• Title/Summary/Keyword: 내시경절제술

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Surgical Treatment for Chronic Peptic Ulcer with Gastric Outlet Obstruction (만성 소화성 궤양에 합병된 위출구 폐색의 수술적 치료)

  • Lee, Jei Hee;Yang, Shi Joon;Jeon, Young Woong;Park, Sei Hyeog;Kim, Jong Heung;Park, Jong Min
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.160-165
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: With the introduction of H. pylori eradication and proton pump inhibitor, the operative treatments for the acute or chronic complications of peptic ulcer, such as perforation, bleeding and stricture, have decreased. Also owing to the development of non-operative treatment such as interventional endoscopic treatment, the surgical approach to the acute complications, like perforation and bleeding, has diminished. The non-operative treatments for the stricture and obstruction of chronic peptic ulcer in part related to discontinuation of medication have not been satisfactory. We analyzed the clinical outcomes of the patients who underwent operative treatment for outlet obstruction with peptic ulcer. Materials of Methods: From January 1994 to December 2007, we reviewed 31 patients who had been operated on at the National Medical Center for peptic ulcer obstruction. We excluded the cases of adhesive obstructions that were caused by a former ulcer operation and also the cases of obstructions found during emergency operations for treating perforation and bleeding. We classified the surgical treatment group into the bypass operation group and the surgical resection group. We evaluated the effects of the operations by the Visick score. The recurrences were confirmed only by the endoscopic observation of peptic ulcer. Results: The number of patients in the bypass operation group was 6 (19.4%) and that of resection group was 25 (80.6%). The mean age was 57.5 (25~81) years. The number of male patients was 29 (93.5%) and the number of females was 2 (6.5%). The mean symptom duration was 29.6 months. There were 19 smokers (61.3%), 6 NSAID users (19.4%) and 7 H. pylori positive patients (22.6%). Two patients underwent endoscopic balloon dilatation with no success. The locations of lesion were the stomach, the duodenum and both in 9, 20 and 2 cases, respectively. There were operative complications in 13 cases (41.9%), recurrent ulcers in 2 cases (6.5%), and reoperations in 4 cases. The mean Visick score was 1.8 (1~4). There were no statistically significant clinicopathologic differences between the bypass operation group and the resection group. The two groups had 1 case each of recurrence. Although the bypass group had a greater complication rate (83.3%) than the resection group (32%), this was not statistically meaningful (P=0.175). The mean Visick score was 3.0 in the bypass group and 1.6 in the resection group, so the resection group was better (P=0.001). Conclusion: For a case of chronic peptic ulcer with outlet obstruction, even though it has been reported that endoscopic balloon dilatation worked well, surgery is still regarded as an important treatment. If you consider the patients' satisfaction and the difficulty of diagnosing malignant ulcers, surgical resection should be recommended more often than a bypass operation.

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Esophagoaortic Fistula Caused by Esophageal Tuberculosis-A Case Report- (식도 결핵에 의한 식도 대동맥류-1례보고-)

  • 이희성;이원진;최광민;안현성;홍기우
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.256-259
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    • 2001
  • 식도 결핵은 아주 드문 질환으로 연하곤란과 흉통이 가장 흔한 증상이면 다량의 토형은 드문 것으로 되어 있다. 본원에서는 다량의 토형을 동반한 식도 결핵에 의한 식도 대동맥루를 가진 환자를 지험했다. 4세 남자 환자는 다량의 토혈로 응습실을 통해 입원했다. 내원 당시 응급으로 시행한 내시경 검사상 incisor로부터 25cm 하방에 0.7 cm의 풍부한 혈관성의 육아종성 병변을 발견하고, 응급개흉술로 식도의 종양성 병변에 대해 쐐기 절제술을 시행하였다. 식도의 종양성 병변부위는 대동맥과 심게 유착되어 있었고 식도에서 대동맥쪽으로의 식도루를 이중 결찰했다. 환자는 술후 8일째 갑작스런 흉관을 통한 다량의 출혈과 구토 후 토형이 있어 응급 재 개흉술을 시행하여 대동맥파열과 식도 문합부 파열을 확인하였으나 더 이상의 교정이 불가능하여 사망하였다. 이에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

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Safe Placement of Urethral Foley Catheter Using Guide Wire in Patient with False Passage (Urethral False Tract가 있는 환자에 있어서 Guide Wire를 이용한 안전한 Foley Catheter의 유치방법)

  • Kim, Young-Soo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.101-104
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    • 1988
  • A simple and safe method of urethral Foley catheterization using guide wire was devised and applicated to 7 patients with urethral false tract and 3 patients underwent transurethral resection of the prostate for benign prostatic hypertrophy with success in all without difficulties.

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Basaloid-Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus -A case report- (식도에서 발생한 기저양 편평세포암종 -1예 보고-)

  • 박훈;박남희;박창권;금동윤
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.10
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    • pp.888-891
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    • 2004
  • Basaloid-squamous cell carcinoma, a biologically high-grade variant of squamous cell carcinoma, is predominantly located at upper aerodigestive tract but it is extremely rare in the esophagus. Recently we experienced a case of basaloid-squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus. A 64 year-old man was referred to our hospital because of mucosal nodularity at 35 cm apart from the incisor in endoscopic examination. Result of Biopsy was squamous cell carcinoma. Left transthoracic esophagectomy was performed. Histologically, the lesion of tumor was basaloid-squamous cell carcinoma and no lymph node metastasis was found.

Giant Fibrovascular Polyp of the Esophagus -A Case Report- (식도에 발생한 거대 섬유혈관성 용종)

  • 오삼세;심영목
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.675-680
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    • 1996
  • A case of giant fibrovascular polyp of the esophagus with a review of the literature is presented. A 52 year old man with into rmittent dysphagia was found to have an intraluminal esophageal lesion of remarkable size by the radiological studies, but overlooked at esophagoscopy. A giant esophageal polyp w s successfully re- moved surgically by transthoracic approach, although preoperative evaluation of the location and characteristics of the lesion was problematic. These pedunculated intraluminal polyps are rare and characterized by slow growing. benign nature that almost always originate at the level of. the cricopharyngeus muscle, and often attain giant proportions. Symptoms are related to esophageal ob- struction and sudden death by asphyxia can occur. Surgical removal is the choice of treatment.

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A Case of Massive Hemoptysis due to Dieulafoy's Disease of the Bronchus (기관지 Dieulafoy 질환에 의한 대량 객혈 1예)

  • Kang, Yeh Rim;Lee, Jung Woo;Jeon, Hee Jung;Lee, Shin Yeop;Cha, Seung Ick;Park, Tae Ihn;Park, Jae Yong;Jung, Tae Hoon;Kim, Chang Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.58-61
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    • 2009
  • Dieulafoy's disease of the bronchus is rare but potentially life-threatening, and should be considered in patients with massive hemoptysis, especially from unknown etiology. We report a case of a patient with massive hemoptysis due to bronchial Dieulafoy's disease. He underwent bronchial artery embolization and surgical resection, and the post-operative specimen revealed dilated and tortuous arteries in the submucosa that presented as Dieulafoy's disease of the bronchus.

Clinical Experience of Small-cell Carcinomas of the Stomach (위에 발생한 소세포암의 임상 경험)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Ju;Park, Moon-Hyang;Kwon, Sung-Joon
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.5 no.4 s.20
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    • pp.252-259
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    • 2005
  • To clarify the clinicopathologic features of small-cell carcinomas (SCC) of the stomach, we reviewed three cases of surgically treated SCC. The first case was a pure SCC, with severe pancreatic invasion and peritoneal seeding. A gastro-jejunostomy was performed. Postoperative chemotherapy was performed with CDDP and VP-16 (8 cycles) but showed disease progression (PD); a consecutive chemotherapy with CDDP and irinotencan (2 cycles) also showed PD. A third line with CDDP, VP16, ifosfamide, and mesna was followed by a 4th line (CDDP and Taxol). The male patient died with liver metastasis and peritoneal seeding 14 months after the operation. The second case was a SCC mixed with a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Profound lymphadenopathy and liver metastasis were found. Two cycles of preoperative chemotherapy with TS-1 and CDDP were performed, which showed nearly complete remission for lymphadenopathy and partial response for the primary tumor site and liver metastatic lesion. A total gastrectomy and extended lymphadenectomy was performed. There were no viable cancer cells in 35 retrieved lymph nodes. Postoperative chemotherapy using the same regimen was performed for 4 cycles. Enlarged liver metastasis was found at the follow-up CT scan, so a posterior segmentectomy of liver was performed. After liver surgery, the chemotherapy regimen was changed to irinotecan and cisplatin. This male patient has been in good health for the f4 months since gastric surgery. The third case was a pure SCC, and a subtotal gastrectomy was performed curatively. That male patient received 5 cycles of TS-1 and is still in good health 14 months after operation.

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Colon Interposition as a Gastric Substitute after Performing Gastrectomy in Patients with Gastric Cancer (위암 환자에서 위 절제술 후 결장 간치술)

  • Lee, Jun-Hyun;Hur, Hoon;Jeon, Hae-Myung;Kim, Wook
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: For most surgeons, colon interposition after gastrectomy remains an infrequently performed procedure because of its complexity. The aim of this study was to assess its technical feasibility and safety as a post-gastrectomy reconstruction method by reviewing our experience with colon interposition. Materials and Methods: From March 2001 to February 2002, 30 colon interpositions after-gastrectomy were done with using the ileo-ascending or transverse colon. We analyzed the clinicopathologic features and the surgical outcomes. Results: There were 16 males and 14 females in this study with a mean age of 67.5 years (range: 31 to 76 years). Twenty-five ascending colons and 5 transverse colons were used for the interposition, respectively. The mean operation time was 373 minutes (range: 204 to 600 minutes). There were 9 operative morbidities (30%) and 1 operative mortality. The restoration of bowel motility was noted at 3.8 postoperative days; a soft diet was started at 4.9 postoperative days and the duration of the hospital stay was 18.2 days. The percentage of weight loss in the patients with total, proximal and distal gastrectomy was 16.3%, 14.0% and 8.8%, respectively, at 6 months, and thereafter the weight loss gradually recovered as 8.1%, 7.5% and 5.6%, respectively, at 5 years postoperatively. Gastric stasis was the one of the most meaningful long-term complications, and especially in the patients who underwent distal gastrectomy with colon interposition. Conclusion: Colon interposition after gastrectomy was a very complex procedure with a long operating time and many anastomosis sites. The postoperative outcomes failed to achieve satisfactory weight gain and the patients displayed postprandial symptoms. This suggested that this procedure was not an appropriate procedure for conventional reconstruction after gastrectomy.

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The Cumulative Recurrence Rate of Colonic Adenomatous Polyps After Colon Polypectomy in a Single University Hospital Health Check-up Examinees (일개 대학병원 건강검진 수진자를 대상으로 한 선종성 대장용종절제술 후 대장용종의 누적재발률)

  • Hwang, Hye-Lim;Jung, Woo-Geun;Kim, Yun-Jin;Lee, Sang-Yeoup;Cho, Byung-Mann;Yi, Yu-Hyeon;Cho, Young-Hye;Tak, Young-Jin;Jeong, Dong-Wook;Lee, Jeong-Gyu
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: Colonoscopy is a popular tool for screening for colon cancer throughout the world. The incidence of polypectomy and follow-up colonoscopy are persistently increasing but the studies about follow-up test after polypectomy are still lack of its domestic sources. This study is designed to look into the recurrence rate of colon polyps and risk factors after polypectomy. Methods: This is a retrospective study by reviewing medical charts of 147 patients who underwent polypectomy and follow-up colonoscopy from Jan. 2000 to Mar. 2008. The Kudo classification was used to describe the polyps found in the colonoscopy. The follow-up period was defined as the term between polypectomy and the first colonoscopy follow up. Results: Seventy six point two percent of the enrolled patient were male and the mean age was $56.5{\pm}8.1$. Mean follow-up period was $24.9{\pm}13.7$ (6 - 65) months. The cumulative recurrence rate of 1 year was 11.6%. The rate of 2 years was 36.7% and that of 3 years was 55.8%. The number of polyps was the factor which statistically showed significant relation of its recurrence rate. The histological morphology characteristic of polyps could be one independent factor which may be associated to the recurrence of polyps. Conclusions: The importance of colonoscopy follow up after polypectomy was clearly emphasized through the cumulative recurrence rate of 55.8%. Therefore, there is a need for more domestic studies with a large number of patients about the recurrence of polyps after polypectomy.

Clinicopathologic Evaluation of Gastric Polyps Remainding in the Stomach after a Gastrectomy (위 절제술 후 발생한 위 폴립의 임상 병리학적 특징)

  • Yoon, Ki-Young;Cho, Sung-Jin;Kim, Jeong-Hon;Kim, Young-Sik;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.5 no.3 s.19
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    • pp.169-173
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    • 2005
  • Background: Gastric polyps encompass a wide variety of lesions that most commonly arise from the gastric epithelium. However, coincidental gastric carcinomas have rarely been reported, being found in $1.5{\sim}2.1%$ of patients with hyperplastic polyps. The sizes and the pathologies of polyps seem to be important in the application of treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to classily gastric polypoid lesions after a gastrectomy. Materials and Methods: During a follow-up endoscopy study, 23 patients were found to have developed gastric polyps after a gastrectomy. Most of those polyps were removed by using an endoscopic polypectomy. We performed clinical and pathologic evaluations of the gastric polyps in the remainding in the stomach after a gastrectomy, Results: The mean age of the patients was 64.5 years old with the incidence of polyps remainding in the stomach after a gastrectomy increasing after the first year following the gastrectomy. The sizes of the polyps ranged from 0.3cm to 3.5cm in diameter and the numbers of polyps below 1.0cm were 19 (82.6%). The anastomotic site was the most prevalent place 10 (43.2%), followed by the cardia 6 (26.0%) and the body 4 (17.3%). Among 23 gastric polypoid lesions Yamada types of gastric polyps in the remainding in the stomach were as follows: 1 case in type I, 12 cases in type II, 9 cases in type III, 1 case in type IV. The pathologic diagnoses of the polyps were hyperplastic polyps in 6 cases, tubular adenomas in 2 cases and inflammatory polyps in 15 cases. Conclusion: Endoscopic polypectomy is believed to be important in assessing the precise diagnosis of gastric polyps remainding in the stomach. In this study, hyperplastic polyps were found to have no malignant potential, despite their sizes. As a result aggressive biopsy with a polypectomy of gastric polyp afier gastrectomy is recommended and frequent follow-up be performed.

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