• Title/Summary/Keyword: 나비상

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Insect Fauna(Hemiptera, Coledptera, Lepidoptera) in Odaesan National Park (오대산 국립공원의 곤충상(노린재목, 딱정벌레목, 나비목))

  • 권태성;변봉규
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 1996
  • This research was carried out three times in the Dongdaesan, the Dongpigol camping area and the Sangwonsa from June 1995 to September 1995 to study insect fauna(Hemiptera, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera) in Odaesan National Pard. Eleven jamilies and 15 species of Hemiptera, 20 families and 40 species of Coleoptera and 11 families and 42 species of Lepidoptera was collected and identified. Among these, 12 species of Hemiptera, the 21 species of Coleoptera and 22 species of Lepidoptera were first reported in Odaesan. Including these first found insects, 8 families and 36 species of Hemiptera, 26 families and 97 species of Coleoptera, 30 families and 274 species of Lepidoptera are reported from Odaesan. The species inventories for Hemiptera, Coleoptera and Lepidotera were made from present study and previous works.

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Comparison of butterfly monitoring methods in agricultural landscapes in Korea (우리나라 농촌경관에 서식하는 나비 모니터링 조사 방법 비교 연구)

  • Choi, Sei-Woong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 2019
  • Global warming has a significant impact on diverse ecosystems including agroecosystem through; changing of phenology, physiology and distribution. Monitoring of biological responses emanating from global warming is required to understand the challenges of biological diversity conservation posed by climate change. The Korean government selected four butterfly species as indicators of climate change in agroecosystem: Papilio xuthus, Pieris rapae, Colias erate, and Eurema mandarina. The aim of this study was to investigate the different monitoring methods of the butterflies in Korea and suggest a suitable monitoring method to track the population trends of butterflies in the agroecosystem. Butterfly monitoring was conducted in eight sites throughout Korea from April to October, 2018 using three survey methods: point census at rice paddy area, point census at the border between rice paddy and hill and line transect along the rice paddy and hill. Each method took approximately 30 min. to count the butterflies. A total of 4,691 butterflies and 92 species were counted: The most dominant species was Pieris rapae with a total count of 1,205 individuals followed by Polygonia c-aureum, Zizeeria maha, Colias erate, Cupido argiades and Papilio xuthus. Among the three census methods, the total number of species and individuals when using line transect method was statistically higher than in the other methods. However, the numbers of the four butterflies indicators showed no difference throughout three census methods. Based on the number of species and the total individuals butterflies in agroecosystem, we advocate for the application of line transect method as it can find more butterflies in agroecosystem. In addition, we advised for the implementation of education programs on the line transect method in butterfly identification to participants of the national monitoring program.

The Butterfly Community in Is. Guleopdo, Korea and the Dominance of the Endangered Species Argynnis nerippe (굴업도의 나비군집과 멸종위기종 왕은점표범나비의 우점현상)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Lee, Cheol-Min;Kwon, Tae-Sung
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2011
  • Although Guleopdo is small island of only $1.71\;km^2$, the endangered butterfly species, Argynnis nerippe, is abundant there. This study was carried out to estimate the abundance of A. nerippe in Guleopdo, using quadrate, mark-recapture, and line-transect methods. Although the study was insufficient, the population size was estimated at 4,467 to 6,700 larvae and approx. 1,000 adults. A. nerippe was the most abundant among butterfly species in Guleopdo, and it comprised 32% of the total butterflies. A total of 28 butterfly species were observed in this study, and 3 species of these species were migrating species. When the abundance of A. nerippe throughout the country during the period from 1938 to 2010 was studied, we found that it decreased abruptly in the 2000s. Presently, A. nerippe inhabits a few locations in the mid-northern region and western islands. The relatively high numbers of A. nerippe in Guleopdo was due to conservation of natural grasslands and grazing of livestock, which provides adequate habitat for this species.

2008 대한민국패키지디자인대전 대상수상 - 아이나비 K7, 최고급 디지털 컨버런스 패키지 디자인 선뵈

  • Im, Seong-Cheol
    • The monthly packaging world
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    • s.189
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    • pp.108-110
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    • 2009
  • 제17회대한민국패키지디자인대전에서는 일반부문 대상으로 전자부문에 출품한 D&C의 팅크웨어 아이나비 K7이 선정되었다. 금번 2008년 대한민국패키지디자인대전에서는 외관을 구성하는 형상, 모양 및 색채 등의 요소가 종합적으로 아름답게 구성되고 독창성이 있으며 판매를 촉진 할 수 있는 작품을 중심으로 평가가 이뤄졌으며 특히 상품 목적에 적합한 기능, 사용상의 편리성 및 유지 관리의 용이성 등을 충분히 갖추고 있는 작품을 높게 평가했다. D&C 임성철 국장에게 수상소감 및 아이나비 K7 디자인에 대한 설명을 들어보았다.

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Estimation of Species Richness of Butterfly Community in the Gwangneung Forest, Korea (광릉 숲 나비군집의 종풍부도 산정)

  • Kwon, Tae-Sung;Byun, Bong-Kyu;Lee, Bong-Woo;Lee, Chi-Young;Shon, Jeong-Dal;Kang, Seung-Ho;Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, Young-Kul
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.439-445
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    • 2009
  • Species richness (number of species) of the butterfly community in the Gwangneung forest, Korea, was estimated using data of the long-term butterfly monitoring, which had been carried out 291 times in the Korea National Arboretum or forest area of Gwangneung from 1998 to 2008. Abundance of each butterfly species was monitored using the line-transact method. In the present study, 13,333 butterflies belonging to 112 species were observed. Species accumulation curve and species richness was obtained using a software, EstimateS. The species accumulation curve shows an increase tendency even at 291 survey times, implying the possibility of the presence of a few unfound species. However, values of species richness estimated by the seven estimators were stabilized around 240-250 survey times. Species richness estimated by the estimators ranged from 120 species to 141 species with 128 species in average. However, the figure estimated by the previous studies since 1958 was 148 species. We estimated the reasonable scale of species richness on the base of recent analysis on the change of butterfly species. Species richness of the Korea National Arboretum was higher than that of natural forest and of plantation. However, species richness of butterfly was not different between natural forest and plantation. It is likely that increase of grasslands and habitat diversity in arboretum led to the increase of species richness of butterfly community.

Analysis on Changes, and Problems in Phonology of Butterflies in Gwangneung Forest (광릉 숲 나비류의 생활주기 변화분석 및 문제점)

  • Kwon, Tae-Sung;Byun, Bong-Kyu;Kang, Seung-Ho;Kim, Sung-Su;Lee, Bong-Woo;Kim, Young-Kul
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2008
  • In order to find phenological change of butterflies due to global warming, we analyzed weekly monitoring data of butterfly at Gwangneung forest in 1958 and 2004. It was tested whether the timing of first flight and mean flight of butterflies in 2004 became earlier due to global warming compared with those in 1958 and whether the duration of flight period became longer. No significant difference was found in timing of first flight and in duration of flight period between 1958 and 2004. Furthermore, species showing delayed timing of mean flight was more abundant than species showing earlier timing of mean flight. Hence, the results do not confirm the predicted changes of phonology due to global warming. We discussed reasons on the non-apparent phenological changes despite the increase of temperature, and the problems and solutions in butterfly study on Korean butterfly fauna in utilization of butterflies as indicator for global warming.

Assessment on Diversity and Abundance of Butterflies in the Chunbul-dong Valley of the Soraksan by Line Transect Method (선조사법에 의한 설악산 천불동계곡 나비류의 다양성과 풍부도의 평가)

  • 권태성;박해철
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.171-183
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    • 1997
  • Diversity, abundance, species distributions and distributions of two strategists (specialist and geceralist) of butterflies were investigated monthly from June 1996 to Oct. 1996 by line transect method in the Chunbul-dong valley from park gate to Yangpok Sanjang. The butterfly faunas of the eight regions in Kwangwon province, Gyunggi proavince and Pusan were also studied by the same method to assess diversity and abundance of butterfly community in the study region. The 18 butterfly species in 7 families were found in this study and the 48 butterfly species in 7 families were distributed in the study area from thes study and the other researches. The 30 butterfly species reported in the other studies were not found in this study and Kaniska canace L. of them would be to decrease in density. In the study area, the common species were Artogeia melete M., Neptis sappho P. and Libythea celtis F.. The representative Korean common butterflies such as Artogeia rapae L., Colias erate E. and Papillio xuthus L. were rare. The PCA(Principal Component Analysis) ordinations indicate that habitat disturbance by human would be major factor for butterfly community and species distribution. Difference was not found in diversity according to habitat disturbance. Abundance, however, was higher in the disturbed region than the undisturbed region. Compared with the other regions, abundance was greatly lower and diversity was slightly lower than that of the other regions. Two strategists exhibited different distribution patterns. Generalists were found more commonly in the disturbed region and widely distributed in both of the disturbed region and the undisturbed region than specialists.

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Studies on the Insect Fauna of Mt. Gyeryong(I) (계룡산(鷄龍山)의 곤충상(昆蟲相)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)(제(第)I보(報)))

  • Chang, Young Duck;Choe, Kwang Ryul
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.519-539
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    • 1982
  • An preliminary study was made with special references on the insect fauna of Mt. Gyeryong during the period from mid-May to mid-September 1981. The results were obtained as follows; 1. 673 species of insects within 156 families of 20 orders were identified and listed herewith. 2. The 16 species are first records from Korea : Phaneraptera nigro-antennata (Tettigoniidae : Orthop.), Phraraortes kumamotoensis(Phasmidae : Phasm.), Nesogaster lewisi (Nesogasteridae : Dermap), Polymerus palustris(Miridae : Hemip.), Agrosteomela indica (Chrysomelidae:Col.), Monochimus sparsutus (Cermbicidae : Col.), Oberthiiria ialcigera (Bombycidae: Lep.), Alcis albiiera (Geometridae : Lep.), Proplepsis diazama (G eometridae : Lep.) Pandemis cinnamomeana (Tortricidae : Lep.), Hypenodes squalida (Noctuidae : Lep.), Hypolimnas bolina (Nymphalidae : Lep.), Ctenophora nohirae (Tipulidae: Dip.), Ortalotrypeta isshiki (Trypetidaedae : Dip.), Trypeta artemisicola (Trypetidae : Dip.), Ichneumom 8-guttatus ( Ichneumonidae : Hymenop.). 3. We could find a considerable number of Oriental fauna species, Lepismachilis nipponica, Nezara antennata, Parapolybia varia, Anthophora zonata, Parnara guttata, Byasa alcinous, Eurema laeta, Pieris canidia, Eizera maha, Kaniska canace, Danaus sita including two newly recorded species, Monochimus sparstus and Hypolimnas bolina.

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Metapopulation Structure and Movement of a Threatened Butterfly Parnassius bremeri (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in Korea (멸종위기종 붉은점모시나비(Parnassius bremeri )의 메타개체군 구조와 이주)

  • Kim, Do-Sung;Park, Doo-Sang;Kwon, Yong-Jung;Suh, Sang-Jae;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Park, Seong-Joon;Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Kim, Jin-Seo;Yu, Hye-Mi;Hwang, Jong-Seok
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2011
  • Understanding the metapopulation structure and movement of a species are required for conserving the species. In this paper, migration patterns and connectivity of patches of a threatened butterfly, Parnassius bremeri Bremer, were postulated using the mark-release-recapture (MRR) technique in a habitat located in the mid-southern region of the Korean peninsula. A total of 194 individuals were captured (137 males and 57 females) and, of them, 93 individuals (73 males and 20 females) were recaptured during the MRR experiment. The migration analysis showed 23-150% immigration and 28-53% emigration. There were high correlations between the migrating individuals and the distance between patches, but there was no correlation between migrating individuals and patch size or between migrating individuals and the number of host plants. Consequently, the migration of butterflies occurred frequently between closer patches, while patch size and quantity of the food plant had minor effects on migration behavior. Additionally, males migrated more frequently than females. Analysis of the migration patterns of P. bremeri showed that the central patch played an important role on linking patch groups and more frequent migrations were monitored between nearby patches than between the remote patches. This study suggested that active migrations take place between the neighboring multiple patches and these are accelerated if there is a stepping-stone patch between them.

Experimental Study on Biological Activity Analysis through Measuring Skin Temperature of Honeybee and Butterfly using Thermographic Camera (열화상카메라를 이용한 유시아강 곤충 꿀벌과 나비의 피부온도 측정과 이를 활용한 생체 활동 특성에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Kim, Jeongbae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 2021
  • Various insects live around us. Nowadays, insects are raised as a hobby at home or medicinal insects are bred in large quantities for commercial purposes. In addition, various studies have been conducted to understand the various growth characteristics of insects. In the laboratory, environmental factors were changed to do that, but only the growth characteristics could be analyzed. However, it is almost not easy to measure the skin temperature or body temperature basically needed to reveal the growth characteristics in the case of insects. In particular, the results of experiments on the skin temperature of winged insects are very insufficient. In this study, the skin temperature of insects was photographed and measured for bees and butterflies living in natural conditions under various biological activity conditions such as at rest and during flight using a thermal imaging camera, a non-contact temperature measurement method. Through quantitative analysis of the experimental results, the relationship between the biological activity characteristics of each insect and the skin temperature resulting from such biological activity was investigated. In addition, it was confirmed that honeybees maintained different skin temperatures for three important activities, such as flying, honey collection, and relocation, and that the butterflies performed a warm-up stage for flight similar to the characteristics of moths.