• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기술.전문적 역량

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The Effect of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) on the Ability to Participate in Field-Education Classes and Improvement of Problem-Solving Skills (문제중심학습(PBL)이 현장실습수업 참여능력과 문제해결력 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung Hyun Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to construct a basic PBL class research data model that can strengthen and improve technical college students' abilities to participate in field-education classes and problem-solving skills. A significant effect was found in PBL classes with regard to technical college students' problem-solving skills and abilities to participate in field-education classes, as posited by the hypothesis. The results of the PBL course, which is a hypothesis of research, have been confirmed to have a significant effect on the participation of college students in field practice and on the ability to solve problems. Seventy-one students from five departments (humanities, social studies, and arts) at D University in North GyeongSang Province were selected as final subjects. The study was conducted for seven weeks from October 10 to December 05, 2021, in three stages: pre-inspection, PBL operation, and post-inspection. In the college life experiences of students with disabilities who study late within the Department of Social Welfare, it was confirmed that the study participants independently changed toward their independent life satisfaction and positive perception of themselves as a process of change in which the self-determination rights and goals and hopes for their lives by seeking the role for the disabled who have not yet been encountered and in the process of positively recognizing themselves.

Experiences of Training and Counselling of Life Planning Counselor for the Later Life (노후설계상담사의 상담교육 참여와 실제 상담경험)

  • Kim, MeeHye;Jung, MyoungHee;Chung, SoonDool;Kwon, KumJu;Yoon, HeeSoo
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.937-957
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to understand deeply the meaning of training and counselling experiences of life planning counselors for the later life. This study analyzed the meaning of training and counselling experiences of counselors and tried to structure the meaning of their experiences. The qualitative research was conducted with 12 counselors who got the license after completing life planning training and do counselling. This study found 4 categories, 15 sub-categories and 50 concepts. These results analyzed are : 1) Motivation of participating in life planning counselor training for the later life ; 2) Training experience of life planning counselor for the later life ; 3) Counselling experience as a life planning counselor for the later life ; and 4) Way to improve capacity as a life planning counselor for the later life. According to these results, this study proposed practice and policy suggestions to improve training curriculum, working process and building capacity of counsellors. Lastly, this study stated the limitation and significance of the study and also suggested another proposal for a follow-up study.

Measures for the Job Creation in the Convergence Content Industry : Focused on the VR/AR Game Industry (융합 콘텐츠 산업의 일자리 창출방안:VR/AR 게임 산업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.1110-1116
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    • 2019
  • With the rapid development of scientific technologies and the appearance of new industrial areas, the 4th industrial revolution is rapidly progressed while new values are created and realized by the conversion between industries. The researcher wrote the main questions through the preceding research on domestic and overseas major new technology convergence products and services. The researcher planned the in-depth interview, which is one of the qualitative research methodologies, and conducted the Kano method questionnaire that can embody multidimensional and strategic judgment rather than grasp fragmentary preference trends. According to the results, In addition to strengthening the technical capabilities of the VR/AR game industry, policy needs to raise professional manpower have been raised. Practical workforce development through close collaboration between industry and educational institutions, and continuous supply of human resources through retraining of existing game contents personnel. It gave direction to the creation of new jobs in the VR/AR game industry.

제주 특산 향토자원을 이용한 산업화 현황

  • Park, Su-Yeong
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.9-9
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    • 2011
  • 제주지역은 8,000여종의 생물종다양성 자원을 가진 생물유전자원의 보고로 알려져 있으며, 종다양성자원을 활용한 산업개발 잠재력이 크다고 평가 받고 있다. 특히 아열대 생물자원에 대한 산업개발 가치는 매우 높다 할 수 있다. 현재, 제주지역 생물산업 분야 연구인력은 430여명, 연간 학 석 박사 졸업생은 600여 명으로 전문인력 배출면에서 양적으로는 풍부한 상황이며, 도내 생물산업 관련 연구기관은 45개로 양적으로는 적은 편이 아니나 질적인 측면에서는 기술혁신역량이 다소 부족 형편이다. 도내 생물산업체는 250여 개로 대부분 저부가가치 농수산물 단순가공 및 식품가공업이나, 최근에 향장품산업체를 포함하는 중견기업이 유치되고 있다. 특히, 지방산업기술 혁신을 통한 지역 산업간 기술 격차를 완화하여 광역경제권 실현을 앞당기고 지역 균형발전 및 지역경제 활성화에 기여하기 위한 사업으로 제주의 다양한 생물자원을 활용한 건강 뷰티 생물산업을 지역 특화산업으로 육성하기 위해 산업화 소재를 발굴하고 기술개발을 전담하는 연구기관이 절실하게 필요함에 따라 국가균형발전 및 지역산업기술 고도화를 위한 지식경제부의 지자체연구소육성사업계획으로 제주생물종다양성연구소가 설립되었으며, 본 연구소에서는 생물자원 정보 구축, 보존 관리 체계 확립으로 생물주권을 확보하고 1, 3차산업 중심의 산업구조를 개선 및 기업 유치 보육을 통한 건강 뷰티 생물산업 육성을 목표로 고용창출 및 균형발전에 이바지 하고 있다. 현재, 제주생물종다양성연구소는 (재)제주테크노파크 부설연구소로 통합 운영 중에 있으며, 제주 향토생물자원 산업화 거점 연구기관으로서 제주자생식물 및 잉여 농수산물을 활용한 기능성 제품 개발 지원, 향토생물자원 발굴 및 고부가가치 산업 소재화 기술개발을 통해 향토산업 육성 등 지역 경제발전에 이바지하고 있다. 이에 본 연구소에서 수행 중인 제주 특산 향토자원을 이용한 산업화 현황을 소개하고자 한다.

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A study on the perception of the Korean industrial security ecosystem using Delphi Method (전문가 델파이기법을 활용한 한국 산업보안 생태계 인식 조사연구)

  • Kang, Min Ji;Park, Chansoo
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2020
  • Recently, security issues on industrial technology are undergoing rapid changes around the world. Developed countries are establishing response strategies to protect their own core technologies while creating conflicts with global value chains and foreign capital movement. Also in Korea, we are approaching industrial security issues in the mid- to long-term industrial competitiveness. The purpose of this study is to survey on the awareness of the industrial security ecosystem and derive key policy issues. Based on a three round survey, four policies were suggested as followings : systemization of industrial security control tower, enhancement of security company's technical skills and training of security specialists, improvement of technology leakage prevention system through retirement personnel and M&A, reinforcement of research security in R&D process and proactive technology protection. It is hoped that this study will serve as a basis for policy-making as an evidence-based study reflecting the policy demands of industrial security.

A Study on the Differentiation of Policy Instruments According to the Characteristic Factors of Apparel Sewing Micro Manufacturers Clusters in Seoul (서울시 의류봉제 소공인클러스터의 특성요인에 따른 정책수단 차별화에 관한 연구)

  • Young-Su Jung;Joo-Sung Hwang
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.238-255
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we derived the characteristic factors of the cluster as measurable variables, and attempted to clarify the characteristics of the apparel sewing areas in Changsin-dong, Doksan-dong, and Jangwi-dong. Based on these results, a comparative analysis was conducted to see how the demand for the government's support policy differs for each agglomeration area. Materials were collected through face-to-face questionnaires targeting tenant companies in the three regions. As a result of the analysis, Changsin-dong was identified as an "innovative growth type," Doksan-dong as a "networking type," and Jangwi-dong as a "specialized localization type." As a result of the research on policy demands, the policy demands of the three agglomerations appeared different, but Changsin-dong preferred capacity building, Doksan-dong preferred information provision, and Jangwi-dong favored policy means of benefit. It was confirmed that even among clusters of the same apparel sewing industry, the formation process and characteristics are different, and as a result, the demand for policy instruments is also different. Policy recommendations include understanding the characteristics and policy demands of each agglomeration area through periodic fact-finding surveys, and recommending the establishment and implementation of differentiated support policies that match the characteristics of each agglomeration area.

A Comparison of the Social Perception of Hairdressers (헤어미용사에 대한 사회적 인식 비교)

  • Kim, Kwang-hee;Kim, Eun-Young;Kim, Jin-Sook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to compare the perceptions of hairdressers, hairdressers-to-be, and ordinary people on hairdressers. For this, 286 hairdressers, hairdressers-to-be, and ordinary people residing in Daegu and Gyeongbuk were surveyed and analyzed. The study results are as follows: First, the job preferred by hairdressers is running their own salon. Most of those involved in the beauty industry considered that anyone who has an aesthetic sense can become a hairdresser, the average education level is college, and 5-10 years of experience would be adequate. On the other hand, the majority of the ordinary people thought different. Second, most of the hairdressers thought that professional theoretical knowledge and skills are required for hairdressers and that they have the role of leading beauty. On the other hand, the majority of the hairdressers-to-be and ordinary people considered that what it takes to become hairdressers are design sense and creativity and that they should take the responsibility of cleanliness and service. Meanwhile, all the research subjects shared common ideas that the competence required for hairdressers is skills and female hairdressers are preferred. Third, the most common cause for hairdressers to move from a workplace to another was wage-related issues, and the most answered entry-level salary was between KRW 1 million and 1.5 million and average working hours a day 9-10 hours. Fourth, the research subject groups showed significant differences in their perception of the occupation of hairdresser. The results suggest that although the social perception of hairdressers is improving, ordinary people still need to change their perception.

The Ethical Regime and Technological Citizenship in Software Oriented Society (SW(소프트웨어)중심사회의 윤리적 체제와 기술 시티즌십)

  • Kim, Seungeun;Kim, Hyomin
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.263-301
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    • 2015
  • Digital inclusion is the ability or opportunities of individuals and groups to access and use information technology (IT). Digital inclusion strategies aims to ensure that all citizens regardless of their gender, race and class benefit from IT. Discourse of digital inclusion is notable in that it proposes a desirable relationship between the state, individuals, and the market within the shifting topology of technoscience. Throughout broad discourse analysis of media coverages, in-depth interviews and reports on Korean IT industry, this research argues that dialogues on digital inclusion have substantially influenced the formation of a specific ethical regime. In this regime, individuals should become subjects embodying IT expertise and acceptable codes of conducts. We further discuss that such government-driven ethical regime conflicts with technological citizenship practiced by IT experts and semi-experts. We make theoretical contribution to STS by expanding the concept of technological citizenship to include the rights and obligations of heterogeneous expert and semi-expert groups to form, propose and socially demand alternative developmental pathways of technoscience. We also note that, amid the conflict between ethical regime and technological citizenship, alternative interpretations of gender gap can be forged, providing competing perspectives on women's under-representation and labor conditions in the IT industry. Further research is required to capture the emergence of multiple identities--differentiated by gender, race, class, and more--within the clashing interface between the ethical regime and technological citizenship.

Local government's current status of informatization manpower and suggestions for securing new personnel with expertise (지방정부의 정보화 인력 운영 실태와 전문성을 보유한 신규인력의 확보 방안 제안)

  • Seokyoung Kim;Kwangki Ryoo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.729-736
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    • 2023
  • With the full-fledged start of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the quality of administrative services through intelligent information technology and demand increased rapidly. Accordingly, the government is in full swing to establish a "digital platform government" through digital innovation in existing e-government operations such as organizational operations and administrative services. As local governments also promoted the establishment of a digital-based Agile government as a key strategy, this study investigated and analyzed the operation of informatization experts in metropolitan and basic local governments to support digital transformation policies and projects through intelligent informatization. Through this, the necessity and implications of expanding the size of human resources for successful digital transformation were derived, and two measures were proposed to enhance capabilities and expertise in the process of securing new manpower.

A Case Study on the Operation of Competency-based Liberal Arts Courses Using PBL to Improve Basic Vocational Competencies of Junior College Students (전문대학생의 직업기초능력 향상을 위한 PBL활용 역량기반 교양교과목 운영 사례 연구)

  • Hwang Jae Gyu
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the effectiveness of the study through a case of PBL (problem-based learning) class conducted in a university common liberal arts subject called <Machine civilization and Human> at Y University college in the second semester of 2023. The effects we can achieve through learning are as follows: First, problem-based learning (PBL) has sufficient active interaction between the professor and the learner. Second, PBL learning can actively utilize unstructured problems and actively utilize role division and collaboration processes. Third, it can promote critical thinking about problem situations. The limitations identified in the class case are, first, Given the nature of the subject, <Machime Civilization and Humans>, it is possible to approach unstructured problems according to the development of machinet civilization, but further discussion is needed from the perspective of creative thinking and problem solving. Second, As a course taken by students with different majors, team composition and lesson planning for heteogeneous groups are necessary to ensure a common experience of problem solving. Results of this study showed follow-up research needs to be conducted to analyze educational interactions and verify effective team building through them.