• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대한해운

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Impact of Deep-Learning Based Reconstruction on Single-Breath-Hold, Single-Shot Fast Spin-Echo in MR Enterography for Crohn's Disease (크론병에서 자기공명영상 장운동기록의 단일호흡 단발 고속 스핀 에코기법: 딥러닝 기반 재구성의 영향)

  • Eun Joo Park;Yedaun Lee;Joonsung Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.84 no.6
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    • pp.1309-1323
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    • 2023
  • Purpose To assess the quality of four images obtained using single-breath-hold (SBH), single-shot fast spin-echo (SSFSE) and multiple-breath-hold (MBH) SSFSE with and without deep-learning based reconstruction (DLR) in patients with Crohn's disease. Materials and Methods This study included 61 patients who underwent MR enterography (MRE) for Crohn's disease. The following images were compared: SBH-SSFSE with (SBH-DLR) and without (SBH-conventional reconstruction [CR]) DLR and MBH-SSFSE with (MBH-DLR) and without (MBH-CR) DLR. Two radiologists independently reviewed the overall image quality, artifacts, sharpness, and motion-related signal loss using a 5-point scale. Three inflammatory parameters were evaluated in the ileum, the terminal ileum, and the colon. Moreover, the presence of a spatial misalignment was evaluated. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was calculated at two locations for each sequence. Results DLR significantly improved the image quality, artifacts, and sharpness of the SBH images. No significant differences in scores between MBH-CR and SBH-DLR were detected. SBH-DLR had the highest SNR (p < 0.001). The inter-reader agreement for inflammatory parameters was good to excellent (κ = 0.76-0.95) and the inter-sequence agreement was nearly perfect (κ = 0.92-0.94). Misalignment artifacts were observed more frequently in the MBH images than in the SBH images (p < 0.001). Conclusion SBH-DLR demonstrated equivalent quality and performance compared to MBH-CR. Furthermore, it can be acquired in less than half the time, without multiple BHs and reduce slice misalignments.

An analysis of Deconcentration Tendencies and Shifting -Share Situations of ICDs: Focused on the Southern Vietnam (내륙 컨테이너 기지의 탈 집중화 및 전이할당 현상 분석: 베트남 남부지역을 중심으로)

  • Phan, Minh Tien;Yeo, Gi-Tae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2020
  • In Southern Vietnam, the competition among Inland Clearance Depot (ICD) has resulted in deconcentration tendencies and shifting share situations. However, related research on Southern Vietnam ICDs in particular and ICDs in Vietnam in general has been extremely limited. Hence, In this study, empirical research is conducted on ICDs located in southern Vietnam from 2010 to 2017. The throughput volume data of ICDs is analyzed by concentration indicators, namely the concentration ratio (CR), the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), the Gini coefficient, the Lorenz curve, and the shift share analysis (SSA). The results of adopting all the methodologies indicate that deconcentration was the mainstream trend for ICDs in Southern Vietnam during the period of 2010-2017. The findings provide insights into the process of container terminal development and have academic and managerial implications. The strengthening of the competitiveness of Vietnamese container ports and ICDs could affect the competing Southeast Asian neighbors by facilitating the port of more shipping companies.

Total Factor Productivity Growth and the Decomposition Components of Korean Port-Logistics Industry (항만물류산업의 총요소생산성과 그 분해요인분석)

  • Gang, Sang-Mok;Lee, Ju-Byeong
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.47-70
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate total factor productivity(TFP) growth by stochastic frontier function and to grasp contributing factors of its growth rate by decomposing the total factor productivity into efficiency change, technical progress, scale change, and allocation change. Annual growth rate of total factor productivity for 1990-2003 is 0.019 (1.9%), higher than that of overall industry (0.010). The main component of TFP growth is not efficiency change but technical progress. Contributing factors of total factor productivity growth are change of allocation efficiency in port industry, technical progress in sea-transportation industry, and change of scale efficiency in transportation-equipment industry. The change of total factor productivity shows a decreasing trend since late in the 1990s. The annual technical efficiency of port-logistics industry is less than that of overall industry. Capital elasticity for output (0.391) is higher than labor elasticity (0.227), but scale economy of port-logistics industry is 0.618, which is far from optimal scale economy.

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A Study on the Activating Schemes of Kunsan Port As the Logistics Base of the Central Region in Korea (중부권 물류기지 군산항 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Jin-Haeng
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.329-347
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    • 2008
  • This thesis aims to contribute to upgrading its position to the biggest 8 ports in Korea by suggesting activating schemes of Kunsan Port in rapidly changing shipping environments. The research methodologies such as literature survey, O/D analysis are adopted in the study. The following several conclusions can be suggested. Firstly, in port logistics system the dredging in navigational channels and in Kumgang Dam and the incentive schemes for the shipping companies and the international freight forwarders are required. Secondly cargo inducement schemes should be introduced to induce container cargoes originated in Junbook Do Province and adjacent area etc. Thirdly the development of new shipping routes and strengthening the coastal routes among domestic sea ports. Fouthly establishing supply chain management system with adjacent Chinese Provinces such as Shandong.

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A Study on the Users' Awareness of Waterfront in Japan - Focusing on Yokohama Minatomirai21 area - (일본 워터프런트 공간에 있어서 수변공간의식에 대한 연구 ~요코하마 미나토미라이21지구를 대상으로~)

  • Kon, Masayuki;Lee, Myung-Kwon;Yang, Dong-Cheon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2012.06a
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    • pp.7-8
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    • 2012
  • Using a questionnaire, this study examined the users' consciousness through the human five senses on the waterside space in the district of Minato Mirai 21, Yokohama located in the east of Kanagawa prefecture, which is well known for its waterfront in Japan. Among the users, the results of the questionnaire showed 52.2% of male, and 29.6% accounted for people in their twenties as the dominant groups. Out of the nineteen questions regarding the consciousness on the waterside space, 'feel the sea breeze' accounted for 237(78.7%) while 'the sea is visible' accounted for 217(72.1%). Then, the contents of the nineteen questions were re-classified into such seven items as the human five senses(sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell), activities, and the existence of facilities, discovering the consciousness of the users. The results demonstrated that touch(22.9%) and sight(20.8%) respectively were the most influential items.

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The Philippine Merchant Marine in Consonance with STCW 2010 Manila Amendments (STCW 2010 마닐라 개정에 따른 필리핀 해운의 적용)

  • Dimailig, Orlando S.;Jeong, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.243-252
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    • 2012
  • This paper reviews the implementation of the STCW 78/95 in the Philippine MET including the effects of the revised 2010 Manila Amendments. It discusses the country's maritime environment and the structures, quality of maritime education in the country and the effects on the maritime human resource. Among the various resolutions adopted at the conference, the standards of training and certifications, and promoting skills and competency will be more emphasized in this report. These will be compared with the existing curriculum mandated by CHED and upgrade STCW trainings advised by MTC for maritime institutions. A brief comparison and analysis with other Asian countries' maritime training shall be offered. The recommendation pinpoints to the weaknesses of the present maritime regimes in certification and evaluation of maritime institutions. It concludes with the need to have mutually acceptable evaluation standards in view of developing a competent human resource for the future.

An Analysis of Port Competition Structures (항만 경쟁구조 분석)

  • Kim Tae-Won;Yoo Joo-Young;Kim Hyun;Kwak Kyu-Seok;Nam Ki-Chan
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.30 no.6 s.112
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    • pp.509-515
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    • 2006
  • As international trade has been increased, the competition of major ports is getting hard. The objective of this competition is that to get more cargoes, so port managements and operators are struggling to obtain cargoes. In addition the competition structure has classified several forms bemuse of specialization, integration and subdivision of port players. In this paper, therefore, we analyze the change of competition structure by port players' development characteristics. In the result of this study, competition structure is divided into five groups as among nations, among ports, among container terminal operation companies, among global container terminal operation companies and among container terminal operation companies operated by shipping companies. And they have showed not only competition but also co-operation partly in order to get strategic position.

전국 도서관 사서들이 밝히는 이용자의 동서경향

  • Kim, Yeon-Su
    • The Korean Publising Journal, Monthly
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    • s.244
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    • pp.14-15
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    • 1998
  • 도서관을 찾는 사람은 늘고 있으나, 읽는 책은 베스트셀러에 한정됐다. <출판저널>이 '독서의 달'을 맞아 전국 도서관 사서들을 대상으로 도서관 이용자의 독서경향에 대해 설문조사한 결과, 교육환경의 개선과 IMF여파로 이용자 수는 증가했으나, 도서구입예산과 독서 프로그램 부족으로 도서관에서 이뤄지는 독서는 문학 등 특정 분야에 편중되고 있다는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 학생들의 대출 건수는 꾸준히 늘어 강화군립도서관만 하더라도 전체 대출의 55%가 학생이다. 다른 도서관도 사정은 같아 학생들이 하교하는 오후 시간대에 가장 이용률이 높다. 최근에는 실직인구가 늘면서 성인 남자의 이용률도 높아졌다. 오미순 사서(해운대도서관)는 "IMF 여파로 취업.창업 관련서의 이용률이 늘고 있으며 그 이용자 대부분은 성인"이라고 밝혔고 성은정 사서(부여도서관) 역시 "IMF사태 이후, 성인 남자들의 이용률이 높다"고 응답했다. 하지만 문제는 도서관이 보유한 책이 베스트셀러에 국한돼 다양한 독서가 이뤄지지 않는다는 점. 조사결과, 이용자들은 <아리랑>, <하늘이여 땅이여>, <남자의 향기>, <토지> 등을 많이 찾는 것으로 집계됐다. 심지어는 로맨스소설이나 무협소설이 청소년들의 읽을거리로 제공되는 실정. 사정은 특수도서관도 마찬가지다. 어린이도서관의 경우, 어린이.성인 모두 문학류를 많이 찾고 점자도서관의 경우, 전체대출 중 80%가 소설류다. 구본일 사서(강화도서관)는 "예산이 부족해 이용자들이 많이 찾는 베스트셀러를 중심으로 구입할 수밖에 없다"고 밝히고 "다양한 책을 갖출 수 있도록 도서구입비 확충이 시급하다"고 주장했다. 또 알맞은 독서 프로그램이 없는 점도 이용자들의 베스트셀러 편중현상에 한몫을 담당했다. 진재호 사서(광주도서관)는 "과거보다 독서생활화가 고조됐지만, 양서를 읽는 독서문화의 부족"을, 김선연 사서(어린이도서관)는 "유아시절부터 성인까지 자연스레 고전을 읽게 하는 제도적 장치의 확충"을 지적했다. 한편 월평균 대출권수는 대도시 지역의 경우 11,000-45,000권, 그 외 지역은 1,600-6,000권, 특수도서관은 어린이도서관이 55,000권, 전화나 우편으로 대출하는 점자도서관이 650권이다. 관내열람만 허용되는 사회과학도서관은 월평균 이용자가 7,676명으로 대학생.대학원생.교수 등이 전체의 68%를 차지한다.

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Recent Development in Technologies for Short Sea Shipping and its Implications (근해운송시스템의 기술 분야별 개발 현황 및 시사점)

  • Seo, Dae-Won;Ko, Jung-O;Lee, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.883-888
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the logistics industry in Asia is growing rapidly mostly with Chinese economic development. A variety of studies have been carried out to reduce the logistic cost under the situation that the global freight traffic continues to increasing. The Short Sea Shipping(SSS) system, a multi modal transport system centered around coastal shipping to realize high value-added logistics, achieved considerable success in EU. To implement the SSS system in Korea, it is necessary to develop the various essential technologies related to development of efficient ships and port facilities, including equipment for loading and unloading containers, operating and managing systems for freight terminals and technologies for tracking and securing containers. The present paper focuses on the survey of the current essential technologies available for implementation of the SSS system and suggests the direction of future development in the technologies.

A Study on the Development of Analysis Model for Maritime Security Management (해상보안관리 분석모델 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Woo-Lee
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2012
  • Maritime security incidents by pirates and by terrorists increase, but maritime incidents investigation models are limited to figure out the maritime security incidents. This paper provides the analysis model for maritime security incidents. To develop this analysis model, this categorizes five threat factors, the ship, the cargo type, port system, human factor, information flow system, makes the risk assessment matrix to quantify the risk related to threat factors and classifies four priority categories of risk assessment matrix. Also, this model makes from the frameworks which include a variety of security initiatives implementing in stakeholder levels like international organizations, individual governments, shipping companies, and the ship. Therefore, this paper develops the Analysis for Maritime Security Management model based on various security initiatives responding to the stakeholder levels of maritime security management and top-bottom/bottom-up decision trees, and shows the validity through verifying the real maritime security incident of M/V Petro Ranger.