• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대학건물

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Growth Characteristics of Lettuce and Korean Mint as Affected by Microbubble in a Closed-type Plant Production System (밀폐형 식물생산시스템에서 마이크로버블 처리에 따른 상추와 배초향의 생장 특성)

  • Eun Won Park;Hee Sung Hwang;Hyeon Woo Jeong;Seung Jae Hwang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.234-241
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to investigate the growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and Korean mint (Agastache rugosa Kuntze) with microbubble in a closed-type plant production system (CPPS) with a deep flow technique (DFT). Lettuce and Korean mint were grown in CPPS for 23 days. Microbubble was treated for 5 minutes daily at 9:00, 13:00, and 17:00 for 16 days. The leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, and fresh and dry weights of lettuce and Korean mint were significantly lower in microbubble than in the control. The total root length, root surface area, and the number of root tips of lettuce and Korean mint were significantly lower in the microbubble than in the control. In the case of average root diameter, there was no difference between the treatments of lettuce. However, Korean mint significantly increased in thickness in the microbubble treatment, indicating variations among the different crops. The results of the research indicated that microbubble treatment in the DFT inhibited plant growth by inducing abiotic stress in lettuce and Korean mint.

Effects of Short Microwave Irradiation Time at the Seedlings Stage on the Growth and Secondary Metabolite Contents of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) (유묘단계에서 단시간 마이크로웨이브 처리가 상추의 생육 및 이차대사산물 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Yong Jae Lee;Su Yong Park;Ju Hyung Shin;Seung Yong Hahm;Gwang Ya Lee;Jong Seok Park
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.217-225
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    • 2023
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of microwave irradiation on the growth and secondary metabolite contents of lettuce seedlings. Seedlings at three weeks after sowing were treated by a microwave oven for 0, 4, 8, and 12 seconds with 200 W. After cultivation in a close plant production system for 4 weeks, plant growth measurements and secondary metabolite analysis were performed. The results showed that the fresh and dry weights of the shoot and root, leaf area, leaf length, and the number of leaves were decreased as increasing the microwave treatment times. Chlorophyll a and b, total carotenoids were increased and total phenolics were decreased at the 12-second treatment compared to the 4-second treatment. Total flavonoid contents were decreased at the 8-second treatment compared to the control. These results suggest that the changes in the levels of secondary metabolites were caused by oxidative stress. Although there was no significant difference in secondary metabolite contents excluding total flavonoid contents on the microwave treatments compared to the control, the significant difference suggests that the microwave treatment of 200 W and 2.45 GHz may alter secondary metabolite contents of lettuce after 4 weeks.

Sowing Method in Plug Tray for Production of Plug Seedlings of Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Libosch. ex Steud. (지황의 공정묘 생산을 위한 플러그 트레이 파종 방법)

  • Jeong Hun Hwang;Eun Won Park;Hee Sung Hwang;So Yeong Hwang;Jin Yu;Seung Jae Hwang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.210-216
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    • 2023
  • Conventionally, the seeds of Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Libosch. ex Steud. have been directly sown at the field without using the plug seedling method. Plug seedlings have the advantage of promoting germination and convenient transplanting. However, there is little information about propagation of R. glutinosa using the plug seedling method. This study was conducted to investigate the optimal seed rhizome length, diameter, and sowing direction of R. glutinosa for establishing the plug seedling method. Seed rhizome length and diameter were separated by 1, 2, 3 cm and 0.3-0.5, 0.6-1.0, 1.1-1.5 cm, respectively. And seed rhizomes were sown in vertical and horizontal directions. The survival rate in 1 cm length of seed rhizomes was lower than in other treatments. The leaf length, leaf width, number of leaves, SPAD, leaf area, and fresh and dry weights of shoot and roots were the greatest in 3 cm length of seed rhizomes. As the seed rhizome diameter decreased, the growth characteristics of R. glutinosa tended to increase. When R. glutinosa was sown horizontal direction, the leaf length, leaf width, number of leaves, and leaf area were significantly higher than in the vertical direction. In conclusion, when sowing seed rhizome in a plug tray, using a length of 3 cm, a diameter of less than 1 cm, and sowing in a horizontal direction is considered an appropriate sowing method for R. glutinosa.

Evaluation of Drought Stress in Native Kimchi Cabbage from Korea (국내 재래종 배추 유전자원의 내건성 평가)

  • Si-Hong Kim;Soo-Yong Choi;Eui-Sub Lee;Young-Hyun Woo;Jae-Yun Heo
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.69-69
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    • 2020
  • 식물체가 건조 스트레스를 받으면 각 기관 물질 생산의 변이, 분화 및 발달 억제를 통해서 식물의 생산활동을 현저히 저하시켜, 식물의 생장, 형태, 개체발생 및 대사생리에 영향을 미치는 것으로 연구되어 왔다. 최근 기후 온난화로 인해 온도가 점진적으로 상승하고 가뭄과 같은 이상기상이 빈번하게 발생함에 따라 많은 노지 작물의 농업 생산성이 약화되고 있다. 배추는 우리나라의 대표적인 식품 중 하나인 김치의 주재료로 연중 안정적인 생산과 공급이 필요시 되지만, 배추의 경우 건조 조건에서 엽육조직의 붕괴와 같은 생리장해가 발생되기 때문에 최근 발생되고 있는 이상 기후의 영향으로 안정적인 생산이 어려워지고 있는 실정이다. 하지만, 배추에서는 이상 기후에 대응이 가능한 내건성 품종의 육성을 위한 연구는 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 내건성이 높은 배추 개발을 위한 기초소재를 찾는 것을 목적으로 농촌진흥청 유전자원센터에서 보존하고 있는 재래종 배추 30계통을 분양받아 강릉원주대학교 생명과학대학 내의 조직배양실을 이용하여 연구를 수행하였다. 배지는 Tissue Culture Square Dish(125×125×20mm)에 Agar를 녹여 40ml씩 분주하여 고체배지를 조성한 후, 건조 처리구 Polyrthylene glycol 6000(PEG) 0%(Control), 20%(Mild Stress), 30%(Severe Stress)를 설정하여 60ml씩 추가 분주하여 배양기 28℃에서 15시간 처리를 하였다. 분양받은 각 계통의 종자는 1% 차아염소산 나트륨으로 10분간 종자표면을 살균한 후, 5번 정도 멸균수로 헹군 후, 표면 살균한 재래종 종자를 고체배지 시험관에 6립씩 치상하였다. 식물체 생육은 각 처리구별 3반복으로 하였으며 주간 12시간 주기, 광도 2,400Lux, 온도 20℃의 조직배양실에서 치상 후 7일간 생육하였다. 치상 후 7일간 생육시킨 식물체를 채취하여 지상부생체중, 지하부 생체중, 뿌리 길이를 측정하였으며, 지상부와 지하부로 나누어 50℃에서 72시간 건조시킨 후, 건물 생산량을 조사하였다. 본 실험 결과 건조 처리(PEG-6000)는 배추의 생장을 저해하였지만, 생육 저해 정도는 계통간의 차이가 있는 것을 관찰할 수 있었으며 무처리구와 스트레스 처리구간의 생장량 변화 정도를 기반으로 군집분석을 수행한 결과 'IT110483'과 'IT104903' 계통이 실험에 공시된 계통들 중 상대적으로 강한 건조 내성을 가진 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서, 재래종 배추 계통 중 일부는 건조내성이 강한 새로운 배추 품종을 육성하는데 있어 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

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Analysis of the effect of improving human thermal environment by road directions and street tree planting patterns in summer (여름철 도로 방향과 가로수 식재 방식에 의한 인간 열환경 개선효과 분석)

  • Jeonghyeon Moon;Yuri Choi;Eunja Choi;Jueun Yang;Sookuk Park
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to identify the optimal street tree planting method to improve the summer thermal environment in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The effects of road direction and street tree planting patterns on urban thermal environments using ENVI-met simulations were analyzed. The 68 scenarios were analyzed based on four road directions and 17 planting patterns. The results showed that tree planting had a reducing air temperature, mean radiant temperature, human thermal sensation (PET and UTCI). The most effective planting pattern among all scenarios was low tree height (6m), wide crown width (9m), high leaf area index (3.0), and narrow planting interval (8m). The largest improvement in the thermal environment was the northern sidewalk of the east-west road. Since this study used computer simulations, the difference from real urban spaces should be considered, and further research is needed through field measurement and consideration of more variables.

Influence of Light Intensity and Photoperiod on the Growth and Phenol Contents of Hydroponic Basil in Vertical Farms (수직농장에서 광도와 광주기가 수경재배 바질의 생육 및 페놀 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Sunwoo Kim;Jongseok Park
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.353-358
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to investigate the growth and phenol content changes of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under five different light intensities and photoperiods, maintaining the same Daily Light Integral (DLI) conditions in a plant factory. Basil seeds were sown on a rockwool medium for four weeks and then transplanted. To maintain a DLI 17mol·m-2·d-1, light intensity and photoperiod were set at 16h-295, 18h-260, 20h-235, 22h-215, and 24h-200μmol·m-2·s-1 and cultivated for four weeks. The harvested results showed that basil plant height, number of lateral branches, and leaf number tended to decrease from the 16h-295 treatment to the 24h-200 treatment. Shoot fresh weight, dry weight, leaf area, leaf width, and leaf length were significantly higher in the 18 h-260 treatment. The total phenolic contents in the 18h-260 treatment was significantly higher by 51.3%, 172.7%, 111%, and 119.7% compared to the 16h-295, 20h-235, 22h-215, and 24h-200 treatments, respectively. Therefore, it is anticipated that cultivating basil under the condition of 18h-260 treatment could yield enhanced growth quality and an increase in total phenolic contents.

Impact Assessment of Flame Retardant on Wooden Building with Dancheong (목조문화재 단청에 방염제가 미치는 영향평가)

  • Kim, Hwan-Ju;Lee, Han-Hyoung;Lee, Hwa-Soo;Chung, Yong-Jae;Han, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.56-69
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    • 2016
  • Flame resistant treatment has been applied since 1973 for fire prevention in historical wooden buildings, but several problems, such as whitening and discoloration are constantly occurring in some Dancheong, in spite of evaluation criteria. It is supposed that these phenomena are caused by the stability issue of flame retardant, Dancheong production methods, the residue of chemicals, which were applied in the past, building location environments, etc., but no evaluation and cause inspection has been performed. Therefore, this study aims to verify the effect of flame retardant on Dancheong by producing Pseudo-samples and setting spatial and temporal environment conditions. Pseudo-samples of Dancheong were produced using three methods; the method specified in the Standard Specification of Properties; the method, which is generally used in the site and the traditional method. For different environment conditions of pseudo-samples, the areas were classified into a coastal area and an inland area and the places were classified into a sunny place and a wetland. After applying a flame retardant, annual variations were inspected for 12 months and change aspects were observed through scan and regular observation. In annual variation inspection, various variations like whitening, decolorization, dissolution and exfoliation were found and especially, whitening was most dominant. When the effect of flame retardant depending on the production methods was analyzed, whitening occurred in all the three production methods. It is supposed that this is because calcium(Ca) was contained in the coloring material of each production method and it reacted with phosphorous(P) of flame retardant. When the effect of flame retardant depending on the environment conditions was analyzed, whitening occurred more in the coastal area than in the inland area and it reduced in the building in a sunny place, which was constructed using the traditional method. It is supposed that this results from the humidity change and the difference of glue used in each production method. In conclusion, for using a flame retardant containing phosphorous(P), there is a need to check if calcium components including Oyster Shell White were used in Dancheong in advance and to conduct various preliminary studies on place conditions and Dancheong construction conditions.

Effect of Shading and Supplemental Lighting for Greenhouse Cultivation of Cucumber in Summer Season (하절기 오이 온실재배 시 차광 및 보광 효과)

  • Jin Yu;Ji Hye Yun;So Yeong Hwang;Eun Won Park;Jeong Hun Hwang;Hyeong Eun Choi;Jeong Kil Koo;Hee Sung Hwang;Seung Jae Hwang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.226-233
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    • 2023
  • High solar radiation in summer season causes excessive respiration of crops and reduces photosynthesis. In addition, the rainy season, which mainly occurs in summer, causes a low light condition inside the greenhouse. A low light condition can reduce crop growth and yield. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of shade and supplemental lighting on the growth and yield of cucumber during summer season. Cucumber grafted seedlings were transplanted in two plastic greenhouses on August 30, 2022. To reduce the light intensity inside the greenhouse, a 50% shading screen was installed in one greenhouse. Supplemental lighting was conducted from September 7, 2022 to October 20, 2022. HPS (high-pressure sodium lamp), W LED (white LED, red:green:blue = 5:3:2), and RB LED (combined red and blue LED, red:blue = 7:3) were used for supplemental lighting sources, and non-treated (nonsupplemental lighting) was as the control. The supplemental lighting was conducted before sunrise and after sunset for 2 hours with a photosynthetic photon flux density of 150 ± 20 µmol·m-2·s-1. The plant height, leaf length, leaf width, and SPAD value tended to increase in the shading group. RB LED increased stem diameter regardless of shading treatment. Fresh and dry weights of fruits were not significantly different in shading and supplemental lighting. Average fresh weight of fruits was not significantly different among supplemental lighting as the harvest date passed. In conclusion, in this study 50% shade treatment significantly improved the growth of cucumber during the summer season. In addition, the growth and fruit characteristics are better than the control without supplemental lighting. This study can be used as basic research data for applying supplemental lighting technology to cucumber cultivation.

Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizers on Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Rice Plants and Chemical Properties of Paddy Soil (질소질(窒素質) 비종(肥種)이 수도(水稻)의 생육(生育)과 양분흡수(養分吸收) 및 토양(土壤)의 화학적(化學的) 성질(性質)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lim, Sun-Uk;Kim, You-Hak
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.232-241
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    • 1984
  • For the purpose of investigating the effect of chemical composition of nitrogenous fertilizers such as urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate(dibasic) and aqua-ammonia on growth, yield, efficiency and chemical properties of paddy soil this study was carried out at the same nitrogen concentration through field experiment. The results obtained was summarized as follows. 1. Nitrogenous fertilizers had an effect on plant height at heading stage, plant weight at harvest and No. of spikelet per panicle of rice plants in decreasing order: Ammonium sulfate > Diammonium phosphate > Urea > Ammonia water. But they didn't effect on culm length, spike length, dry matter weight, No. of grain per spike, ripening ratio and weight of 1000 grains of rice plants. 2. The absorbed amount of nitrogen and that of sulfur and nitrogen availability were highest in ammonium sulfate application and lowest in ammonia water application and these were positively correlated with yield. 3. The influence of nitrogenous fertilizers on nitrogen and sulfur efficiency and translocation efficiency was insignificant but that of ammonium sulfate on nitrogen efficiency was higher than that of the others. 4. The effect of nitrogenous fertilizers on a basic chemical properties of paddy soil experimented such as pH, C.E.C, exchangeable cation and organic matter was insignificant. But the sulfur content of ammonium sulfate application and phosphorous content of diammonium phosphate application were higher than that of the others.

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Study on the Early Growth and Anthesis Characteristics of Some Turf Type Grasses and Wildflower Species for Mixture Combination of Wildflower Pasture (야생화초지 혼파조합을 위한 몇 가지 잔디형 및 야생화 초종의 초기생육과 개화특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byong-Chul;Lee, In-Duk;Lee, Hyung-Suk
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to compared the early growth pattern, stem, leaf and root weight, DM yield, flowering characteristics and preference for selection of turf type grasses and wild flower species in mixtures combination for wildflower pasture. The experimental design included five species of turf grasses and 11 species of wildflower : turf type grass species{Kentucky bluegrass(Midnight), tall fescue(Millennium), perennial ryegrass(Palmer III), redtop(Barricuda) and creeping bentgrass(Crenshaw)}, wildflower species {Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. Coreopsis lanceolata L., Rudbeckia bicolor Nutt.., Dianthus chinensis L., Chrysanthemum lindicum L., Lotus corniculatus var. Japonicus Regel, Veronica linariaefolia Pallas, Aster koraiensis Nakai., Chrysanthemum zanadskii var. latilobum (Maxim.) Kitamura, Lythrum anceps Makino and Iris pallassi var. chinensis Lodd}. The field trials were carried out on the experimental pasture plots of Chungnam National University from January 2005 to December 2006. The appropriate species of turf grass which have a mixture possibility with wildflower are thought to be Kentucky bluegrass. Compared with Kentucky bluegrass, on the other hand, species such as Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L., Lotus corniculatus var. Japonicus Regel, Chrysanthemum zanadskii var. latilobum Maxim.) Kitamura and Lythrum anceps Makino have shown advantageous aspects of fast early growth pattern and highly weights of stem, leaf and root. Futhermore, these wild flowers were in harmony and no overlap on flower color, flowering periods and flowering longevity, and highly preference by Korean native goats. For the establishment of wildflower pasture in Korea, therefore, it is important to select the appropriate species of turf glasses, which have a weak competition against wild flowers, and then to make mixture combination of those turf glasses with the various wild flowers which have a strong competition against turf glasses but have a different anthesis characteristics among themselves.