• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대역폭 조절

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Commercial 4K UHD Streaming Device over 5G Mobile Communication Network (5G 이동통신망을 통한 상용 4K UHD 스트리밍 장치)

  • Junghoon, Paik;Yongsuk, Kim
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.914-922
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we construct a commercial 4K UHD(Ultra High Definition) streaming device that utilizes a 5G mobile communication network as a transport channel and conduct a streaming performance test. It uses RTP(Realtime Transport Protocol) which has transmission quality monitoring capability as a transmission protocol to apply adaptive streaming. In addition, it provides the function to adjust the encoding rate of the video signal so that encoding can be optimized for the change in the bandwidth of the transmission channel. Through the performance test, it is confirmed that the H.265 encoding rate for 4K UHD signal is 48.69Mbps, the average glass-to-glass delay time is 293.60ms, and the average time difference between video and audio for lip sync is 120ms. With the result of performance test, it is shown that the streaming device is applied to 4K UHD Streaming device over 5G mobile communication network.

Management Techniques of Interest Area Utilizing Subregions in MMORPG based on Cloud and P2P Architecture (클라우드와 P2P 구조 기반의 MMORPG에서 소영역을 활용하는 관심 구역의 관리 기법)

  • Jin-Hwan Kim
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we propose subregion-based area of interest management techniques for MMORPG(massively multiplayer online role playing games) integrating P2P(peer-to-peer) networking and cloud computing. For the crowded region, the proposed techniques partition it into several subregions and assign a player to manage each subregion as a coordinator. These techniques include a load balancing mechanism which regulates communication and computation overhead of such player below the specified threshold. We also provide a mechanism for satisfying the criterion, where subregions overlapped with each player's view must be switched quickly and seamlessly as the view moves around in the game world. In the proposed techniques where an efficient provisioning of resources is realized, they relieve a lot of computational power and network traffic, the load on the servers in the cloud by exploiting the capacity of the players effectively. Simulation results show that the MMORPG based on cloud and P2P architecture can reduce the considerable bandwidth at the server compared to the client server architecture as the available resources grow with the number of players in crowding or hotspots.

Voltage-Frequency-Island Aware Energy Optimization Methodology for Network-on-Chip Design (전압-주파수-구역을 고려한 에너지 최적화 네트워크-온-칩 설계 방법론)

  • Kim, Woo-Joong;Kwon, Soon-Tae;Shin, Dong-Kun;Han, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2009
  • Due to high levels of integration and complexity, the Network-on-Chip (NoC) approach has emerged as a new design paradigm to overcome on-chip communication issues and data bandwidth limits in conventional SoC(System-on-Chip) design. In particular, exponentially growing of energy consumption caused by high frequency, synchronization and distributing a single global clock signal throughout the chip have become major design bottlenecks. To deal with these issues, a globally asynchronous, locally synchronous (GALS) design combined with low power techniques is considered. Such a design style fits nicely with the concept of voltage-frequency-islands (VFI) which has been recently introduced for achieving fine-grain system-level power management. In this paper, we propose an efficient design methodology that minimizes energy consumption by VFI partitioning on an NoC architecture as well as assigning supply and threshold voltage levels to each VFI. The proposed algorithm which find VFI and appropriate core (or processing element) supply voltage consists of traffic-aware core graph partitioning, communication contention delay-aware tile mapping, power variation-aware core dynamic voltage scaling (DVS), power efficient VFI merging and voltage update on the VFIs Simulation results show that average 10.3% improvement in energy consumption compared to other existing works.

CPW-fed Compact Slot Antenna Matched by T-shaped Stub (T형 스터브로 정합된 CPW급전 소형 슬롯 안테나)

  • Lee, Jong-Ig;Yeo, Jun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.3140-3145
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, a design method for a compact slot antenna fed by a coplanar waveguide (CPW) is studied. A T-shaped tuning stub is inserted inside a narrow rectangular slot and the slot is impedance matched to the CPW feedline by adjusting the width, length, and position of the stub. The resonance frequency is adjustable by the slot length and the antenna size can be reduced by bending the slot. The resonance frequency and impedance matching property of the compact slot antenna are similar to those of the half-wavelength slot antenna, which enables one to design compact antenna of this type with ease. A compact slot antenna for 2.45-GHz ISM band is designed, fabricated on an FR4 substrate (dielectric constant of 4.4 and thickness of 0.8 mm), and experimentally tested. The measured results agree well with the simulations, which confirms the validity of this study. The fabricated compact slot antenna shows an impedance bandwidth of 200 MHz(2.32-2.52 GHz) for a VSWR < 2, which is suitable for 2.45-GHz ISM band (2.4-2.48 GHz). The measured radiation patterns show ${\infty}$-shaped directional pattern in the E-plane and nearly omni-directional pattern in the H-plane with a peak gain of 2.0 dBi, which are similar to those of a monopole antenna. The proposed antenna is expected to be suitable for the applications as antennas for WLAN, RFID, and mobile handset.

Two Flow Control Techniques for Teleconferencing over the Internet (인터넷상에서 원격회의를 위한 두 가지 흐름 제어 기법)

  • Na, Seung-Gu;Go, Min-Su;An, Jong-Seok
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.975-983
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    • 1999
  • 최근 네트워크의 속도가 빨라지고 멀티미디어 데이터를 다루기 위한 기술들이 개발됨에 따라 많은 멀티미디어 응용 프로그램들이 인터넷에 등장하고 있다. 그러나 이들 응용프로그램들은 수신자에게 전송되는 영상.음성의 품질이 낮기 때문에 기대만큼 빠르게 확산되지 못하고 있다. 영상.음성의 품질이 낮은 이유는 현재 인터넷이 실시간 응용프로그램이 요구하는 만큼 빠르고 신뢰성 있게 데이터를 전송할 수 없기 때문이다. 현재 인터넷의 내부구조를 바꾸지 않고 품질을 높이기 위해 많은 연구들이 진행되고 있는데 그 중 하나는 동적으로 변화하는 인터넷의 상태에 맞게 멀티캐스트 트래픽의 전송율을 조절하는 종단간의 흐름제어이다. 본 논문은 기존의 흐름제어 기법인 IVS와 RLM의 성능을 개선시키기 위한 두 가지 흐름제어 기법을 소개한다. IVS는 송신자가 주기적으로 측정된 네트워크 상태에 따라 전송율을 일정하게 조절한다. 송신자가 하나의 데이타 스트림을 생성하는 IVS와는 달리 RLM에서는 송신자가 계층적 코딩에 의하여 생성된 여러개의 데이타 스트림을 전송하고 각 수신자는 자신의 네트워크 상태에 맞게 데이타 스트림을 선택하는 기법이다. 그러나 IVS는 송신자가 전송율을 일정하게 증가시키고, RLM은 각자의 네트워크 상태를 고려하지 않고 임의의 시간에 하나 이상의 데이타 스트림을 받기 때문에 성능을 저하시킬 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 TCP-like IVS와 Adaptive RLM이라는 두 가지 새로운 기법을 소개한다. TCP-like IVS는 송신자가 전송율을 동적으로 결정하고, Adaptive RLM은 하나 이상의 데이타 스트림을 받기 위해 적당한 시간을 선택할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 시뮬레이션을 통해 여러 가지 네트워크 구조에서 두 가지 방식이 기존의 방식에 비하여 더욱 높은 대역폭 이용율과 10~20% 정도 적은 패킷손실율을 이룬다는 것을 보여준다.Abstract Nowadays, many multimedia applications for the Internet are introduced as the network gets faster and many techniques manipulating multimedia data are developed. These multimedia applications, however, do not spread widely and are not fast as expected at their introduction time due to the poor quality of image and voice delivered at receivers. The poor quality is mainly attributed to that the current Internet can not carry data as fast and reliably as the real-time applications require. To improve the quality without modifying the internal structure of the current Internet, many researches are conducted. One of them is an end-to-end flow control of multicast traffic adapting the sending rate to the dynamically varying Internet state. This paper proposes two flow-control techniques which can improve the performance of the two conventional techniques; IVS and RLM. IVS statically adjusts the sending rate based on the network state periodically estimated. Differently from IVS in which a sender produces one single data stream, in RLM a sender transmits several data streams generated by the layered coding scheme and each receiver selects some data streams based on its own network state. The more data streams a receiver receives, the better quality of image or voice the receiver can produce. The two techniques, however, can degrade the performance since IVS increases its sending rate statically and RLM accepts one more data stream at arbitrary time regardless of the network state respectively. We introduce two new techniques called TCP-like IVS and Adaptive RLM; TCP-like IVS can determine the sending rate dynamically and Adaptive RLM can select the right time to add one more data stream. Our simulation experiments show that two techniques can achieve better utilization and less packet loss by 10-20% over various network topologies.

Dual Codec Based Joint Bit Rate Control Scheme for Terrestrial Stereoscopic 3DTV Broadcast (지상파 스테레오스코픽 3DTV 방송을 위한 이종 부호화기 기반 합동 비트율 제어 연구)

  • Chang, Yong-Jun;Kim, Mun-Churl
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.216-225
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    • 2011
  • Following the proliferation of three-dimensional video contents and displays, many terrestrial broadcasting companies have been preparing for stereoscopic 3DTV service. In terrestrial stereoscopic broadcast, it is a difficult task to code and transmit two video sequences while sustaining as high quality as 2DTV broadcast due to the limited bandwidth defined by the existing digital TV standards such as ATSC. Thus, a terrestrial 3DTV broadcasting with a heterogeneous video codec system, where the left image and right images are based on MPEG-2 and H.264/AVC, respectively, is considered in order to achieve both high quality broadcasting service and compatibility for the existing 2DTV viewers. Without significant change in the current terrestrial broadcasting systems, we propose a joint rate control scheme for stereoscopic 3DTV service based on the heterogeneous dual codec systems. The proposed joint rate control scheme applies to the MPEG-2 encoder a quadratic rate-quantization model which is adopted in the H.264/AVC. Then the controller is designed for the sum of the left and right bitstreams to meet the bandwidth requirement of broadcasting standards while the sum of image distortions is minimized by adjusting quantization parameter obtained from the proposed optimization scheme. Besides, we consider a condition on maintaining quality difference between the left and right images around a desired level in the optimization in order to mitigate negative effects on human visual system. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed bit rate control scheme outperforms the rate control method where each video coding standard uses its own bit rate control algorithm independently in terms of the increase in PSNR by 2.02%, the decrease in the average absolute quality difference by 77.6% and the reduction in the variance of the quality difference by 74.38%.

Fabrication and Evaluation of High Frequency Ultrasound Receive Transducers for Intravascular Photoacoustic Imaging (혈관내 광음향 영상을 위한 고주파수 초음파 수신 변환기 제작 및 평가)

  • Lee, Jun-Su;Chang, Jin Ho
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.300-308
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    • 2014
  • Photoacoustic imaging is a useful tool for the diagnosis of atherosclerosis because it is capable of providing anatomical and pathological information at the same time. A photoacoustic signal detector is a pivotal element to achieve high spatial resolution, so that it should have broadband spectrum with a high center frequency. Since a photoacoustic imaging probe is directly inserted into blood vessel to diagnose atherosclerosis, the total size of the photoacoustic signal detector should be less than 1 mm. The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that PVDF can be used as an active material for the photoacoustic signal detector with a high frequency and broadband characteristic. The photoacoustic signal detector developed in this study was a single element ultrasound transducer with an aperture of $0.5{\times}0.5mm$ and the total size of 1 mm. In the design stage, the natural focal depth was adjusted for an effective focal area to cover the region of interest, i.e., 1~5 mm in depth. This was because geometrical focusing could not be used due to the small aperture. Through a pulse-echo test, it was ascertained that the developed photoacoustic signal detector has the -6 dB bandwidth ranging between 40.1 and 112.8 MHz and the center frequency of 76.83 MHz.

Design of 0.5V Electro-cardiography (전원전압 0.5V에서 동작하는 심전도계)

  • Sung, Min-Hyuk;Kim, Jea-Duck;Choi, Seong-Yeol;Kim, Yeong-Seuk
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.1303-1310
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, electrocardiogram (ECG) analog front end with supply voltage of 0.5V has been designed and verified by measurements of fabricated chip. ECG is composed of instrument amplifier, 6th order gm-C low pass filter and variable gain amplifier. The instrument amplifier is designed to have gain of 34.8dB and the 6th order gm-C low pass filter is designed to obtain the cutoff frequency of 400Hz. The operational transconductance amplifier of the low pass filter utilizes body-driven differential input stage for low voltage operation. The variable gain amplifier is designed to have gain of 6.1~26.4dB. The electrocardiogram analog front end are fabricated in TSMC $0.18{\mu}m$ CMOS process with chip size of $858{\mu}m{\times}580{\mu}m$. Measurements of the fabricated chip is done not to saturate the gain of ECG by changing the external resistor and measured gain of 28.7dB and cutoff frequency of 0.5 - 630Hz are obtained using the supply voltage of 0.5V.

Design of a Planar LPDA Antenna with Light-Weight Supporting Structure for Installing on an Aircraft (항공기 탑재용 경량화 지지 구조를 갖는 평면 LPDA 안테나 설계)

  • Park, Young-Ju;Park, Dong-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes a planar Log-Periodic Dipole Array(LPDA) antenna with light-weight supporting structure for installing on an aircraft. The proposed antenna is designed by applying a planar skeleton supporting structure that has light-weight for an aircraft and is capable of withstanding structural vibration. The material of the planar skeleton supporting structure is a Polyether ether ketone(Peek) which has excellent characteristics on strength and temperature. The proposed antenna is fabricated by attaching the radiating elements of the LPDA on both sides of the supporting structure. The changed input impedance due to the dielectric material of the supporting structure was compensated for by controlling the distance and length of several radiating elements. The 10-dB return loss bandwidths of the designed planar LPDA antenna with light-weight supporting structure are obtained as 0.4~3.1 GHz(7.3:1) in the simulation and 0.41~3.5 GHz(8.2:1) in the measurement. The average gains in 0.5~3 GHz band are 6.77 dBi in the simulation and 6.55 dBi in the measurement. Therefore, we confirm that the designed antenna is appropriate to be installed on an aircraft due to its light-weight structure and wideband directional radiation characteristics.

A Design of Multi-Band Chip Antenna for Mobile Handsets (휴대단말기용 다중 대역 칩 안테나 설계)

  • Cho, In-Ho;Jung, Jin-Woo;Lee, Cheon-Hee;Lee, Yong-Hee;Lee, Hyeon-Jin;Lim, Yeong-Seog
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.477-483
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    • 2008
  • The paper introduces mobile handset multi-band chip antenna to be used on meander line PIFA structure and parasite patch. The proposed antenna uses an FR-4 substrate. The top layer is consist of meander lines PIFA structure to implement GSM900 and is connected with each rad and meander line on the via-hole for maximize space efficiency. The middle layer is designed with the signal line and gap to implement a DCS and PCS bands, the bottom layer which is added to a parasite patch on the ground can be show an adjust of frequency and impedance character by the connection of the radiators of middle layer and coupling. The fabricated antenna with the dimension of $28{\times}6{\times}4\;mm^3$. The ground plane a dimension of $45{\times}90\;mm$, designed by a commercial software CST simulator. The experimental results show that the bandwidth for(VSWR<3) is 90($875{\sim}965$) MHz in GSM900 band operation and 380($1,670{\sim}2,050$) MHz in DCS, PCS band operation. The maximum gains of antenna are 0.25 dBi, 3.65 dBi and 3.3 dBi at resonance frequencies and it has omni-directional pattern practically.