• Title/Summary/Keyword: 단파대

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Detection of HF Narrowband Signal with Unknown Frequency Using DFT Power Spectrum Averaging (DFT 전력스펙트럼 평균화를 기반으로 한 미지의 주파수를 가진 단파대 협대역 신호의 검출)

  • 김명진;김성필;오종갑
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • 2000.08a
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    • pp.29-32
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문에서는 미지의 반송파주파수를 가진 협대역 신호의 존재를 광대역에서 검출하는 문제를 고려하였다. DFT 전력 스펙트럼을 평균화하여 주파수 영역에서 Neyman-Pearson criterion을 사용하여 신호를 검출하는 방법을 사용하였다. 평균화된 DFT 스펙트럼의 통계적 특성과 검출 threshold 및 검출 확률을 분석하여 보았다.

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A Quantitative Study for Hydrothermal Alteration Zones using Short Wavelength Infrared Spectrometry (단파장적외선 분광분석법을 이용한 열수변질대 정량화 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Hwi;Choi, Seon-Gyu;Ko, Kwang-Beom;Han, Kyeong-Soo;Koo, Min-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2017
  • Advanced argillic, argillic, and phyllic zones are the most important alteration patterns to predict the hidden ore body during exploration of hydrothermal deposits. We examined the quantitative relationship between the spectral absorption characteristics and the mineral content of the synthetic mixtures such as alunite-kaolinite and illite-kaolinite using short wavelength infrared (SWIR) spectroscopy. In the alunite-kaolinite mixtures, the spectral absorption characteristics of the alunite was highly correlated with the Hull quotient reflectance(0.99) and the kaolinite had the highest correlation with the Gaussian peak(0.92). Illite-kaolinite mixtures are essential for Gaussian deconvolution because of the overlap of absorption region. Illite and kaolinite mixtures indicate the high correlation of 0.93 and 0.98, respectively. The error ranges in the alunite-kaolinite(8%) and illite-kaolinite mixtures(5%) derived from SWIR were smaller than the ones(29% and 26%) obtained from X-ray diffraction(Rietveld) analysis. These results show that SWIR spectroscopic analysis is more reliable than XRD Rietveld analysis in terms of quantification of allowed minerals.

An experimental study on the influence of undular bore on the hydraulic stability at Shinwol rainwater storage and drainage system (불규칙 단파가 신월저류배수시설의 수리적 안정성에 미치는 영향에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Oh, Jun Oh
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.313-323
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    • 2019
  • Deep Tunnel system is a large-scale urban flood control facility installed underground in order to reinforce the lack of drainage systems in developed cities. In a structure like a deep tunnel system, the undular bore generated in the downstream causes a problem in the hydraulic stability of the tunnel. In this study, to investigate the influence of the undular bore on the hydraulic stability at the "Shinwol rainwater storage and drainage system", under construction for the first time in the country, a hydraulic model experiment was conducted on various flooding inflow scenarios. As a result of the hydraulic model experiment carried out in this study, the undular bore generated downstream is trapped in the pipe while moving to upstream, pushes the compressed air. It is judged that overflow occurred by choking the vertical drop shaft in the process when this compressed air is being exhaust through the upstream vertical drop shaft and blocking flood inflow. In addition, the analysis of velocity of undular bore shows that the undular bore transfers energy, and at this time, the pressure rose in the pipe and the velocity increment occurred of the undular bore. Further studies are needed to predict the size and velocity of undular bore, which plays an important role in the hydraulic stability of the tunnel in the deep tunnel system.

A Study on Low Power 32-point FFT Algorithm for OFDM Maritime Communication (OFDM 해상통신방식용 저전력 32-point FFT 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Seung-Il;Lee, Kwang-Hee;Jo, Ha-Na;Kim, Keun-O;Lee, Chung-Hoon;Park, Gye-Kack;Cho, Ju-Phil;Cha, Jae-Sang;Kim, Seung-Kweon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.251-254
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    • 2008
  • 유비쿼터스 네트워크의 실현을 위한 4세대 통신방식의 유력한 후보로 부상하는 OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) 통신방식이 육상에 주목받고 있으며, 고속 데이터 전송을 위한 무선랜의 표준기술로 확정되어 있다. 해상 통신의 경우에서도 OFDM 통신방식은 단파대역을 이용한 데이터 전송방식으로 제안되고 있으며, ITU (International Telecommunication Union)는 해상통신에서 32-point FFT를 사용하도록 권고하고 있다. 해상 통신에서는 해양사고 및 조난 시에도 통신이 이루어져야 하는 한계상황을 고려하면, OFDM 통신방식의 중요 디바이스인 FFT는 저전력으로 동작되어야 한다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 OFDM 방식의 중요 디바이스인 32-point FFT를 저전력으로 동작시키기 위해 radix-2와 radix-4를 이용하여 저전력 32-point FFT 알고리즘을 제안한다. 최적화된 설계로 32-point FFT를 저전력 동작이 가능하도록 설계하였으며, 제안한 알고리즘은 VHDL로 구현하고 FPGA Spartan3 board에 장착하여 Matlab의 이론값과 비교, 검증하였다. 제안된 32-point FFT는 해상통신에서의 OFDM 적용을 위한 선도기술로 유용할 것이다.

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Development of Drought Stress Measurement Method for Red Pepper Leaves using Hyperspectral Short Wave Infrared Imaging Technique (초분광 단파적외선 영상 기술을 이용한 고추의 수분스트레스 측정 기술 개발)

  • Park, Eunsoo;Cho, Byoung-Kwan
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to investigate the responses of red pepper (Hongjinju) leaves under water stress. Hyperspectral short wave infrared (SWIR, 1000~1800 nm) reflectance imaging techniques were used to acquire the spectral images for the red pepper leaves with and without water stress. The acquired spectral data were analyzed with a multivariate analysis method of ANOVA (analysis of variance). The ANOVA model suggested that 1449 nm wavebands was the most effective to determine the stress responses of the red pepper leaves exposed to the water deficiency. The waveband of 1449 nm was closely related to the water absorption band. The processed spectral image of 1449 nm could separate the non-stress, moderate stress (-20 kPa), and severe stress (-50 kPa) groups of red pepper leaves distinctively. Results demonstrated that hyperspectral imaging technique can be applied to monitoring the stress responses of red pepper leaves which are an indicator of physiological and biochemical changes under water deficiency.

Measurement of UHF noise penetration into the barrier and bushing of the open barrier type gas-insulated switch gear(GIS) (개방형 스페이서를 가진 가스절연개폐장치(GIS)의 극초단파대 외부잡음 유입 측정)

  • Park, Ki-Jun;Lim, Jae-Sup;Goo, Sun-Geun;Yoon, Jin-Yul
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.07c
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    • pp.1618-1619
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    • 2003
  • 개방형 스페이서(barrier)가 적용된 가스 절연개폐장치(GIS)에 외장형 부분방전(PD) 센서를 적용 하고 센서장착부, 인근 스페이서 또는 부싱으로 유입되는 광대역 잡음신호의 투과율을 10 - 2000 MHz의 극초단파 영역에서 측정하였다. 또한 간단한 금속 차폐체에 의한 잡음신호의 감쇄효과도 측정 하였다. 스페이서 또는 부싱을 통하여 인근센서에 유입되는 잡음의 크기는 차폐시와 대비하여 약 25 dB 증가하였다.

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A study on the Automatic Position System Report Using HF band Maritime Communication (단파대 해상통신을 이용한 자동위치보고 시스템에 대한 연구)

  • 조은하;윤재준;최조천
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 2004
  • A data communication should be carried out by a SSB(Single Side Band) to collect real time position data of fishery ship automatically, and a study on the protocol for exchanging the information with GPS should be made. A research about regional and concentrated maritime information should be first made to obtain ship's voyage data and also, research of the Modem and transmitter-receiver controller for sending voice and data simultaneously through a SSB and of the acquisition of data through a GPS also should be carried out.

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Studies on Nitrogen Fixation of Forage Legumes with 15N-Ammonium Sulfate (중질소(重質素)를 사용(使用)한 두과사료작물(豆科飼料作物)의 질소(窒素) 고정량(固定量) 측정(測定)에 관(関)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Moo-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 1983
  • Effects of nitrogen applied to grown alone and in mixture with grass and legumes of forage crops on the yield of dry matter, absorptivity, and the amount of nitrogen fixation were studied using $^{15}N$ ammonium sulfate. 1. The amount of nitrogen fixation in legume was decreased in order of alfalfa > red clover > birdsfoot trefoil, and red clover gave highest soil-nitrogen dependency. 2. Fertilizer nitrogen for the yield of dry matter was highly effective only in orchardgrass, and effective at the early stages of alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoil in case of a mixed sowing. 3. Alone and mixed sewings showed the yield of dry matter in decreasing order of alfalfa > red clover > orchardgrass > birdsfoot trefoil and orchardgrass + alfalfa > orchardgrass + red clover > orchardgrass + birdsfoot trefoil, respectively. 4. The plot of with nitrogen showed greater nitrogen uptake than the plot of without-nitrogen throughout the plots. In case of grown alone, however, difference in the absorptivity of various forage crops was decreased in order of alfalfa > red clover > orchardgrass > birdsfoot trefoil. 5. Regardless of nitrogen application, nitrogen uptake amount of orchardgrass was higher in the plot of mixture then in the plot grown alone, except the with nitrogen plot of red clover grown in mixture at the ratio of 3 : 7.

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Studies on Percentage of Nitrogen Derived from Fertilizer ( P. N. D. F. ) and A-Value in Seuveral Forage Corps (수종의 사료작물에 대한 비료유래 질소율과 A-value에 관한 연구)

  • 김무성;윤익석;김동암
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 1985
  • Effects of nitrogen incorporated with 15N-nitrogen, which was applied to grown alone and in mixture with grass and legumes of forage crops, on the yield of dry matter, total nitrogen content, percentage of nitrogen derived from fertilizer (P.N.D.F.), A-value were studied, and the results obtained are as follows: 1. With nitrogen for the yield of dry matter was highly effective only to orchardgrass and were also effect to the early stages of alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoil in case of a mixed sowing. 2. Alone and mixed sowings showed the yield of dry matter in decreasing order of alfalfa<red clover>orchardgrass>birdsfoot trefoil, and orchardgrass + alfalfa>orchardgrass + red clover>orchardgrass + birdsfoot trefoil, respectively. 3. In case of grown alone, orchardgrass gave higher percentage of nitrogen derived from fertilizer (P.N.D.F.) than legume, whereas in case of grown in mixture it was in reverse order throughout the plots. It appears likely that orchardgrass was rather supplied soil nitrogen by legume then by nitrogen application. And P.N.D.F. was getting smaller in the latter stage of all forage crops in case of grown alone. In case of grown in mixture, however, and inconsistent P.N.D.F. was obtained from orchardgrass. 4. The A-value in case of grown alone was decreased in order of alfalfa>red clover>orchardgrass>birdsfoot trefoil. In contrast, however, the A-value in case of grown in mixture wes decreased in order of orchardgasss+alfalfa (3:7)>orchardgrass+red clover (3:7)>orchardgrass+red clover (3:7)>orchardgrass+alfalfa(5:5)>orchardgrass+birdsfoot trefoil (5:5)>orchardgrass+red clover (5:5)>orchardgrass+birdsfoot trefoil (3:7).

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