• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기업성장 전망

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Influence of Corporation-CEO Reputation Gap on Purchase Intention, Growth Prospect, Investment Attraction, and Corporate Preference (기업-CEO평판 격차가 개인의 구매의사, 성장 및 투자 전망, 기업선호에 미치는 영향)

  • KIM, Dae-young;Byeon, Sang-ho
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated how corporation-CEO reputation gap, corporation-related knowledge, CEO-related knowledge, and corporate involvement influence respectively individuals' purchase intention, growth prospect, investment attraction, and corporate preference. Corporation-CEO reputation gap was divided into two groups, CEO reputation risk vs. CEO reputation premium. The survey(N = 451) with a nationwide stratified sampling found the following. First, corporate involvement and corporation-related knowledge have a positive(+) effect on purchase intention, growth prospect, investment attraction, and corporate preference. But CEO-related knowledge and corporation-CEO reputation gap have a negative(-) effect on them. Second, in CEO reputation risk group, CEO-related knowledge has a negative(-) effect on them.

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국내 기업간 전자상거래 동향

  • Park, Min-Sik
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.8 s.75
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 1999
  • 기업간 전자상거래는 기업의 활동 중 구매, 판매, 금융, 물류, 무역 등의 기업간 업무를 정보 기술을 이용하여 처리하는 것을 의미한다. 포레스터 리서치는 98년 세계 기업간 전자상거래 시장은 97년 대비 33.8% 성장했으며, 올해는 1,090억 달러로 98년 대비 89.95% 성장할 것으로 전망하고 있다. 한편 국내 전자상거래 시장규모도 2005년에 8조 2천억원 중 기업간 전자상거래는 7조 1천억원으로 전체의 86%를 차지할 전망이다. 이에 따라 기업간 전자상거래 시장을 놓고 한국IBM, 한국오라클, 한국후지쯔, 마이크로소프트 등 대형 벤더들이 시장 주도권 경쟁을 펼치고 있다.

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The Effects of Technology Commercialization Capability and Competitive Strategy of Venture Companies on Growth Prospects: Focused on Mediating Effect of Business Model Innovation (벤처기업의 기술사업화역량과 경쟁전략이 성장전망에 미치는 영향: 비즈니스모델 혁신의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Ahn, Mun Hyoung
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2022
  • Although the number of venture start-ups has increased significantly, it is difficult to judge the success or failure based on short-term performance alone. The survival of a company cannot be guaranteed if it does not show sustainable growth prospects. As a growth factor for venture companies, the level of technology commercialization capability and competitive strategies are considered important. Recently, the emergence of innovative business models is creating new opportunities and driving the growth of numerous venture start-ups. This study tried to investigate the mediating effect of business model innovation in the relationship between technology commercialization capability, competitive strategy and the growth prospects of venture companies. For this, empirical analysis was conducted using the original data of the Research on the Precision Status of Venture Firms 2021. As a result, production, manufacturing, marketing capability, cost leadership and product differentiation had a positive(+) effect on growth prospects. The mediating effect of business model innovation between all factors except for manufacturing capacity and growth prospects was verified. This study expanded the scope of research by shedding new light on the factors influencing the long-term growth prospects of venture companies and revealing business model innovation as a new mediating variable. In future research, it is necessary to develop an objective measurement tool and to identify differences according to industrial characteristics.

BSI를 이용한 경제성장률 예측

  • Kim, Jong-Uk;Lee, Dong-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Statistical Society Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2005
  • 설문조사방식인 기업경기조사는 간편하고 신속하게 경기를 파악할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 전통적인 경제통계로는 포착하기 어려운 기업의 경제활동에 대한 평가와 전망을 지수화할 수 있다는 이점이 있다. 본고에서는 전국경제인연합회의 전망BSI를 이용하여 다음 분기 경제성장률을 예측하는 데 도움이 되는지 살펴보았다. 예측력 검정 결과 전망BSI는 1${\sim}$2분기 이후의 경제성장률과 높은 상관관계를 보이고 있으나 기간에 따라서는 오히려 예측오차를 크게 할 수도 있는 것으로 나타났다. 우리나라를 포함하여 각국에서 서베이 자료의 활용도가 점차 커지고 있는 만큼 조사방식 개선, 합성지수 개발 등 기업경기조사의 정확도 제고를 위해 많은 노력을 기울일 필요가 있다.

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2003년 DC기업 실적분석

  • Sin, Jong-Hun
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.4 s.131
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2004
  • 지난해 국내 디지털콘텐츠(DC) 기업들은 DC 시장의 빠른 성장에도 불구하고 많은 부침을 겪어야 했다. 엔씨소프트, NHN, 웹젠, 오위즈 등 각 부문 리딩컴퍼니들은 괄목할만한 성장을 거뒀지만 훨씬 많은 기업들은 매출 부진의 늪에 빠져, 수익감소에 허덕여야 했다. 특히 PC게임 및 애니메이션 기업들은 연이은 흥행실패에 따라 아예 사업구조를 전환하는 등 대안 마련에 부심해야 했다. 상장 · 등록된 기업들을 중심으로 DC기업들의 성적표를 살펴보고, 이들의 2004년 행보를 전망해 봤다.

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Employee's Business Outlook Disclosed Through Social Media And Employment Growth : The Case of Jobplanet (소셜미디어를 통한 직원의 기업전망 평가와 고용증가와의 상관성 : 잡플래닛 기업전망을 대상으로)

  • Byeongsoo, Kim;Ju Young, Kang
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2022
  • The recent expansion of the use of social media has served as an opportunity to express users' opinions in real time in various fields such as society, economy, politics, and culture, and brought many platforms that provide various information about companies. Among them, Glassdoor.com which started 2008 in US provides users with evaluations of the current and the former employees of their companies and also provides a outlooks for the company's growth Such a platform has the utility of providing necessary information to whom want to find a job or change jobs. In addition to this, variable studies have shown that the company information provided through these platforms is useful for investors as well. In this study, it was tested whether the corporate growth prospects of employees provided by Jobplanet, a platform with a typical function similar to Glassdoor.com in Korea, have predictive power to predict actual corporate growth. The forecast provided by Jobplanet and the company's financial indicator data received from FnGuide were collected and composed of panel data and analyzed using fixed effect model regression analysis. As a result, it was found that companies with positive prospects had higher employment growth than companies with negative prospects. When the outlook was neutral, the employment growth rate was higher than that of companies with a negative outlook.

A Study on the Impact of Innovation Capabilities of Venture Companies on Business Performance by Growth Stages (벤처기업의 혁신역량이 성장단계별 기업 경영성과에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Kim, Il-Beon;Chun, Dong-Phil;Lee, Jin-Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed the impact of venture companies' innovation capabilities on business performance by growth stage. Innovation capability, which is an independent variable, is composed of entrepreneur characteristics, technology development capabilities, marketing capabilities, and external cooperation. And the dependent variables were set as sales and long-term growth prospects. This study utilized data from the '2022 Precise Survey on Venture Companies'and conducted descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis as research methodology. As a result of the analysis, the negative influence of the educational background of entrepreneurs' characteristics was found to decrease as the growth stage increased, and the long-term growth prospects of entrepreneurs with abundant industrial practical experience were perceived positively. Research and development personnel was a negative factor during the start-up period, but as the growth stage increased and technology accumulation occurred, it changed into a positive factor. Marketing competency level was found to be an important factor in all growth stages. For external collaboration activities, all hypotheses regarding sales were rejected, but hypotheses regarding the start-up and growth periods regarding long-term growth prospects were accepted. it is interpreted that external collaboration activities are necessary to overcome the limitations of internal resources.

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2007 경제 대전망

  • Korea Venture Business Association
    • Venture DIGEST
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    • s.102
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    • pp.10-11
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    • 2007
  • 2007년 우리 경제는 세계경제 둔화에 따른 수출증가세 하락과 내수둔화로 인해 4%대의 성장률을 기록할 전망이다. 거시경제정책은 부동산 시장 불안, 북한 핵사태, 대통령 선거 등 리스크 요인에 대비하면서 장기적인 성장잠재력 확충에 초점을 맞추어야 할 것이다.

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기획특집(1) - 사무기기 산업의 현재와 미래 - 기업용 시장중심의 성장과 함께 A3복합기가 시장성장 주도 - 국내 프린팅 시장 동향 및 전망

  • Kim, Han-Seung
    • The Optical Journal
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    • s.128
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    • pp.17-20
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    • 2010
  • 장비 효율화와 복합기와 프린터의 적어진 가격 격차에 따라 전체 출력기기 시장에서 복합기의 비중은 지속적으로 높아져 2009년 73%에서 2012년 82%까지 늘어날 전망이다. 특히 A3 컬러 디지털 복합기의 성장폭이 매우 클 전망이다. 전년 대비 약 40% 늘어난 규모의 시장이 형성될 것으로 보여 A4 레이저 시장이 11% 성장하는 한편, A3 레이저 시장은 무려 21% 이상의 두배 가까운 성장률을 보일 것으로 전망된다. 전 세계적으로 A4 성장률이 높은 반면, 한국 시장의 경우 금액기준 A4는 4.7%, A3는 7.1%의 연평균 성장률을 보이며 A3 시장이 시장 성장을 주도할 것으로 예측된다.

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PR Focus-고속성장이 예상되는 스마트폰시장

  • Korea Venture Business Association
    • Venture DIGEST
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    • s.58
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    • pp.9-9
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    • 2004
  • 최근 EE타임즈는 시장조사기관인 인스탯/MDR의 보고서를 인용해 스마트폰시장의 폭발적인 성장을 예상하였다. 가격하락과 크기축소 등의 복합적 요인으로 향후 5년간 연평균 44%의 판매증가로 스마트폰시장은 크게 성장할 것이라는 전망이다. 또 이 보고서는 앞으로 약 12~18개월 동안 가장 큰 변화가 나타날 것이라고 예상 하였다. PDA 및 스마트폰 전문업체인 싸이버뱅크와 필기인식 솔루션의 대표주자 디오텍. 이 두 업체는 대기업과 외국기업의 틈바구니에서도 어깨를 나란히 하며 곧 다가올 스마트폰시장의 고속성장을 준비중이다.

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