• 제목/요약/키워드: 남자 노인

검색결과 286건 처리시간 0.027초

Social Networks and hypertension in Some rural residents Aged 60-64 (일부 60~64세 농촌 인구에서 사회조직망과 고혈압)

  • Lee, Choong-Won;Cho, Hee-Young;Lee, Mi-Young;Kim, Gui-Yeon;Park, Jong-Won;Kang, Mi-Jung;Suh, Suk-Kwon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.229-242
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    • 1998
  • Face-to-face interviews were carried out to investigate the relationship between social networks and hypertension in 958 rural residents(males=440, females=518) aged 60-64 of a community-dwelling sample of Dalsung County from April to September in 1996. Eight elements of social network were measured : marital status, regular religious attendance, membership in groups, number of friends, relatives, siblings, children, grandchildren. Hypertensives were defined as meeting at least one of following criteria : hypertension history, systolic blood pressure more than 160 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure more than 95 mmHg. In univariate logistic regression for males, having 1-4 friends vs. none showed odds ratio 0.43 (95% Confidence interval CI 0.19-0.96) and having 2-3, 4 and more than 5 children had reduced prevalence of hypertension with odds ratios 0.21 (95% CI 0.06-0.72), 0.14 (95% CI 0.04-0.49), 0.24 (95% CI 0.07-0.82), respectively when compared with persons without children. In females, there was no elements of social network statistically significant. Having 5-9 grandchildren vs. none showed a marginally significant odds ratio 0.42. In multivariate logistic regression models for males with adjustment for age, education, body mass index, smoking and drinking, number of friends and children showed increased odds ratios and number of close relatives gained a statistically significant odds ratios (0.44-0.50). In females, the adjustment yielded little changes of odds ratios except number of grandchildren which gained a statistically significance. These results suggest that only a certain elements of social network may be associated with reduced risk of hypertension and they may be different between genders in rural resident aged 60-64.

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The Characteristics of Rural Population, Korea, 1960~1995: Population Composition and Internal Migration (농촌인구의 특성과 그 변화, 1960~1995: 인구구성 및 인구이동)

  • 김태헌
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.77-105
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    • 1996
  • The rural problems which we are facing start from the extremely small sized population and the skewed population structure by age and sex. Thus we analyzed the change of the rural population. And we analyzed the recent return migration to the rural areas by comparing the recent in-migrants with out-migrants to rural areas. And by analyzing the rural village survey data which was to show the current characteristics of rural population, we found out the effects of the in-migrants to the rural areas and predicted the futures of rural villages by characteristics. The changes of rural population composition by age was very clear. As the out-migrants towards cities carried on, the population composition of young children aged 0~4 years was low and the aged became thick. The proportion of the population aged 0~4 years was 45.1% of the total population in 1970 and dropped down to 20.4% in 1995, which is predicted to become under 20% from now on. In the same period(1970~1995), the population aged 65 years and over rose from 4.2% to 11.9%. In 1960, before industrialization, the proportion of the population aged 0~4 years in rural areas was higher than that of cities. As the rural young population continuously moves to cities it became lower than that in urban areas from 1975 and the gap grew till 1990. But the proportion of rural population aged 0~4 years in 1995 became 6.2% and the gap reduced. We can say this is the change of the characteristics of in-migrants and out-migrants in the rural areas. Also considering the composition of the population by age group moving from urban to rural area in the late 1980s, 51.8% of the total migrants concentrates upon age group of 20~34 years and these people's educational level was higher than that of out-migrants to urban areas. This fact predicted the changes of the rural population, and the results will turn out as a change in the rural society. However, after comparing the population structure between the pure rural village of Boeun-gun and suburban village of Paju-gun which was agriculture centered village but recently changed rapidly, the recent change of the rural population structure which the in-migrants to rural areas becomes younger is just a phenomenon in the suburban rural areas, not the change of the total rural areas in general. From the characteristics of the population structure of rural village from the field survey on these villages, we can see that in the pure rural villages without any effects from cities the regidents are highly aged, while industrialization and urbanization are making a progress in suburban villages. Therefore, the recent partial change of the rural population structure and the change of characteristics of the in-migrants toward rural areas is effecting and being effected by the population change of areas like suburban rural villages. Although there are return migrants to rural areas to change their jobs into agriculture, this is too minor to appear as a statistic effect.

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The Effect of Mixing Beverage with Aralia continentalis Kitagawa Root on Blood Pressure and Blood Constituents of the Diabetic and Hypertensive Elderly (땅두릅뿌리를 이용한 혼합음료가 당뇨 및 고혈압 환자의 혈압과 혈액 성상에 미치는 영향)

  • 최미숙;도대홍;최도점
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2002
  • Studies were carried out to observe the influence of the Aralia continentalis Kitagawa root on blood pressure and blood constituents of the 24 hypertensive elderly(10 men and 14 women aged over 60). Total subjects were divided into three groups according to taking antihypertensive medications(A), antihypertensive medications and mixing beverages with the Aralia continentalis Kitagawa root(B) or mixing beverages with Aralia continentalis Kitagawa root(C). The systolic blood pressure of C group was significantly lower than that of A and B groups. The diastolic blood pressure of C group was lower than A and B groups. The blood glucose level of C group was a little lower than that of A and B groups. The level of TG increased more in A group than C group and decreased in B group. The levels of T-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol lowered in B and C groups and HDL-cholesterol level was higher in C group. The GOT, GPT and T-bilirubin levels of C group were significantly higher than others. Mixing beverages with Aralia continentalis Kitagawa root did not affect on blood protein and non-protein nitrogens. In conclusion, mixing beverages with Aralia continentalis Kitagawa root had an effect on lowering blood pressure, blood glucose, T-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations.

Clinical Characteristics of Elderly Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis (고령자 폐결핵에 대한 임상적 관찰)

  • Kim, Chung-Tae;Um, Hye-Suck;Lee, Hyang-Ju;Rhu, Nam-Soo;Cho, Dong-Il
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제49권4호
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    • pp.432-440
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    • 2000
  • Background : The prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis among the elderly is increasing in Korea and in the developed countries due to the increased elderly population and their predispositions to chronic disease, poverty and decreased immunity. To define the characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis in the elderly, we evaluated the clinical spectrum of pulmonary tuberculosis. Method : We analyzed 92 patients retrospectively that were diagnosed as active pulmonary tuberculosis over the age of 65. The analysis involved patient's profiles, clinical manifestations, coexisting diseases, diagnostic methods, anti-TB medications and their side effects, and treatment outcomes. Results : The results were as follows : - 1) The ratio of male to female was 2.1:1(62:30 cases) 2) Chief complaints were a cough (47.8%), dyspnea (40.2%), sputum (38.0%), chest pain (12.0%), anorexia (10.9%), and fever (9.8%). 3) 38 (41.3%) of cases had a past history of pulmonary tuberculosis. 4) The coexisting diseases were : -COPD, 25 cases (27.2%); pneumonia, 17 cases (18.5%); DM. 13 cases (14.1%); and malignancy, 10 cases (10.9%). 5) The positivity of Mantoux test (5 TU, PPD-S) was 82.7%. 6) Pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed using the following methods : sputum AFB (Acid Fast Bacillus) smear 42.4%, sputum TB (M. Tuberculosis) culture 15.2%, sputum TB PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) 10.9%, bronchial washing AFB smear 2.1%, chest radiology only 25.0%. 7) Locations of radiologic lesions were RULF, 50 cases; RLLF, 50 cases, mostly, then LLLF ; 26 cases were leastly involved. 8) The coexisting tuberculosis were endobronchial TB(8.7%), TB pleurisy(7.6%) miliary TB(5.4%), intestinal TB(2.2%), renal TB(1.1%) 9) The proportion of treatment regimen with 1st line drug and 2nd line drug were 92.3% and 7.6%, respectively. 10) The outcome of treatment were as follows : cured 31.5%, expired 13.0%, no return 47.8%, follow-up now 7.6%. Conclusion : The pulmonary tuberculosis in the elderly has atypical patterns with chronic coexisting diseases. Therefore, the possibility of pulmonary tuberculosis should be considered in elderly patients with pulmonary symptoms.

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A Survey on the Oral Health Conditions according to Dental Health Behaviors of Elderly People in Community (일부 지역사회 노인들의 구강보건행동에 따른 구강건강상태)

  • Kang, Hyeong-Ku;Yoon, Hyun-Suk;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.263-277
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    • 2005
  • Objectives: This study aimed to reveal the oral health conditions based on the dental health behaviors of a community-dwelling elderly. Methods: The subjects included 206 rural dwellers(100 men & 106 women) aged over 65 years old, who received dental health check-ups in the local public health center and its branches attached to 6 respective Myons of Chunchongnamdo Province, during the 2-month period from Jan. 1st to Feb. 28th, 2005. They were examined by dentists and given self-administered questionnaires asking about their dental heaith behaviors and subjective symptoms of gingival bleeding. Results: The oral health conditions based on dental health behavior showed that those who have not taken dental health service a year were found to have significantly greater number of missing teeth(p=0.002), DMFT(p=0.002) and CPITN(p=0.018), and those who have not observed intra-oral conditions a week to have significantly less number of filled teeth(p=0.002) and significantly greater number of missing teeth(p=0.000) and CPITN (p=0.000) than their respective counterparts. In terms of brushing, those who brushed their teeth below "3 times/day" were found to have significantly greater number of decayed teeth(p=0.000), missing teeth(p=0.000), DMFT(p=0.000) and CPITN(p=0.000) than their counterparts. In terms of time spent in brushing, those who spends "below 3 minutes" had significantly greater number of missing teeth(p=0.002) and DMFT(p=0.041), and significantly less number of filled teeth(p=0.036). According to the use of aid tools for cleaning teeth, the group who don't use them had significantly greater number of DMFT(p=0.041) and CPITN(p=0.018) than its counterpart. Classified by smoking habits, smoking groups had significantly greater number of decayed teeth(p=0.035) and CPITN(p=0.001) than non-smoking groups. Multiple regression analysis of the study data revealed that the significant factors influencing number of decayed teeth were number of brushing, sex and intra-oral observation (explanatory power of 14.2%). The significant factors for number of filled teeth were sex, intra-oral observation, use of aid tools, frequency of brushing, subjective health conditions and drinking of sweet beverages(explanatory power of 18.2%), those for number of missing teeth, number of brushing and age(explanatory power of 13.9%) those for DMFT, number of brushing, sex, use of dental service, age(explanatory power: 13.5%), and those for CPITN included smoking habits, use of dental service, use of aid tools (explanatory power: 10.8%). Conclusions: The study results revealed that the dental health behavior of the elderly population is in poor conditions and their consequent intra-oral health conditions are not good. To improve their oral conditions, public campaign and education will be needed to modify unhealthy dental health behaviors.

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Transilluminated Powered Phlebectomy Using Arthroscopic Equipment in Varicose Vein of Lower Extremities (하지정맥류에서 관절경 장비를 이용한 광투시 전동형 정맥적출술)

  • 박형주;이철세;이길노;이석열
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제36권6호
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    • pp.391-396
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    • 2003
  • Background: Recently transilluminated powered phlebectomy was introduced and used as a method of surgical treatment for varicose vein in lower extremities. The advantage of transilluminated powered phlebectomy are minimal scar and good cosmetic effect. However, the disadvantages of transilluminated powered phlebectomy is that a high priced Trivex system must be used which increases the patient's expenses. Therefore, we performed a transilluminated powered phlebectomy using an existing arthroscopic equipment instead of Trivex system and observed the effect of treatment and efficiency of the treatment. Material and Method: From March, 2000 to February, 2003, 78 patients (113 limbs) underwent transilluminated powered phlebectomy with an arthroscopic equipment. Patient's disease history, the number of operative scars and complications were reviewed. Result: The operation was performed in 133 limbs of the 78 patients (34 men, 44 women) and the age of patients were ranged from 16 to 72 years with mean age of 41.8 years. Operative time ranged from 20 to 65 minutes (average 48.7 minutes) per limb. The number of operative scar per limb from 2 to 7 (average 4.9). Postoperative complications are transient ecchymosis (78 cases) that desappeared spontaneously, edema persisting longer than 3 weeks (6 cases), remnant varicose vein (4 cases), skin perforation during operative procedure (2 cases), and contact dermatitis due to compression stocking (4 cases) The mean hospitalization day was 3.09 days. Subjective mean satisfaction degree of operation by the patients using a visual analogue scale was 92.6%. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrated that transilluminated powered phleectomy using arthroscopic equipment was possible and had good cosmetic results with acceptable complications.

REGIONAL ODONTODYSPLASIA : CASE REPORT (국소적 치아 이형성증(Regional odontodysplasia)에 대한 증례)

  • Lee, Jae-Ho;Cho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Ki-Dug;Choi, Byung-Jai
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.175-179
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    • 2001
  • Regional odontodysplasia is a relatively rare condition in which both enamel and dentin are hypoplastic and hypocalcified. The result is localized arrest in tooth development. The etiology of regional odontodysplasia is uncertain, but, disturbance in vascular supply, somatic mutation, latent virus infection, trauma, hyperpyrexia, irradiation, nutrition, metabolic disorders and hereditary transmission are supported to be etiologic factors. Females are more often affected than males. (1.4 : 1). The maxillary arch is more often affected than the mandibular arch with the maxillary left quadrant being the most commonly involved. Affected teeth are hypoplastic, typically discolored yellow or yellowish brown, smaller in size and display a variety of surface marking including pitting and grooving. Radiographically, the teeth affected have been described to have a "ghost like" appearance or "fuzzy" appearance. Pulp calcification and denticles may be present within the pulp chambers of the affected teeth. In it's case, a 2 years old male visited for a treatment of uneruption of lower right teeth. Partial eruption of lower right deciduous central incisor and unerupted deciduous lateral incisor, deciduous canine and deciduous first molar showed severly delayed eruption state. On radiographic appearance, "Ghost like appearance", shortened root and opened apexes on lower right region were observed. It was suspected regional odontodysplasia with clinical and radiographic condition.

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Age- and Gender- Specific Reference Levels for Hearing Thresholds of Normal Aging in Korean (한국인의 정상적인 노화에 의한 성별 연령별 순음청력에 의한 기준청력)

  • Kim Sung Hee;Shin Jong Heon;Yeo Chang Ki;Han Young Kyung;Lee Jung Ki;Jarng Soon Suck
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.353-357
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    • 2005
  • Declining auditory performance with advanced age is a well known and common problem that is becoming more Prevalent due to the increasing number of elderly people in our society. We introduce a novel ARCISM (Audiogram Result Computer Input. Save & Management software) data management program which enables the assessment of the risk of past history of hearing impairment on the basis of known risk factors. This study investigates the reference levels of pure tone hearing threshold of normal aging in Korean and the difference between fenders. The subjects were carefully selected by questionnaire and absence of any history of otologic infection, noise exposure. and ototoxic drug among 1603 subjects. who visited Health Promotion Center in Daegu Fatima Hospital for one year. The results show (1) hearing sensitivity declines with age. (2) higher frequency shows steeper slope of hearing declines than lower frequency. and (3) there were more hearing loss at 4 and 8 kHz in men than in women. Due to the ARCISM program. it was possible to manage huge data of hearing results and to obtain the reference level of a9e-related hearing declines. Furthermore, we expect that the results of this study can be the fundamental data for hearing rehabilitation for the elderly and for developing suitable hearing aids for Korean.

Pneumothorax due to Metastasis of Angiosarcoma to the Lung (혈관 육종의 폐 전이에 의한 기흉)

  • Haam, Seok-Jin;Paik, Hyo-Chae;Kim, Chang-Wan;Kwon, Ji-Eun;Choi, Hyung-Yoon;Lee, Doo-Yun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.228-231
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    • 2010
  • An 80 year-old male with a medical history of angiosarcoma of the scalp visited the Emergency Department complaining of dyspnea, and the chest X-ray revealed pneumothorax. He has undergone scalp resection and radiotherapy three years ago due to angiosarcoma. Due to a persistent air leak, he underwent wedge resection of the lung and was pathologically diagnosed with metastatic angiosarcoma to the lung. He underwent radiotherapy following the lung resection, but he died from his disease at 15 month following surgery due to further aggravation of the lung metastasis. Angiosarcoma is a highly malignant tumor and it frequently occurs on the scalp and face in elderly patients. Angiosarcoma frequently metastasizes to the lung and it may cause pneumothorax as a consequence of a ruptured cavitary lesion. We report here on a case of pneumothorax that was caused by lung metastasis in an elderly patient with a history of angiosarcoma of the scalp.

Surgical Treatment of the Primary Mediastinal Tumors and Cysts (원발성 종격동종양 및 낭종의 외과적 치료)

  • 김병구;오태윤;장운하
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제29권6호
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    • pp.632-638
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    • 1996
  • A retrospective analysis of primary mediastinal tumors and cysts was performed on 42 patients who underwent surgical resection at our institution from january, 1985 to December, 1995. The patients consisted of 27 males and 15 females. The mean age was 40 years with a range of 10 month to 76 years. The patients were composed of thymlc tumor 12 cases (28.6 %), germ cell tumor 8 cases (19.0 %), primary cyst 7 cases (16.7 %), neurogenic tumor 6 cases (14.3 %) and other miscellanious tumor 9 cases. Overall, 3) (78.6 %) of the tumors were histologically benign, and 9 (21.4 %) were malig- nant. The noted clinical manifestations were respiratory symptoms such as chest pain, dyspnea and coughing. All of the patients with malignancy and 55 oyo of the patients with benign tumor were symptomatic on presentation. All of the patients were operated for tis ue diagnosis and curative resection. All the benign tumors ex- cept two cases of sarcoidosis were performed adequate curative resection. A few patients with malignant unresectable tumors were treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy There were 7 (18 %) postoperative complications without mortality. In conclusion, Mediastinal tumors have long fascinated the thoracic surgeon because of their variety and unpredictability of diagnosis prior to exploration. We consider that active surgery and various combined modality can be accomplished with satisfactory result.

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