• Title/Summary/Keyword: 동반경

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Arthroscopic Treatment of Osteochondral Fractures Associated with Patella Dislocation (슬개골 탈구에 동반된 골연골 골절의 관절경적 치료)

  • Lee Byung-Ill;Min Kyung-Dae;Choi Hyung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.104-110
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : To analyze the patterns of osteochondral fracture associated with patellar dislocation and to assess the results of arthroscopic treatment. Materials and Methods : Fourteen patients were treated from March, 1989 to April, 1998 for patellar dislocations with osteochondral fracture. The average follow-up was 32 months. All were treated by arthroscopic procedures. The location and size of the fracture fragments were recorded. To assess the functional results, we used Larsen & Lauridson's score system. Results : Osteochondral fractures were found 8 cases in medial side of patella, 1 case in lateral side of patella, 5 cases in lateral margin of lateral femoral condyle. The range of maximal diameter of osteochondral fragment was from 1cm to 4.2cm. Treatments include fragment excision only in 6 cases, excision and medial retinacular repair in 2 cases, excision and medial retinacular repair and lateral retinacular release in 3 cases, and internal fixation only in 3 cases. The functional results were excellent in 5 cases$(36\%)$. good in 6 cases$(43\%)$, fair in 1 case$(7\%)$ and poor in 2 cases$(14\%)$. Conclusion : In osteochondral fractures associated with patellar dislocation, arthroscopic treatment is useful to diagnose precisely, to determine proper treatment modality, and to minimize the complications.

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Factors Influencing Prognosis of Traumatized Tooth in Primary Tooth Intrusion (유치 함입 시 외상 치아의 예후에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Chae, Yongkwon;Han, Yoonkyung;Nam, Okhyung;Kim, Misun;Lee, Hyoseol;Kim, Kwangchul;Choi, Sungchul
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of intrusion in primary dentition and to evaluate factors influencing complications of primary and permanent dentition during long-term follow-up period. 61 patients (84 teeth) were selected in this study. Medical records of 61 patients were reviewed and age, gender, cause of injury, site of injury, severity of traumatic injury, other injuries associated with trauma, treatment method, and complications of primary and permanent dentition were examined. Collected data were statistically evaluated using Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. Intrusion in primary anterior teeth was predominant in boys over girls and fall was the most common cause of trauma. It was most common at home and occurred most in the primary maxillary central incisors. Severity had an effect on the incidence of sequelae in permanent successors (p = 0.014). The incidence of complications was significantly lower in patients with soft tissue injuries than in patients with other periodontal injuries (p = 0.000).

중국 광학산업이 갖는 의미, 한국 중소광학업체들의 성공적인 중국진출을 위한 제언

  • Jeong, Su-Ho
    • The Optical Journal
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    • s.113
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    • pp.23-25
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    • 2008
  • 한국의 광학관련 대기업이 본격적으로 중국시장에 진출한 것은 1993년경이며, 중소 광학기업이 진출한 것은 그로부터 몇 년 뒤로 벌써 10년 이상의 시간이 흘렀다. 대기업의 경우 대부분이 지금까지 성공적으로 지속적인 발전을 하고 있으나, 중소기업의 경우 전체적으로 현상유지를 하고 있다고 하는 표현이 맞을 것 같다. 현재 한국의 많은 중소 광학제조업체들이 중국에 진출하는 이유는 글로벌 경쟁력 확보.대기업과의 동반진출.중국의 광대한 시장이 주는 매력 때문인 것으로 본다. 그러나 중국이 점차 외자기업에게 불리한 정책을 펼쳐나가고 있고 당장 올해부터 시행되는 새로운 노동법으로 인해 중국에 진출했거나 진출을 준비하고 있는 한국 기업들은 더욱 신중한 판단과 계획이 선행되어야 할 것이다.

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자동차산업에서의 내구신뢰성 발전 방향

  • Jeong, Won-Uk
    • Journal of the KSME
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    • v.51 no.8
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 2011
  • 우리 나라 자동차산업은 길지 않은 역사에 비해 괄목할 만한 성장을 해 왔으며 세계 자동차산업의 큰 축 역할을 하고 있다. 자동차 개발기술은 계속 발전해 왔으며 최근에는 하이브리드 자동차, 전기자동차 등 친환경 자동차들의 기술개발 경쟁이 치열하며 선도기업 도약을 위한 기술개발이 매우 절실한 시기이다. 따라서 신뢰성연구기관, 학교, 수요기업, 협력사 간의 체계적인 신뢰성 기술개발이 필요하다. 이 글에서는 우리 나라 자동차산업을 발전시키고 동반성장을 이룰 수 있는 융복합 자동차 내구신뢰성 개발체계에 대해 정리하였다.

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특집 - 당뇨의 대표적 합병증, 신증

  • O, Dong-Jin
    • The Monthly Diabetes
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    • s.216
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 2007
  • 신장내과를 전문 과목으로 선택하여 대학병원에서 10여년 가까이 환자를 진료하면서 아침에 회진을 할 때면 저는 전공의 들에게 "어제 입원한 환자는 당뇨병성 신증 환자인가"라고 먼저 묻는 경우가 많습니다. 그 이유는 당뇨병으로 합병된 신장병, 혹은 당뇨병환자에서 혈관질환과 감염 질환이 동반될 경우 치료도 어렵고 임상 경과가 악성 경과를 밟으며 예후가 좋지 않기 때문입니다. 또한 당뇨병으로 인한 말기 신부전증이 최근 무섭게 증가되고 있기 때문이기도 합니다. 따라서 당뇨병성 신증의 조기 발견과 적절한 치료는 아무리 강조해도 지나침이 없습니다. 저는 여기서 최근 가장 가슴이 아팠던 사례를 간단히 소개하고 당뇨병성 신증의 원인, 예방과 치료를 서술하고자 합니다.

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A Case of Strabismus of Recurrent Abducent Nerve Palsy with Migraine (편두통을 동반한 재발성 외전신경마비 사시환자 1례)

  • Cho, Jae-Hun;Kim, Yoon-Bum;Chae, Byung-Yoon
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.112-117
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    • 2001
  • Authors experienced one case of the strabismus of recurrent abducent nerve palsy with migraine, which was estimated from Brain MRA images to be induced by the sclerotic changes of internal carotid artery in carvernous portion. Headache, double vision, vertigo and corneal reflex improved under the treatment of acupuncture and herbal medicine(J eongyongtang-gagambang).

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일본의 활단층과 효고현 남부지진의 지진단층 고찰

  • 경재복
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Rock Mechanics Conference
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    • 1995.03a
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 1995
  • 일본은 Pacific plate, Philippine plate, Eurasian plate 및 American plate 가 서로 접해 있는 판 경계부에 위치하며 내륙에는 많은 활단층(active fault)이 분포하고 있다. 이러한 활단층은 제4기 이후 단층 활동을 반복하면서 엄청난 재해를 동반하는 대지진의 발생과 함께 지표면에 지진 단층(earthquake fault)의 출현을 초래했다. 따라서 활단층 연구는 지진 예지, 지진 위험도 연구에 매우 중요한 분야가 되어왔다. (중략)

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A Review of Endoscopic Removal Methods in 127 Cases of the Esophageal Foreign Bodies (소아 식도 이물의 내시경적 적출방법 변화에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Jum Su;Yang, Jung Soo;Jung, Hae Sung;Lee, Min Hye;Park, Chan-Hoo;Choi, Myoung Bum;Woo, Hyang-Ok;Youn, Hee-Shang
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.459-465
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The aim of this study was to evaluate the latest tendency of esophageal foreign body's extraction and to obtain a consensus from recent trends of indications and techniques of flexible endoscopy of esophageal FB in children. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 127 cases with foreign bodies in esophagus at Dept. of Pediatrics and Otorhinolaryngology, Gyeongsang National University Hospital (GNUH) from Jun, 1987 to July, 2001. They were divided into two groups by the kinds of endoscopy : flexible endoscope(66 cases) or rigid endoscope(61 cases). Rigid endoscopy was performed under general anesthesia at Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology but flexible endoscopy was performed without general anesthesia or sedative drugs(midazolam or diazepam). Results : An annual number of cases of two groups were similar from 1991 to 1998. But from 1999, flexible endoscopy was performed actively. Asymptomatic cases were frequently observed in flexible endoscopy(28 cases/66 cases) but swallowing difficulties were frequently observed in the rigid endoscopy group(25 cases/61 cases). Other symptoms were vomiting, irritability, chest discomfort and abdominal pain. The total number of cases with underlying disease(esophageal stenosis, cerebral palsy) was 8. The total number of cases with complications (erosion, ulcer, bleeding, perforation) was 11. The above cases were not correlated between the two groups. In 55 cases(83.3%) of the flexible endoscopic group and 53 cases(86.8%) of the rigid endoscopic group, foreign bodies in the esophagus were removed within 24 hours. Conclusion : We could not find any benefit in rigid endoscopic technique. Flexible endoscopic FB removal can be performed safely and effectively in children by an experienced endoscopist.

Anterior Dislocation of the Shoulder with Rotator Cuff tear Over the 5th Decades of Age (40대 이후 발생한 견관절 탈구와 회전근 개 파열)

  • Moon, Young-Lae;Lee, Sang-Hong;Kim, Jeoung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.131-135
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    • 2002
  • Object : To evaluate the prognostic factors of the rotator cuff tear after anterior dislocation of the shoulder over the 5th decades of age. Methods : We evaluated twelve patients who had rotator cuff tears combined with primary anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint between May 1995 and October 1998. Their age were ranged from 42 to 67-years-old. Two of them were initially presumed to have an injury of the axillary nerve and associated with avulsion fracture of the greater tuberosity. Among twelve patients who had rotator cuff tears, 8 cases had massive, 3 cases had medium and one case had a small sized tear. Results : All the tears of the rotator cuff were repaired and the results were obtained by UCLA shoulder rating scale. Ten cases of them revealed more than good results except for 2 cases who had been unhappy triad of the shoulder injury. Conclusions : In the case of anterior dislocation of shoulder, it is necessary to check the injury of rotator cuff and axillary nerve in the middle age group. If these injuries are combined, proper rotator cuff repair and axillary nerve rehabilitation program would be asked for better results.

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