• Title/Summary/Keyword: 다각형면

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A study on the evolution of granite hill on the west coast area (서해안의 화강암 암체 지형 발달에 대한 연구 - 반발 강도와 화학 조성 특징을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jong Yeon;Yang, Dong Yun;Shin, Won Jeong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.19-40
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    • 2014
  • Rock rebound values and chemical compositions of Gamak island at Sangha, Gochang, Jeollabuk do are analysed as a part of geomorphic survey of that area. Some corestones are formed by deep weathering found from the summit of rock mass of Gamak island, while the rocks a part of weathering front are exposed at the foot of the island. Rebound values of rock increase toward coastal plain, so summit would be weak in resistance to erosion. It can be assumed that chemical weathering is more active at the summit by the chemical index of alteration and changes in chemical composition ratio. However it should be mentioned that the samples are taken from the surface of the rock mass that more fresh part will be exposed when the weathered parts are removed. The chemical composition and CIA values of the polygonal cracks found from on the surface of weathering rind showed that this part has values between those of the summit and the footslope. The bottom of weathering rind with polygonal cracks has higher CIA value than those of the surface. Though it supports the result from the Bisul Mt., there also difference in the ratio of SiO2. It looks caused by the difference in weathering environment and chemical difference in parent rock. In summary Gamak island is the remnants of weathering front after removal of weathered material. The removal processes are more active at the footslope where the coastal processes are stronger than the summit.

Automatic Change Detection Based on Areal Feature Matching in Different Network Data-sets (이종의 도로망 데이터 셋에서 면 객체 매칭 기반 변화탐지)

  • Kim, Jiyoung;Huh, Yong;Yu, Kiyun;Kim, Jung Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.6_1
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    • pp.483-491
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    • 2013
  • By a development of car navigation systems and mobile or positioning technology, it increases interest in location based services, especially pedestrian navigation systems. Updating of digital maps is important because digital maps are mass data and required to short updating cycle. In this paper, we proposed change detection for different network data-sets based on areal feature matching. Prior to change detection, we defined type of updating between different network data-sets. Next, we transformed road lines into areal features(block) that are surrounded by them and calculated a shape similarity between blocks in different data-sets. Blocks that a shape similarity is more than 0.6 are selected candidate block pairs. Secondly, we detected changed-block pairs by bipartite graph clustering or properties of a concave polygon according to types of updating, and calculated Fr$\acute{e}$chet distance between segments within the block or forming it. At this time, road segments of KAIS map that Fr$\acute{e}$chet distance is more than 50 are extracted as updating road features. As a result of accuracy evaluation, a value of detection rate appears high at 0.965. We could thus identify that a proposed method is able to apply to change detection between different network data-sets.

The Program Development with Curve of Constant Width for the Math-Gifted in Elementary school (정폭도형을 활용한 초등수학영재 프로그램 개발 및 적용 결과 분석 연구)

  • Baek, Kyung Hwa;Cho, Youngmi
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.201-217
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    • 2013
  • This study intends to develop and apply elementary mathematics program for gifted students based on a 'constant width shape' in order to keep pace with the STEAM education which is becoming the main issue and therefore, it set up research subject as follows; To introduce constant width shapes through 'a circle' which is a constant width shape under present education process and based on this, to search a theory about constant width shapes and reuleaux triangles. To arrange an elementary mathematics program for gifted students according to the part 3 enrichment study model of Renzulli. To revise supplement the program on the basis of field application result twice and then to materialize the program. It is expected that the developed program and study data will suggest mathematical ideas and direction of materials development in education sites of elementary mathematics program for gifted students.

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Pollen Morphology of the Woody Fabaceae in Korea (한국에서 생육하는 콩과 목본식물의 화분형태)

  • Song, Unsook
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.87-108
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    • 2007
  • The pollen morphology of 31 taxa, representing all woody species from 12 genera of Fabaceae in Korea, was examined by light microscope and scanning electron microscope. The pollen grains were monad and prolate spheroidal or rarely subprolate in equatorial view. The pollen grain aperture was trizonocolporate or rarely trizonooperculate, which does not occur in the other families of Fabales in Korea. The exine showed a great variety of sculpture pattern, i.e. psilate, microperforate, densely microperforate, perforate, polygonal perforate, macroperforate, macroperforate with granules in holes, polygonal macroperforate, verrucate with pitted perforate striae, verrucate-perforate, granulate, rugulate, reticulate or refined reticulate. The pollen morphological data supported the idea that the genera Echinosophora and Sophora were congeneric. Caragana (Galegeae) was quite close to the Sophora group (Maackia, Sophora and Echinosophora) of the Sophoreae in each measured pollen parameter and exine sculpture pattern. Eleven genera of Fabaceae were recognized based on differences in aperture type, pollen grain shape and exine pattern, and a generic pollen key of the woody Fabaceae in Korea was developed. A key to pollen types of Lespedeza was also suggested. The examined taxa of Coronilla and Wisteria were recognized by their exine patterns.

A Study on the Use Planning of Geomorphic Resources within Biseulsan(Mt. Biseul), in Daegu City (대구 비슬산지 내 지형자원의 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon;Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2004
  • There are various granite landforms including block stream(natural monument No. 435) within Mt. Biseul, in Daegu city. The Daegyunsa(temple) and community of rhododendron around the summit of the mountain provide visitors many objects o( interest in cultural & ecological heritage. This paper aimed to develope nature trails of various type according to visitor's characteristics. 1) Various granite landforms develope along with the main path up the mountain(block stream-gnamma-exfoliation-poligonal cracking-talus-core stone-sheeting joint-tor-free face-high flat summit). 2) The explanatory note on terminology, origin, characteristics of geomorphic resources are developed in this paper for the first time. 3) In Consideration of the path line of flow of visitor, the best field study sites and the most effective nature trails are designed for visitor. 4) Three nature tails are designed for visitor according to the type and the length of visitor's stay.

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Automatic 3D Object Digitizing and Its Accuracy Using Point Cloud Data (점군집 데이터에 의한 3차원 객체도화의 자동화와 정확도)

  • Yoo, Eun-Jin;Yun, Seong-Goo;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2012
  • Recent spatial information technology has brought innovative improvement in both efficiency and accuracy. Especially, airborne LiDAR system(ALS) is one of the practical sensors to obtain 3D spatial information. Constructing reliable 3D spatial data infrastructure is world wide issue and most of the significant tasks involved with modeling manmade objects. This study aims to create a test data set for developing automatic building modeling methods by simulating point cloud data. The data simulates various roof types including gable, pyramid, dome, and combined polyhedron shapes. In this study, a robust bottom-up method to segment surface patches was proposed for generating building models automatically by determining model key points of the objects. The results show that building roofs composed of the segmented patches could be modeled by appropriate mathematical functions and the model key points. Thus, 3D digitizing man made objects could be automated for digital mapping purpose.

3D Model Retrieval using Distribution of Interpolated Normal Vectors on Simplified Mesh (간략화된 메쉬에서 보간된 법선 벡터의 분포를 이용한 3차원 모델 검색)

  • Kim, A-Mi;Song, Ju-Whan;Gwun, Ou-Bong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.1692-1700
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes the direction distribution of surface normal vectors as a feature descriptor of three-dimensional models. Proposed the feature descriptor handles rotation invariance using a principal component analysis(PCA) method, and performs mesh simplification to make it robust and nonsensitive against noise addition. Our method picks samples for the distribution of normal vectors to be proportional to the area of each polygon, applies weight to the normal vectors, and applies interpolation to enhance discrimination so that the information on the surface with less area may be less reflected on composing a feature descriptor. This research measures similarity between models with a L1-norm in the probability density histogram where the distances of feature descriptors are normalized. Experimental results have shown that the proposed method has improved the retrieval performance described in an average normalized modified retrieval rank(ANMRR) by about 17.2% and the retrieval performance described in a quantitative discrimination scale by 9.6%~17.5% as compared to the existing method.

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Trichome morphology of Fallopia sect. Reynoutria (Polygonaceae) in Korea (한국산 닭의덩굴속 호장근절 (마디풀과) 식물의 털의 형태와 분류)

  • Moon, Hye-Kyoung;Park, Jin Hee;Park, Chong-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2011
  • The microstructure of the leaf epidermis and trichomes of Fallopia sect. Reynoutria are examined using scanning electron microscopy. Fallopia sachalinensis was distinguished from other taxa in this section by its prominent epicuticular wax layer consisting of protruding wax rodlets. In addition, epicuticular rodlets of F. sachalinensis individuals from Ullung Island and Dok Island appear to be thinner than those from other regions, including Japan and Sakhalin. The stomatal size appears to be related to the ploidy level in the sect. Reynoutria, as the hexaploids, octoploids and dodecaploids tend to have larger stomata as compared to tetraploids. Three basic types of trichomes were found in the section; (1) conical unicellular trichomes, (2) uniseriate filiform trichome consisting of 1-8 cells, and (3) peltate glandular trichomes. The trichome types and their distribution appear to be useful in distinguishing the taxa in the section.

An Efficient Polygonal Approximation Method in the Rate-Distorion Sense (비트량-왜곡을 고려한 효율적인 다각형 근사화 기법)

  • 윤병주;고윤호;김성대
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.114-123
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes an efficient method for encoding the shape information of the object in the image. The polygonal approximation method is categorized into a loss coding method and is widely used for approximating object's shape information. The proposed method selects less number of vertices than IRM (iterated refinement method) or PVS (progressive vertex selection) when the maximum distortion is given, so reduces the bit-rates. The proposed method selects the vertices of a polygon with a simple and efficient method considering the rate-distortion sense. We construct the shape information coder, which shows the outstanding performance in the rate-distortion sense, based on the conventional progressive vertex selection method and the new vertex selection condition that we propose in this paper. Simulation results show that the proposed method has better performance than other conventional vertex selection methods in the tate-distortion sense.

Immunohistochemical Diagnosis of Primary Renal Hemangiosarcoma in a Dog (개에서 발생한 신장원성 혈관육종의 면역조직화학적 진단)

  • Jung, Soo-Kyo;Yang, Hyoung-Seok;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.296-300
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    • 2013
  • A 7-year-old castrated male Yorkshire Terrier was presented with a palpable intra-abdominal mass. In radiography, a large radioopaque renal mass and small abdominal mass were found on dorsal area of the abdomen. Grossly, red to brown color mass and a cystic structure (hydronephrosis) were embedded in the right kidney. Histopathologically, the mass had many irregular shaped neovascular channels lined by polygonal or oval shaped endothelial cells. These vessels and neoplastic cells had great invasive tendency to adjacent connective or fat tissues. Small abdominal mass had identical morphologic features as in renal mass. According to immunohistochemistry, the neoplastic cells in renal mass demonstrated strong positive signals for vimentin and CD31, and weak positive for von Willbrand factor. However, there were no positive reactions for cytokeratin. Based on the gross, histopathology and immunohistochemistry, this mass was diagnosed as primary renal hemangiosarcoma in a Yorkshire Terrier dog.