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An Oral History Study of Overseas Korean Astronomer: John D. R. Bahng's Case (한국천문연구원 원외 원로 구술사연구 - 방득룡 전임 노스웨스턴 대학교 천문학 교수 사례 -)

  • Choi, Youngsil;Seo, Yoon Kyung;Lee, Hyung Mok
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.73.4-74
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    • 2021
  • 한국천문연구원은 2017년 제1차 구술채록사업에 이어 2020년 제2차 사업을 진행하면서 최초로 원외 원로에 대한 구술채록을 시도하였다. 국가 대표 천문연구의 산실로서 연구원 존재 의의를 확립하기 위하여 원내 원로에 국한되었던 구술자 대상을 확장한 것이다. 그 첫 외부 구술 대상자로 방득룡 전임 노스웨스턴 천문학과 교수를 선정하여 2020년 7월부터 준비단계에 들어갔다. 방득룡 전(前)교수가 첫 번째 한국천문연구원 원외 인사 구술자로 선정된 이유는, 그가 우리나라 천문대1호 망원경 구매 선정에 개입한 서신(1972년)이 자료로 남아있었기 때문이다. 한국천문연구원에서 2017년에 수행한 제1차 구술채록사업에서 구술자로 참여한 오병렬 한국천문연구원 원로가 기증한 사료들은 대부분 연구원 태동기 국립천문대 구축과 망원경 구매 관련 자료였으며 이 가운데 1972년 당시 과학기술처 김선길 진흥국장에게 Boller and Chivesns(사(社))의 반사경을 추천한 방득룡 전(前)교수의 서신은 한국 천문학 발전사에서 중요한 사료였다. 연구진은 이 자료를 시작으로, 방득룡 전(前)교수의 생존 여부와 문서고의 공기록물들에서 그의 흔적을 찾아가기 시작했다. 놀랍게도 그는 실제 세계와 한국천문연구원 문서고 깊숙이 기록물들 모두에서 상존하고 있었다. 1927년생인 방득룡 전(前)교수, Dr. John D. R.은 미국 플로리다 한 실버타운에서 건강한 정신으로 생존하여 있었고 연구진의 인터뷰에 흔쾌히 응했다. 2020년 9월 16일에 한국천문연구원 본원 세종홀 2층 회의실에서 영상통신회의로 그와의 구술인터뷰가 진행되었다. 이 구술인터뷰는 원외 인사가 대상이란 점 외에도 방법적으로는 전형적인 대면 방식이 아닌 영상 인터뷰였다는 점에서 코로나 시대의 대안이 되는 실험적 시도였다. 현대 한국천문학 발전사의 재조명 측면에서도 의미가 있었다. 1960년대 초반부터 1992년 정년퇴임까지 30년을 미국 유수 대학교 천문학과 교수로 재직하며 활발한 활동을 해 온 한국계 천문학자가 우리나라 최초 반사망원경 구매 선정에 적극 개입하였던 역사는, 공문서 자료들과 서신 사료들에 이어 그의 육성으로 나머지 의구심의 간극이 채워졌다. 또 구술자 개인이 주관적으로 중요하다고 여기는 '기억'이 중요한 아카이빙 콘텐츠 확장의 단초가 될 수 있다는 것을 보여줌으로써 구술사 연구에 있어서도 중요한 관점을 주었다. 애초 연구진이 방득룡 전(前)교수의 공식 기록에서 아카이빙의 큰 줄기로 잡았던 것은 1948년 도미, 1957년 위스콘신 대학교 천문학 박사학위 취득, 1962년부터 노스웨스턴 대학(일리노이주 에반스턴)의 천문학 교수진, 1992년 은퇴로 이어진 생애였다. 그러나 그와의 구술 준비 서신 왕래와 구술을 통하여 알게 된 그가 인생에서 중요시 여겼던 지점은, 1948년 도미 무렵 한국의 전쟁 전 상황과 당시 비슷한 시기에 유학한 한국 천문학자들의 동태, 그리고 1957년부터 1962년까지 프린스턴 대학교에서 M. Schwarzschild 교수와 L. Spitzer 교수를 보조하며 Stratoscope Project를 연구하였던 경험이었다. 기록학적 의미에서도, 전자를 통해서 그와 함께 동시대 한국 천문학을 이끌었던 인재들의 맥락정보를 얻을 수 있었으며, 후자를 통해서는 세계 천문학사에 큰 영향을 미친 석학에 대한 아카이브 정보와의 연계 지점과 방득룡 전(前)교수의 연구 근원을 찾을 수 있었다. 이들은 추후 방득룡 콘텐츠 서비스 시에 AIP, NASM, Lyman Spitzer 콘텐츠, 평양천문대, 화천조경천문대, 서울대와 연세대, 그리고 한국천문연구원까지 연계되어 전 세계 폭넓은 이용자들의 유입을 유도할 수 있는 검색 도구가 될 수 있다. 이번 방득룡 구술사 연구에서 구술자 개인의 주관적인 소회가 공식 기록이 다가갈 수 없는 역사적 실체에 일정 부분 가까울 수 있다는 것, 그리고 이를 통하여 개인의 역사는 공동체의 역사로 확장될 수 있다는 사실을 발견할 수 있었다. 또 연구진은 방득룡 전(前)교수의 회상을 통하여 구술자 개인의 시각으로 한국과 미국 천문학계의 공동체 역사를 재조명할 수 있었고, 이것을 아카이브 콘텐츠 확장 서비스에 반영할 수 있다는 기대를 가지게 되었다. 무엇보다 이 연구를 통하여 다양한 주제의 아카이브로 연동될 수 있는 주제어와 검색도구를 구술자 개인의 회상으로부터 유효하게 도출할 수 있다는 것을 확인하였다. 그리고 향후 한국천문 구술아카이브의 확장을 통하여 보다 다양한 활용과 연구 재활용의 선순환이 가능하다는 것도 알 수 있었다. 이는 최근 기록학계에서 대두되고 있는 LOD(Linked Open Data)의 방향성과도 흡사하여 한국천문학 구술사연구의 차세대 통합형 기록관리의 미래모형을 기대케 하는 대목이다.

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A study on multidisciplinary and convergent research using the case of 3D bioprinting (3D 바이오프린팅 사례로 본 다학제간 융복합 연구에 대한 소고)

  • Park, Ju An;Jung, Sungjune;Ma, Eunjeong
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.30
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2017
  • In the fields of science and engineering, multidisciplinary research is common, and researchers with a diverse range of expertise collaborate to achieve common goals. As the 4th industrial revolution gains currency in society, there is growing demand on talented personnel both with technical knowledge and skills and with communicative skills. That is, future engineers are expected to possess competence in social and artistic skills in addition to specialized knowledge and skills in engineering. In this paper we introduce an emerging field of 3D bioprinting as an exemplary case of interdisciplinary research. We have chosen the case to demonstrate the possibility of cultivating engineers with π-shaped expertise. Building on the concept of T-shaped talent, we define π-shaped expertise as having both technical skills in more than one specialized field and interpersonal/communicative skills. Wtih references to such concepts as trading zones and interactional expertise, we suggest that π-shaped expertise can be cultivated via the creation of multi-level trading zones. Trading zones are referred to as the physical, conceptual, or metaphorical spaces in which experts with different world views trade ideas, objects, and the like. Interactional expertise is cultivated, as interactions between researches are under way, with growing understanding of each other's expertise. Under the support of the university and the government, two researchers with expertise in printing technology and life sciences cooperate to develop a 3D bioprinting system. And the primary investigator of the research laboratory under study has aimed to create multiple dimensions of trading zones where researchers with different educational and cultural backgrounds can exchange ideas and interact with each other. As 3D bioprinting has taken shape, we have found that a new form of expertise, namely π-shaped expertise is formed.

A Study on Effective Information Delivery of Digital Sign Systems in General Hospitals (종합병원 디지털 정보안내사인의 효과적 정보전달을 위한 연구)

  • Kim, Hwa Sil;Paik, Jin Kyung
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.19
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    • pp.281-292
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    • 2015
  • For this study, I conducted a survey investigating current situation, user preference, and field experiment. Hospitals utilizing digital sign systems at least five years were selected, which are connected with visual elements (layout, typo, color) used in waiting areas and elements of the systems (time, video time line). The results obtained from the field survey showed that digital sign systems used the color of typo and background contrasted to one another to increase explicitness and to ensure easy understanding of contents. In addition, the Gothic typo with relatively high legibility was adopted. Time and video timeline, which characterize digital sign systems, showed the advertising screens of the hospitals and the guidance of medical treatment at regular intervals. Moreover, survey results on user satisfaction showed that a majority of respondents indicated they had difficulty in understanding digital information conveyed from digital sign systems due to time setting for rotational speed or the small size of typo although most of the users had previous experience with digital sign systems. The highest proportion of respondents (n=86, 86%) answered that information related to medical departments was what they sought most frequently and that this kind of information should be importantly considered in digital sign systems. For the experiment, new samples with restructured contents of current digital sign systems were created and tested while keeping its design unchanged as well as applying these new samples. Study participants were in their 20s through 50s. When the size of typo was larger under the same conditions for all age groups, study participants found the desired information approximately 3.5 seconds faster. In addition, those in their 20-30s and 40-50s showed the time difference of 4.7 seconds for small typo and 6 seconds for large typo, which suggested that there was a difference by age in the amount of time taken in the experiment to find the desired information from the rotating digital sign system regardless of age and the size of typo.

A User Participatory Study on the Development of Korean Road Racing Hand Cycle and Usability Assessment: Targeting on National Players (사용자 참여형 연구 기반의 한국형 경기용 핸드사이클 개발과 사용성평가 - 국가대표 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Dong Wook;Kim, Jeong Hyun;Kim, Jong Bae
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.28
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to contribute to the activation of sports for the disabled people in Korea through the localization of the road racing handcycles. Recently, there are no handcycles produced in Korea, and all the players are using products made in foreign countries. In the case of foreign products, it is made to fit the body shape of foreign athletes. Therefore, when domestic players are using them, they put additional parts to foreign products in order to fit their body shape. This not only adds to the cost burden, but also causes a decrease in the performance of the athletes. In order to overcome these problems, we developed the road racing handcycle in consideration of the body shape of the Koreans and conducted a comparative usability evaluation with the foreign products to evaluate the performance of the developed prototype. Therefore, we analyzed the quantitative and qualitative evaluation results of the prototype produced in the previous study, and developed the Korean road racing handcycle that can improve the competitiveness while considering the shape of domestic players. Based on the problems derived from the first prototype, this study additionally constructed a crank, an air intake part and a discharge part, and a rear anti-shake prevention device. In order to evaluate the usability, we conducted a comparative usability assessment with the foreign products used by the current standing handcycle athletes. The results were measured in the area of effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction, and the prototype developed through the research on efficiency and satisfaction excluding effectiveness was evaluated to be higher than those of foreign products. This study will contribute to the improvement of international competitiveness due to import substitution effects of foreign products and exports by lowering the handcycle cost of importing foreign handcycle.

Research Trends of Health Recommender Systems (HRS): Applying Citation Network Analysis and GraphSAGE (건강추천시스템(HRS) 연구 동향: 인용네트워크 분석과 GraphSAGE를 활용하여)

  • Haryeom Jang;Jeesoo You;Sung-Byung Yang
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.57-84
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    • 2023
  • With the development of information and communications technology (ICT) and big data technology, anyone can easily obtain and utilize vast amounts of data through the Internet. Therefore, the capability of selecting high-quality data from a large amount of information is becoming more important than the capability of just collecting them. This trend continues in academia; literature reviews, such as systematic and non-systematic reviews, have been conducted in various research fields to construct a healthy knowledge structure by selecting high-quality research from accumulated research materials. Meanwhile, after the COVID-19 pandemic, remote healthcare services, which have not been agreed upon, are allowed to a limited extent, and new healthcare services such as health recommender systems (HRS) equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) and big data technologies are in the spotlight. Although, in practice, HRS are considered one of the most important technologies to lead the future healthcare industry, literature review on HRS is relatively rare compared to other fields. In addition, although HRS are fields of convergence with a strong interdisciplinary nature, prior literature review studies have mainly applied either systematic or non-systematic review methods; hence, there are limitations in analyzing interactions or dynamic relationships with other research fields. Therefore, in this study, the overall network structure of HRS and surrounding research fields were identified using citation network analysis (CNA). Additionally, in this process, in order to address the problem that the latest papers are underestimated in their citation relationships, the GraphSAGE algorithm was applied. As a result, this study identified 'recommender system', 'wireless & IoT', 'computer vision', and 'text mining' as increasingly important research fields related to HRS research, and confirmed that 'personalization' and 'privacy' are emerging issues in HRS research. The study findings would provide both academic and practical insights into identifying the structure of the HRS research community, examining related research trends, and designing future HRS research directions.

Effects of Polar Literacy Education Program for Elementary and Middle School Students (초·중학생 대상 극지 소양 교육 프로그램의 효과)

  • Sueim Chung;Donghee Shin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a polar literacy education program for elementary and middle school students, and to derive implications for new education to respond to climate change. We developed modular education programs based on the seven principles of polar literacy established by the Polar-ICE team. We divided them into two courses, one emphasizing science concepts and another emphasizing humanities and sociological issues. We then selected and structured detailed programs suitable for the two courses. These two courses were applied to 26 elementary and middle school students for approximately 69 hours in a Saturday science class hosted by the Department of Science Education at a university in Seoul. The 26 students were divided into three groups. Two groups completed the science education program for polar literacy and a humanities and social studies education program for polar literacy, respectively. The third group, the control group, received general science education unrelated to polar literacy. Before and after running the programs, all three groups responded to a polar literacy test and questionnaires that used vocabulary and presented scenes associated with polar regions. The test results were expressed using Wilcoxon signed ranks, which is a non-parametric test method, and improvements made upon completion of the program were analyzed. From a cognitive aspect, all three groups showed improvement after completing the program in the knowledge area; however, the experimental groups showed a greater degree of improvement than the control group, and there was a clear difference in the contents or materials explicitly covered. From an affective aspect, the difference between before and after the program was minor, but the group that focused on humanities and social issues showed a statistically significant improvement. Regarding changes in polar imagery, the two experimental groups tended to diverge from monotonous images to more diverse images compared to the control group. Based on the above results, we suggested methods to increase the effectiveness of polar literacy education programs, the importance of polar literacy as appropriate material for scientific thinking and earth system education, measures to improve attitudes related to the polar region, and the need to link to school curriculums.

A study on artificial flowers in the late Joseon Dynasty, focusing on a birthday banquet inBongsudang Hall in 1795 (1795년 봉수당 진찬(奉壽堂進饌)으로 보는 조선 후기 채화(綵花) 고찰)

  • LEE Kyunghee;KIM Youngsun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.182-205
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    • 2023
  • The use of royal artificial flowers was finally found through schematics and records in Wonhaeng Eulmyojeongri Uigwe, which organized the procession to Hwaseong in 1795. The results of classifying the uses of artificial flowers in the brthday banquet at Bongsudang Hall in 1795 and considering the shape, user, and usage are as follows. According to literature records, artificial flowers were made with high-quality materials such as gold, silver, and silk thread in the early period, but were mainly made of paper in the later period. Artificial flowers were used for decorating official hats, Bongsudang Hall, and banquet tables. The Sagwonhwa was used for decoration of the official hats of members of the royal family, and the one on the top was called Eosam-Sagwonhwa. At the birthday banquet inBongsudang Hall, King Jeongjo and Hyegyeonggung used the Eosam-Sagwonhwa and put it on the right side of the official hats. Officials put peach blossom with two petals on the left side of the official hats for decoration. The artificial flowers for decoration of the official hats of musicians and dancers were more expensive and flashier than the officials' ones. Depending on the dance, several artificial flowers were inserted into the official hats. When measuring the size of artificial flowers, the scale used was when making a ceremonial article. For artificial flowers for decoration of the banquet hall, red and white peach blossoms were placed in two jars with dragons painted on them and them placed on two red-painted tables, respectively. The table and jar with flowers were tied together with a red cotton string and fixed so as not to fall over. The artificial flowers for decoration of the banquet table of King Jeongjo, Hyegyeonggung, and the king's sisters were a large lotus, medium-sized lotus, peony, rose, and specially made peach flowers. The artificial flowers for decoration of the banquet table of guests and officials were small lotuses and peach blossoms. The artificial flowers used in the birthday banquet at Bongsudang Hall the most were peach blossoms, and peaches had the meaning of longevity and exorcism. It is expected that the above research results will be helpful in understanding the characteristics and usage of artificial flowers in the period of King Jeongjo and use in reproducing royal feasts and producing traditional cultural contents.

Analyzing the Performance of the South Korean Men's National Football Team Using Social Network Analysis: Focusing on the Manager Bento's Matches (사회연결망분석을 활용한 한국 남자축구대표팀 경기성과 분석: 벤투 감독 경기를 중심으로)

  • Yeonsik Jung;Eunkyung Kang;Sung-Byung Yang
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.241-262
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    • 2023
  • The phenomena and game records that occur in sports matches are being analyzed in the field of sports game analysis, utilizing advanced technologies and various scientific analysis methods. Among these methods, social network analysis is actively employed in analyzing pass networks. As football is a representative sport in which the game unfolds through player interactions, efforts are being made to provide new insights into the game using social network analysis, which were previously unattainable. Consequently, this study aims to analyze the changes in pass networks over time for a specific football team and compare them in different scenarios, including variations in the game's nature (Qatar World Cup games vs. A match games) and alterations in the opposing team (higher FIFA rankers vs. lower FIFA rankers). To elaborate, we selected ten matches from the games of the Korean national football team following Coach Bento's appointment, extracted network indicators for these matches, and applied four indicators (efficiency, cohesion, vulnerability, and activity/leadership) from a football team's performance evaluation model to the extracted data for analysis under different circumstances. The research findings revealed a significant increase in cohesion and a substantial decrease in vulnerability during the analysis of game performance over time. In the comparative analysis based on changes in the game's nature, Qatar World Cup matches exhibited superior performance across all aspects of the evaluation model compared to A matches. Lastly, in the comparative analysis considering the variations in the opposing team, matches against lower FIFA rankers displayed superior performance in all aspects of the evaluation model in comparison to matches against top FIFA rankers. We hope that the outcomes of this study can serve as essential foundational data for the selection of football team coaches and the development of game strategies, thereby contributing to the enhancement of the team's performance.

Current Status and Actual Conditions of the Use of Occupational Therapy Evaluation Tools in Relation to the Type of Therapy Institution (국내 아동작업치료 기관별 평가도구 사용 현황 및 실태에 관한 연구)

  • Gil, Young-Suk;Yoo, Doo-Han
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2023
  • Objective : This study aimed to investigate the current status and actual use of assessment tools by institutions in the field of occupational therapy with children in Korea. Methods : The study was conducted with 67 occupational therapists working with children in Korea. To investigate the use of evaluation tools by area, knowledge of the evaluation tools, and desire to participate in further education, the questionnaires used in studies by Lee, Hong, and Park (2018) and Kim (2015) were modified and supplemented according to the child evaluation tools currently in usein institutions in Korea. For data collection, we distributed Google questionnaires to child occupational therapists for 3 weeks using convenience sampling. Excel was used to analyze the use of the evaluation tools according to institution. Technical statistics and frequency analyses were used to verify the general characteristics, evaluation-related information, status of evaluation tool use, knowledge levels relating to evaluation tools, and desire to participate in education. A t-test was used for the evaluation tool status. Results : Welfare centers used the most evaluation tools, with an average of 11.1, followed by university hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, clinics, and daycare centers. There were differences in the choice of tools used, hospital with the Jebsen-Taylor hand function test and the Wee-FIM (Functional Independence Measure) being the most frequently applied. Centers, daycare centers, and welfare center the Sensory Profile test and clinical observation were also used often. Regarding the level of knowledge of evaluation tools and the desire to participate further in education, 30 (44.8%) of the respondents had not completed their education, and 42 (62.7%) rated their knowledge level as generally low. When asked about the importance of using a manual to guide them in their use of evaluation tools, 66 (98.6%) answered positively, and 66 (98.6%) answered that they needed specialized training in the use of evaluation tools. Conclusion : This study makes it possible to understand the use and status of evaluation tools as used by different institutions in Korea in the field of child occupational therapy It is anticipated that it will provide the basis for introducing existing evaluation tools and preparing new evaluation tools to be used in this field in Korea.

A Study on the Support System for Reinforcement of Competitiveness of Small Business persons - Mainly Focused on Support System for Small Business Persons - (소상공인 경쟁력 강화의 지원제도에 관한 연구 - 소상공인 지원제도를 중심으로 -)

  • Woo, Dae-IL;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.95-110
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    • 2011
  • As global economic conditions are getting uneasy and polarization of our economy is intensified, the economic sentiment of small businesses is still low and unstable. The collapse of worldwide banking systems due to sub prime crisis in 2007 became the catalyst that shakes financial industries in each country in the world; the most sentiment people, small businesspersons, also have hard time facing survival way out, facing a great crisis. All organizing powers including manufactures, wholesales and retails are being gradually greater in mutual relations and dependence, and unstable factors about risks are also increasing. For exterior environmental and physical risk factors which cannot make small businesses survive themselves by developing ways out are eventually increasing, those who cannot cope with these factors face a great crisis. Although the government tries hard to overcome this situation conducting many ways, the effect does not continue. It is the real state that independent business markets including overall employment and establishing business have vicious cycle that they cannot be improved, due to increase of employment centered on short-term labors which lack durability in creation of employment and decline of household income. Recently, growth shows indication of slowdown because of multinational risk factors including financial crisis in each country in Europe, the death of Kim Jung-il, relationship with North Korea, and unstability of war situation in the Middle East Asia. Experts expect that growth rate will be about 4%, and independent business that ordinary people feel is still gloomy. It's reality that there is no adequate alternative for lack of jobs, unstable employment and a means of living after retirement. Also, the fact that large companies enter the market which is narrow and in the excessive competition should be an environmental factor that makes the situation worse. The business concept, a franchise, is the part we should think about whether it is the institutional solution that can guarantee independent businessmen stable life. Major companies are frightfully entering the market today, breaking the barrier to entry and shouting of a win-win with independent businesses. It's the small businesspersons who go through painful domestic recession, cannot predict the future and manage confusing and unstable independent business. It's very important to restore the domestic economy through wisely boosting consumption as soon as possible. It's also important to lead the situation by gathering powers of the government and related organizations, agonizing, suggesting solutions, and establishing accurate directions. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to suggest ways to strengthen competitiveness of small businesspersons by examining small business support policies which are currently implemented.