• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대기가스

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A Study on the PCBs-containing Waste Treatment by High Temperature Incineration (고온소각에 의한 PCBs 함유 폐기물처리에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Jung;Kim, Dong-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 2009
  • This study is for understanding the domestic possibilities of the high temperature incineration of waste containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) with the analysis of normal operation case and waste gas, fly ash, dioxin about bottom ash, Total-PCBs, Co-PCBs, and the for analysis the heavy metal leaching feature included by bottom ash and fly ash, heavy metal leaching experiment was implemented. The result shows the dioxin density of the waste gas from waste containing PCBs was $0.00699{\sim}0.00763ng-TEQ/Nm^3$, which is lower than $0.0192ng-TEQ/Nm^3$ from the normal operation case. And each Co-PCBs and total PCBs shows $0.00043{\sim}0.00112ng-TEQ/Nm^3$ and $3.06{\sim}3.87ng/m^3$ respectively. The bottom ash test result shows Dioxin 0.00225~0.00630ng-TEQ/g, Co-PCBs 0.00027~0.00082ng-TEQ/g, Total PCBs 0.9~2.6ng/g, and the fly ash shows Dioxin 0.00164~0.00344ng-TEQ/g, Co-PCBs 0.00053~0.00054ng-EQ/g, Total PCBs 0.64~0.84ng/g. The bottom ash and fly ash experiments for heavy metal leaching did not show any leaching but when it comes to the ingredients of the fly ash, Pb elements shows 31.01~237.7ppm, higher than leaching criterion. The analysis of the density of all air pollution material from the waste gas shows the lower value than permissible criterion.

Hydrochemistry and noble gas origin of hot spring waters of Icheon and Pocheon area in Korea (이천 및 포천지역 온천수의 수리화학적 특성 및 영족기체 기원)

  • Jeong, Chan-Ho;Koh, Yung-Kwon;Shin, Seon-Ho;Nagao, Keisuke;Kim, Kyu-Han;Kim, Gun-Young
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.529-541
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    • 2009
  • Hydrochemical, stable isotopic ($\delta^{18}O$ and dD) and noble gas isotopic analyses of seven hot spring water samples, eleven groundwater samples and six surface water samples collected from the Icheon and Pocheon area were carried out to find out hydrochemical characteristics, and to interpret the source of noble gases and the geochemical evolution of the hot spring waters. The hot spring waters show low temperature type ranging from 21.5 to $31.4^{\circ}C$ and the pH value between 6.69 and 9.21. Electrical conductivity of hot spring waters has the range from 310 to $735\;{\mu}S/cm$. Whereas the hot spring water in the Icheon area shows the geochemical characteristics of neutral pH, the $Ca-HCO_3$(or $Ca(Na)-HCO_3$) chemical type and a high uranium content, the hot spring water in the Pocheon area shows the characteristics of alkaline pH, the $Na-HCO_3$ chemical type and a high fluorine content. These characteristics indicate that the hot spring water in the Icheon area is under the early stage in the geochemical evolution, and that the hot spring water in the Pocheon area has been geochemically evolved. The $\delta^{18}O$ and ${\delta}D$ values of hot spring waters show the range of $-10.1{\sim}-8.69%o$ and from $-72.2{\sim}-60.8%o$, respectively, and these values supply the information of the recharge area of hot spring waters. The $^3He/^4He$ ratios of the hot spring waters range from $0.09\;{\times}\;10^{-6}$ to $0.65\;{\times}\;10^{-6}$ which are plotted above the mixing line between air and crustal components. Whereas the helium gas in the Icheon hot spring water was mainly provided from the atmospheric source mixing with the mantle(or magma) origin, the origin of helium gas in the Pocheon hot spring water shows a dominant crustal source. $^{40}Ar/^{36}Ar$ ratios of hot spring water are in the range of an atmosphere source.

Nd, Sr and Noble Gas Isotopic Compositions of Alkali Basaltic Rocks and Mantle Xenoliths in the Baegryongdo (백령도에 분포하는 알칼리 현무암과 맨틀 포획암의 Nd-Sr과 영족기체 동위원소 조성)

  • ;Nagao Keisuke;;Sumino Hirochika
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.523-532
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    • 2002
  • The rare earth elements (REE) and Nd, Sr and noble gas isotopic compositions eHer'He, 4$^{\circ}$Arp6Ar) for the Quaternary alkali basaltic rocks and mantle xenoliths in the basaltic rocks from the Baegryongdo were investigated to decipher the origin of alkali basaltic magma and xenolith beneath the Sino-Korean craton. Analytical results are summarized as follows; (1) The alkali volcanic rocks with voluminous xenoliths which are represented by the Mg-olivine and clinopyroxene dominant spinel-lherzolite in the Baegryongdo consist mainly of the basalt-mugearite and basaltic andesite. (2) The REE pattern of alkali basaltic rocks characterized by high HREE is similar to that of oceanic island basalt (OlB). Relatively concordant REE patterns of the basaltic rocks suggest that the alkali basaltic magma be formed by the identical source materials. (3) The Nd-Sr isotopic data of the alkali basaltic rocks suggest that the alkali basaltic magma be originated from the depleted mantle source with a little contamination of the continental crustal materials. (4) The $^3$He/ $^4$He ratios in olivines of xenoliths ranging from 5.0${\pm}$1.lRa to 6.7${\pm}$1.3Ra are lower than that of MORB (ca. 8.0Ra). It suggest that the xenolith be derived from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. However, the high $^3$Her'He value of 16.8${\pm}$3.IRa at 1800$^{\circ}$C fraction (sample no OL-7) might be resulted from the post-eruptive cosmogenic $^3$He. The 4OAr/ 36 Ar ratios in olivines of mantle xenoliths are comparable to that of atmospheric argon, and are much lower than that of the MORB type mantle. These facts can lead to conclusion that the olivine of the xenolith in the Baegryongdo is affected by the post-eruptive atmospheric contamination during the slow degassing process.

Development of Traffic Volume Estimation System in Main and Branch Roads to Estimate Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Road Transportation Category (도로수송부문 온실가스 배출량 산정을 위한 간선 및 지선도로상의 교통량 추정시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Ki-Dong;Lee, Tae-Jung;Jung, Won-Seok;Kim, Dong-Sool
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.233-248
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    • 2012
  • The national emission from energy sector accounted for 84.7% of all domestic emissions in 2007. Of the energy-use emissions, the emission from mobile source as one of key categories accounted for 19.4% and further the road transport emission occupied the most dominant portion in the category. The road transport emissions can be estimated on the basis of either the fuel consumed (Tier 1) or the distance travelled by the vehicle types and road types (higher Tiers). The latter approach must be suitable for simultaneously estimating $CO_2$, $CH_4$, and $N_2O$ emissions in local administrative districts. The objective of this study was to estimate 31 municipal GHG emissions from road transportation in Gyeonggi Province, Korea. In 2008, the municipalities were consisted of 2,014 towns expressed as Dong and Ri, the smallest administrative district unit. Since mobile sources are moving across other city and province borders, the emission estimated by fuel sold is in fact impossible to ensure consistency between neighbouring cities and provinces. On the other hand, the emission estimated by distance travelled is also impossible to acquire key activity data such as traffic volume, vehicle type and model, and road type in small towns. To solve the problem, we applied a hierarchical cluster analysis to separate town-by-town road patterns (clusters) based on a priori activity information including traffic volume, population, area, and branch road length obtained from small 151 towns. After identifying 10 road patterns, a rule building expert system was developed by visual basic application (VBA) to assort various unknown road patterns into one of 10 known patterns. The expert system was self-verified with original reference information and then objects in each homogeneous pattern were used to regress traffic volume based on the variables of population, area, and branch road length. The program was then applied to assign all the unknown towns into a known pattern and to automatically estimate traffic volumes by regression equations for each town. Further VKT (vehicle kilometer travelled) for each vehicle type in each town was calculated to be mapped by GIS (geological information system) and road transport emission on the corresponding road section was estimated by multiplying emission factors for each vehicle type. Finally all emissions from local branch roads in Gyeonggi Province could be estimated by summing up emissions from 1,902 towns where road information was registered. As a result of the study, the GHG average emission rate by the branch road transport was 6,101 kilotons of $CO_2$ equivalent per year (kt-$CO_2$ Eq/yr) and the total emissions from both main and branch roads was 24,152 kt-$CO_2$ Eq/yr in Gyeonggi Province. The ratio of branch roads emission to the total was 0.28 in 2008.

A Study on the Characteristics of Condensable Fine Particles in Flue Gas (배출가스 중 응축성미세먼지 특성 연구)

  • Gong, Buju;Kim, Jonghyeon;Kim, Hyeri;Lee, Sangbo;Kim, Hyungchun;Jo, Jeonghwa;Kim, Jeonghun;Gang, Daeil;Park, Jeong Min;Hong, Jihyung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.501-512
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    • 2016
  • The study evaluated methods to measure condensable fine particles in flue gases and measured particulate matter by fuel and material to get precise concentrations and quantities. As a result of the method evaluation, it is required to improve test methods for measuring Condensable Particulate Matter (CPM) emitted after the conventional Filterable Particulate Matter (FPM) measurement process. Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) based on the evaluated analysis process showed that RSD percentages of FPM and CPM were around 27.0~139.5%. As errors in the process of CPM measurement and analysis can be caused while separating and dehydrating organic and inorganic materials from condensed liquid samples, transporting samples, and titrating ammonium hydroxide in the sample, it is required to comply with the exact test procedures. As for characteristics of FPM and CPM concentrations, CPM had about 1.6~63 times higher concentrations than FPM, and CPM caused huge increase in PM mass concentrations. Also, emission concentrations and quantities varied according to the characteristics of each fuel, the size of emitting facilities, operational conditions of emitters, etc. PM in the flue gases mostly consisted of CPM (61~99%), and the result of organic/inorganic component analysis revealed that organic dusts accounted for 30~88%. High-efficiency prevention facilities also had high concentrations of CPM due to large amounts of $NO_x$, and the more fuels, the more inorganic dusts. As a result of comparison between emission coefficients by fuel and the EPA AP-42, FPM had lower result values compared to that in the US materials, and CPM had higher values than FPM. For the emission coefficients of the total PM (FPM+CPM) by industry, that of thermal power stations (bituminous coal) was 71.64 g/ton, and cement manufacturing facility (blended fuels) 18.90 g/ton. In order to estimate emission quantities and coefficients proper to the circumstances of air pollutant-emitting facilities in Korea, measurement data need to be calculated in stages by facility condition according to the CPM measurement method in the study. About 80% of PM in flue gases are CPM, and a half of which are organic dusts that are mostly unknown yet. For effective management and control of PM in flue gases, it is necessary to identify the current conditions through quantitative and qualitative analysis of harmful organic substances, and have more interest in and conduct studies on unknown materials' measurements and behaviors.

The Construction and Application of Planning Support System for the Sustainable Urban Development (지속가능한 도시개발을 위한 계획지원시스템의 구축과 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.1 s.118
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    • pp.133-155
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    • 2007
  • The sustainable urban development has emerged as a new paradigm of urban studies in recent years. A review of the literature of land use and transport policies in relation to sustainable development reveals a consensus that the main objectives of sustainable strategy should decrease the numbers and length of journeys, and change the land use pattern towards mixed use and high density. However, there is a lack of empirical research as to what types of policies might influence effectively the reduction in the energy consumption and emission of $CO_2$. in order to sustain urban development. This paper tries to construct the conceptual structure of the PSS(planning support system), which is designed to the simulation of the probable effects of policies and planning of different kinds in cities, and evaluate the sustainablilty level according to construct the structure of the PSS(planning support system), which is designed to the simulation of the probable effects of policies and planning of different kinds in cities, and evaluate the sustainablilty level according to the alternative scenarios. The PSS is composed of three components (input-modeling-output). The core of PSS is integrating land use-transport-environment modeling. The advantages of integrating land use-transport-environment modeling are well known, but there are very few such integrated modeling packages in practice. So this paper tries to apply TRANUS software, which is an integrated land use and transport model. The TRANUS system was calibrated to city of Yongin for the base year. The purpose of the application of TRANUS to Yongin is to examine the operability of TRANUS system in Korea. From the outputs and results of operating the system, TRANUS may be effectively used to evaluate the effects of alternative sustainable urban development policies, since sustainablilty indicators can be extracted from several aspects such as land use consumption, total trips, distance and cost, energy consumption, ratio of transport split.

Particulate Matter from Asian Dust Storms Induces the Expression of Proinflammatory Cytokine in A549 Epithelial Cells (PM10이 A549 Cells에서 전염증성 Cytokine발현에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jung Ho;Jeon, Hyo Keun;Kim, Mi Kyeong;Kyung, Sun Yong;An, Chang Hyeok;Lee, Sang Pyo;Park, Jung Woong;Jeong, Sung Hwan
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.60 no.6
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    • pp.663-672
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    • 2006
  • Background: $PM_{10}$(Particulate matter with a diameter ($<10{\mu}m$), which is characterized by different environmental conditions, is a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds. The Asian dust event caused by meteorological phenomena can also produce unique particulate matter in affected areas. This study investigated the cytokine produced by A549 epithelial cells exposed to particles collected during both the Asian dust pfenomenon and ambient air particles in a non-dusty period. Method: Air samples were collected using a high volume air sampler(Sibata Model HV500F) with an air flow at $500{\ell}/min$ for at least 6 hours. The cytokine messenger RNA(mRNA) was measured using a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR). The A549 cells were exposed to 10 to $500{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of a suspension containing $PM_{10}$ for 24 hours. Each was compared with those in the non-exposed control cells. Result: The mRNA levels of interleukin(IL)-$1{\alpha}$, $IL-I{\beta}$, IL-8, and the granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor(GM-CSF) increased after veing exposed to $PM_{10}$ in the ambient air particles, compared with those in the non-exposed control cells. The increase in $IL-1{\alpha}$ and IL-8 were dose dependent at a $PM_{10}$ concentration between $100{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ and $500{\mu}g/m{\ell}$. The mRNA level of IL-8 in the A549 epithelial cells was higher during the in the Asian dust period($500{\mu}g/m{\ell}$) than during the non dust period. Conclusion: A549 cells exposed to the $PM_{10}$ collected during the Asian dust period produce more proinflammatory cytokine than during non-dusty period. This cytokine enhances the local inflammatory response in the airways and can also contribute to the systemic component of this inflammatory process.

Characterization of contribution of vehicle emissions to ambient NO2 using stable isotopes (안정동위원소를 이용한 이동오염원에 의한 대기 중 NO2의 거동특성 연구)

  • Park, Kwang-Su;Kim, Hyuk;Yu, Suk-Min;Noh, Seam;Park, Yu-Mi;Seok, Kwang-Seol;Kim, Min-Seob;Yoon, Suk Hee;Kim, Young-Hee
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2019
  • Sources of NOx are both anthropogenic (e.g. fossil fuel combustion, vehicles, and other industrial processes) and natural (e.g. lightning, biogenic soil processes, and wildfires). The nitrogen stable isotope ratio of NOx has been proposed as an indicator for NOx source partitioning, which would help identify the contributions of various NOx sources. In this study, the ${\delta}^{15}N-NO_2$ values of vehicle emissions were measured in an urban region, to understand the sources and processes that influence the isotopic composition of NOx emissions. The Ogawa passive air sampler was used to determine the isotopic composition of $NO_2$(g). In urban tunnels, the observed $NO_2$ concentration and ${\delta}^{15}N-NO_2$ values averaged $3809{\pm}2656ppbv$ and $7.7{\pm}1.8$‰, respectively. The observed ${\delta}^{15}N-NO_2$ values are associated with slight regional variations in the vehicular $NO_2$ source. Both $NO_2$ concentration and ${\delta}^{15}N-NO_2$ values were significantly higher near the expressway ($965{\pm}125ppbv$ and $5.9{\pm}1.4$‰) than at 1.1 km from the expressway ($372{\pm}96ppbv$ and $-11.5{\pm}2.9$‰), indicating a high proportion of vehicle emissions. Ambient ${\delta}^{15}N-NO_2$ values were used in a binary mixing model to estimate the percentage of the ${\delta}^{15}N-NO_2$ value contributed by vehicular NOx emissions. The calculated percentage of the ${\delta}^{15}N-NO_2$ contribution by vehicles was significantly higher close to the highway, as observed for the $NO_2$ concentration and ${\delta}^{15}N-NO_2$.

Environmental cooperation strategies of Korean Peninsula considering International Environmental Regimes (한반도 환경협력을 위한 국제사회 동향과 미래 협력방안)

  • Chul-Hee Lim;Hyun-Ah Choi
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.224-238
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    • 2022
  • North Korea has actively participated in the international community related to environmental agreements. It has proposed various environmental policies internally since the Kim Jong-un regime. In particular, it emphasizes activities related to climate change response, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the conservation of ecosystems including forests and wetlands. In this study, a new security cooperation plan was proposed with an understanding of the climate crisis and environmental regime as a starting point. To this end, trends and recent activities for climate-environment cooperation in the international community and on the Korean Peninsula were analyzed. In addition, North Korea's conditions for cooperation on the Korean Peninsula, technology demand, and the projected future environment of the Korean Peninsula were dealt with. Ultimately, through advice of experts, we were able to discover cooperation agendas by sector and propose short-term and long-term environmental cooperation strategies for the Korean Peninsula based on them. In this study, conditions and directions for cooperation in fields of climate technology, biological resources, air/weather, water environment, biodiversity, renewable energy, bioenergy, and so on were considered comprehensively. Among 21 cooperation agendas discovered in this study, energy showed the largest number of areas. Renewable energy, forest resources, and environmental and meteorological information stood out as agendas that could be cooperated in the short term. As representative initiatives, joint promotion of 'renewable energy' that could contribute to North Korea's energy demand and carbon neutrality and 'forest cooperation' that could be recognized as a source of disaster reduction and greenhouse gas sinks were suggested.

Diagnostic assessment on vegetation damage due to hydrofluoric gas leak accident and restoration planning to mitigate the damage in a forest ecosystem around Hube Globe in Gumi (구미 휴브글로브 주변 삼림생태계에서 불화수소가스 유출 사고에 기인한 식생피해 진단 및 그 피해를 완화시키기 위한 복원 계획)

  • Kim, Gyung Soon;An, Ji Hong;Lim, Chi Hong;Lim, Yun Kyung;Jung, Song Hie;Lee, Chang Seok
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2015
  • We obtained the following results from investigation on vegetation damage from 5 to 6 August, 2013, about one year after an accident that hydrofluoric acid leaked from a chemical maker, Hube Globe in Gumi. Pinus densiflora and Pinus strobus showed very severe damage. Ginko biloba, Quercus acutissima, Pinus rigida, Salix glandulosa, Hibiscus syriacus, and Lagerstroemia indica showed severe damage. Quercus variabilis, Lespedeza cyrtobotrya, and Miscanthus sinensis showed moderate damage. Quercus aliena, Smilax china, Arundidinella hirta, Ailanthus altissima, Robinia pseudoacacia, and Paulowinia coreana showed slight damage. We did not find any plants without leaf damage around there. This result means that fluoride damage still persists in this area as was known that fluoride remains for a long time in air, soil and water and exerts negative effects at all levels of an ecosystem. In addition, fluoride content contained in plant leaf depended on the distance from a fertilizer producing factory and vegetation damage tended to proportionate to the concentration in the Yeocheon industrial complex. In these respects, a measure for removal or detoxification of the remaining fluoride is urgently required around the hydrofluoric acid leak spot. Fertilizing of dolomite containing Ca and Mg, which can trap fluoride, was prepared as one of the restoration plans. In addition, phosphate fertilizing was added in order to enhance soil ameliorating effects. Furthermore, we recommend the introduction of tolerant plants as the second measure to mitigate fluoride damage. As the tolerant plants to make a new forest by replacing trees died due to hydrofluoric acid gas damage, we recommended Q. aliena and S. china, A. hirta, etc. were recommended as plant species to add mantle vegetation to the forest margin to ensure stable interior environment of the forest.