• Title/Summary/Keyword: 다음 MAP

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Multi-Depth Map Fusion Technique from Depth Camera and Multi-View Images (깊이정보 카메라 및 다시점 영상으로부터의 다중깊이맵 융합기법)

  • 엄기문;안충현;이수인;김강연;이관행
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents a multi-depth map fusion method for the 3D scene reconstruction. It fuses depth maps obtained from the stereo matching technique and the depth camera. Traditional stereo matching techniques that estimate disparities between two images often produce inaccurate depth map because of occlusion and homogeneous area. Depth map obtained from the depth camera is globally accurate but noisy and provide a limited depth range. In order to get better depth estimates than these two conventional techniques, we propose a depth map fusion method that fuses the multi-depth maps from stereo matching and the depth camera. We first obtain two depth maps generated from the stereo matching of 3-view images. Moreover, a depth map is obtained from the depth camera for the center-view image. After preprocessing each depth map, we select a depth value for each pixel among them. Simulation results showed a few improvements in some background legions by proposed fusion technique.

Development of Digital Map On-demand Updating System (수치지도 수시갱신 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Kee;Lee, Dong-Ju;Jung, Sung-Heuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.537-546
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    • 2008
  • The digital map has been updated in every five years in the past. However, it has been changed to make corrections and updated in every two years for metropolitan region and every four years for other regions since year 2008. Although, the correctness and reliability were decreased and updating work is being delayed due to the updating work in a lump. The period update spends a lot of money because this method uses aerial photogrammetry, and the digital map has the time gap between periods. Therefore, this study provides information necessary for digital map produced by the government and develops digital map production system based on objects which can be updated frequently in order to save state and local government budgets that double investment are generated to update digital map. In order to analyze usefulness of the developed system, subject area was selected and errors of updated data were analyzed. As the result of analysis, checked 66 errors were corrected and saved in the database.

Performance Analysis of SOVA by Robust Equalization, Techniques in Nongaussian Noise Channel (비가우시안 잡음 채널에서 Robust 등화기법을 이용한 터보 부호의 SOVA 성능분석)

  • Soh, Surng-Ryurl;Lee, Chang-Bum;Kim, Yung-Kwon;Chung, Boo-Young
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.4 no.2 s.7
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    • pp.257-265
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    • 2000
  • Turbo Code decoder is an iterate decoding technology, which extracts extrinsic information from the bit to be decoded by calculating both forward and backward metrics in each decoding step, and uses the information to the next decoding step. Viterbi decoder, which is for a convolutional code, runs continuous mode, while Turbo Code decoder runs by block unit. There are algorithms used in a decoder : which are MAP(maximum a posteriori) algorithm requiring very complicated calculation and SOVA(soft output Viterbi algorithm) using Viterbi algorithm suggested by Hagenauer, and it is known that the decoding performance of MAP is better. The result of this make experimentation shows that the performance of SOVA, which has half complex algorithm compare to MAP, is almost same as the performance of MAP when the SOVA decoding performance is supplemented with Robust equalization techniques.

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Design of Caching Scheme for Mobile Underground Geospatial Information Map System (모바일용 지하공간정보지도 관리 시스템에서 응답속도 향상을 위한 캐싱 기법)

  • Kim, Yong-Tae;Kouh, Hoon-Joon
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2022
  • Unlike general maps, the underground geospatial Information is a system made to view underground information in a 3D shape. This system is managed by a tile maps to lighten the data. But there are various underground structures in the basement, and the structures are made of 3D data, so the data size is large. Therefore, when a client mobile program requests a tile map, the service server fetches the requested tile map from the DB server and transmits ti to the client, but there is a transmission delay time problem. In this paper, we design the tile cache method to improve the request response speed for the tile map data provided to the client in the mobile underground geospatial information system. We propose a method in which a service server predicts and prefetchs the next tile map while the client is viewing tile map, and stores the prefetching data in the memory of client mobile terminal. Then, the transmission delay time problem can be solved.

A GIS-based Analysis on Geometric Distortions in Historical Maps: A Preliminary Case Study of Daedongyeojido ('The Great Map of Korea') (고지도의 왜곡 양상에 대한 GIS-기반 연구: 대동여지도를 사례로 한 시론적 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Il;Cho, Daeheon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.438-455
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    • 2014
  • This study aims at providing a set of viable answers regarding the projection and cartographic scale of Daedongyeojido through a GIS-based planimetric accuracy analysis. Both global and local analyses were undertaken in the use of an analytical tool, MapAnalyst. The main results from the global analysis are threefold. First, the overall cartographic scale turned out to be between 1:158,000 and 1:162,000. Second, the rotation angles were between $2^{\circ}$ and $3^{\circ}$, and the equidistant cylindrical projection reported the smallest value. Third, in terms of position accuracy, the conformal cylindrical projection showed a best fit to the map. A local analysis was undertaken for the conformal cylindrical and equidistant azimuthal projections and its main results are threefold. First, the largest distortions in terms of the displacement vectors and distortion grid were found in the northern borderlands. Second, from the isoline maps of scales, it was acknowledged that local scales between 1:170,000 and 1:175,000 were found around the middle part of the Korean peninsula centered on Seoul. As away from the region to the north-south direction, increasingly larger scales were distributed, while the smallest ones were found in the western and eastern edges of the peninsula. Third, from the isoline maps of rotation, it was known that areas west of a northernmost city (Junggangjin) were substantially rotated to the west, while ones east of it to the east. For a more sophisticated analysis, some need to be done to have a larger set of control points, a better way of postulating the map projection, and a more advanced set of techniques for a local analysis.

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Extraction of Attentive Objects Using Feature Maps (특징 지도를 이용한 중요 객체 추출)

  • Park Ki-Tae;Kim Jong-Hyeok;Moon Young-Shik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.43 no.5 s.311
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose a technique for extracting attentive objects in images using feature maps, regardless of the complexity of images and the position of objects. The proposed method uses feature maps with edge and color information in order to extract attentive objects. We also propose a reference map which is created by integrating feature maps. In order to create a reference map, feature maps which represent visually attentive regions in images are constructed. Three feature maps including edge map, CbCr map and H map are utilized. These maps contain the information about boundary regions by the difference of intensity or colors. Then the combination map which represents the meaningful boundary is created by integrating the reference map and feature maps. Since the combination map simply represents the boundary of objects we extract the candidate object regions including meaningful boundaries from the combination map. In order to extract candidate object regions, we use the convex hull algorithm. By applying a segmentation algorithm to the area of candidate regions to separate object regions and background regions, real object regions are extracted from the candidate object regions. Experiment results show that the proposed method extracts the attentive regions and attentive objects efficiently, with 84.3% Precision rate and 81.3% recall rate.

Reversible Watermarking Using for Difference Image (차분영상을 이용한 리버서블 워터마킹)

  • Cui Xue-Nan;Kim Jong-Weon;Choi Jong-Uk
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.925-928
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    • 2006
  • 본 논문에서는 영상에 워터마크를 삽입하고 추출하는 동시에 원영상을 복원하는 리버서블 워터마킹 알고리즘을 제안한다. 제안한 알고리즘의 핵심은 워터마크가 삽입된 영상에 변하지 않는 위치정보를 전달하는 것이다. 본 논문에서는 우선 원영상을 odd image와 even image로 분리한 다음odd image에 interpolation 기법을 이용하여 resizing시키고 resizing 된 영상(odd_resize_image)에서 기수항은 그대로 두고 우수항은 기수항과 우수항의 차이값으로 채우는 방법으로 location map을 얻는다. 이 location map 에 의해 워터마크를 삽입위치를 선택하면 추출과정에서도 같은 location map을 이용할 수 있기에 워터마크 삽입위치를 정확하게 판단하여 추출할 수 있고 동시에 원본 영상을 복원할 수 있다. 본 알고리즘은 영상에 변화를 적게 주었기 때문에 높은 비가시성을 보인다. 실험 결과 $256{\times}256$ 영상에서 PSNR이 평균 53.07dB의 우수한 비가시성을 보였다.

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Stereo matching using dynamic programming and image segments (동적 계획법과 이미지 세그먼트를 이용한 스테레오 정합)

  • Dong Won-Pyo;Jeong Chang-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.07b
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    • pp.805-807
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문에서는 동적 계획법(dynamic programming)과 이미지 세그먼트(segment)를 이용한 새로운 스테레오 정합(stereo matching)기법을 제안한다. 일반적으로 동적 계획법(dynamic programming)은 빠르면서도 비교적 정확하고, 조밀(dense)한 disparity map을 얻을 수 있다. 그러나 경계(boundary)근처의 폐색지역(occlusion region)이나, 텍스쳐가 적은 모호한 영역에서는 잘못된 결과를 유도할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제점들을 해결하기 위해 먼저 이미지를 아주 작은 영역으로 분할(over-segmentation)하고, 이런 작은 영역들이 비슷한 disparity를 가질 것이라고 가정한다. 다음으로 동적 계획법(dynamic programming)을 통해 정합을 수행한다. 여기서 계산비용(cost)은 기존의 정합윈도우 안에서 세그먼트 영역을 적용한 새로운 비용함수를 사용하며, 이 새로운 비용함수를 통해 정확도를 높인다. 마지막으로 동적 계획법을 통하여 얻어진 조밀한 disparity map을 세그먼트 영역들의 시각특성(visibility)과 유사도(similarity)를 이용하여 에러를 찾아내고, 세그먼트 정합을 통해 수정함으로 정확한 disparity map을 찾아낸다.

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Performance Analysis of MAP Algorithm by Robust Equalization Techniques in Nongaussian Noise Channel (비가우시안 잡음 채널에서 Robust 등화기법을 이용한 터보 부호의 MAP 알고리즘 성능분석)

  • 소성열
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.25 no.9A
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    • pp.1290-1298
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    • 2000
  • Turbo Code decoder is an iterate decoding technology, which extracts extrinsic information from the bit to be decoded by calculating both forward and backward metrics, and uses the information to the next decoding step Turbo Code shows excellent performance, approaching Shannon Limit at the view of BER, when the size of Interleaver is big and iterate decoding is run enough. But it has the problems which are increased complexity and delay and difficulty of real-time processing due to Interleaver and iterate decoding. In this paper, it is analyzed that MAP(maximum a posteriori) algorithm which is used as one of Turbo Code decoding, and the factor which determines its performance. MAP algorithm proceeds iterate decoding by determining soft decision value through the environment and transition probability between all adjacent bits and received symbols. Therefore, to improve the performance of MAP algorithm, the trust between adjacent received symbols must be ensured. However, MAP algorithm itself, can not do any action for ensuring so the conclusion is that it is needed more algorithm, so to decrease iterate decoding. Consequently, MAP algorithm and Turbo Code performance are analyzed in the nongaussian channel applying Robust equalization technique in order to input more trusted information into MAP algorithm for the received symbols.

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Cloud-Oriented XML Metadata Generation between Heterogeneous Navigation Systems for Unknown Roads (클라우드 환경에서 이기종 네비게이션간의 새로운 도로 정보 업데이트를 위한 XML 메타 데이터 생성)

  • Lee, Seung-Gwan;Choi, Jin-Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2011
  • The roadmap DB update for unknown roads is a very important factor for car navigation systems. In this paper, we propose a cloud computing based roadmap generation method for use between heterogeneous navigation system for unknown roads. While the drivers drive on unknown roads, the proposed method extracts the road attribute information, and then generates the metadata in an XML format that is available for the heterogeneous navigation systems in a cloud environment. The metadata is proposed to be used as a replacement for conventional proprietary roadmap formats which used by roadmap providers, which is efficient for heterogeneous navigation system providers in a cloud computing environment. Then, this metadata is provided to the roadmap DB providers through the cloud computing interfaces. With the proposed method, the roadmap DB providers update the own roadmap DB for navigation systems in real time. Therefore, the proposed method can reduce the costs of an actual traveling test and the maintenance for the roadmap DB provides. Thus, the cloud-oriented road map generation method can more efficiently update the unknown road information.