• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노인의 지역사회 인식

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Recognition of Well-dying, Health-related Quality of Life and Repulsion-related Nursing Home of Community-dwelling Older Adults (지역사회 거주 노인의 웰다잉 인식, 건강 관련 삶의 질 및 노인시설 관련 거부감)

  • Kim, So-Young;Lee, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Sook-Nam
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aimed to measure the relationship between the recognition of well-dying, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and repulsion-related nursing homes and community-dwelling older adults. Method: A descriptive survey was conducted among 505 community-dwelling older adults aged over 65 years. Data were collected from October 25 to November 30, 2023, and analyzed using a t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficients with SPSS/WIN 26.0. Results: The results reveal that the subjects' recognition of well-dying was 2.30, HRQoL was 0.84, and repulsion-related nursing home was 3.31 points. Recognition of well-dying was significantly correlated with HRQoL (r=.10, p=.024). Conclusion: The results indicate that consumer-centered, well-dying education programs for community-dwelling older adults should be developed and applied continuously through effectiveness verification.

The Effects of a Cognitive Stimulation Activity Program on the Mild Cognitive Impairment Elderly's Cognitive Function, Self-Efficacy, and Depression (인지자극 활동프로그램이 경도인지장애 노인의 인지기능, 자기효능감, 우울에 미치는 영향)

  • Bang, Ju-Hee;Bang, Yo-Soon;Son, Bo-Young;Oh, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.231-248
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to implement a cognitive stimulation activity program and examine its effects elderly people who is capable of daily life and community activities but suffering from per sistent cognitive decline on the elderly's cognitive function, self-efficacy, and depression. The purpose of this study was to help elderly people who is capable of daily life and community activities but suffering from persistent cognitive decline improve their ability to perform and adapt to activity-based tasks incorporating a variety of actions of different subdomains and difficulty levels, ac cording to their characteristics and cognitive levels. The aim of the program created was to systemati cally improve the subdomains of cognitive functions and eventually preventing these conditions develo ping into dementia in those affected. This study also enabled the subjects to improve their self-effica cy through newly gained positive perceptions and attitudes toward their own abilities by successfully expressing their experience or thoughts about circumstantially and relationally meaningful events and memories, and performing activities that promote sensory stimulations. The group activities conducted as part of the study helped the subjects reduce their symptoms of depression not only by expressing their thoughts and emotions, but also by encouraging empathy with, understanding of, and caring for others. Given that this study confirmed the potential of the cognitive stimulation program designed fo r it as a clinical intervention for elderly people with cognitive impairment, it is suggested as a useful preventive program for early stage dementia.

The Effect of Job Demands on Social Worker's Organizational Commitment : The Moderating of Leader-Member Exchange(LMX) (노인복지관 사회복지사의 조직몰입에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : LMX(리더-구성원간 상호작용)의 조절효과 검증)

  • Shim, Sun-kyung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.443-452
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of job-demands on social worker's organizational commitment. Espically this study focused on the moderating effect of LMX between job-demands and organizational commitment. The sample consisted of 189 social workers in 33 Senior Welfare Centers. The date was analyses using descriptive and multiple regression methods. The major findings of the study firstly were job-demands had negative effect on the social worker's organizational commitment and LMX had positive effect on the social worker's organizational commitment. Secondly, LMX had mederating effect between job-demands and organizational commitment. All these findings were discussed on Social Welfare Center and research.

Health Status and Use of Health Care Services of the Elderly Utilizing Senior citizen Centers (경로당 노인의 건강상태와 건강관리서비스 이용 관련요인 분석)

  • Shin, Sun-Hye;Kim, Jin-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 2002
  • For this study a sample of 205 people, 66 males and 139 females, over 65 years of age, residing in C-gu of S-si and utilizing senior centers, were selected, The objective of the study was to provide basic data for health promotion program development provided by health centers. A questionnaire was used to collect date on general characteristics, health status, social health status and utilization rate for health services. The instruments used in this study were the Lawton scale, to measure daily routine function, the MMSE-K developed by Folstein and modified to fit the Korea situation, for mental health status, and the CES-Dtool developed by Radloff, for emotional health status. the SPSS Window program was used to calculate percentages. Tests of significance were done using t-test and ANOVA. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify variables influencing the use of health services. The results are as follows : Of those utilizing senior citizen centers, 40.9% of males and 17.3% of the female thought they were healthy. The average score for IADL was 7.4. The daily routine of female respondents consisted of buying household articles and drugs, and other IADLs such as riding the bus or subway alone. These resulted in a higher score compared to males. For emotional health, 7.6% of the males reported depression compared to 21.6% of the females. For mental health, 48.5% of the males and 28.8% of the females were found to be in the group suspicious for dementia. On social health, 57.6% of the males and 62.6% of the females reported no intimate human relations. Of those older people who had close human relations, 52.5% of the males indicated a friend as the closest person and 53.8% of the females, their children. On use of health services, there was a significantly higher need for mobile medical care services treatment for those with lower education levels and status of window/widower. There was a significantly higher need for health exmination services for those with lower levels of exercise, greater satisfaction with sleep, higher levels of oral health care, and higher social contacts. In conclusion, there is a need to provide varied programs for the promotion of health, along with parallel resolution of social, psychological and economic issues. It is recommended that health services for elderly people provided by the health centers be implemented with full recognition of these characteristics and differences.

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The Sexual Health for the Elderly in the Characteristics and Factors: Based on the WHO Sexual Health (WHO 성 건강에 근거한 노인 성 건강 특성과 영향요인)

  • Ryu, JiHye;Kang, ChangHyun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics and factors of each area by considering the gender health of the elderly as the integration of mental, physical, emotional, and social gender health based on the WHO gender health. The sexual health of the elderly is significantly different by gender, academic background, and region, and there is a clear difference in mental, physical, emotional sexual health and social sexual health. The mental, physical and emotional sexual health of the elderly in urban areas, those with high education and male is high, but the elderly in the rural areas, those with low education, and female are high in social sexual health. The factors affecting sexual health are as follows. Mental sexual health was positively influenced by satisfaction of sexual life and sexual knowledge. Physical sexual health was positively influenced by life and spouse satisfaction, and emotional sexual health was positively influenced by sexual relationship, spouse satisfaction, sexual life satisfaction and sexual knowledge. Social sexual health has a negative (-) effect on spouse satisfaction and sexual relationships. Integrated sexual health in old age can affect subjective health and quality of life, leading to successful aging. Sexual health education is needed to form a safe and healthy sexual life and interpersonal relationship. The 'sex' that appears as a cumulative trajectory of life should be accompanied by the accurate sexual health awareness and sex education that encompasses all generations. Therefore, in the composition of sex health education program, it is necessary to reflect the components that can enhance the sensitivity of adulthood to strengthen understanding and communication of spouse.

Examination of useful items for the assessment of fall risk in the Korean community-dwelling elderly (한국 노인의 낙상위험평가 설문항목의 유효성 검토)

  • Shin, Sohee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to select useful items for assessing fall risk in community-dwelling elderly. This study assumed five fall risk factors: Symptoms of falling, physical function, disease and physical symptoms, environment, and behavior and character based on previous studies. The questionnaire consisted of 44 items according to the contents validation, crossover analysis and factor analysis. The Korean version of the Fall Risk Assessment Scale (FRA-K) will be used as a useful tool to improve the fall problems perceived to be serious social problems and to provide important information for prevention of falls.

Factors Influencing Satisfaction on Home Visiting Health Care Service of the Elderly based on the degree of chronic diseases (만성질환 유병상태에 따른 노인 방문건강관리 서비스 만족도 영향요인 연구)

  • Seo, Daram;Shon, Changwoo
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.271-284
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to derive factors that affect the satisfaction of home visiting health care services and to develop effective community care models by using the results of Seoul's outreach service which is the basis for Korean community care. The population of the study was the elderly aged 65 and 70 who participated in the Seoul's outreach community services 3rd stage (July 2017 - June 2018) and 4th stage (July 2018 to June 2019). 2,200 people were extracted by the proportional allocation method and home visit interviews were conducted on them. Subjects were divided into sub-groups based on chronic disease prevalence, and logistic regression was conducted to derive factors that affect the satisfaction of home visiting health care services. The results demonstrated that the elderly without chronic diseases were more satisfied when they received health education and counseling services, the elderly with one chronic disease were more satisfied when they received Community resource-linked services. In the case of elderly people with two or more chronic diseases, the service satisfaction level is increased when health condition assessment and Community resource-linked services are provided. Regardless of whether or not they have chronic diseases, service delivery time was a factor that increased satisfaction in home visiting health care. And the degree of explanation understanding was a factor that increased satisfaction for both single and complex chronic patients. Home Visiting health care services based on the community is a key component of the ongoing community care. In order to increase the sustainability and effectiveness of community care in the future, Community-oriented health care services based on the degree of chronic diseases of the elderly should be provided. In order to provide more effective services, however, it is necessary (1) to establish a linkage system to share health information of the subject held by the National Health Insurance Service to local governments and (2) to provide capacity-building education for visiting nurses to improve the quality of home visiting health care services. It is hoped that this study will be us ed as bas ic data for the successful settlement of community care.

A Study on the Quality of Life of Elderly People with Dementia and the Environmental Factor of Facilities (치매노인의 삶의 질과 시설 환경 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sejeong;Kim, Hangon
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.1361-1381
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    • 2009
  • There have lately been a variety of social issues in our society due to rapid social changes. Specifically, how to approach elderly people who suffer from dementia is never an easy task, and few in-depth studies have ever focused on their quality of life due to that. The purpose of this study was to examine the quality of life of elderly people with dementia and the relationship between their quality of life and the environments of facilities for them in an attempt to lay the foundation for the development of compatible programs tailored to the environments of the facilities and for relevant policy setting. It's ultimately meant to improve the quality of life of the elderly with dementia and the environments of facilities for them. The subjects in this study were elderly people with dementia who were housed in senior residential and medical welfare facilities in Daegu and Gyeongsangbukdo. The collected data were analyzed with a SPSS 12.0 program, and frequency analysis, cross-tabs and multiple logistic regression analysis were utilized. As a result, facility environments were identified as one of the variables that had a significant impact on the quality of life of the elderly people with dementia. There are some suggestions about how to boost their quality of life: First, good environments should be prepared in consideration of the characteristics of elderly people with dementia in order for themto be satisfied with their own quality of life, and the way of looking at their potentials should be changed. Second, it's found that main caregivers affected the quality of life of the elderly people with dementia, and the kind of programs that focus on the improvement of the relationship between elderly people with dementia and their main caregivers is required. Third, there should be a change in the environments of the facilities. The facilities should be well equipped to successfully respond to the symptoms of elderly people with dementia. To redress their poor accessibility to the facilities, infrastructure involving nursing homes and professional personnels should be built by utilizing the Internet, and the facilities and local community should make concerted efforts to provide quality care to elderly people in want of it.

Social Workers's View Regarding the Concept of Welfare Technology and Its Application (사회복지사의 복지테크놀로지 개념 인식과 적용 사례)

  • Park, Dong-Jin;Kim, Hae Sung;Choi, Hee-Chul;Choi, Kwon-Taeg
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.387-399
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    • 2021
  • Welfare countries are making various attempts to actively use science and technology for social welfare, in this context, welfare technology can be used to improve the quality of life for not only the elderly and the disabled. The purpose of this study is to examine how social workers perceive welfare technology, how welfare technology can be applied to the social welfare field, and what future prospects are. In January, 2018, a focus group interview was conducted on 13 social workers of social welfare centers in Seoul and Gyeonggi provincial. Data were collected and thematic analysis was conducted. As a result of this study, four categories and twelve sub-categories and 24 concepts were derived, namely, 'concept of welfare technology', 'necessity of welfare technology', 'utilization of welfare technology' and 'future prospect of welfare technology'. Based on the results of this study, I discussed and suggested for the development and activation of welfare technology in social welfare field.

A Study on the Current State and Improvements of the Public Library Services for Older Adult in Korea (우리나라 공공도서관 노인서비스 현황과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Kyungjae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.199-214
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted with the aim of identifying the current state and improvements of the public library services for older adult in Korea. According to the online survey of public libraries in urban areas across the country, a total of 172 libraries responded. Research shows that public libraries generally recognize the importance of elderly users, but there are limitations in active efforts. The priority area for library collection and space/facilities was to be strengthened by the expansion of large type and voice books/periodical books, as well as the need to ask librarians for help to find books in high bookshelves. In the case of library services/programs, the areas that need to be strengthened first were analyzed as social participation programs and humanities programs. The librarians in charge of information services expressed their opinions that more specialized services and programs should be planned and subdivided for the elderly generation in order to provide older adults' services unique to other older adults' service institutions.