• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도시의 문화경제

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A Study on the Characteristics of Historical Landscape Management Plans for Zhoucun Ancient Mall in Zibo City, Shandong Province, China (중국 산동성 쯔보시 주촌고상성 역사경관관리계획의 특성)

  • Sun, Shu-Zi;Yang, Geon-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.54-65
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    • 2019
  • China government recently tries to preserve not only the famous national historic-culture cities, but also the small and medium-sized cities due to the damages and destruction of the cities by the rapid economic development, urban expansion and the development of tourism industry. Hence, this study chose 'Zhoucun ancient mall' which is one of the hotness of cultural heritage located in a mid-sized city named 'Zhoucun district Zibo city Shandong province' that has continuously cared historical landscapes by the protective policy regarding the city as a historic-culture resource from '80s, and considered the character of the city's development process on how the historical landscapes were well protected. In fact, the protection policy in Zhoucun ancient mall had been started in early '80s, however, the viable plan was established in 2001 entitled 'Historical block protection planning of Zhoucun Da street'. And then, 'Regulatory plan for the ancient mall site of Zhoucun Da street' established in 2008 has expanded the area of the blocks for protection. However, this plan organized area only block-by-block so that the small blocks couldn't have the unity when expanded. Later in 2015, 'Regulation Organization Plan' hastried to expanded the protect-area to solve the unity problem. As a result of the study, the historical landscape management plan of Zhoucun in Zibo city has been systematically changed in 2001 after. In other words, this 2001's plans established buffer zones for the maintenance of protected areas and the surrounding environment. And then the detailed regulatory plan for 2008 led to a concrete urban management plan. After that, in 2015, it was found that the expansion plan to protect and manage the whole area of Zhoucun disrict is to manage the landscape of the surrounding area including the historical landscape of 'Zhoucun ancient mall'.

The Preservation Policy and Historical Landscape Characteristic of Ancient City Gyeongju (고도경주의 역사문화경관 특성과 보존 대책)

  • Kang, Tai-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 2010
  • Gyeongju, with its thousand-year-old history of the Silla Dynasty, is an impressive historical city where beautiful nature of mountains in the background and rivers in its front is getting along with the city landscape. The historic landscape of Gyeongju is divided into three groups: the old town, the ruins preservation region in the southeast of old towns, and the natural landscape region surrounding these regions. The old town region shows a common landscape of which general small cities in Korea may have, while its surroundings display the overlaps of natural and historic landscapes. The special city landscape is presented only in Gyeongju. Nevertheless, the northern area of the old town was built based on the concept of new towns without any height restriction of buildings, damaging the historic landscape of Gyeongju. It is misjudgment by interpreting the cultural heritage as the individual artifact rather than the continuous historic landscape. Since the 1970s when rapid industrialization and urbanization appeared along with the comprehensive development for Gyeongju tourism, the historic landscape has been slowly damaged. There were not enough financial and political supports from the central government, because the project for Gyeongju tourism was focused on the investment on the tourist industry. Now, in order to preserve the historical city like Gyeongju which represents the culture of Korea, the central government should actively engage in its protection. Policies of the central government should be focused on educating people that the historical restoration of Gyeongju is a way of recovering the national pride, and drawing the agreement of people. For its accomplishment, the government should change its policy from economy-oriented to culture-oriented. That is, the cultural policy should be emphasized.

A Study of the City of Guangzhou in the Geographical Perspecives (광저우(廣州)에 대한 지리적 고찰(考察))

  • Sohn, Yong-Taek
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.407-418
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    • 2011
  • The southern region including Guangzhou(黃州), the capital of Guangdong Province, was called "South of the Mountain Range" (嶺南) because it is located south of the Five Mountain Ranges (五嶺) which made mobility difficult prior to unification of China by Qin dynasty (秦) in 221 BCE. The Guangdong region of the South of the Mountain Range (嶺南) was an administratively independent unit and, as such, called the Nanyue kingdom (南越國). This is the origin of the Chinese character "yue", and terms such as yueyu (Cantonese), yuecai (Cantonese cuisine), yueju (Cantonese opera) are still in use today. Guangzhou, called Panyu (番禹) during the Nanyue kingdom period, was settled early in the northern part of the Pearl River (珠江, Zhu Jiang) delta. It became the first port to open its doors to the great powers of the West during the Qing period. Although it has now fallen behind Shanghai which developed later, Guangzhou is still the third largest city after Beijing and Shanghai, and thus, it is an influential open coastal city. Today, not only is Guangzhou the world center of the light textile industry, it also spurs development in various manufacturing industries. Along with nearby Hong Kong, Macao, and Shenzhen, it plays the role of cradle of the Pearl River delta economic zone. Firmly established early on as the greatest central city in southern China, Guangzhou is simultaneously a hub in various aspects such as regional politics, economics, and culture; it was also the center of revolution and resistance which attempted to challenge the northern political powers. Guangzhou is known for the history of the rise and fall of its port, but with developmental efforts, it still maintains its influence. Guangzhou's dynamic development of today brings with it issues such as the environment and moral system which must be dealt with.

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'98한국건축문화대상 계획건축물부문 공모주제

  • Korea Institute of Registered Architects
    • Korean Architects
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    • no.7 s.351
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 1998
  • 대한건축사협회와 건설교통부, 서울경제신문사가 공동개최하는 '98한국건축문화대상의 작품공모요강이 지난달 3일 발표되었다. 우리 건축의 본질과 이 시대의 정서 그리고 기능성이 구현된 역작을 발굴하여 시상함으로써 한국건축의 미래를 열어가고자 마련된 올해의 한국건축문화대상은 예년과 마찬가지로 기성건축인 대상의 준공건축물부문과 신인(설계업무 종사자, 대학원생 등)ㆍ학생 ㆍ일반 대상의 계획건축물부문 두 부문에 걸쳐 출품작을 공모해 오는 10월말 부문별 심사결과 발표와 함께 시상식 및 전시회를 갖는다. 특히 관심을 모으고 있는 계획건축물부문은 '도시의 흔적'이 주제로 제시된 가운데 오는 9월 21일 작품(패널 및 모형 각 1점)을 접수, 심사를 거쳐 금상 1점(상금 500만원 및 상장), 은상 2점(각 상금 250만원 및 상장), 동상 5점(각 상금 100만원 및 상장), 입선작(각 상금 30만원 및 상장)을 가리게 된다. 본지는 올해 공모전에 참여할 응모자들의 공모주제에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해 심사위원들을 초청해 지난 6월 17일 주제토론회를 개최하였다. 따라서 이번 토론은 응모자들이 주제의 보다 가깝게 접근할 수 있도록 하는데 많은 도움을 줄 것으로 기대되며 특히 토론내용 중 주제의 발제배경과 범위, 각 심사위원들의 조언 등을 종합해 참고한다면 좋은 결과를 얻을 수 있을 것으로 본다. 아울러 본지는 신인등용의 장으로서 한국건축의 정통성과 맥을 이어나갈 이번 공모전에 독자 여러분의 많은 성원과 참여를 기대한다.

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A Study on Coastal Settlement Activation Plan using Regional Assets Focusing on Waterfront Area Assets around Yeongdodaegyo Bridge - (지역자산을 활용한 연안정주지 활성화방안에 관한 연구 -영도대교 주변 수변지역 자산을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Soung-Eun;Kwon, Do-Heon;Lee, Seok-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.4284-4290
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    • 2015
  • Recently, due to a decline in traditional industrial function and recession of the real estate business, urban coastal settlement areas have been promoted in a regeneration way using historical cultural values rather than overall development approach. This study investigated the regional assets of water-front area around Yeongdodaegyo Bridge in Yeongdo-gu, Busan and classified them into physical social economic assets and then, presented the integrated regeneration approach that can increase the place value of this area. First, physical regeneration proposed a regional revitalization plan by considering place and cultural characteristics and second, social regeneration by considering the regional brand through storytelling and third, economic regeneration by considering historical cultural characteristics. Regional assets-based culture experience can be provided by building cultural tourism infrastructure through this and local economy and local community activation can be expected by providing urban vitality base of coastal settlement areas.

A study on the indicator development for the selection of urban regeneration areas through analytic network process : a case study of Gong-ju (ANP 분석을 활용한 도시재생 활성화지역 선정지표 개발 : 공주시를 대상으로)

  • Jeong, Yeon-Jun;Lee, Kyung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to develop an indicator for the selection of urban regeneration areas through an analytical network process. Therefore, this study derived five criteria and 58 indicators based on previous studies. Five criteria and 16 indicators were derived by taking into account the region and city characteristics of Gong-ju. Next, a survey from 63 urban regeneration experts was performed. The weight values of the criteria were calculated using the super decisions 2.0 program. As a result, population characteristics (0.244) was the most important criteria, followed by the industry economy (0.218), condition of promotion policy (0.193), social culture (0.188), and physical environment (0.158). These results will be used to select potential urban regeneration areas, and will contribute to overall effective urban regeneration.

The Development of Gangnam and the Formation of Gangnam-style Urbanism : On the Spatial Selectivity of the Anti-Communist Authoritarian Developmental State (강남 개발과 강남적 도시성의 형성 - 반공 권위주의 발전국가의 공간선택성을 중심으로 -)

  • Ji, Joo-Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.307-330
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    • 2016
  • This article aims to explain how Gangnam, as a model and standard of compressed urbanization in South Korea, was created. Gangnam and Gangnam-style urbanization need attention not only because they contrast with Korea's urbanization in the past as well as urbanization in the West but also they provide an important model in contemporary Korea's politics, economy and culture. However, there are little studies of how Gangnam's peculiar urbanism was created. To fill this gap, this article will first capture Gangnam's peculiar urbanism as a material landscape and sociocultural lifestyle. Gangnam-style urbanism is (a) materially characterized by high-rise apartment complexes owned by the middle and upper class for dwelling and asset growth and (b) socio-culturally characterized by political conservatism, public indifference, competition over academic performance, appearance, and fashion, and nightlife. Then it will show Gangnam's archetype was created in a spatially and temporally compressed way in and through the spatial selectivity of Korean anti-communist authoritarian developmental state strategies: (1) anti-communism led to the diffusion and accommodation of the population through apartments in Gangnam in the context of its confrontation with North Korea and the fast-growing population of Seoul; (2) military authoritarianism excluded the low-income class and the urban poor from urban development; and (3) the developmental state adopted selective housing policy which treated construction companies and the middle class preferentially through exceptional zoning and price distortions, promoting the construction of apartment in Gangnam and its resultant uneven development.

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The Research on the Bridge Design Development for the Improvement of Small City structures - Focusing on Wicheon-stream in Geochang County, Gyeongsangnam-do - (중소도시 구조물 개선을 위한 교량디자인 개발 연구 - 경남거창군 위천천을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, KieSu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.506-513
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    • 2014
  • As a measure to overcome the limit of small city which is weak in spontaneous competitiveness and to improve the quality of environmental, cultural and economic life of dwellers, it analyzed the geographical characteristics of city, movement path, economic status and other simple problems comprehensively and produced the vague problem solutions for dwellers and the practical direction for design using the 3D simulation rendering in order to suggest the result to change the potential for urban policy into substantial alternative. Geochang-gun selected as research area is evaluated for the place with high symbolic value of bridge in terms of environment, and the new design development for this kind of public design can be the good measure to increase the competitiveness of the city. This research is to understand the direction of the bridge recreation project which provides the cultural space connecting with other areas and improves the competitiveness of small city and to suggest the appropriate bridge design in order to provide the reasonable maintenance direction related to the future development of public design and the achievement of the symbolism of the region and to suggest the examples of public design for the urban competitiveness. For this purpose, focusing on Wicheon-stream in Geochang County, Gyeongsangnam-do selected as the research and development area for bridge design, it is to design the concept design bridge newly emphasizing the symbolism of bridge-oriented city for the development of future city.

Influence of Self-Rated Health Status, Self-Efficacy and Social Support on Health Behavior in Urban Elderly People Living Alone (도시지역 독거노인의 주관적 건강상태, 자기효능감, 사회적 지지가 건강행위에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yun Jeong
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to determine influential factors for health behavior of elderly people living alone in an urban area. The subjects were 203 selected senior citizens who were living alone in a city. The findings were as follows: The subjects got a mean of 2.89 in self-rated health status, which was lower than the medium score 3. They got a mean of 2.64 in self-efficacy; 3.87 in social support and 3.14 in health behavior. These scores were higher than the medium score. The factors that affected the health behavior of the elderly people were self-efficacy, social support, self-rated health status, economic state, religion and gender. These factors had a 43% explainability of the health behavior of the urban senior citizens living alone. The findings are expected to make a contribution to the development of health care programs geared toward urban elderly people living alone.

Cultural Politics and Social Construction of Cultural Tourist Destinations: Reinterpretation, Institutionalization and Recognition of Otaru in Japan (문화관광지의 문화정치와 정체성의 사회적 구성 -일본 훗카이도 오타루의 재해석, 제도화, 재인식-)

  • Cho, A-Ra
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.240-259
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    • 2009
  • This study aimed to reveal that a local city was recreated by tourism, and to discover a general process in which the regional identity as a tourist destination was reconstructed. Specifically, firstly, this study suggested that the social construction of cultural tourist destinations was composed of a series of dynamic stages such as 'reinterpretation', 'institutionalization', and 'recognition' conceptually. Secondly, the dynamic stages were analyzed on the ethnographic study of Otaru where the movement of preservation of the historical canal was raised and strategies to attract tourism had been implemented. Thirdly, a main mechanism acting on each stage was examined. In conclusion, it was shown that the region was reinterpreted through the politics of identity and the meaning was institutionalized through political and economic negotiation. Moreover, while being established as a constructed authenticity by politics of memory, the regional identity was embedded in the socio-spatial consciousness constantly.