• Title/Summary/Keyword: 단기간

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The Effects of Short Term Schroth Exercise on the Cobb Angle, Angle of Trunk Rotation, Cosmetic Appearance, and Quality of Life in Idiopathic Scoliosis (단기간 슈로스(Schroth) 운동이 특발성 척추측만증 환자의 척추측만각도(Cobb Angle), 몸통회전도, 외형 그리고 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ji-Seon;Lee, Sook;Lim, Dong-Hwan;Cho, Eun-Woo;Seo, Dong-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2017
  • PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to describe the effects of short term Schroth exercise on the Cobb angle, angle of trunk rotation (ATR), cosmetic appearance, and quality of life (QOL) in idiopathic scoliosis patients. METHODS: Five subjects with idiopathic scoliosis, (female, 3; male, 2) curvature type: thoracic, 2; lumbar, 3 underwent short term Schroth exercise for seven days. The exercise was performed for 3 h long sessions per day. The Cobb angle and QOL were measured before and after the intervention. ATR and cosmetic appearance were measured once. Sessions consisted of one baseline, seven intervention and three follow-up phases. The sessions were conducted with a one day interval. RESULTS: After the intervention, the Cobb angle was found to be significantly improve (p <.05), while the QOL did not differ (p>.05). The ATR showed decreased trends in the intervention phase. Data points during the intervention and follow-up phases showed a decrease in comparison with data points at the baseline, indicating that Schroth exercise might be effective in reducing the ATR and that these effects can be maintained after the intervention. Cosmetic appearance did not showed changed trends during the Schroth exercise intervention phase. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that short term Schroth exercise may be valuable in improving the Cobb angle and ATR in patients with idiopathic scoliosis.

A Study on Sampling Techniques to Assure the Representativeness of Short-term Equivalent Noise Level (단기간 소음도의 대표성 확보를 위한 소음도 추출기법 연구)

  • Ryu, Hun Jae;Ko, Joon Hee;Chang, Seo Il;Lee, Byung Chan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.1213-1219
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to present a guideline to design a short-term manual measurement of environmental noise level, which is more economical and flexible, but less representative than long-term automatic measurement. The proposed guideline can provide the number of measurement times and the length of measurement term required to secure the extent of the representativeness. The data was collected at 4 sites located in Seoul and at 4 sites located outside of Seoul. The probabilities for five-minute equivalent noise levels, Leq, 5min, to stay in an error range from the quarterly representative noise level were used to evaluate sampling techniques. The probability analysis of the daytime period showed that the noise levels measured between 10 am and 2 pm and between 9 pm and 10 pm have the probabilities higher than 60 %. On the other hand, even for the same length of total measurement time, increasing the number of random samplings results in higher probabilities than increasing the length of measurement term.

Influence of Salinity Treatment on Seed Germination and Polyamine Synthesis in Barnyard Grass(Echinochloa hispidula) (강피종자의 발아와 폴리아민 생합성에 대한 염류의 영향)

  • Yun, Sol;Lee, Su-Yeon;Lim, Hyo-Jin;Shim, Myoung-Bo;Sung, Jwa-Kyung;Kim, Tae-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2004
  • To illuminate the physiological response to salinity, barnyard grass (Echinochloa hispidula) was germinated with high concentration of NaCl and KCL. Duration and promptness of seed germination were observed. Under salt stress, lipid peroxidation and polyamine biosynthesis were also analyzed. It appeared that high salt treatments per se did not provoke an inhibition of germination although the process of germination was significantly delayed. In context of lipid peroxidation and polyamine biosynthesis, we would imply that barnyard grass is tolerant to salinity. The increase in lipid peroxidation and putrescine content was prolonged only for 1 day after saline treatment. It could be concluded that these early acciimulation of putrescine and production of lipid peroxide seems to be associated with salt tolerance in the short-term. The physiological interest of these responses was discussed.

The Covering of the Suture Area with an Absorbable Cellulose Mesh and Fibrin Glue in Bullectomy of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax (일차성 자연기흉의 수술시 흡수성 셀룰로스 망사 및 Fibrin glue의 도포와 재발에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • 허동명;김병호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.393-398
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    • 2001
  • 배경: 일차성 자연기흉의 재발방지를 위해서 폐기포절부위에 흡수성 셀룰로스망사와 Fibrin gluefm 도포하여 수술후 재발율을 줄일 수 있는 지 알아보았다. 대상 및 방법: 1996.4우러부터 2000.6월까지 2명의 술자가 222례의 일차성 자연기흉을 수술하였으며, 수술시기와 치료방법에 따라 4군으로 나누어 비교하였다. 제1군은 1996년부터 1997년가지 비디오흉강경수술 및 기계적 늑막유착술로 시술받은 군(25례), 제 2군은 같은 기간동안 액와개흉술 및 늑막유착술로 시술받은 군(53례), 제 3군은 1998년부터 2000.4월까지 흉강경수술 및 늑만유착술로시술받은 군(110례), 제 4군은 1999.7월부터 2000.6월까지 흉강경수술 및 봉합부위를 셀룰로스망사와 Fibrin glue로 보강한 군(34례)이었다. 각 군간, 엑스선상 기흉의 크기 및 폐기포의 수나 크기에 따라 재발율, 공기누출시간 및 흉관지속지간등을 일반선형모델을 사용하여 비교 분석하였다. 결과: 대상환자는 남자 203례, 여자 19례 이었고, 나이는 14게에서 68세이었고, 평균연령은 23.2$\pm$9.6세였다. 재발한 경우는제 1군이 5례(25%), 제 2군이 2례(3.8%), 제 3군이 5례(4.5%)이었고, 제 4군은 재발례가 없었다. 재발례는 모두 수술자의 수술경험이 2년이내일 때 발생하였다. 흉관지속기간은 제 4군이 제 3군(p<0.0006) 및 제1, 제2군(p<0.0001)에 비해서 더 짧았고, 술후 공기누출이 제 4군에서는 없었다. 술전흉부엑스선상 기흉의 크기에 따른 수술후 기흉의 재발울은 경도의 기흉에서 14.3%(2/14)이었고, 중등도 기흉에서 7.4%(10/134)이었으며, 심한 기흉에서는 재발례가 없었다. 재수술한 12례중 봉합부위근처에서 기포가 발행된 경우가 9례(75%)로 많았다. 결론: 재발방지를 위한 시술로 늑막유착술을 시행하지 않고 폐기포절제부위를 흡수성 셀룰로스망사와 Fibrin glue로 덮어주는 시술은 비교적 용이하며, 수술 후 공기 누출이 없었고, 수술 후 흉관지속기간이 더 짧았고, 단기간 추적에서 재발이 없었다. 재발에 영향을 미치는 것으로 흉부엑스선상 기흉의 크기가 작은 경우에는 재발율이 더 높았고, 수술자의 경험이 중요하였다.

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Nutritional Status of Zinc and Copper in Type 2 Diabetic Patients after Short-term Zinc Supplementation (제 2형 당뇨병 환자에서 단기간 아연 보충에 따른 아연과 구리 영양상태)

  • Oh, Hyun-Mee;Yoon, Jin-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to determine whether a short-term zinc supplementation could improve the zinc status without adverse changes in copper status among type 2 diabetic patients. Seventy-six diabetic subjects and 72 normal adults participated in this study. Subjects were randomly divided into supplemented and control groups. Forty-four diabetic patients and 34 normal subjects were supplemented with 50 mg zinc gluconate daily for 4 weeks. Dietary intakes of participants were measured for two non-consecutive days by 24-hour recall method. Nutritional status of zinc and copper were also evaluated by biochemical measurement of fasting plasma samples and spot urinary collection. At baseline, diabetic patients showed significantly lower levels of dietary zinc intake and higher urinary zinc excretion than the normal adult group(p<0.05, p<0.0001). Plasma level of zinc was not significantly different between diabetic and normal adults at baseline. However, plasma zinc level increased significantly in both diabetic patients and normal adults after zinc supplementation. The changes in plasma copper levels following zinc supplementation were not statistically significant in diabetic subjects as well as in normal adults. These results indicated that four weeks of zinc supplementation did not influence Cu status and that it may contribute to improving the zinc status. Therefore, we suggest that Zn supplementation for a short-term period may improve marginal zinc status of diabetic patients without interfering with their copper status

The Concept and Clinical Application for the Measurement of Heart Rate Variability (심박동수 변이(Heart Rate Variability) 측정법의 개념과 임상적 활용)

  • Woo, Jong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2004
  • In this article, the effects of stress on central nerve system and heart function and the concept of heart rate variability were reviewed. HRV(Heart Rate Variability), the periodical change of the heart rate, is indicated larger in the healthier because they respond flexibly to various sorts of facts influencing on HR. HRV analysis is largely composed of the time domain analysis and the frequency analysis. In the former the flexibility of heart function is analysed, while in the latter autonomic nerve function is examined, which is the degree of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve activity and the state of balance. Furthermore, existence or nonexistence of disease and/or level of stress can be estimated by measuring the variability and normality of heart rate, and balance of autonomic nerve system, and through HRV biofeedback the symptoms of anxiety disorder or asthma can be reduced.

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In Vitro Regeneration of Carcinogen Thioacetamide Treated Rat Hepatocytes (Thioacetamide처리한 백서간세포의 in vitro 상에서의 재분열)

  • Yoo, So-Young;Kim, Kyu-Won;Lee, Hye-Jeong;Choi, Yong-Chun
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 1996
  • Thioacetamide is a non-genotoxic carcinogen, a protein modifying agent. It causes nucleolar hypertrophy in short term treatment. In the present work, thioacetamide treated hepatocytes were observed in vivo and in vitro conditions. After 7 day treatment of rat liver with thioacetamide, the hepatocyte nucleoli were enlarged and their signalling molecules such as B23 and p38 MAPK were increased. When these hepatocytes were released by collagenases and were grown under the conditions of gene therapy grade tissue culture system, the enlarged nucleoli were further enlarged. The B23 content was again increased under in vitro conditions. From these experiments, it is clear that the hepatocytes possess approximately 100 fold flexibility of nucleolar capacity. It is suggested that thioacetamide enhances the ribosome genesis and exaggerates the nucleologenesis ability.

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Effect of Sodium Acetate and Calcium Chloride on Characteristics of Kakdugj (Sodium Acetate와 Calcium Chloride를 첨가한 깍두기의 특성)

  • Um, Jin-Young;Kim, Kwang-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.140-144
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    • 1990
  • This study was undertaken to examine if sodium acetate and/or calcium chloride would increase the firmness and/or retard rancidity of Kakdugj (Korean seasoned pickles of cubed radish roots) during short $(at\;20^{\circ}C)$ or long $(at\;4^{\circ}C)$ period of fermentation During the fermentation periods, pH and acidity were higher in Kakdugis containing 0.3 or 0.6% Na-acetate than in the other samples at both storage temperatures. Firmness was increased with addition of 0.05% Calcium chloride and synergistic effect on firmness was observed when Calcium chloride and Na-acetate were added together. Sourness did not decreased in samples containing 0.3% Na-acetate at either fermentation periods but decreased in those containing 0.6% Na-acetate and stored for long. Saltiness was increased slightly with the addition of Calcium chloride. Compression test gave closer result to sensory evaluation than puncture test In the measurement of firmness with Instron.

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In Vitro Culture Following Purfication of Mouse Spermatogenic Cells (생쥐 정자세포의 분리와 체외 배양에 관한 연구)

  • 김묘경;김진회;이상민;정/하해숙;이훈택;정길생
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 1996
  • This study was carried out to establish the in vitro short-term culture system of developing male germ cells by purifing germ cells of various stages. The decapulated testicular cells were incubated with collagenase (lmg/ml) and try psin (2.5mg/ml) in HBSS. After separating male germ cell, the separated germ cells were stained with heamatoxylin/eosin and determined developing stages under light microscopy. The purity of pachtene spermatocytes a and round spermatid were 85%, respectively. Yield of total male germ cells was highly variable between individuals, with a mean value of 3.5 to 4.5 ${\times}$ 10$^7$ cells/testis. Viability of the cell was over 97% after separation. In DMEM medium, the optimal cell number for culture is approximately 1 x 10$^5$ cells/dish, but low cell den-sities than 1 ${\times}$ 10$^5$ cell/dish showed a decreased cell viability. Furthermore, about :36.8% of pac-hytene cells was successfully cultured for 6 days and some of cells were developed to secondary spermatids and round spermatids. Therefore, our data suggested that this culture conditions will be utilize as a feasible tools to produce tran-sgenic livestock using techniques such as intrac-ytoplasmic injection and cell fusion.

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The Effects of Drugs, including Alcohol, on Ocular Health and Contact Lens Wear (약물과 알코올이 눈과 콘택트렌즈에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jae-Min
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2000
  • This review on ocular toxicology concentrates on the effects on ocular health and contact lens wear induced by systemically used drugs, including alcohol. Many systemically administered drugs produce ocular adverse effects. Fortunately, relatively few are capable of causing significant, irreversible visual impairment. The visual symptoms of acute intoxication are as follows : Drop in vision/visual acuity, diplopia, poor dark adaptation, increase in time for glare recovery, early cataract, decreased depth perception, blue-yellow or red-green colour defect and visual hallucinations. Blinking pattern, tear production, and discoloration of contact lenses can be affected by some systemic or local ocular medications. The cornea, conjunctiva, or eyelids may react to some systemic medications and to some preservatives used in contact lens solutions. The hydrogel contact lens act as a drug reservoir that emits the drug over time. I discuss management of contact lens-induced infectious and inflammatory conditions.

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