• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노인치위생학

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Analysis of periodontal pathogens in care facilities for the elderly with dementia (Real-time PCR을 이용한 요양보호시설 치매 노인의 구강 병원성 미생물 분석)

  • Ko, Hyo-Jin;Jeon, Eun-Suk;Kim, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.155-168
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this research is to examine oral pathogen distribution among elderly with dementia in a care facility to understand the importance of preventively managing oral diseases in terms of preventively managing senile diseases. Methods: From 11th August 2015 to 11th October 2015, gingival crevicular fluid was collected from 130 subjects consisting of demented/non-demented elderly people aged above 65 in care facilities located in the regions of Busan/Gyeonggnam. Based on collected data, real-time PCR analysis on oral pathogen was conducted. Results: The demented elderly group consisting of female patients aged from 0 to 79 indicated higher ratios of T. denticola in comparison to the non-demented elderly group, and the demented elderly group consisting of female patients aged above 80 indicated a high ratio of S. mutans. It was confirmed that P. gingivalis and T. forsythensis categorized under the red complex are correlated, and that bacterial species categorized under the orange complex and bacterial species categorized under the red complex are correlated. Conclusions: Because eldery people with demntia are exposed to periodontal disease and dental caries, their oral environments are more vulnerable. In order to improve such environments, it is necessary to provide care facility personnel with an opportunity to receive education to become aware of the importance of oral health, and it is also necessary to compulsorily assign dental hygienists to care facilities so that they can serve as personnel specializing in oral health management.

A study on the aspects of utilization of the dental services for the old and their related factors (일부지역 노인의 구강진료 이용행태와 관련요인)

  • Yu, Mi-Sun;Cheon, Hye-Won;Ju, On-Ju
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.791-799
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : This study aimed at examining the aspects of utilization of the dental services in some regions and analyzing the related factors with a view to helping the old solve the dental problems and overcome the difficulties. Methods : This investigation was intended for 422 old people living in Jeon-ju city and Jang-su county from July 18, 2006 to August 25 by direct interviewing posing questions. The survey data sets were analyzed by chi-square, correlation, multiple regression and logistic regression. Results : 1. The average number of the existing teeth per an old person was 13.6 and the 28.8% of the old who didn't use denture called for dentures. 2. The annual coefficient of utilization in dental services for an old person was 52.3% and the annual average visits to dental clinics were 3.12 days while 38.6% of the old experienced illegal dental treatments. 3. The affecting factors on the dental utilization for treatment were as follows: family income, dental clinics available, the number of existing teeth, the days of dental trouble, the recognition of the prevention of the dental disease, the knowledge for the dental treatment and the oral health judged by himself. 4. The major variables influencing the utilization of dental services were spouse presence, form of family, income, having a regular dental care, denture presence and the experience of inconvenience in living. Conclusions : To conclude, the following suggestions could be made. First, It was necessary that enforcement practice of free dental prosthesis service and application to the national health insurance in old people's prosthetic therapy for government support because the economic factor was barrier to utilization of the dental services. Second, Dental clinic was required to the health center because availability of common dental services was big impact in utilization of the dental services.

A study of images of the elderly perceived by dental hygienists and their behaviors (치과위생사들이 인지한 노인에 대한 이미지 및 행동에 관한 연구)

  • Ji, Min-Gyeong;Ahn, Kwon-Suk
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 2008
  • This study lays its purpose on providing basic material for managing dental hygiene care programs by grasping images of the elderly perceived by dental hygienists and their behaviors toward the elderly, who have an important role in improving the elderly's dental health in the aging society. For these purposes, the researcher conducted a self-administrative questionnaire survey of 370 dental hygienists working in dental clinics or offices located in the Seoul and Daejeon areas from June 2 to 21 in 2008 and collected data, statistical analysis of the $x^2$-test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation used. resulting in the following findings. 1. In perceived images of the elderly according to their general characteristics, a subject group with under 8-year career showed 85.38 points, indicating the statistically significant difference (p=0.001). 2. When we look at perceived images of the elderly and behaviors toward them according their characteristics, in images of the elderly, a subject group with positive perceptions of the elderly showed 85.51 points (p=0.000), a subject group with meaningful old person(s), 84.66 points (p=0.000), a subject group living with old person(s), 86.04 points (p=0.001), and a subject group with experience in volunteer service activities, 84.11 points (p=0.001), and in behaviors toward the elderly, a subject group with positive perceptions of the elderly and with meaningful old person(s) showed 56.46 (p=0.036) and 55.91 points respectively, indicating the statistically significant difference (p=0.040). 3. Images of the elderly and behaviors toward them showed a positive correlation, indicating that the more positive images of the elderly, the more positive behaviors toward them (r=0.317). Putting these results together, it is thought that it is time to need continuous education and efforts regarding the formation of desirable relationships with and images of the elderly and behaviors toward them, for dental hygienists who have an important role in managing and enhancing the elderly's dental health in the aging society.

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Association between depression and poor oral health in Korean elderly: the six Korean national health and nutrition examination survey (KNHANES VI-2) (우리나라 노인의 우울과 주관적 구강건강 관련성: 국민건강영양조사 제6기 2차(2014년) 자료 이용)

  • Cho, Han-A;Choi, Eun-Sil
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.931-941
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the association between depression and poor oral health in Korean elderly using Korean version of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for assessment of depressive symptoms. Methods: This study used the data from Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES VI-2). The study included 1,454 elderly Korean aged over 65. Variables included demographic characteristics (gender, age), socioeconomic factor (income, education), systemic diseases, oral health related factor (tooth brush, dental products), health related factor (alcohol drinking, smoking), and depression. Logistic regression analysis was used as sequential models. Effects were quantified as odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: From frequency analysis, being female, primary school or less, non-alcohol drinking, poor oral health were significantly related to depression. In the multiple logistic regression model, depression was significantly associated with poor oral health (OR=1.96, CI=1.15-3.53) after adjustment for other covariates including demographic characteristics, socioeconomic factor, systemic diseases, oral health related factor, and health related factor (OR=1.91, CI=1.13-3.27). Conclusions: Depression had an influence on the poor oral health after adjustment as confounding variable in the elderly. It should be focused on the health promotion for the elderly vulnerable to depression and poor oral health. The development of the mental health and oral health should be established.

Oral health status of long-term care facility residents (노인요양시설 거주자의 구강건강상태)

  • Choi, Jun-Seon
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.527-537
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the practice of oral hygiene behaviors and oral health status of long-term care facility residents and to analyze the factors related to salivary hemoglobin level which can predict active periodontal disease. Methods: From 30th October 2015 to 7th January 2016, a questionnaire was provided to 63 participants and their dental plaque and saliva samples were collected to assess the levels of salivary hemoglobin and dental plaque acidogenicity. In order to analyze the factors related to salivary hemoglobin level, multiple linear regression analysis was performed. Results: Toothbrushing was most frequently performed by the participants themselves (98.4%) and toothbrushing was performed after eating breakfast (81.3%). 68.8% of participants reported brushing their tongue. 35.9% of participants perceived having bad teeth, and 87.5% had high dental caries activity. The percentages of participants with hyposalivation and ${\geq}0.20{\mu}g/ml$ salivary hemoglobin level were 45.3% and 59.4%, respectively. The salivary hemoglobin level was significantly higher in the group in which stimulated salivary flow rate was ${\leq}0.70ml/min$, dental plaque acidogenicity was superior, and perceived having bad teeth (p<0.05). There was also a tendency for the salivary hemoglobin level to increase with age (p<0.05). Conclusions: Oral health status of the long-term care facility residents was still not improved, and the characteristics of salivary volume and dental plaque were important factors affecting salivary hemoglobin level. Therefore, it is necessary to operate an oral hygiene intervention program by oral health professionals in such facilities in order to provide residents with effective oral care aligned with their respective needs. Furthermore, it is necessary for caregivers to complete mandatory oral health education to improve the oral hygiene status of the long-term care facility residents.

A study on the correlation between self-perceived oral health status and periodontal diseases in elderly Koreans (한국 노인의 본인인지 구강건강상태와 치주질환 관련성)

  • Jung, Eun-Seo;Lee, Kyeong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1135-1145
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The objective of the study was to review the correlation between self-perceived oral health status and periodontal diseases in elderly Koreans, using data from the $6^{th}$ (2nd year) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2014). Methods: The subjects for this study were a total of 1,454 elderly people aged 65 years or older who responded to the health questionnaires of the $6^{th}$ (2nd year) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted in 2014. Their general characteristics were analyzed using frequency analysis, while a cross-tabulation analysis (${\chi}^2-test$) was performed to understand the correlation with periodontal diseases. To clarify any effect of self-perceived oral health status on periodontal diseases, the selected variables were controlled and subsequently analyzed according to the logistic regression analysis. Results: In terms of the difference between elderly people with periodontal disease and those without periodontal disease, higher prevalence rates of periodontal diseases were found in women, those of younger age, those with lower educational and income levels, those with poorer subjective oral health status, those in the presence of chewing discomfort, those who had a toothbrushing frequency of twice per day, and/or those who had received no oral examination over the previous one year. Regarding the effect of self-perceived oral health status on periodontal diseases, 1.78-fold and 1.74-fold higher prevalence rates of periodontal diseases were shown with poorer subjective oral health status and in the presence of chewing discomfort, respectively. Conclusions: Based upon the results above, it is considered that a better understanding of self-perceived oral health status is necessary for a healthy life of the elderly. Furthermore, constant relevant studies and effective prevention programs intended to moderate the progress of or prevent periodontal diseases in the elderly in communities should be performed and implemented for the sake of better quality of life and oral health.

Effect of probiotics intake on oral environment changes of the elderly in long-term care facilities (프로바이오틱스 섭취가 장기요양시설 노인의 구강환경 변화에 미치는 효과)

  • Jo, Se-Rim;Cho, Ja-Won;Jang, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.753-762
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study was aimed at evaluating the effects of changes in the oral environment of the elderly in long-term care facilities after the intake of Weissella cibaria. Methods: The test group ingested the W. cibaria strain Chonnam Medical University (CMU), and the control group ingested the control food. Of all randomized trial subjects, 62 were analyzed (32 in the experimental group and 30 in the control group). In this 8-week demographic study, we evaluated self-perceived halitosis, changes in halitosis, sensory test results, tongue plaque index scores, saliva buffering capacity, and the salivary flow rate. Results: The W. cibaria CMU intake in the elderly in long-term care facilities during the experimental period did not demonstrate statistically significant changes in the salivary flow rate. However, self-perceived halitosis, organoleptic test results, tongue plaque index scores, and salivary buffering capacity demonstrated statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups. These findings partially confirmed the beneficial effects of the W. cibaria CMU on the oral environment in the elderly. Conclusions: Research results on the role of probiotics in the oral cavity should be summarized, and utilization plans should be sought to obtain a clearer understanding of the clinical efficacy and related factors. The value of probiotic use may be high in improving the oral health of people by enabling treatment and prevention.

A study among dental hygienists on providing oral health care and awareness among the elderly (일부 치과위생사의 노인 구강보건관리 제공 및 인식도에 대한 연구)

  • Chung, Kyung-Yi;Ha, Myung-Ok;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.635-643
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate dental hygienists understanding of the provisions of oral health care and awareness for the elderly. Methods: A survey was conducted among 285 dental hygienists, currently practicing around Gwangju province, Korea. The questionnaire contained questions on general characteristics of the subjects (5 items), oral health status of the elderly (5 items), and awareness (8 items) among the dental hygienists. The data were analyzed using a chi-square test. IBM SPSS 21.0 program was used for all statistical analyses. Results: The results showed that 47.7% of the dental hygienists took care of 1 to 5 elderly patients per day; they could not provide high quality oral health education to these patients because of lack of knowledge, lack of treatment time, and excessive workload. An analysis of the hygienists' professional educational experience related to oral healthcare of the elderly during university years showed that the older and more experienced hygienists' were less likely to have completed this education, i.e., 22.05% and 10.9%, respectively (p<0.001). Of all the dental hygienists, 62.8% were interested in oral health problems of the elderly, and 34.4% of dental hygienists for geriatric oral care were the most needed for geriatric oral care education (p<0.001). Conclusions: According to these results, it is important that dental hygienists participate in training on oral healthcare for the elderly and develop various programs for managing the oral health of the elderly.

Selective factor of dental institution according to health-promotion lifestyle in the elderly (노인의 건강증진생활양식에 따른 치과의료기관 선택 요인)

  • Ju, On-Ju
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.897-904
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : The aim is to examine what a selective factor of dental institution in the elderly is, which can be used as a strategy for vitalizing hospital management, and which difference there is in selection of dental institution according to health-promotion lifestyle. Methods : Questionnaire survey of individual interview was carried out targeting 177 old people in over 65 years old of Jeonju, Iksan, and Gunsan in Jeollabuk-do Province by convenience sampling from August 16, 2010 to August 27. The analysis was performed by using SPSS WIN 12.0 program. Results : 1. The average mark of health-promotion lifestyle in the elderly was 2.69 points. The health responsibility was the highest with 2.91 points. 2. The mark of health-promotion lifestyle was higher in the higher educational level of the elderly(p<0.01), when monthly income is more than 2 million won(p<0.01), and in the better subjective awareness of oral condition(p<0.01). 3. The group with high mark of health-promotion lifestyle regarded reliability(p<0.001), economic efficiency(p<0.01), and facilities & cleanliness(p<0.01) as important factors when selecting dental institution. Conclusions : The development and expansion in health-promotion program targeting the elderly are seen to be necessary that reflect difference by sphere in health-promotion lifestyle. There will be necessity for pursuing even a strategy for the elderly in the group who have relatively low characteristic in the practice level of health-promotion lifestyle. Also, given understanding characteristics on the elderly and focusing on management proper for the needs of medical consumers, the successful medical management is thought to be likely possible.

Complete denture satisfaction by the subjective oral health state among the elderly (노인의 주관적인 구강건강상태에 따른 총의치 만족도)

  • Shin, Min-Woo;Min, Se-Hong;Park, Young-Nam;Min, Hee-Hong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.789-796
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : This study aims to identify factors affecting satisfaction among the elderly with complete denture to help the elderly with complete denture perform oral hygienic care and to contribute to improvement in oral health. Methods : Interviews were performed with 247 people having complete denture, who were over 65 years and resided in Daejeon and South Chungcheong Province, from March 5 to 31, 2009. Results : 1. As for satisfaction in areas of complete denture by the number of brushing, chewing, pronunciation, and aesthetic functions were all high in over three times of brushing, showing statistically significant differences in satisfaction with chewing (p=0.1825) and aesthetic (p=0.005) functions. 2. As for satisfaction in areas of complete denture by the period of using denture, chewing, pronunciation, and aesthetic functions were all high in less than 7 years, showing statistically significant differences in satisfaction with chewing (p=0.030) and aesthetic (p=0.000) functions. 3. As for satisfaction in areas of complete denture by the subjective oral health state, the better subjective oral health state, the higher satisfaction with chewing, pronunciation, and aesthetic functions, showing statistically significant differences (p=0.000). 4. As for relevance between the subjective oral health state and satisfaction with complete denture, there was 30.1% explanation power in satisfaction with complete denture by the subjective health state. Conclusions : As for satisfaction with complete denture among the elderly, more than three times of brushing and less than 7 years of using denture were related to higher satisfaction; the better subjective oral health state, the higher satisfaction with chewing, pronunciation, and aesthetic functions. Therefore, it is necessary to have the elderly with complete denture receive education about oral hygienic care and perform the care at the same time.