol analysis method through the empirical experiment executed in MMORPG gameplay. Consequently, gameplay are divided into six actions : kinematics, perception, function, representation, simulation, and rule (heuristics, following, and transcedence). The analytic framework suitable for MMO gameplay was built. As a result of this study, we found three rule spaces in the problem solving domain of gameplay that are an heuristics, a following of the rule, and a transcendence of the rule. 'Heuristics' denotes the rule action that discovers the rule of game through trial-and-error. 'Following' indicates the rule action that follows the rule of game embedded in game by game designers. 'Transcendence' presents the rule action that transcends that. The new discovered rule spaces where 'Following' and 'Transcendence' actions occur and the gameplay pattern in them is provided with the key basis to determine the level design elements of MMO game, such as terrain feature, monster attribute, item, and skill et cetera. Therefore, this study is concludes with key implications to support game design to improve the quality of MMO game product.

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