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Semantic Access Path Generation in Web Information Management (웹 정보의 관리에 있어서 의미적 접근경로의 형성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Wookey
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2003
  • The structuring of Web information supports a strong user side viewpoint that a user wants his/her own needs on snooping a specific Web site. Not only the depth first algorithm or the breadth-first algorithm, but also the Web information is abstracted to a hierarchical structure. A prototype system is suggested in order to visualize and to represent a semantic significance. As a motivating example, the Web test site is suggested and analyzed with respect to several keywords. As a future research, the Web site model should be extended to the whole WWW and an accurate assessment function needs to be devised by which several suggested models should be evaluated.

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Multiple SL-AVS(Small size & Low power Around View System) Synchronization Maintenance Method (다중 SL-AVS 동기화 유지기법)

  • Park, Hyun-Moon;Park, Soo-Huyn;Seo, Hae-Moon;Park, Woo-Chool
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2009
  • Due to the many advantages including low price, low power consumption, and miniaturization, the CMOS camera has been utilized in many applications, including mobile phones, the automotive industry, medical sciences and sensoring, robotic controls, and research in the security field. In particular, the 360 degree omni-directional camera when utilized in multi-camera applications has displayed issues of software nature, interface communication management, delays, and a complicated image display control. Other issues include energy management problems, and miniaturization of a multi-camera in the hardware field. Traditional CMOS camera systems are comprised of an embedded system that consists of a high-performance MCU enabling a camera to send and receive images and a multi-layer system similar to an individual control system that consists of the camera's high performance Micro Controller Unit. We proposed the SL-AVS (Small Size/Low power Around-View System) to be able to control a camera while collecting image data using a high speed synchronization technique on the foundation of a single layer low performance MCU. It is an initial model of the omni-directional camera that takes images from a 360 view drawing from several CMOS camera utilizing a 110 degree view. We then connected a single MCU with four low-power CMOS cameras and implemented controls that include synchronization, controlling, and transmit/receive functions of individual camera compared with the traditional system. The synchronization of the respective cameras were controlled and then memorized by handling each interrupt through the MCU. We were able to improve the efficiency of data transmission that minimizes re-synchronization amongst a target, the CMOS camera, and the MCU. Further, depending on the choice of users, respective or groups of images divided into 4 domains were then provided with a target. We finally analyzed and compared the performance of the developed camera system including the synchronization and time of data transfer and image data loss, etc.

A Study on the Classification and Research Trends of Articles in The Korean Journal of Rural Medicine (한국농촌의학회지(韓國農村醫學會誌)에 게재된 연구논문의 분류 및 연구동향)

  • Wee, You-Mee;Kim, Suk-Il;Park, Hyang;Ryu, So-Yeon;Park, Jong;Kim, Ki-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.231-244
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    • 2000
  • Classification and research trends were studied to analyze a total of 240 original articles that have been published in 34 volumes of The Korean Journal of Rural Medicine from 1976 to 1999. The results were as follows: 1. A total of 337 articles were published. Among them, 240(71.2%) articles were classified as original articles. This number has been increasing significantly over the years as the number of the articles was 13 in the 1970s, 73 in the 1980s, and 154 in the 1990s. 2. There were 10 authors in the original articles and 55(22.9%) of them were written by 3 of them. There were five research institutions involved in the articles, and 106(44.2%) of the articles were done by one research group. 3. In the original articles. 24(10.0%) were noted to be done using research funds, and only 6(2.5%) were written in English. 4. In the view of the research styles of the original articles, 115(47.9%) used analytical study, 92(38.3%) used technical study, 21(9.2%) used experimental study, and 6(2.5%) used case reports. In the 1970s, 13(100.0%) articles used technical study, and in the 1980s, 47(64.4%) used technical studies and 19(26.0%) used analytical studies. However, in the 1990s, 96(62.8%) articles used analytical studies and 32(20.9%) used technical studies. The statistical methods most commonly used in the articles were technical statistics, the ${\chi}^2$-test, and the t-test respectively. 5. On the classification into three different research fields, 105(43.8%) articles were classified as health management, 96(40.0%) as disease epidemiology, and 39(16.3%) as rural environment and rural occupational disorders. In the 1970s, 12 (92.3 %) of the articles were on disease epidemiology and 1(7.7%) on health management were published. In the 1980s, 33(45.2%) articles on disease epidemiology, 29(39.7%) on health control, and 11(15.1%) on rural environment and rural occupational disorders were recorded. In the 1990s, however, 75(48.7%) articles were on health control, 51(33.1%) on disease control, and 28(18.2%) on the rural environment and rural occupational disorders. 6. According to the research subjects in each research field, the 39 articles in rural environment and rural occupational disorders were composed of 8(20.5%) articles on pesticide intoxication, 7(17,9%) on farmer's diseases, 7(17.9%) on vinyl-house diseases, and 6(15.4%) on accidents. From a total of 96 articles in disease epidemiology 56(58.3%) articles were on parasites, 16(16.7%) on non-infectious diseases, 12(12.5) on infectious diseases. From 105 articles in health control 25(23.8%) articles were on medical care utilization patterns, 18(17.1%) on the health care delivery system, and 13(12.4%) on maternal and child health. In the analysis of the 10 most prevalent subjects dealt in the above articles, 6(46.2%) articles were on parasites and 4(30.8%) on non-infectious diseases were recorded in the 1970s. In the 1980s, 28(38.4%) were on parasites. 9(12.3%) on the health care system, 7(9.6%) on medical care utilization patterns, 5(6.8%) on maternal and child health, and 4(5.5%) were on pesticide intoxication. In the 1990s, 22(14.3%) articles were on parasites. 18(11.7%) on medical care utilization patterns, 16(10.4%) on senile health, 14(9.1%) on the health care system, 10(6.5%) on infectious diseases, arid 10(6.5%) were on non-infectious diseases. In conclusion, the research activity on rural health has been strengthened in this country because the original articles in The Korean Journal of Rural Medicine have significantly increased in the past 24 years. In the 1970s and 1980s, research on disease epidemiology was most prevalent, but in the 1990s papers on health care were most popular. In addition, the articles on parasites were most frequently published in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, showing that parasitic problem was the main theme in those eras. However, in the 1990s, it was evident that the articles on parasites were decreasing and articles on the subject of medical care utilization patterns and senile health increased. Hereafter it was expected that research on health care would be more common in rural health in Korea.

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Individual Thinking Style leads its Emotional Perception: Development of Web-style Design Evaluation Model and Recommendation Algorithm Depending on Consumer Regulatory Focus (사고가 시각을 바꾼다: 조절 초점에 따른 소비자 감성 기반 웹 스타일 평가 모형 및 추천 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim, Keon-Woo;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.171-196
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    • 2018
  • With the development of the web, two-way communication and evaluation became possible and marketing paradigms shifted. In order to meet the needs of consumers, web design trends are continuously responding to consumer feedback. As the web becomes more and more important, both academics and businesses are studying consumer emotions and satisfaction on the web. However, some consumer characteristics are not well considered. Demographic characteristics such as age and sex have been studied extensively, but few studies consider psychological characteristics such as regulatory focus (i.e., emotional regulation). In this study, we analyze the effect of web style on consumer emotion. Many studies analyze the relationship between the web and regulatory focus, but most concentrate on the purpose of web use, particularly motivation and information search, rather than on web style and design. The web communicates with users through visual elements. Because the human brain is influenced by all five senses, both design factors and emotional responses are important in the web environment. Therefore, in this study, we examine the relationship between consumer emotion and satisfaction and web style and design. Previous studies have considered the effects of web layout, structure, and color on emotions. In this study, however, we excluded these web components, in contrast to earlier studies, and analyzed the relationship between consumer satisfaction and emotional indexes of web-style only. To perform this analysis, we collected consumer surveys presenting 40 web style themes to 204 consumers. Each consumer evaluated four themes. The emotional adjectives evaluated by consumers were composed of 18 contrast pairs, and the upper emotional indexes were extracted through factor analysis. The emotional indexes were 'softness,' 'modernity,' 'clearness,' and 'jam.' Hypotheses were established based on the assumption that emotional indexes have different effects on consumer satisfaction. After the analysis, hypotheses 1, 2, and 3 were accepted and hypothesis 4 was rejected. While hypothesis 4 was rejected, its effect on consumer satisfaction was negative, not positive. This means that emotional indexes such as 'softness,' 'modernity,' and 'clearness' have a positive effect on consumer satisfaction. In other words, consumers prefer emotions that are soft, emotional, natural, rounded, dynamic, modern, elaborate, unique, bright, pure, and clear. 'Jam' has a negative effect on consumer satisfaction. It means, consumer prefer the emotion which is empty, plain, and simple. Regulatory focus shows differences in motivation and propensity in various domains. It is important to consider organizational behavior and decision making according to the regulatory focus tendency, and it affects not only political, cultural, ethical judgments and behavior but also broad psychological problems. Regulatory focus also differs from emotional response. Promotion focus responds more strongly to positive emotional responses. On the other hand, prevention focus has a strong response to negative emotions. Web style is a type of service, and consumer satisfaction is affected not only by cognitive evaluation but also by emotion. This emotional response depends on whether the consumer will benefit or harm himself. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the difference of the consumer's emotional response according to the regulatory focus which is one of the characteristics and viewpoint of the consumers about the web style. After MMR analysis result, hypothesis 5.3 was accepted, and hypothesis 5.4 was rejected. But hypothesis 5.4 supported in the opposite direction to the hypothesis. After validation, we confirmed the mechanism of emotional response according to the tendency of regulatory focus. Using the results, we developed the structure of web-style recommendation system and recommend methods through regulatory focus. We classified the regulatory focus group in to three categories that promotion, grey, prevention. Then, we suggest web-style recommend method along the group. If we further develop this study, we expect that the existing regulatory focus theory can be extended not only to the motivational part but also to the emotional behavioral response according to the regulatory focus tendency. Moreover, we believe that it is possible to recommend web-style according to regulatory focus and emotional desire which consumers most prefer.

Professional Speciality of Communication Administration and, Occupational Group and Series Classes of Position in National Public Official Law -for Efficiency of Telecommunication Management- (통신행정의 전문성과 공무원법상 직군렬 - 전기통신의 관리들 중심으로-)

  • 조정현
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.26-27
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    • 1978
  • It can be expected that intelligence and knowledge will be the core of the post-industrial society in a near future. Accordingly, the age of intelligence shall be accelerated extensively to find ourselves in an age of 'Communication' service enterprise. The communication actions will increase its efficiency and multiply its utility, indebted to its scientic principles and legal idea. The two basic elements of communication action, that is, communication station and communication men are considered to perform their function when they are properly supported and managed by the government administration. Since the communication action itself is composed of various factors, the elements such as communication stations and officials must be cultivated and managed by specialist or experts with continuous and extensive study practices concerned. With the above mind, this study reviewed our public service officials law with a view to improve it by providing some suggestions for communication experts and researchers to find suitable positions in the framework of government administration. In this study, I would like to suggest 'Occupational Group of Communication' that is consisted of a series of comm, management positions and research positions in parallel to the existing series of comm, technical position. The communication specialist or expert is required to be qualified with necessary scientific knowledge and techniques of communication, as well as prerequisites as government service officials. Communication experts must succeed in the first hand to obtain government licence concerned in with the government law and regulation, and international custom before they can be appointed to the official positions. This system of licence-prior-to-appointment is principally applied in the communication management position. And communication research positions are for those who shall engage themselves to the work of study and research in the field of both management and technical nature. It is hopefully expected that efficient and extensive management of communication activities, as well as scientific and continuous study over than communication enterprise will be upgraded at national dimensions.

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A Study on the Historical Origin of Private Security Industry in Korea (우리나라 보안산업의 역사적 기원에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Moo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.22
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    • pp.91-111
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    • 2010
  • Around the middle of the ninth century the strict bone-rank system of Silla frustrated many people who had political ambition but lacked nobility. They had to seek other ways, including maritime trade. Such an undertaking reflected and also increased their economic and military power. Trade prospered with T'ang China and with Japan as well. The threat of piracy to Silla's thriving maritime trade caused to create a succession of garrisons at important coastal points. Chonghae Jin (Chonghae garrison) was regarded as the most important of these. It was established in 828 by Chang Pogo. Chonghae Jin was on Wando, an island just east of the southwestern tip of Korea and a key place at this time in the trade between China, Korea, and Japan. From this vantage point Chang Pogo became a merchant-prince with extensive holdings and commercial interests in China and with trade contacts with Japan. Although piracy was rampant in East Asia at that time, either the Chinese or Silla government was not able to control it due to inner political strife and lack of policing resources. Infuriated by the piracy and the government's inability to control it, Chang Pogo came back to Silla to fight against the pirates and to protect maritime trade. He persuaded the king of Silla and was permitted to control the private armed forces to sweep away the pirates. In 829 he was appointed Commissioner of Chonghae-Jin with the mission of curbing piracy in that region. Chang's forces were created to protect people from pirates, but also developed into traders among Silla Korea, T'ang China, and Japan in the 9th century. This was geographically possible because the Chonghae Garrison was situated at the midpoint of Korea, China, and Japan, and also because Chang's naval forces actually dominated the East Asia Sea while patrolling sea-lanes. Based on these advantages, Chang Pogo made a great fortune, which might be collected from a charge for protecting people from pirates and the trades with China and Japan. Chang's forces could be termed the first private security company in the Korean history, at least in terms of historical documents. Based on historical documents, the numbers of private soldiers might be estimated to exceed tens of thousands at least, since Chang's forces alone were recorded to be more than ten thousand. Because local powers and aristocratic elites were said to have thousands of armed forces respectively, the extent of private forces was assumed to be vast, although they were available only to the privileged class. In short, the domination of Chang's forces was attributable to the decline of central government and its losing control over local powers. In addition it was not possible without advanced technologies in shipbuilding and navigation.

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Effect of Continuous Cultivation Years on Soil Properties, Weed Occurrence, and Rice Yield in No-tillage Machine Transplanting and Direct Dry-seeding Culture of Rice (벼 무경운 기계이앙 및 건답직파 연속재배년수가 토양특성, 잡초발생 및 벼 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hong-Kyu;Kim, Sang-Su;Choi, Won-Yong;Lee, Ki-Sang;Lee, Jae-Kil
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2002
  • This experiment was conducted to figure out the change of soil physical properties, rice growth and yield with the years of continuous cultivation in direct dry-seeding and no-tillage machine transplanting. Experiments were conducted at NHAES(National Honam Agricultural Experiment Station, RDA, Iksan, Cheon Buk Province, South Korea) with a rice variety "Dongjinbyeo" from 1995 to 2000. In no-tillage machine transplanting cultivation, organic matter in soil was higher than that on direct dry-seeding and was significantly high in topsoil. Problematic weed species were E. crus-galli B., A. keisak H., and L. japonica M. Plant height and tiller number m-2 were higher in common-tillage during the total growth duration. The highest weedy rice occurrence of 27.5% was observed in live years' continuous direct dry-seeding and followed by 6.2%, in four years', and 3.7%, in three years'. The highest yield reduction of 38% was observed in five years' continuous direct dry-seeding. The reduction may resulted from the competition between weedy rice and cultivated rice.

Characterizing Strategy of Emotional sympathetic Robots in Animation and Movie - Focused on Appearance and Behavior tendency Analysis - (애니메이션 및 영화에 등장하는 정서교감형 로봇의 캐릭터라이징 전략 - 외형과 행동 경향성 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Beom-Yeol;Yang, Se-Hyeok
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.48
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    • pp.85-116
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze conditions that robots depicted in cinematographic works like animations or movies sympathize with and form an attachment with the nuclear person and organize characterizing strategies for emotional sympathetic robots. Along with the development of technology, the areas of artificial intelligence and robots are no longer considered to belong to science fiction but as realistic issues. Therefore, this author assumes that the expressive characteristics of emotional sympathetic robots created by cinematographic works should be used as meaningful factors in expressively embodying human-friendly service robots to be distributed widely afterwards, that is, in establishing the features of characters. To lay the grounds for it, this research has begun. As the subjects of analysis, this researcher has chosen robot characters whose emotional intimacy with the main person is clearly observed among those found in movies and animations produced after the 1920 when robot's contemporary concept was declared. Also, to understand robots' appearance and behavioral tendency, this study (1) has classified robots' external impressions into five types (human-like, cartoon, tool-like, artificial bring, pet or creature) and (2) has classified behavioral tendencies considered to be the outer embodiment of personality by using DiSC, the tool to diagnose behavioral patterns. Meanwhile, it has been observed that robots equipped with high emotional intimacy are all strongly independent about their duties and indicate great emotional acceptance. Therefore, 'influence' and 'Steadiness' types show great emotional acceptance, the influencing type tends to be highly independent, and the 'Conscientiousness' type tends to indicate less emotional acceptance and independency in general. Yet, according to the analysis on external impressions, appearance factors hardly have any significant relationship with emotional sympathy. It implies that regarding the conditions of robots equipped with great emotional sympathy, emotional sympathy grounded on communication exerts more crucial effects than first impression similarly to the process of forming interpersonal relationship in reality. Lastly, to study the characters of robots, it is absolutely needed to have consilient competence embracing different areas widely. This author also has felt that only with design factors or personality factors, it is hard to estimate robot characters and also analyze a vast amount of information demanded in sympathy with humans entirely. However, this researcher will end this thesis as the foundation for it expecting that the general artistic value of animations can be used preciously afterwards in developing robots that have to be studied interdisciplinarily.

Quality Control of Upper Gastrointestinal Series(UGIS) by The Image Quality Evaluation Table of Korea and Japan (한.일 화질평가표에 의한 우리나라 위장조영검사의 품질관리)

  • Oh, Hye-Kyong;Kim, Jung-Min;Kim, Chang-Gyun;Park, Young-Seon;Seon, Jong-Ryul;Choi, In-Seok
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.277-285
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    • 2011
  • To determine the quality control of UGIS, we acquired 105 patients sampling image at 21 general screening centers. The results of image quality evaluation table containing two countries's UGIS showed that the mean of image qualified education table of our country was 73.3 and the standard error was 4.49; In addition, 19 organizations of 21 general screening centers were given appropriate judgement. The average of image qualified education table of Japan was 58 and the standard error was 4.45. Only 8 organizations were given appropriate judgement. Although we made the image quality evaluation tables with same images, there were many differences in the result of two tables. We figured out the problem about the description of whole stomach and photograph skills. Furthermore, we analysed the situation of the UGIS at each general screening center with the acquired images. The biggest problem of the UGIS of our country was that the procedures were performed without clear medical methods. Methods of UGIS were different at every 21 general screening centers, and most of them did not take exam of anterior surface of stomach of the UGIS. In addition, some general screening centers did not include mucosal relief method or esophagography which is required to include in the image qualified education table of our country. Because polisography is used in the same body position, the problem occured about indiscreet exposure dose of patients. Therefore we have to make an effort to get X-ray images which have enough diagnosis information by the quality control of UGIS.

The Efficiency of Bank Underwriting of Corporate Securities in Korea (국내 자본시장 증권인수기능의 효율성에 관한 연구 : 은행계열과 비은행계열 금융기관 비교 분석)

  • Baek, Jae-Seung;Lim, Chan-Woo
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.181-208
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    • 2010
  • In July 2007, Korean government has passed "The Capital Market and Financial Investment Services Act" to further develop the capital markets and the Act was to become effective in February 2009. Using a large sample of Korean firms, we have examined (i) the effect of underwriting activities on the firm value (bond spread) comparing commercial bank and investment bank, and (ii) the determinants of the firm value changes following underwriting activities of bank. To test our goal, we collected a wide range of samples of data for bond issuing activities executed by Korean firms listed on the Korea Stock Exchange (KSE) between 2000 and 2003. Our paper is distinguished from previous studies on this subject in a way that we analyzed the effect of corporate bond underwriting activities with regard to commercial banking and investment banking. Initially, we set up a hypothesis that "Certification View" and "Conflict-of-interest View" are major driving forces behind cross-firm differences in performance following bond issuance. We find that, in general, underwriting by investment bank (securities company) brings a positive effect on the firm value (spread between bench mark rate and bond issuing rate). This result indicates that firm value has been negatively affected by the bank underwriting and provides the evidence for "Conflict-of-interest View" in Korea. Our studies have also revealed that any change in firm value following bond issuance is positively related with the firm size (total asset), operating performance, liquidity (cashflow), and equity ownership by foreign investors. Overall, our results support the view that bank underwriting activities can play an important role in determining firm value and financial strategies under "The Capital Market and Financial Investment Services Act" of 2007.

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