• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노인치위생학

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Relationship between demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the Korean elderly and unmet dental care needs (한국 노인의 인구·사회경제적 특성과 미 충족 치과진료와의 관련성)

  • Jung, Eun-Seo;Ahn, Geum-Sun
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.911-920
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study investigated the relationship between demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the Korean elderly and their unmet dental care needs, by using the 2015 data from the $6^{th}$ Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Methods: In total, 1,372 elderly persons aged 65 and over, who responded to the $6^{th}$ NHANES, were included in the final analysis. Logistic regression analysis was performed in order to identify any relationship between demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and unmet dental care needs. Results: The rate of unmet dental care needs was shown to be less by 0.799 times in the elderly who reside in dong than those who live in eup and myeon (OR: 0.799, 95% CI: 0.679-0.959). Unmet dental care needs were higher in participants with 'low' and 'below average' than 'above average' income, by 1.645 times (OR: 1.645, 95% CI: 1.087-2.366) and 1.172 times (OR: 1.172, 95% CI: 1.108-1.880), respectively. Elderly individuals living alone had a higher rate of unmet dental care needs than those living with their family by 1.157 times (OR: 1.157, 95% CI: 1.084-1.498). Conclusions: Demographic and socioeconomic factors influenced unmet dental care needs, causing inequality. Proper policy support to the vulnerable should be considered in order to enhance the elderly's access to dental care.

Effects of tongue strength training program combined with oral exercises on swallowing disorder, swallowing ability, and tongue pressure in the elderly (입체조를 병행한 혀 근력운동이 노인의 연하장애와 연하력 및 설압에 미치는 효과)

  • Nam-Suk Kim;Jung-Hwa Lee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to verify the usefulness and practicality of the program in the daily life of the elderly by performing a three-dimensional tongue muscle exercise for the elderly to identify the dysphagia, swallowing ability, and tongue pressure. Methods: The subjects of the study were 29 elderly people aged 65 or older living in Busan, divided into a oral exercises group and tongue strength training program combined with oral exercises group, and operated 16 times for 8 weeks twice a week, and the pre and post-program evaluation was conducted in the 1st and 8th weeks. For variable selection, 7 general characteristics, 5 oral health-related characteristics, 5 Likert scale for swallowing disorder, repetitive swallowing ability test for swallowing power measurement, and tongue pressure measurement was used. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS window program 25.0 version (IBM), general characteristics and homogeneity tests, oral health-related characteristics and homogeneity tests were chi-square test, swallowing disorder, swallowing ability, and change in tongue pressure were paired t-test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, t-test, Mann-Whitney U test for swallowing disorder and changes in swallowing ability and tongue pressure, and Spearman's correlation for the relationship between swallowing disorder and swallowing ability and tongue pressure. Results: As a result of tongue strength training program combined with oral exercise, both relieve swallowing disorder and improve low eating and tongue pressure than oral exercise, and the difference in improvement effects of both relieve swallowing disorder, swallowing ability, and tongue pressure is higher. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, it is believed that simple and practical oral muscle function reinforcement products and practical use are needed, and institutional devices to seek oral health promotion programs for the elderly are needed.

Effects of smartphone app-based oral muscle strength training on functional improvement in the elderly (노인 대상 스마트폰 앱 콘텐츠를 이용한 구강 근력 강화 훈련의 기능 개선 효과)

  • Kyeong-Hee Lee;Yoon-Young Choi;Eun-Seo Jung;Hyun-Young Moon;Mi-Sook Yoon;Kyeong-Jin Lee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study aimed to develop educational content for a smartphone app on oral muscle training and examine its effects on the elderly population. Methods: A total of twelve training sessions were delivered through the smartphone app over a six-week period, from late August to early October 2023. Each session lasted approximately 60 minutes. Participants were followed up after the program. Results: The experimental group showed significant improvements in oral health before and after using the smartphone app. These improvements included decreased dental plaque (p<0.05) by 0.69 units, decreased gingivitis (p<0.001) by 0.99 units, decreased tongue plaque (p<0.01) by 1.11 units, increased salivary secretion rate (p<0.001) by 0.73 units, increased hard palate strength (p<0.001) by 5.25 units, and increased soft palate strength (p<0.01) by 6.82 units. Compared to the control group, the experimental group showed significant improvements in dental plaque (p<0.001), gingivitis (p<0.001), and tongue coating (p<0.01). Conclusions: This study found that oral muscle strengthening training using the smartphone app effectively improved oral health in the elderly. The developed app content has the potential to be a valuable tool for promoting oral health in this population within their daily routines. However, further efforts are needed to ensure clear communication and effective utilization of the training program through user training or educational materials.

Changes in concentration of VSCs after home oral care interventions based on community care in older adults (커뮤니티케어 기반 방문구강관리 중재에 의한 노인의 구취 농도 변화)

  • Myeong-Hwa Park;Min-Sook Jeong;Jong-Hwa Jang
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This case study was conducted to assess changes in the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) of older adults following home oral health care interventions based on community care. Methods: The participants were three elderly people with the halitosis. An oral health intervention programs including oral massage, oral hygiene care, and oral muscle training strenghtening were conducted for 12 weeks. Halitosis was measured using an oral malodor-checking device. Results: The program showed positive effects on changes in halitosis. The concentration of VSCs of the first case decreased rapidly from 44.5 Refres Oral Volume (ROV) on pre-test to 15.5 ROV on the first post-test. In the second case, the score decreased from 14.5 ROV on pre-test to 12 ROV on 2nd post-test. In the third case, the score decreased slightly from 6.5 ROV on pre-test to 6 ROV on the first post-test. Conclusions: Oral health care interventions contributed to decreasing the concentration of VSCs and improving the quality of life of older adults. The active promotion and customization of these programs are required.

Correlation between oral frailty and health-related quality of life (HINT-8) among older adults in Korea (한국 노인의 구강노쇠와 건강관련 삶의 질(HINT-8)의 관련성)

  • In-Ja Kim
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study aimed to confirm the correlation between oral frailty and health-related quality of life (HINT-8) among older adults in Korea. Methods: The data of 1,318 individuals aged ≥65 years who participated in the eighth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2019) were analyzed using complex sample statistical analysis. Results: Chewing discomfort was found to decrease the HINT-8 scores by 1.246, 1.324, and 1.089 times in the physical, social, and mental domains, respectively. Speech discomfort was found to decrease the HINT-8 scores by 1.275, 1.449, and 1.175 times in the physical, social, and mental domains, respectively. The HINT-8 scores of participants with ≤19 natural teeth were lower in the physical and social domains. Similarly, the HINT-8 scores of participants with brushing frequency of ≤2 were lower in the positive health domain. Non-use of oral hygiene products led to a reduction in the HINT-8 score in the social health domain. Conclusions: Oral frailty in older adults reduces the health-related quality of life. Thus, it is necessary to formulate policies to manage oral frailty in this population and develop specialized programs for the management of oral frailty.

A comparative study on the current oral health conditions of the elderly at home and welfare facilities (재가노인과 시설노인의 구강건강실태 비교연구 -삼척시에 거주하는 일부노인을 대상으로-)

  • Jeong, Mi-Ae;Jung, Sang-Hee;Choi, Jeong-Lee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.263-278
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    • 2005
  • This study investigated the current oral health conditions of the elderly at home and welfare facilities in their age over 65 years around some rural areas in Gangwon province, which would expect the fewer medical benefits even with lower interest than urban areas, despite of relatively high ratio of elder populations, so that it could prepare a basic document necessary to determine certain planned quantification for the benefit of elder's oral healthcare. As of the end of December 2004 both 50 elders at home and 50 elders at welfare facilities were randomly sampled in their age over 65 years in Samcheok city. As a result of this study, it was found that the elders at welfare facilities scored 15 pts. in DMFT index level typical of oral health conditions, which was higher than the elders at home. In addition, the elders at welfare facilities scored 26.0% in the coexistence of immobile bridge and partial denture higher than the elders at home with regard to the presence of intraoral prosthetic appliance. The results of analyzing the difference in the one-year dental visiting experience of respondents hereof showed that the elders at home were relatively more in ratio(62.0%) than those at welfare facilities, while many of the former group(38.0%) had relatively more handicap in masticatory movement than the latter one with regard to the conditions of dental prosthesis in use. Besides, many of the elders at facilities(30% or more) felt subjective symptoms of periodontal disease including bleeding or swelling, which indicates higher ratio than the elders at home. Finally, the elders at home used to brush their teeth at more frequency on a daily basis than those at facilities, while the latter group suffered general body disease more than the former group. Summing up, it is concluded that a formulated oral healthcare system will become more needed in near future than now for the benefit of the elderly living in welfare facilities, while nationwide policy-level supports would be urgent for them in the aspect of national welfare.

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Factors of unmet dental care needs due to the time, economic, and physical constraints among older people (노인의 시간적, 경제적, 물리적 제약으로 인한 미충족 치과의료 요인)

  • Min-Young Kim;Ji-Hyoung Han
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.405-413
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: We aim to identify factors associated with unmet dental care needs in older adults and explore the impact of time, economic and physical constraints on each. Methods: The analysis was based on the 2023 Community Health Survey. Statistical analyses were conducted using chi-square test and multinomial logistic regression for 65,952 people aged 65 years and older. Results: First, we looked whether subjects experienced unmet dental care needs and found that 8.4% did. Second, according to the type of unmet dental care needs, 54.1% of the time, economic, and physical constraints were economic constraints. Analyzing each of the time, economic, and physical constraints, we found that time constraints were associated with younger age. For economic constraints, lower education level and health security type of recipients in medical aid program were more likely to experience unmet dental care needs. In terms of physical constraints, those living in rural areas were more than three times more likely to experience unmet dental care needs than those living in urban areas. Conclusions: The results showed that time constraints were related to age, economic constraints were related to household income level, and physical constraints were related to residential area.

Comparison of the quality of life of adults and elderly (일부 성인과 노인의 삶의 질 비교)

  • Lee, Eun-Gyeong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.1029-1038
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : This study was examine a relationship those variables with health-related quality(HRQOL) of life in the elderly and provide basic information on HRQOL and evidence for establishing effective health policies for old ages ultimately. Methods : This research was conducted through individual interviews using a structured questionnaire and oral status examinations of 600 residents The data have been analyzed using $X^2$-test through PASW Statistics 18.0.0(SPSS Korea Datasolution Inc.) and Structural Equation Modeling through LISREL ver8.8. Results : According to the Structural Equation Modeling, independent variables which influence the health-related quality of life are as follows: sex the highest, followed by existence of chronic diseases, perceived health, age, perceived oral health the lowest. Parameters are as follows: oral health-related quality of life the highest, followed by subjective oral symptoms, and oral health status the lowest. Conclusions : In order to improve the quality of life of olds, it is not only necessary to improve perceived health through reduce of chronic diseases, but is also required to regular tooth check-up to reduce subjective oral symptoms for increase oral health-related quality of life.

Oral health factors affecting the nutritional status of the elderly (노인의 영양상태에 영향을 미치는 구강건강 요인)

  • Jung, Yun-Sook
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.903-910
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The study aimed to identify the oral health factors that affect the nutritional status of the elderly. Methods: The study was conducted over ten months from September 2013 to June 2014, and included senior citizens who were supported by the visiting health service. The rate of saliva release, the number of remaining teeth, and the ability of the elderly to identify nutritional conditions were evaluated. Statistical analyses were performed using the t-test, ANOVA, and multiple linear regression using SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.). Results: The study participants had an average irritation saliva secretion rate of $2.26{\pm}1.11mg$ per minute. The higher the rate of saliva secretion, the higher the mini nutritional assessment (MNA) score (p<0.001). The average number of remaining teeth was $8.21{\pm}9.76$. The MNA scores were highest in groups with 11 or more remaining teeth (p=0.001). The factors that affected the nutritional condition of the elderly were their ability to perform activities of daily living, saliva flow rate, and number of remaining teeth. The highest correlation among them was that of the standardized regression coefficient was - 0.386 by activity daily living, followed by a 0.170 saliva secretion rate and 0.118 remaining teeth in daily life performance. Conclusions: Activities of daily living and rate of saliva secretion showed the highest correlations to nutritional status of the elderly.

Relationship between suicide attempt and oral dysfunction and mental health in the elderly (노인의 자살시도와 구강기능장애 및 정신건강과의 관련성)

  • Kim, Min-Young;Jang, Yun-Jung
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.711-720
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study attempted to determine the influence of factors related to suicide attempts in the elderly. Data from a 2017 Community Health Survey were used to find 67,810 subjects aged 65 years or older. Methods: Cross-analysis and logistic regression analysis were conducted by dividing the suicide thought and suicide attempt experience groups. Results: In the group with subjective stress, suicidal thoughts were higher in women 2.748 times (p<0.01) and 1.917 times (p<0.001) in women. In terms of income level, the higher the income level, the lower the suicidal ideation experience. Suicide attempts were 0.708 times lower when mastication was not uncomfortable and 0.170 times lower when the patient was not experiencing depression (p<0.001). Conclusions: The correlation between oral dysfunction and suicidal thoughts and attempts in the elderly has been demonstrated, and it is expected to be used as baseline data for establishing an institutional study.