• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기하학 오차

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Enhanced Mesh Simplification using Extended Quadric Error Metric (확장된 이차오차 척도를 이용한 개선된 메쉬 간략화)

  • Han Tae-hwa;Chun Jun-chul
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.11A no.5
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    • pp.365-372
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    • 2004
  • Recently, the studies for mesh simplification have been increased according to the application area of the complicate 3D mesh models has been expanded. This paper introduces a novel method for mesh simplification which uses the properties of the mesh model in addition to the geometric locations of the model. The information of the 3D mesh model Includes surface properties such as color, texture, and curvature information as well as geometic information of the model. The most of current simplification methods adopt such geometric information and surface properties individually for mesh simplification. However, the proposed simplification method combines the geometric information and solace properties and applies them to the simplification process simultaneously. In this paper, we exploit the extended geometry based quadric error metric(QEM) which relatively allows fast and accurate geometric simplification of mesh. Thus, the proposed mesh simplification utilizes the quadric error metric based on geometric information and the surface properties such as color, normal, and texture. The proposed mesh simplification method can be expressed as a simple quadric equation which expands the quadric error metric based on geometric information by adding surface properties such as color, normal, and texture. From the experimental results, the simplification of the mesh model based on the proposed method shows the high fidelity to original model in some respects such as global appearance rather than using current geometry based simplification.

A geometric analysis of range measurement error (거리 영상 측정 오차의 기하학적 분석)

  • 윤강식;이병욱;박래홍
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1259-1265
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    • 1997
  • We investigate depth measurement error of a range finder based on triangulation method. Geometric analysis resulted in intuitive understanding of the error sensitivity. We show that the depth error is propostional to the distance between the object andthe camera. The measurement value has the highest accuracy when the line connecting the focal point of the camera and the object is perpendicular to the line joining the object and the light source of herange finder. Also we analyze the error using a perturbation method and verify that the results are identical through an experiment.

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Effects of Atmospheric Refraction on High Resolution Image Geometry (대기 굴절이 고해상도 영상에 미치는 영향)

  • 신동석
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 1996
  • The effects of atmospheric refraction of rays on the geometry of high-resolution images such as the KOMPSAT-EOC images are described. An atmospheric refraction mechanism is modelled and the geometric errors caused by the refraction are calculated from the model simulation. This paper shows that a maximum geometric error of 1 pixel (7m) occurs from the standard atmospheric condition. Severer geometric distortions in images cause from an atmopheric abnormality.

A study on the optimal geometrical placement of eLoran stations in Korea (eLoran 송신국 배치 최적화 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Bok;Shin, Mi-Young;Hwang, Sang-Wook;Lee, Sang-Jeong;Yang, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2013
  • In the eLoran navigation system, the dominant deterioration factors of navigation accuracy are the TOA measurement errors on user receiver and the GDOP between the receiver and the transmitters. But if the ASF data measured at dLoran reference station are provided for users through the Loran data channel, it will be possible to correct the TOA measurement errors. The position accuracy can be determined by the DOP depending on the geometry of receiver-transmitters, and their optimal placement improves the navigation accuracy. In this study we determined the geometric placement in case of up to six stations, and evaluated the performance of position accuracy for the receiver-transmitter geometry set of eLoran stations. The proposed geometry of eLoran stations can be referred for the construction of eLoran infrastructure meeting the capability of HEA for maritime, and time/frequency users in Korea.

Estimation of streamflow using river characteristics and satellite images (하천특성 및 위성영상을 활용한 하천유량 추정)

  • Chung, Soo-Un;Jang, Chang-Lae;Jung, Kwansue
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.36-36
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    • 2021
  • 최근 기후변화로 인한 집중홍우 등으로 홍수 등 재난이 증가하고 있으며, 이를 과학적으로 조사하고 분석하기에는 공간적으로 범위가 넓다. 특히, 미계측유역은 자료를 수집하고 정량적으로 분석 및 예측하는 데에는 한계가 많은 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 위성영상 자료를 활용하여, 하천폭, 수면경사, 수위 등 자료를 추출하고, 이를 유량조사를 수행한 지점의 자료와 비교하여 수리 기하적 상관성을 분석하였다. 특히, 하도특성을 고려하여 중·하류로 구분하고 유량과 수리기하 학의 관계를 분석하였다. 위성영상 중 취득이 용이한 Sentinel 자료를 선별하여 수리특성인자를 추출하였다. 영상자료의 해상도가 20 m이며, 자료의 한계에 따른 하천폭, 경사, 수위에 대한 유효 기준을 제시하고 경사가 완만하고 하폭이 넓은 대하천에 적용하였다. 그리고, 하천수리인자 특성을 입력변수로 하는 유량을 추정하기 위한 회귀모형을 구축하고, 모의유량과 실측유량을 비교하여 그 적용성을 평가하였다. 개발된 모형은 규모가 유사한 시험유역을 미계측 유역으로 간주하여 평균제곱근오차(RMSE) 와 평균절대오차(MAE)를 이용하여 정확도를 추정하였다. 본 연구를 통해 주요하천의 수리기하 특성을 통계화하고 유량과의 특성을 도출하여 국내하천의 특성을 범주화 할 수 있었고, 미계측 유역에서의 유량을 원격탐사와 같은 간접적인 방법을 통해 추정하고 적용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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Error Budget Analysis for Geolocation Accuracy of High Resolution SAR Satellite Imagery (고해상도 SAR 영상의 기하 위치정확도 관련 중요변수 분석)

  • Hong, Seung Hwan;Sohn, Hong Gyoo;Kim, Sang Pil;Jang, Hyo Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.6_1
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    • pp.447-454
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    • 2013
  • The geolocation accuracy of SAR satellite imagery is affected by orbit and sensor information and external variables such as DEM accuracy and atmospheric delay. To predict geolocation accuracy of KOMPSAT-5 and KOMPSAT-6, this paper uses TerraSAR-X imagery which has similar spec. Simulation data for sensitivity analysis are generated using range equation and doppler equation with several key error sources. As a result of simulation analysis, the effect of sensor information error is larger than orbit information error. Especially, onboard electronic delay needs to be monitored periodically because this error affects geolocation accuracy of slant range direction by 30m. Additionally, DEM accuracy causes geolocation error by 20~30m in mountainous area and atmospheric delay can occur by 5m in response to atmospheric condition and incidence angle.

Matching and Geometric Correction of Multi-Resolution Satellite SAR Images Using SURF Technique (SURF 기법을 활용한 위성 SAR 다중해상도 영상의 정합 및 기하보정)

  • Kim, Ah-Leum;Song, Jung-Hwan;Kang, Seo-Li;Lee, Woo-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.431-444
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    • 2014
  • As applications of spaceborne SAR imagery are extended, there are increased demands for accurate registrations for better understanding and fusion of radar images. It becomes common to adopt multi-resolution SAR images to apply for wide area reconnaissance. Geometric correction of the SAR images can be performed by using satellite orbit and attitude information. However, the inherent errors of the SAR sensor's attitude and ground geographical data tend to cause geometric errors in the produced SAR image. These errors should be corrected when the SAR images are applied for multi-temporal analysis, change detection applications and image fusion with other sensor images. The undesirable ground registration errors can be corrected with respect to the true ground control points in order to produce complete SAR products. Speeded Up Robust Feature (SURF) technique is an efficient algorithm to extract ground control points from images but is considered to be inappropriate to apply to SAR images due to high speckle noises. In this paper, an attempt is made to apply SURF algorithm to SAR images for image registration and fusion. Matched points are extracted with respect to the varying parameters of Hessian and SURF matching thresholds, and the performance is analyzed by measuring the imaging matching accuracies. A number of performance measures concerning image registration are suggested to validate the use of SURF for spaceborne SAR images. Various simulations methodologies are suggested the validate the use of SURF for the geometric correction and image registrations and it is shown that a good choice of input parameters to the SURF algorithm should be made to apply for the spaceborne SAR images of moderate resolutions.

Development of a Contact Angle Measurement Method Based Upon Geometry (기하학적 원리에 의거한 접촉각의 측정)

  • 김동수;표나영;서승희;최우진;권영식
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.41-45
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    • 1998
  • A Hew way of contact angle measurement is derived based on simple geometrical calculation. Without using complicated contact angle measurement instrument. Just measuring the diameter and height of liquid lens made it possible to calculate the contact angle value with a reasonable reliability. To validate the contact angle value obtained by this method, contact angle of the same liquid lens is measured using conventional goniometer and it is verified that two values are nearly same within the limit of observational error.

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Assessment of Relative Accuracy for Inaccessible Area Imagery Using Biased Ground Control Points (편향된 지상기준점을 이용한 비접근지역 영상좌표의 상대정확도 향상연구)

  • 권현우;조성준;임삼성
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 2002
  • For the inaccessible area where the field verification is unable, it is difficult to obtain the ground control points (GCPs) or the acquired GCPs may be inaccurate. In general systematic geometric correction is achieved by utilizing orbit ephemeris and three axis attitude data of the satellite. however, this method results to poor accuracy of the imagery's absolute coordinates. To improve the absolute accuracy as well as the relative accuracy, we added the accessible region into the inaccessible area. We obtained GCPs in the accessible region by the fast static GPS survey and made geometric corrections with these biased GCPs. Because the biased GCPs show a pattern of coordinate errors, we analyzed this tendency to track the estimated errors in the inaccessible area.

Radiometric and Geometric Correction of the KITSAT-1 CCD Earth Images (우리별 1호 지구 관측 영상의 방사학적 및 기하학적 보정)

  • 이임평;김태정
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.26-42
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    • 1996
  • The CCD Earth Images Experiment(CEIE) is one of the main payload of the KITSAT-1. Since it was launched on Oct. 10, 1992, the CEIE has taken more than 500 images on the Earth surface world-wide so far. An image from the space is very different from a feature on the real Earth surface due to various radiometric and geometric distortions. Preprocessing to remove those distortions has to take place before the images data are processed and analyzed further for various applications. This paper describes the procedure to perform preprocessing including radiometric and geometric correction.e-processing system. The GCP marking using this technique showed a sufficient accuracy for KITSAT1,2 narrow camera images.