• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기업브랜드 태도

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A Study on the Impact of Corporate Publicity on Social Responsibility Perception and Brand Attitude (기업의 공공성이 사회적 책임 인식과 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Kang, Soyoung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.379-391
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    • 2020
  • The growth paradigm that has led Korea for the last few decades is now reaching its critical point. Rather than focusing on the outcomes created by severe competitions of individual companies, a growth based on win-win system and solidarity focusing on public interests is more called for. In this background, I would like to examine the concept of corporate publicness and what factors consist of it. The study aims to verify a causal relationship that corporate publicness affects the corporation's social responsibility and consumers' favorability and credulity toward the company, and looks for the possibility that corporate publicness is recognized as a corporation's substantive competitiveness and an important management activity for its sustainability. The results of the study shows that corporate publicness is composed of 5 dimensions: sincerity, activeness, pursuit of public interest, harmony, and community spirit. Then the study statistically verifies that corporate publicness significantly has a positive impact on the overall evaluation results of a corporation's social responsibility. Lastly, the study confirms that corporate publicness and socially responsible activity of a company have a positive influence overall on the attitude toward the corporate brand. Based on these results, an implication is drawn that strengthening corporate publicness and its practice in action should be emphasized for a corporation to keep making outstanding performances in a sustainable way.

A Study on the Influence of Customer Mileage Utilization Characteristics of a Service Company on Brand Attitude, Brand Loyalty, and Reuse Intention - Focused on the Substitute Operator (서비스기업의 고객 마일리지이용특성이 브랜드태도, 브랜드충성도, 재이용의도에 미치는 영향 연구 -대리운전 이용자를 중심으로)

  • An, Se-Hong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.202-216
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we studied the utility and value of the mileage program as a strategy to strengthen the relationship with customers in the surrogate operation industry. To this end, we conducted a survey of 1,000 customers who used the service more than once, mainly from D company, which has operated the agency operation business for more than 20 years, and analyzed 309 sincerely respondents. Five characteristics of mileage use (emotional benefits, ease of use, economic usefulness, effort to acquire, variety of benefits). Two parameters (brand attitude, brand loyalty) were set, and the dependent variable was set for reuse. As a result of hypothesis test, emotional benefit, convenience of use, and economic usefulness were significant in terms of brand attitude and brand loyalty, and acquisition effort and benefit diversity did not show significant results. The results of this study showed that the surrogate operation industry should strive to strengthen the emotional benefits, convenience of use, and economic usefulness to customers in order to strengthen the relationship with the customers.

Antecedents and Consequences of Attitude toward Femvertising (펨버타이징 광고 태도의 선행요인 및 결과 연구)

  • Um, Namhyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.66-74
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    • 2021
  • As femvertising has raised a great deal of attentions in Korea and abroad, femvertising which focuses on women's equality and empowerment has also brought much pubic attentions. Despite of much attentions, research on femvertising has been scarce. Thus, this study is designed to examine antecedents and consequences of attitude toward femvertising. For antecedents, this study proposes perceived congruence and perceived authenticity; as consequences, it proposes attitude toward brand, purchase intention, and e-word-of-mouth intention. A total of 278 college students participated in the study in return for course credits. Study results suggest that both perceived congruence and perceived authenticity are positively related to attitude toward advertising. In sum, when consumers perceive that femvertising messages are congruent with the company's brand image and the ad messages are authentic, positive attitude toward ads is likely to increase. Findings also suggest that attitude toward femvertising is positively related to attitude toward brand, purchase intention, and e-word-of-mouth-intention. In the last section of this paper, we discuss theoretical and practical implications..

The Moderating Effect of Product Category and Message Type on CRM (Cause-Related Marketing) and Brand Attitude (CRM 특성요인이 소비자 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 제품 관여도와 공익연계 메시지 표현유형의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Suh, Hyunsuk;Lee, Jong-man;Na, Youn-kue
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.49-95
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    • 2007
  • The "cause-related marketing (CRM)," generally defined as a mutually beneficial relationship between a company and a non-profit relationship or a social cause, which is perhaps the most progressive outgrowth of marketing trend. This paper contributes to, and looks at the practical issues of CRM and its effect on the brand attitude of the customer. To do so, following three broad research questions have been addressed. Which cause-related orientation is effective on customer's attitude of the brand? Which type of cause-related message provides crucial impact on customer's attitude of the brand? How product category acts upon and brings about different consequences on CRM? To address these questions, a causal model has been developed incorporating message type, product relevance, social significance, and brand attitude. The study model was tested with survey data collected from 400 career professionals and students in Seoul and statistically processed the 176 valid ones. The results of the study considerably supported the conceptual model. The analysis also revealed that the study population was not able to detect the differences in CRM strategies but tend to conceptualize them as a whole.

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The Influence of the Corporation Association of Korean Buffet Restaurant on Relationship Quality and Brand Loyalty (모기업에 대한 기업연상이 한식뷔페레스토랑의 관계품질과 브랜드충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Byong-nam;Moon, Sung-sik
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.235-252
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed at examining the interrelationships among corporate association, Rrelationship quality, and brand loyalty in Korean buffet restaurants. In addition, this study examined the mediating effects of commitment and attidudinal loyalty. The findings of this study were found through the employong of SPSS 18.0 on a convenience sample of a total of 209 respondents. The results of this study are as follows. First, both corporate ability association and corporate social responsibility association exhibited a positive impact on trust and commitment. Second, trust and commitment positively influenced attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. Third, commitment acted in a partial mediating role between trust and attitudinal loyalty, and attitudinal loyalty acted in a partial mediating role between commitment and behavioral loyalty.

Consequences of Brand Identity Letter Type for Brand Image (국내기업의 전용서체 개발과 배포가 브랜드 이미지에 미치는 영향)

  • Youn, Won-Jong;Kim, Young-Kook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.176-186
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed the consequences of using a company's own letter type for the brand image. After evaluating the brand image of companies that have their own letter types, the study concluded that the fact a company has its own letter type works positively for the brand image. In addition, the survey respondents see the corporate activity for developing letter types as an action for the public interest, and they agree with an argument that each company' own letter type can symbolize the company as CI. By studying literatures in the field of cognitive science, the study indicates that for communication through the letter type with consumers, companies should be careful when choosing their specific letter types and that repetitive exposure to a letter type helps people recognize it through a human experiment.

Development of brand equity index model and a strategy to improve brand equity: Focus on National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (브랜드 자산가치 지수 모형 개발 및 브랜드 가치 향상을 위한 전략방향 : 수협을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Yong Jun;Myoung, Soo Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1231-1239
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    • 2013
  • Recently, successful management of the brand is more important than anything else to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and increase customer loyalty. Most customers evaluate value and image of an enterprise in accordance with their experience of its goods and service. This study focused on the Fisheries Cooperative Association representative brand for the marketing point of view and attitude shall establish a scheme that can identify. We suggest a model that can measure the brand equity index (BEI) for equity. Based on the survey, we intended to provide the strategic direction and derive important factors for improving brand equity.

A Study on the influences of COO image on Brand Association Knowledge in Utilitarian and Hedonic product - Focused on the moderating effect of Consumers' ethnocentrism - (제품유형별 브랜드 원산지이미지와 브랜드 연상지식에 관한 연구- 소비자 자민족중심주의성향 정도에 따른 상호조절효과 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sung-Young;Yu, Sung-Duk;Na, Woon-Bong
    • CRM연구
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.21-40
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    • 2009
  • This study conducted to examine how consumer's perception of COO(Country of (Brand) Origin) image affects brand association knowledge, how coo image and brand association knowledge affect buying intention, how these relationship differs in hedonic and utilitarian products and the moderating effect of consumer's ethnocentrism in the influence of brand association to buying intension. The results indicated the followings: First, it was significant COO Image affect brand association knowledge, more strong significant in Hedonic products than in utilitarian products. But it was not supported COO Image affect buying intension significantly. Second, Brand association knowledge affected buying intention significantly. And the last, consumer's ethnocentrism mediated between brand association knowledge and buying intention strong significantly.

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The Impact of Crisis Response Strategy on Brand Attitude - Focus on the Crisis Type and Cause Related Marketing - (기업의 위기대응전략이 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향 - 위기 유형과 기업의 공익연계 마케팅을 중심으로 -)

  • Seol, Sang-Chul;Jung, Sung-Gwang;Choi, Woo-Young
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.251-276
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    • 2015
  • This study is to review the attitude of consumers on the crisis response strategy (defensive vs. receptive) that the company implements in crisis situations. Also, the interaction between the crisis response strategy that the company implements and the crisis type of companies (corporate ability vs corporate social responsibility) was discussed. In addition, the interaction between the messages (abstract vs. concrete) of public interest associated marketing implemented prior to crisis situations and the crisis response strategy implemented after crisis situations was discussed. And these results were reviewed to see if the same result can come out after controlling the involvement on consumer's public interest associated marketing as a covariate. The main results of this study are as follows. First, regarding the crisis response strategy, in the company's crisis response strategy, the receptive attitude was more favorable for the consumer's attitude than the defensive attitude. Second, it was seen that there is a significant interaction between the crisis response strategy of companies and the crisis type of companies. Third, it was seen that the crisis response strategy of companies has a significant interaction with the message type of public interest associated marketing. Lastly, the involvement showed a significant effect as a covariate and the interaction between the crisis response strategy of companies, the crisis type of company and the message type of public interest associated marketing can be confirmed even after controlling the involvement. In the conclusion of the study, the direction on implications, limitations and future.

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The Effects of Advertisement Properties In Cosmetics Convergence Advertisement Using PPL On Brand Attitude and Purchasing Intention (PPL을 활용한 화장품 융합광고의 광고속성이 브랜드태도 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hye-jeong;Kang, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to identify the effects of advertisement properties in PPL-used cosmetic convergence advertisements on brand attitude and purchasing intention and provide basic data that can be used for PPL marketing in cosmetics industry. For the purpose, this study interviewed female college students using a questionnaire and analysed 494 copies of the responses except 6 ones whose responses were insincere using SPSS v. 21.0. As a result, it was discovered that informativeness and entertainment as sub-factors of advertisement properties had statistically significant positive (+)effects on brand attitude while discomfort had statistically significant negative(-) effect on it. Also, informativeness and entertainment had statistically significant positive (+)effects on purchasing intention. Therefore, as PPL that breaks the contents and flow of dramas or movies decreases advertisement effects and purchasing intention, PPL advertisements should naturally present information on cosmetic products in dramas or movies.