• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노동의 질

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노동굴의 환경변화와 보전에 관한 연구

  • 경만호;임병기
    • Proceedings of the Speleological Society Conference
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    • 1994.11a
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    • pp.102-105
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    • 1994
  • 동굴은 관광개발과 동시에 그 환경은 점자 파괴오손 되는 것이 당연하다. 관광개발의 시설때문에 경관의 훼손은 물론이고, 그 밖에 입동객에 의한 이른바 오손공해는 우리들이 잘 아는 바이다. 그리고 조명시설에 의한 광도때문에 나타나는 녹색공해를 비롯한 흑색공해 등은 역시 무시할 수 없는 것이며, 이밖에도 대기질 변화, 건화현상 등에 유래되는 백색공해와 박리작용에 의한 퇴적물 오손 등은 참으로 개발에 따른 환경파괴와 오손현상이라 하겠다.(중략)

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노동굴의 환경변화와 보전에 관한 연구

  • 경만호;변태근;임병기
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • v.35 no.36
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    • pp.72-89
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    • 1993
  • 동굴은 관광개발과 동시에 그 환경은 점차 파괴오손 되는 것이 당연하다. 관광개발의 시설때문에 경관의 훼손은 물론이고, 그 밖에 입동객에 의한 이른바 오손공해는 우리들이 잘 아는 바이다. 그리고 조명시설에 의한 광도때문에 나타나는 녹색공해를 비롯한 흑색공해 등은 역시 무시할 수 없는 것이며, 이밖에도 대기질 변화, 건화현상 등에 유래되는 백색공해와 박리작용에 의한 퇴적물 오손 등은 참으로 개발에 따른 환경파괴와 오손현상이라 하겠다.(중략)

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The Short-and Long-term Employment Effects of reduced Working Hours in a Putty-Clay-Model (법정근로시간 단축의 단기 및 중·장기적 고용효과 : Putty-Clay-Approach)

  • Lee, Sang-Mok
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.13-38
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    • 2001
  • The question about whether a shorter workweek may increase employment has been a serious issue and been furiously debated among collective bargainers. The advocators recommend publicly that a reduction in standard working hours will provide benefits to the unemployed through the provision of new jobs, and also can improve the quality of life workers. The opponents argue that a shorter workweek will increase labor costs and induce firms to reduce their production levels, and consequently cut back their demand for labor. Although the debate is still continuing, considerable has been made toward achieving the goal workweek reduction. The analytical framework of this paper is a Putty-clay-model, in which the short-and long-term impacts of changes in working time on the employment associated with the interrelations of wages, prices, hourly labour productivity, the firm's labor demand, business cycle and economic growth etc. must be analyzed.

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The Phenomenological Study on the Male Immigrant Workers' Lives after Undergoing the Industrial Accidents (남성 이주노동자의 산업재해 후 삶에 대한 현상학적 연구)

  • Ro, Ji hyun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.68 no.1
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    • pp.23-52
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to reveal the meaning and essence of male immigrant workers' life who underwent industrial accidents through specific experiences. This study is based on the Van Manen(1990)'s lived experience phenomenological method, which actively describes the experiences about the industrial accidents in the perspective of male immigrant worker. The in-depth interviews were carried out with the thirteen male immigrant workers participants who underwent the industrial accidents. Through the interview, 121 meaning units and 38 disclosed themes were constructed. The following is the summarized results as 9 essential themes: < the oppression of the Industrial accident compensation insurance's hospitals to the aliens >, < being treated like the surplus man who lost the labor force >, < the class rank below despite undergoing the industrial accidents >, < survival having resistance sentiments >, < living at the anonymous lands as the Homo sacer >, < the stratified strategies between the immigrant workers >, < the origins as the bodiless shadow >, < struggling to escape the present conditions >, < present circumstances tied by the past experiences without hope >, researcher sought the essential meaning structure about the four Life-world Existentials (Body, The other, Space and Time) of constructing human's live-world. Based on the study results, some suggestions were made to restore the male immigrant workers' damaged quality of their lives who experienced industrial accidents and to contribute the social integration in view of the social welfare.

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Relationship Between Job-related Affective States and Job Attitudes: Mediating Effects of Emotional Labor (직무관련 정서상태가 직무열의 및 직무탈진에 미치는 영향: 감정노동의 매개효과)

  • Jae, Hwang-Sung;Baek, Yoonjung;Kim, Boyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.4930-4941
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    • 2014
  • This study had three purposes. First, the effects of job-related affective states on emotional labor (deep acting and surface acting) of employees engaging in service job were examined. Second, previous studies focused on the negative effects of emotional labor on job attitudes. On the other hand, this study dealt with not only the negative effects of emotional labor but also its positive effects. In particular, this study examined the effects of emotional labor on positive job attitudes, such as job commitment and job involvement, as well as negative job attitudes, such as exhaustion and cynicism. Finally, this study examined the mediation effect of emotional labor on the relationship between the job-related affective state and job attitudes. The data was collected from 150 employees working in 15 service firms in Korea. The results were as follows. First, the positive job-related affective state increased the deep-acting. On the other hand, negative job-related affective state increased surface-acting. Second, the main effect of deep-acting on positive job attitudes (dedication and vigor) was significant. In addition, the main effects of surface-acting on the negative job attitudes (exhaustion and cynicism) was significant. Finally, the mediating effect of deep-acting on the relationship between positive job-related affective state and positive job attitudes was significant. In addition, surface-acting mediated the relationship between negative job-related affective state and negative job attitudes. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are provided in the discussion session.

An Analysis of the Factors of Youth Unemployment and Nonparticipation in Korea (청년층 미취업의 실태 및 원인 분석)

  • Kim, Ahnkook
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.23-52
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    • 2003
  • This study focus on unemployment and nonparticipation of youth. By dividing youth nonparticipants into 'house work and child care', 'studying and training', 'the others' categories, we estimate the potential wages with selectivity bias model and analyse the factors of choosing unemployment or nonparticipation with multinomial logit model. The differences between the potential market wage and the desired wage of the groups of 'studying and training', 'the others' in the nonparticipants are greater than those of the unemployment group. In the case of the man and lower age, and low schooling the differences of potential and desire wage are larger than woman and higher age, and high schooling. In the choice of unemployment and nonparticipation, man and higher age, and householder, and holder of qualification are not likely to opt nonparticipation. The experience of job lower the rate of probability to choose employment, but raise the rate of probability to choose unemployment and nonparticipation. These results mean that the quality of youth employment is very inferior.

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Analysis on Factors of Management Efficiency for Bean Farm Households (콩 재배농가의 경영효율성에 영향을 주는 원인분석)

  • Kim, Mi-Ok;Lee, Sang-Lae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.265-271
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    • 2016
  • DEA is a typical method that allows measurements and evaluations of the efficiency. This study examined the management efficiency of bean farm households to suggest factors that influence the management efficiency. The results showed that a larger cultivation area has more positive effects on the scale efficiency of beans farm households. When summing up farmer's family labor, lease fee, hired labor cost, which are strongly related to the workforce, it reached up to 54.6%. This means that they all occupy more than half of the production cost and they show an increasing trend. Moreover, although the hired labor rate is higher, it has more positive influences on the gross efficiency, technical efficiency and scale efficiency. In addition, the results showed that environmentally-friendly agriculture decreases the efficiency.

Study on the Factors Working Environment and Health Effects of Contingent Workers Youth (비정규직 청년의 근무환경과 건강영향의 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Kilyong;Kim, Hohyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.170-180
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: While the proportion of the non-regular workers youth increases in labor market, the differential conditions of temporary employee are increased. Methods: Research objects were 4,322 youth (from 15 to 29) among members of workers who responded to 2014 PSWCI panel report. Statistical analyses were performed using the SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Data were analyzed using frequency test, t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression. Results: According to results of analysis, youth had differences in youth temporary workers, working conditions, classification of occupation, working period, and health conditions based on work-time conditions. Conclusions: Youth workers, policies on working hours will need to take steps toward reducing working hours and improve a health promoting hierarchy for work environment.

Effects of Family Size on Private Tutoring Expenditures in Korea (가족내 자녀수가 자녀에 대한 사교육 투자에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Changhui;Hyun, Bohun
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.111-136
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    • 2012
  • This paper investigates effects of family size on private tutoring expenditures, using a data set drawn from the Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women & Families (KLoWF). To deal with endogeneity of family size, the paper employs an instrumental variable (IV) method in which the sex of the first-born of the family is used as an IV. The results suggest that quantity-quality trade-offs of children within a family function in a way that varies by the sex of the child. While the effect of an increase in family size on private turoring expenditures of a second-born daughter is negative, the effect for a second-born son is indeterminate. The result for daughters implies that high costs of raising a child are likely to explain low birth rates of Korea.

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The Effects of Employee Participation Programs (종업원(從業員) 경영참여제도(經營參與制度)의 효과분석(效果分析))

  • Lee, Sang-yeup
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.81-101
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    • 2000
  • This paper tests the economic effects of employee participation programs. We suggest framework that emphasizes the mutual gains through the interaction of employee participation programs with complementary practices-employment security, training, rational wage systems, information sharing and empowerment-. In regression analysis, we find positive effects on the productivity. And also we test significant differences of participation level and complementary level between win-win group(high productivity and low turnover) and lose-lose group(low productivity and high turnover) through the t-test and discriminant analysis. This facts suggest that employee participation programs contribute to mutual gains.

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