• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기재

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The Characteristics of Traffic Accidents and Reduction Methods by Elderly Drivers to Prepare for the Aging Society -Focused on Jeju- (고령사회를 대비한 노인운전자 교통사고 특성 및 저감방안 -제주지역을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Kyung-Bum
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to deduce improvement plan through analysis of the type and characteristics of traffic accidents caused by elderly drivers, and to establish the traffic safety policies for the elderly drivers. The analyzed result of road traffic accident situation are as follows. Firstly, Traffic accidents caused by elderly drivers were frequent on local roads of poor traffic safety facilities such as lighting. Secondly, The most frequent time zone of Traffic accidents caused by elderly drivers was 18:00 to 20:00, this time zone was mainly darkened. Thirdly, Traffic accidents are often caused by lack of attention occurred by no implementation of safe driving. Institutional Improvement of cosideration for elderly drivers and Traffic Safety Facilities maintenance considering regional particularities is needed for reducing traffic accidents and the safety of our society. Their driving skills of elderly drivers should test themselves constantly, and elderly drivers must hold down driving yourself using the alternative transportation.

Nanoparticle Inducing Device for Effective Drug Delivery System (효과적인 약물전달 시스템을 위한 나노입자 유도 장치)

  • Lee, Chongmyeong;Han, Hyeonho;Jang, Byonghan;Oh, Eunseol;Key, Jaehong
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.102-110
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    • 2017
  • Cancer is one of the most challenging human diseases. Current clinical methods have limitations for early-stage cancer diagnosis and effective therapy. Moreover, current surgical methods to remove tumors are not precise enough and chemotherapy destroys normal tissues as well as malignant tumors, resulting in severe side effects such as hair loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and blood disorders. Recently, nanotechnology using nano-sized particles suggests advanced solutions to overcome the limitations. Various nanoparticles have been reported for more accurate diagnosis and minimized side effects. However, current nanoparticles still show limited targeting accuracy for cancer generally below 5% injection dosage. Therefore, herein we report a new nanoparticle inducing device(NID) to guide the nanoparticles externally by using both variable magnetic fields and blood flows. NID can be a promising approach to improve targeting accuracy for drug delivery using iron oxide nanoparticles.


  • 마야나기 마코토
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 2013
  • "소문(素問)" 은 다수의 판본(版本)이 존재하는데, 자구(字句)의 차이가 현저하여 조문(條文)의 훈고(訓詁)나 이해에 곤란한 면이 있다. 판본(版本) 상호간의 관계가 지금까지 해명되지 않았기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 성서(成書) 이래의 전승과정을 정리하고, 판본(版本)으로 만들어진 북송(北宋) 이래의 변화를 여러 현존(現存) 판본(版本)의 자구대교(字句對校) 및 사서(史書) 목록(目錄)의 기재(記載)를 통해 검토하였다. 그 결과 망일(亡佚)된 송판(宋版)을 포함하여 고본(古本) 13종(種)의 존재가 확인되었으며, 그 상호관계를 "소문(素問)" 본편(本篇) 고본계통도(古本系統圖)로 정리할 수 있었다. 이 결과에 의하여 다음 사항들이 밝혀졌다. (1) "소문(素問)"의 자수(字句)는 기본적으로 북송(北宋) 1069년(年)의 희녕본(熙寧本) 이전으로 거슬러 올라갈 수 없다. (2) 희녕본(熙寧本)(망일(亡佚))의 구태(舊態)를 유일하게 보존하고 있는 것은 1550년(年)에 발간(跋刊)된 명(明)나라 고종덕본(顧從德本)이다. 고본(顧本)을 연구의 제일저본(第一底本)으로 삼아야 함은 향후에도 변치 않을 것이다. (3) 원(元)나라 1283년(年)의 독서당본(讀書堂本)은 북송(北宋) 1078-85년(年)의 원풍본(元豊本)(망일(亡佚)) 계통이다. 일본(日本)의 실정고초본(室町古鈔本)은 북송(北宋) 1121년(年)의 선화본(宣和本_(망일(亡佚)) 계통이다. (4) 따라서 북송판(北宋版) 3종(種)의 옛 모습을 보유한 고종덕본(顧從德本), 독서당본(讀書堂本), 고초본(古鈔本)의 경주문(經注文)을 대교(對校)한다면 희녕본(熙寧本) 혹은 그 저본(底本)에 한층 다가설 수 있을 것이다. (5) 희녕본(熙寧本) 이전의 양상을 이해하려면 "태소(太素)"나 "갑을경(甲乙經)" 등과 교이(校異)하는 것이 좋겠으나 한계도 있다. (6) 상기(上記)한 것 외에 현존하는 제판(諸版)은 모두 파생본(派生本)이다. 따라서 판본(版本) 연구에는 유용하겠지만 자구(字句)의 훈고(訓詁)나 조문(條文)의 이해에는 적당하지 않을 것으로 사료된다.

The Synchronization Method of System Time Clock between Encoder and Decoder on MPEG-2 System Layer (MPEG-2 시스템계층의 엔코더와 디코더 간 System Time Clock 동기화 기법)

  • Seo Hee-Don;Kie Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.1403-1410
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    • 2005
  • The synchronization problem is directly related to the quality of service in multimedia communication and especially in real-time communication. In this study, we found the cause of clock fluctuation between encoder and decoder in MPEG-2 system layer was that the standard decoder design only considered a fixed time delay component. To solve it, we proposed Extended-SRTS algorithm, which uses STC as service clock by synchronizing transport stream. As the result, we can improve the effect of frequency-drift, time-varying-network-jitter and packing-jitter and so on And by virtue of this algorithm, we can make low the dependency of network clock, which makes easy to synchronize and connect transparently at the ends point, we expect the proposed algorithm can be widely applied to the field of real -time multimedia communications.

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Evaluation of mechanical properties and non-flammability of Nylon6 using melamine-based halogen-free flame retardant (Melamine계 난연제를 이용한 Nylon6의 난연성 및 물리적 특성 평가)

  • Kim Dong-Hak;Ryu Kwan-Suk;Son Young-Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.743-748
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    • 2006
  • We investigated the flame retardancy and the mechanical properties of Nylon6 by using melamine-based halogen-free flame retardants(melamine cyanurate:MC-100 and melamine phosphate:MP-100). We chose the UL-94 method for flame retardancy and measured the tensile strength, flexural strength, flexural modulus by using UTM and impact strength by using Izod impact tester. We also tested the effect of nano-clay on flammability and mechanical properties. We obtained the V0 grade when the concentration of flame retardant was over 5 wt%. The tensile strength and flexural strength decreased and flexural modulus increased with the concentration of both flame retardant systems. The results showed that MC-100 system was better than MPP-100 system. Because of poor dispersion, we did not obtain the synergistic effect of nano-clay.

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Region-Based 3D Image Registration Technique for TKR (전슬관절치환술을 위한 3차원 영역기반 영상정합 기술)

  • Key, J.H.;Seo, D.C.;Park, H.S.;Youn, I.C.;Lee, M.K.;Yoo, S.K.;Choi, K.W.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.392-401
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    • 2006
  • Image Guided Surgery (IGS) system which has variously tried in medical engineering fields is able to give a surgeon objective information of operation process like decision making and surgical planning. This information is displayed through 3D images which are acquired from image modalities like CT and MRI for pre-operation. The technique of image registration is necessary to construct IGS system. Image registration means that 3D model and the object operated by a surgeon are matched on the common frame. Major techniques of registration in IGS system have been used by recognizing fiducial markers placed on the object. However, this method has been criticized due to additional trauma, its invasive protocol inserting fiducial markers in patient's bone and generating noise data when 2D slice images are acquired by image modality because many markers are made of metal. Therefore, this paper developed shape-based registration technique to improve the limitation of fiducial marker based IGS system. Iterative Closest Points (ICP) algorithm was used to match corresponding points and quaternion based rotation and translation transformation using closed form solution applied to find the optimized cost function of transformation. we assumed that this algorithm were used in Total Knee replacement (TKR) operation. Accordingly, we have developed region-based 3D registration technique based on anatomical landmarks and this registration algorithm was evaluated in a femur model. It was found that region-based algorithm can improve the accuracy in 3D registration.

XML Document Keyword Weight Analysis based Paragraph Extraction Model (XML 문서 키워드 가중치 분석 기반 문단 추출 모델)

  • Lee, Jongwon;Kang, Inshik;Jung, Hoekyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.2133-2138
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    • 2017
  • The analysis of existing XML documents and other documents was centered on words. It can be implemented using a morpheme analyzer, but it can classify many words in the document and cannot grasp the core contents of the document. In order for a user to efficiently understand a document, a paragraph containing a main word must be extracted and presented to the user. The proposed system retrieves keyword in the normalized XML document. Then, the user extracts the paragraphs containing the keyword inputted for searching and displays them to the user. In addition, the frequency and weight of the keyword used in the search are informed to the user, and the order of the extracted paragraphs and the redundancy elimination function are minimized so that the user can understand the document. The proposed system can minimize the time and effort required to understand the document by allowing the user to understand the document without reading the whole document.

The Verification System of the Customer Barcode for the Advanced Automatic Processing of the Mail Items (우편물 자도처리 촉진을 위한 우편용 고객 바코드 검증 시스템)

  • Park, Mun-Seong;Song, Jae-Gwan;U, Dong-Jin
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.968-976
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    • 1999
  • Currently, in the most mail automatic processing centers, after facing and canceling, envelope mail is passed through an Optical Character Recognition/Barcode Sorter(OCR/BS) to read the address and 3 of 5 fluorescent(luminescent) barcode is applied. Normally, 30%∼35% of this mail is rejected. The usual reasons for read failure are poor printing quality of address and barcode, script printing and failure to locate the address. This paper describes a verification system of the postal 3 of 5 customer barcode for solving this problem. The certification system of the 3 of 5 customer barcode consists of barcode verification system and postal address database. The purpose of certification system of the customer barcode verifies the postal 3 of 5 customer barcode and tests matching of mail piece postal address, and retrieves postal code.

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Preparation of Hard Coating Films with High Refractive Index from Titania Nanoparticles (이산화티탄 나노입자로부터 고굴절 하드코팅 도막의 제조)

  • Kim, Nam Woo;Ahn, Chi Yong;Song, Ki Chang
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.762-769
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    • 2015
  • The titania ($TiO_2$) nanoparticles with a diameter 2?3 nm were synthesized by controlling hydrolysis of titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) in acid solution. Organic-inorganic hybrid coating solutions were prepared by reacting the titania nanoparticles with 3-glycidoxypropyl trimethoxysilane (GPTMS) by the sol-gel method. The hard coating films with high refractive index were obtained by curing thermally at $120^{\circ}C$ after spin-coating the coating solutions on the polycarbonate (PC) sheets. The coating films showed high optical transparency of 90% in the visible range and exhibited a pencil hardness of 2H. Also, the refractive index at 633 nm wavelength of coating films enhanced from 1.502 to 1.584 as the weight content of titania nanoparticles in the coating solutions increased from 4% to 25%.

Preparation of Water Repellent Polyurethane Coating Films Using Perfluoroalkyl Alcohol (과불화 알코올을 이용한 발수성 폴리우레탄 코팅 필름의 제조)

  • Kim, Nam Woo;Ahn, Chi Young;Song, Ki Chang
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.387-393
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    • 2016
  • Fluorinated polyurethane coating solutions were synthesized from perfluoroalkyl alcohol, toluene diisocyanate, and polycarbonate diol as starting materials. Next, coating films were prepared by spin-coating the fluorinated polyurethane coating solutions on the PC substrates, followed by thermal curing at $120^{\circ}C$. The obtained fluorinated polyurethane coating films were characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectrometer, contact angle tester and pencil hardness tester. Contact angle measurements of water on the coating films showed that the addition of perfluoroalkyl alcohol improved the water repellency and increased the contact angle from $81^{\circ}C$ to $111^{\circ}C$. However, the pencil hardness of coating films exhibited a constant grade of H, irrespective of the addition of perfluoroalkyl alcohol.