• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노인여성

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Contents Analysis on the Health Information of Major Daily Newspaper and TV in Korea (우리나라 주요(主要) 일간지(日刊紙) 및 TV 건강정보(健康情報)의 내용분석(內容分析))

  • Lee, Moo-Sik;Lim, Kyn-Kwang;Na, Baeg-Ju;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Yoo, In-Sook
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.114-118
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    • 2009
  • 주요 일간지와 KBS 1 9시 뉴스에서 다루고 있는 건강관련 기사의 내용을 분석하여, 건강관련 정보의 경향을 파악하여, 건강 예보제 실시를 위한 현황 분석을 위해 본 연구를 실시하였다. 1. 일간지 건강정보 내용분석 결과요약: 기사 보도 분야에서는 생활건강(47.8%), 사회(14.6%), 종합(7.7%), 국제(4.7%), 경제(1.5%) 순이었고, 3/4분기에서만 국제와 경제 분야가 종합분야 보다 많이 보도 되었으며, 기타 분야가 22.9%로 많은 비율을 차지하였다. 건강정보를 대상 성별별로 분류 하였을 시 남녀 모두에 해당되는 자료가 대다수였고(87.9%), 여성이 대상인 정보(8.0%)가 남성(4.1%)보다 많았으며, 생애 주기별 대상으로 분류 하였을 시에 역시 특별히 구분되지 않은 모든 연령층에 해당 정보가 가장 많았고(60.8%), 성인(19.8%), 학동기 어린이(7.3%), 청소년 (4.9%), 노인(4.9%), 영유아(3.3%) 순이었다. 일간지별 기사의 주제를 조사한 결과 두 일간지의 총합은 병의 원인 및 위험인자(15.5%)가 가장 많이 보도 되었는데, 조선일보는 건강증진, 치료 및 술기, 투약, 기타의 순이었고, 한겨레신문은 건강증진, 행정, 치료 및 술기, 투약 순이었으며 각 주제별로 분기별로 약간의 차이를 나타내었다. 예측성에 관한 내용분석을 보면 예보성은 있는 경우(76.2%)가 없는 경우보다 많았고, 예보성의 정보는 알림성, 예측성, 행사성의 순이었고 예측성의 경우 건강형태가 가장 많았으나 한겨레 신문의 경우 기타에 속하는 경우가 가장 많았다. 사 ICD-10 체계, 21대 분류로 질병에 관한 기사를 분류한 결과 신생물(14.5%), 특정 감염성 및 기생충성 질환(13.6%), 정신 및 행동장애(9.5%)의 순이었으며 두 일간지간의 차이를 보였다. 2. TV 뉴스 건강정보 내용분석 결과요약: 건강정보의 대상 특징 성별은 모두 해당되는 경우가 265회 중 238회 (89.8%)로 가장 많았고, 생애주기별 대상으로 보면 모든 연령층에 해당 되는 것이 154회(58.1%)로 가장 많았다. 건강정보의 주제에 대해서 조사한 결과 병의 원인 및 위험인자가 73회(27.5%), 역학(역학조사 및 보도성)이 64회 (24.2%), 행정이 30회(11.3%), 증상 및 호소가 27회(10.2%) 등의 빈도순으로 조사 되었다. 건강정보의 내용의 분야를 보면 대분류로는 질병관리 분야가 102회(38.5%), 보건의료제도 및 행정 분야가 52회(19.6%), 보건행태 및 기타 42회(15.8%), 생활환경분야 39회(14.7%)의 빈도순으로 나타났다. 건강정보 내용을 질병의 분류 ICD-10 체계로 분석한 결과는 특정감염성 및 기생충성 질환 48회(26.8%), 소화기계의 질환, 손산, 중독 및 외인에 의한 특정기타 결과, 건강상태 및 보건서비스 접촉에 주는 요인 등의 빈도순으로 조사되었다.

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A Study on Urinary Incontinence, Interstitial Cystitis, Atrophic Viginitis of Elderly Women Using Senior Welfare Center and Nursing Home and the Cognition of Traditional Korean Medicine (복지관 및 요양원 이용 노인 여성의 요실금, 간질성 방광염, 위축성 질염 실태 및 한방치료에 대한 인식 조사)

  • Heo, Su-Jeong;Ie, Jae-Eun;Cho, Hyun-Ju;Myoung, Sung-Min;Sohn, Young-Joo
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the real condition of urinary incontinence(UI), interstitial cystitis(IC), atrophic viginitis(AV) for elderly women and analyze the cognition of traditional korean medicine(TKM) for them. Methods: We utilized questionnaire from May to June, 2010. Questionnaires were taken from 125 women using senior welfare center and nursing home, aged over 65 up to 92. The data were analyzed by $X^2$-test using SPSS/PC ver 18.0 program. Results: The prevalences of UI, IC and AV symptoms were 50.4%, 40.8%, 56%, respectively. The average I-QoL score for UI was $82.62{\pm}21.16$, and the average ICSI score for IC was $8.16{\pm}2.50$. After adjustment for each of the variables considered in this study, alcohol was associated with UI and age, BMI(body mass index) were associated with IC. Most of respondents have no experience(94.4%) or don't know (79.2%) about TKM for UI, IC and AV. 44 women(37.3%) indicated that they weren't willing to use TKM for UI, IC and AV. Reasons for not taking TKM were because of 'no knowledge of TKM(34.1%)' and 'more accustomed to western treatment(34.1%)'. Conclusion: Although the prevalence of UI, IC, AV for elderly women was high, the actual percentage of treatment for these diseases was low, furthermore, patients were not aware of TKM and had very few experiences of TKM for these diseases. The development and increased promotion about TKM program for elderly women's urogenital diseases is needed.

The Relations of the Life Style and Housing Selection Attributes of the Middle-aged People (중년층의 라이프스타일이 은퇴 후 주거선택속성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Sun-Mi;Ha, Kyu-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.8074-8088
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    • 2015
  • In this study, main focus was analyzing whether the retired middle-aged people's life style and personal characteristics affect house selection attributes and there are any differences according to their life styles. The finding and implications of this study were as follows. The middle-aged people were trying to pursue leisurely and healthy life. Therefore, they prefer the high service quality of health, medical facilities, culture, leisure, and entertainment facilities. These trends were caused by the expansion of the five-days working styles, the improvements of the smart consumptions, the high levels of the education, and the high social and economic participations of the females. The overall changes in social, cultural, economical circumstances made them different from other generations. Also current middle-aged people were more challenging and active and they thought themselves young compared with the people of the older generation. In the future those middle-aged people's life style will be more diversified. Therefore new housing plans are necessary for the middle-aged popple to satisfy their diverse housing needs and housing circumstances. Based on the results of this study for the middle-aged people's life style and housing selection attributes after their retirement, more studies are necessary in new and different views. Furthermore diverse house supplies, housing marketing, housing policies should be provided for the middle-aged people for their retirement and need to study more their future housing satisfaction and their housing needs.

A ground theory approach on fatigue of the female elderly with osteoarthritis (관절염을 앓고 있는 노인 여성 피로 경험의 근거 이론적 접근)

  • Kwon, Young-Eun;Chung, Myung-Sill
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.50-62
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to identify and construct a substantive theory about the experience of fatigue among the female elderly with osteoarthritis. The interviewees were 6 female elderly with osteoarthritis. Of them 3 were admitted General hospital, the remaining 3 didn't admitted hospital. The data were collected through in-depth interviews by the investigators from May 20th, 1995 to June 19th, 1995. The collected data were coded into concepts and categories according to Strauss & Corbin's grounded method. The data thus collected were analyzed immediatly after interviews and fed into next round of interviews until the data collection reaches the saturation point where no additional concepts emerge. The 35 concepts were from analyzing the grounded data. The results of this study were as follows : 'change of the health condition','change of the life pattern', 'physiologic change', 'change of the coping pattern', 'performance of homework', 'activity daily living', 'tireness', 'ache', 'change of general apperance', 'sleep disturbance', 'powerlessness'. 'Physiologic unbalance', 'change of the family dynamics', 'physical imbalance', 'loss of the control', aviodance', 'conversion', 'leaving', 'indifference', 'hesitation', 'the pursue of information and trial', 'the western therapy', 'heat therapy', 'the oriental therapy','exercise', 'weight control', 'support', 'solution', 'being as before', 'adding more'. Six categories emerged from the analysis of ground data. They were as follows : 'stimuli', 'fatigue', 'passive coping', 'active coping', 'disolution', 'remains'. 13 hypothesis were derived from the integration of categories as follows : 1. The stronger the stimulus as perceived by the subjects, the more the fatigue will exrerience. 2. The more severe the fatigue, the more severe the tireness. 3. The more severe the fatigue, the more the hardness. 4. The more severe the fatigue, the more the variability of appear will experience. 5. The more severe the fatigue, the more the pain will experience. 6. The more severe the fatigue, the more the insomnia will experience. 7. The more severe the fatigue, the more the powerless will experience. 8 The more severe the fatigue, the more the psychological unbalance will experience. 9. The more severe the fatigue, the more variability of the family dynamics will experience. 10. The more severe the fatigue, the more the physical unbalance will experience. 11. The more severe the fatigue, the more loss of control will experience. 12. The subjects who experienced the fatigue will be to show passive coping and active coping mechanism.

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Familism and Welfare Consciousness in Korea (가족주의 가치관에 따른 한국인의 복지의식 연구 : 서울지역 기혼자를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Ok-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.51
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    • pp.229-256
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    • 2002
  • This study is about the relationship between traditional familism and welfare consciousness in Korea. Traditional familism is known as the value that most Koreans share with, and the impeding value for welfare program development. Strong family solidarity and family-centered perception among Koreans influences other social values and ideology. Especially, care of the family members is understood as a family duty and responsibility. And this inhibits Koreans to develop welfare consciousness and further to develop welfare programs at the governmental level. Thus, this study purposes to explore the relationship between the two. The sample of 1,131 men and women was selected in Seoul area. As a result, traditional familism is found to be quite influential to welfare consciousness among Koreans. First, perception of welfare institution is strongly related with welfare consciousness. The respondents in high familism group showed low welfare consciousness. Second, state-friendly welfare responsibility was shown low in the group of high familism for the aged and youth. In the same context, for the disabled and the unemployed, state-friendly welfare responsibility was shown high in the group of low familism. Lastly, the relationship between familism and the welfare need was not apparent. Such results make possible to conclude that traditional familism among Korean is still influential to welfare consciousness and welfare ideology. However, although this conclusion should not be used for an excuse to avoid state responsibility but used as a tool to develop a welfare model to strengthen family function as one solid family.

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A Study on Library Policy and Performance Analysis to Practice Social Inclusion (사회적 포용을 실천하기 위한 도서관 정책 및 성과 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Younghee;Shin, Youngji
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.245-266
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    • 2021
  • In this study, in order to practice the social inclusion of libraries, the related policies currently announced in the 3rd Comprehensive Library Development Plan were examined, and the current status of tasks promoted by central administrative agencies and metropolitan and provincial libraries was examined based on these policies. As a result, first, in terms of active information welfare realization, various programs and services are being implemented to bridge the knowledge and information gap, but it seems that the scope of the target should be expanded in the future, cooperation with related organizations, and infrastructure improvement. Second, in terms of expanding the openness of the space, the expansion of the open space as an open space and the application of universal design are being performed. In the future, it seems that the scope of universal design application should be expanded in consideration of budget investment for continuous space reconstruction and diversity of users. Third, in terms of linking services across boundaries, services and programs are provided to infants and toddlers, children, women, the elderly, the underprivileged, job seekers, and multicultural families. In the future, it seems that the improvement of the service system for the expansion of inclusive services in libraries should precede, and cooperation between related ministries should be made to provide differentiated services. Finally, it is expected that future policy-making tasks for social inclusion should be considered not only for books, programs, and spaces, but also for librarians' education, establishment of cooperative networks with related organizations, and marketing for services and programs.

Effects of Gaussian Magnetic Therapy on Body Temperature in Elderly Women with Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (노년기 지연성 근육통증에 대한 가우스 자기장 치료가 신체 체열 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.538-545
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the change of body temperature and pain by application of Gaussian magnetic for the elderly delayed muscle pain. For the purpose, we selected 15 elderly women(age;$69.47{\pm}1.60$) and conducted repeated experiments. The Gaussian magnetic field area was divided into three areas (1000G, 1500G, 2000G). The applying arbitrarily manufactured magnetic field wristbands changes of body heat and pain before and after wearing Gaussian magnetic were measured and collected data were analyzed using SPSS 19.0. To examine the pre-and post-treatment differences by treatment areas, we conducted paired t-test. Group differences and interaction effects were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Duncan post hoc tests. The significance level was set to ${\alpha}=.05$. The results are as follows. The change of body heat by the Gaussian magnetic field area showed significant differences in all three groups(P<.05). There were also significant differences in the results of group interactions and in the delayed muscle pain scale between groups(P<.05). The area with the largest difference appeared in the area of 1500G field. The 1000G-1500G Gauss field is considered to be the most ideal magnetic field for body heat and muscle pain changes. In conclusion, the Gaussian magnetic field of 1000G-1500G may affect body temperature and muscle pain in the elderly, and may have a significant impact on the quality of life in old age.

Clustering by Marital Relationship and Adult Children Relationship and Group Differences in Psychological Maladjustment of Elderly Couples (초기 노년기 부부의 부부관계와 성인자녀관계에 따른 집단유형과 심리적 부적응의 차이)

  • Lee, Juyeon;Chung, Hyejeong
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.975-991
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    • 2012
  • Using data from 271 elderly couples, this study was to explore the types of group classified by couples' perception of marital relationship(marital intimacy, marital comparison level) and relationship with adult children(triangulation, differentiation between parents and adult children. In addition, this study was to analyze the differences in the demographic variables and psychological maladjustment according to the group types of elderly couples. A cluster analysis result identified four clusters such as chaos, bad, average, and good type. Second, the four clusters were different in the length of marriage, education level, and the type of social activity participation. Third, the four clusters were different in the levels of the psychological maladjustment, indicating that the psychological maladjustment level was the lowest in the cluster of good type but the highest in the cluster of bad type in both relationships with spouses and adult children.

Comparison of the Cognitive Function and Nutrient Intakes of Elderly Women with Dementia in a Long-Term Care Facility and a Day-Time Care Facility in Incheon (인천지역 장기요양시설과 주간보호시설 여성치매노인의 인지기능 및 영양섭취 비교)

  • Bae, Mi Ae;Lee, Young Whee;Kim, Hwa Soon;You, Jeong Soon;Chang, Kyung Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.389-400
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    • 2019
  • In this study we compared the cognitive function (Mini-Mental State Examination for Dementia Screening: MMSE-DS) and nutrient intake of elderly women with dementia in a long-term care facility (EW-LCF) and a day-time care facility (EW-DCF). This survey was conducted from July 2015 to May 2017 on 73 elderly women with dementia (47 women in LCF and 26 women in DCF) in the city of Incheon. The data obtained from interviews with the subjects and caregivers were analyzed using the SPSS 20.0. The total score of the MMSE-DS and intakes of most nutrients in the EW-LCF were significantly lower compared to the EW-DCF (p<0.05). The nutrient adequacy ratios (NAR) of protein, vitamin A, C, $B_6$, $B_{12}$, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, calcium and phosphorus in the EW-LCF were significantly lower compared to the EW-DCF (p<0.05). However, the indexes of nutritional quality (INQ) of vitamin C, $B_6$, thiamine, niacin, calcium, magnesium, and iron in the EW-LCF were significantly higher compared to the EW-DCF (p<0.05). As a result, the subjects showed an unbalanced and insufficient nutrition intake status regardless of the type of care facility. Most nutrient intakes of the EW-LCF with lower cognitive function were very significantly lower compared to the EW-DCF (p<0.001). Therefore, it is necessary to assess the cognitive function and nutritional status regularly at care facilities for the elderly women suffering with dementia and to provide specialized individual nutritional management.

The Research Trend Analysis of the Korean Journal of Physical Education using Mecab-ko Morphology Analyzer (Mecab-ko 형태소 분석을 이용한 한국체육학회지 연구동향 분석)

  • Park, Sung-Geon;Kim, Wanseop;Lee, Dae-Taek
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.595-605
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of research fields are preferred by the researcher of the Korean Physical Education Society using the Mecab-ko morpheme analysis and whether there are differences in the interests of researchers between the humanities and social sciences and natural sciences. A total of the data collected for this study are 5,014 papers published online from March 2002 to March 2017 in the Korean Journal of Physical Education was collected. In this study, we used Mecab-ko morpheme analyzer to extract the keyword from the collected documents. As a result, the study found that the number of papers published in KAHPERD appeared to be decreasing. It was also that the main concern of researchers in KAHPERD toward was leisure, live sports and health were relatively higher than the improvement of performance. The research subjects that were interested in the research were women, middle-aged and elderly. The study found that researchers in the humanities and social sciences have shown interest in both traditional research and social interests, while researchers in the natural sciences have shown an interest in a deeper study of traditional research. In conclusion, in order to realize the revitalization of sports convergence research, it is necessary to establish standards for the field of study which should focus on the depth and breadth of research.