• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노인여성

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Evaluation of User Satisfaction for Drink Bottle (음료용기의 사용자 만족도 조사 연구 - Cap이 달린 유리 및 PET용기를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sang-Sik
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.172-181
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    • 2006
  • Universal designs begins from observing things. This paper understands contradiction and irrationality about drink bottle used unintentionally in our common life. Those have not found out until now. So an example observation about problem derivation and a practice method of Universal design is presented. People of various classes, such as a child, an old person and a woman, a male, the man in the street, and a disabled person, have been using drink bottle recently. However, the design of drink bottle has become on the basis of the fine and common man, so the other people, for example, children or handicapped persons experience many situations which cannot open cap or cannot be drunk without external help. This research posed questions from the children to the elders about drink bottle by the viewpoint of universal design paying attention to such problems. In the research result, the fixed quantity and qualitative quantity about problem are commented. And the fixed quantity utilized frequency analysis and chi-square verification ($X^2$) for the questionnaire result on the basis, and the qualitative quantity pointed out result in the universal design principle through the data of a precedence research result. An alternative plan for drink bottle's design is presented through case observation of conceptual approach to method of Universal design.

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The Effects of Progressive Resistive Exercise and Aqua Exercise Program on Lower Extremity Muscle Strength and Balance in Elderly Women. (점진적 저항운동과 수중운동프로그램이 여성노인의 하지근력강화와 균형능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, In-Hak;Moon, Sung-Ki;Lee, Byoung-Kwon;Lee, Jung-Woo;Kim, In-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Progressive Resistive Exercise Program and Aqua Exercise Program on Lower extremity Muscle strength, Balance in Elderly old. The average age of elder female was 71.65 years. Subjects of the study were twenty older women living in daejon. The date were analyzed with frequency, independent t-test, paired t-test using SPSS PC(ver.10.0). The subjects were practiced with focusing on the Progressive Resistive Exercise Program and Aqua Exercise Program for 8 weeks, from 8, April 2002 to 1, June 2002. The results of this study were as follows: 1. After the Progressive Resistive Exercise Program, Balance ability by OLSTR, OLSTL was improved(p<0.05) on the soft surface with close eyes. 2. After the Aqua Exercise Program, the strength of the right knee flexors and extensors was improved(p<0.05). 3. After the Aqua Exercise Program, the strength of the left knee flexors was improved(p<0.01). 4. After the Aqua Exercise Program, Balance ability by OLSTR was improved(p<0.001) on the soft surface with open eyes, close eyes and by OLSTL was improved(p<0.05) on the hard surface with open eyes.

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Effects of Hand Massage with Nail Art on Depression, Self-esteem, and Vital signs of Elderly Women living in a Nursing Home (손마사지를 병행한 네일아트가 시설 여성 노인의 우울, 자존감 및 활력증상에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Joo Hyun;Hyun, Hye Jin;Kang, So Yean;Nam, Hye Ri;Shin, Mi Jin;Lee, Hyun Jung;Chae, Young Ran
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of hand massage with nail art on depression, self-esteem and vital signs of elderly women. Methods: The research design was one group pre and post test experimental design. Data were collected from December 7 to December 14, 2015. All participants had hand massage with nail art for 10 minutes. Depression, self-esteem and vital signs were measured before, immediately after the hand massage with nail art and one week later. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and repeated measures ANOVA with SPSS/Win 12.0 Program. Results: Depression (F=30.80, p<.001), self-esteem (F=60.02, p<.000), diastolic pressure (F=29.56, p<.001) and body temperature (F=13.87, p<.001) were significantly different compared to pre-study values. Systolic pressure (F=3.85, p=.059) and pulse rate (F=0.32, p=.576) had no significant difference compared to pre-study values. Conclusion: The findings of this research show that hand massage with nail art has positive effects on decreasing depression and improving self-esteem for senior women who chose nail polish colour by themselves.

A Comparison Study of Walk and Balance Ability of Women Elderly with or Without Falls Experience (낙상 경험 유무에 따른 여성 노인의 보행과 균형 능력에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Byeong-Jun;Kim, Jong-Woo;Seo, Hyon-Kyu
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2011
  • Background: The elderly are likely to fall due to physical and mental atrophies, and experiencing falls may result in fear of falls and lack of self-confidence, which also leads to hesitation to physical activities and changes in walk and balance, the major variables in independent daily life. Methods: In three senior citizen centers located in D city, 22 elderly women aged 65 or older were chosen, and they filled in the questionnaire which included their agreement to voluntarily participate in the survey and medical histories. As to whether they had falls experience, the medical history items in the questionnaire asked them if they had falling down or falls once a year, twice for the three years. The objects were divided to NFE (non-falls experience) and FE (falls experience). Results: 1. As to walking abilities, significant difference was found between NFE and FE regarding walk width, stepping with two feet, and stride length while there was no significant different in terms of cadence. 2. As to balancing abilities, was significant difference between NFE and FE in terms of the physical body center area. As to the sit-to-stand, tandom gait test, no significant difference was found, and neither in the timed up and go test. Conclusions: The elderly with falls experience has inferior walking and balancing abilities to those without falls experience, and thus they are more exposed to the risks of falls.

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Effects of Manual Therapy and Theraputic Exercise on Chronic Pain and Body Function in Elder Women with Chronic Low Back Pain (도수치료와 치료적 운동이 만성 요통의 여성 노인의 만성 통증과 신체 기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Shim, Yong-hyun;Park, Jae-myoung;Yu, Seong-hun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2017
  • Background: The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of manual therapy and therapeutic exercise on pain and body function in elder women with chronic low back pain. Methods: The patients with chronic low back pain were randomly divided 2 group. The experiment group (n=11) was taken manual therapy and therapeutic exercise program. The control group (n=10) was taken physical therapy program(hot pack with 30 minutes and ICT with 15 minutes and ultra sound with 15 minutes). Both groups intervention performed 3 session during 6 weeks. We measured the quadruple visual analogue scale, flexibility, static balance, leg strength subject of symptom before and after experiment. The significant test pared t-test according to applying the manual therapy and therapeutic exercise group and control group between group used independent t-test. Results: Pain assessment in the experimental group was significantly different between time and group. Flexibility test groups were not significantly different between time and group. The static balance was not significantly different for the time. Strength tests were also not significantly different for the time. Conclusions: According to the results, manual therapy and therapeutic exercise group it was found to be helpful in pain, flexibility, static balance, not strength in elderly patients with chronic low back pain.

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Caregiving for the Long-Term Care Elderly Women - Focusing on Caregiving Characteristics and Depression - (장기 보호 여성노인의 수발에 관한 연구 - 수발특성과 우울을 중심으로 -)

  • 김태현
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2003
  • The present study was initially designed to figure out the general condition of care giving system for the elderly women who need long term care and the level of their depression according to the conditions of care. And This research is intented to present appropriate policy that could help the establishment of supporting system for the fragile elderly women.1 used the data from <2001 National Study on the Needs for the Long-Term Care Elderly> by Korea Health and Population Institute. The results are as follows: First, Two third of all the respondents had serious problems (2-9 activities limits) in Instrumental Daily Living Ability(DAL). Most respondents reported “low” in satisfaction level related to receiving care, meaning the elderly had negative perception for the care from the family. The elderly expected their children to be as the primary care giver and mostly wanted to live with them in the future. Second, The majority of the long term care elderly women haven't used community service facilities very often and said they are not likely going to use the facilities in the future. Third, The respondents reported high in depression level as to lower satisfaction with their children's support, poorer health condition, more reluctant to use service facilities due to the cost, and fewer friends and neighbors resources around them. Therefore I could say that negative factors for the elderly women's psychological health were having unsatisfactory relationship with intimate people, developing physical illness, being in economic difficulties. That is, receiving less help from close family members, shrinking social network, and experiencing economic hardship would have negative effects on elderly women's psychological health. In the basis of these results, I suggest that in the mean time we shouldn't overlook the importance of the private support when we develop the public elderly support system.

The Effect of Caregiving Stress on Depression among Korean Married Adult Children of Korea (한국 기혼 성인자녀의 노부모 부양 스트레스가 우울감에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yun-Jeong;Chung, Jin-Ah;Ka, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.563-570
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between caregivng stress and depression of the caregiver. The data was collected through by a survey on to married adults who are responsible for the care of old parents. The survey(by purposive sampling) was conducted over the course of for the three months duration from Jan. to Feb. 2014. A total of Finally, 307 copies of the questionnaire retrieved were used for analysis. First, in the case of women, those in their 50s or over, and in the all both gender cases, those who live in rural area, and those who perceive their economic levels as 'low' tend to have higher caregivng stress than other kinds of groups. Second, those who do not have spouses, and those who perceive their economic levels as 'low' tend to have higher depression than other kinds of groups, and those who hold the whole responsibility of caring old parents had a severe high depression. Third, it was found that the greater higher the caregivng stress of caregivers get, the more serious higher their stresses become get.

A Study on Clothing Purchasing Behavior and Preference Images of the Fashion Items according to the Age Groups of the Elderly Woman (노인 여성의 패션아이템별 구매실태 및 선호이미지에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeam-Hae;Lee, Young-Ju
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.279-290
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the clothing purchasing behavior, clothing preference images of the elderly woman according the fashion Items by 3 age groups(65-69 yr, 70-74 yr, over 75 yr). The subjects in this study were 372 elderly women over sixty-five years old in Kimhae and Busan. The major objectives of this study were as follow; 1. Compare the differences in the fashion interest according to the age groups. 2. Compare the differences in the clothing behaviors according to the age groups. 3. Compare the differences in the preference styles of the clothing items according to the age groups. 4. Relationship between age and clothing preference images according the fashion items. The results were as follows: 1. In the fashion interests, 3 age groups of the elderly woman showed significant difference in following fashion interest. 2. In the clothing behaviors according the fashion items, 3 age groups of the elderly woman showed significant difference in the outer, the upper, the underwear, the sportswear and the accessories. 3. In the clothing preference styles according the fashion items, 3 age groups of the elderly woman showed significant difference in the length of jacket, the pants, the skirt. 4. In the clothing preference images according the fashion items, 3 age groups of the elderly woman showed significant difference in all images of the jacket, the pants, the skirt and the one-piece dress.

Effect of lumbar stabilizing exercise using the gym ball on psychosocial status in elderly women with chronic low back pain (짐볼을 이용한 요부안정화 운동이 만성요통 여성노인의 정신사회적 건강수준에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jae-Young;Shin, Hyung-Soo;Seo, Byoung-Do
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2009
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect on psychosocial status in elderly women with chronic low back pain after practicing lumbar stabilizing exercise using the gym ball, and to developed and activated on exercise program for healthy senile life. Methods : The subjects were 23 elderly women with chronic low back pain. Mean age of subjects was $67{\pm}13$ years. The lumbar stabilizing exercise using the gym ball was performed 3 times a week during the 8 weeks study period. The research tool were ODI(Oswestry Disability Index), VAS(Visual Analogue Scale), SES(Self-esteem Scale), GDSSF-K(Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form Korea Version), PSS (perceived stress scale), Life satisfaction, and MMSE-K. The analysis of data was processed by the statistical program SPSS 12.0 and paired t-test and frequency analysis were used to compare psychosocial status between the pretest and post tests. Result : The lumbar stabilizing exercise using the gym ball increased significantly SES and Life satisfaction of subjects, and ODI, VAS(trunk flexion & trunk extention), GDSSF-K, and PSS were decreased significantly(p<.05). While VAS(trunk rotation) were not significantly. Conclusion : The lumbar stabilizing exercise using the gym ball improved psychosocial status in elderly women with chronic low back pain.

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The Effects of Metamemory Enhancing Program on Memory Performances in Elderly Women (메타기억 증진 프로그램이 여성노인의 기억수행에 미치는 효과)

  • Min, Hye-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2002
  • This quasi-experimental study was done to test the effects of meta-memory enhancing program for elderly women. Data were collected 12 to 30, August 2002 from 34elderly women over 65 years living in Busan city. Subjects were 15 of experimental group and 19 of control group. The metamemory enhancing program was developed by five sessions composing of 1.5-2.0 hours one session. In experiment group, this program was performed for three weeks, twice per week. The degrees of four memory performance tasks were measured using instrument of Elderly Verbal Learning Test(Choi Kyung Mi, 1988) and Face Recognition Instrument(Min Hye Sook, 1999) and the metamemory were measured using MIA questionnaire(Dixon et al., 1988). Research results are as following. 1. After participating in five times memory training programs, experimental group has the significant increase of metamemory in comparison with control group.(t=59.58, p< 0.0001). In particular, the concepts of strategy(t=20.44, p< 0.0001), achievement (t=21.94, p< 0.0001), and locus degree (t=59.58, p< 0.0001) among sub-concepts of the metamemory are increasing significantly. 2. After participating in five time memory training programs, the degree of immediate word recall(t=17.25, p< 0.0001) and face recognition(t=16.69, p< 0.0001) among four memory tasks in experimental group are increasing significantly compared with those measures of control group. Considering this results, this metamemory enhancing program was found as an effective nursing program for metamemory improvement of elderly women's memory.

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