• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기술적 성과

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The Effects of Polyampholyte on Vitrification Process for cryopreservation of Bovine Oviduct Epithelial Cell (Polyampholyte가 소난관상피세포의 초자화 동결방법에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung Woo;Lee, Jae-Yeong;Kim, Chan-Lan;Yu, Yeonhee;Lee, Sung Soo;Ko, Yeoung-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.527-535
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to establish a simple vitrification protocols to preserve animal cell lines derived from tissues of livestock that could be recultured. Bovine oviduct epithelial cells (BOEC) were used for the vitrification process using a 0.25 ml straw to increase cryopreservation efficiency. BOEC was cultured from the oviduct of 3.5-day estrus state, and the commercially available polyampholyte StemCell KeepTM was used as a cryoprotective agent. Using different concentrations, the viability rates of BOEC in 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100% in freezing media were investigated. Survivability was determined using a differential staining technique using a trypan blue test and a CYTO-13/PI staining protocol. The viability rates of BOEC in the trypan blue test were 5.6±11.8, 12.5±7.2, 53.0±2.7, 85.1±6.9, 79.8±0.6, and 60.7±6.7% with a respective concentration of StemCell KeepTM. The viability rates in CYTO-13/PI staining were 4.6±2.5, 30.8±12.1, 58.4±2.5, 85.5±1.2, 79.8±0.6, and 71.2±1.2%, respectively. These results indicate that BOEC could be preserved with StemCell KeepTM without toxicity in a 0.25-ml straw. The optimal concentration of vitrification solution with StemCell KeepTM was determined to be 50% and can be considered as a proper preservation method for cryobanking.

A Study on Cation Extraction and Impurity Separation in Slag (슬래그 내 양이온 추출 및 불순물 분리 연구)

  • Lee, Ye Hwan;Kang, Hyerin;Jang, Younghee;Lee, Si-Jin;Kim, Sung Su
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.311-315
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    • 2019
  • The cation extraction and impurity separation were studied in order to investigate the recyclability of a slag produced from the steel refinery industry. Two types of slag (Slag-A, B) were collected and characterized in this study. The initial characterization by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) confirmed the existence of various kinds of ions in the slag such as Ca2+ (30 ~ 40%), Fe3+ (20 ~ 30%), Si4+ (15%), Al3+ (10%), Mn2+ (7%), and Mg2+ (3 ~ 5%). Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) analysis on the extracted slag using 2 M HCl as a solvent indicated that a higher concentration of Ca2+ was extracted as the S/L ratio was increased. The Ca2+ extraction concentration were found to be 8,940 mg L-1 (Slag-A) and 10,690 (Slag-B) mg L-1 when the S/L ratio for Ca2+ extraction was 0.1. However, the extract was strongly acidic ( < pH 1) at 0.1 S/L. Also the other ions (impurities) were extracted simultaneously in addition to Ca2+. To increase the purity of Ca2+ in order to transform the slag to a high value resource, a pH-swing was conducted. The impurities tended to precipitate at higher rate as the pH was increased. Notably, the Ca2+ rapidly precipitated above a certain pH and at a pH of 10.5, while the selectivity of Ca2+ was over 99%. It is expected that the aqueous solution in which high contents of Ca2+ was selectively dissolved in this study would be suitable for the carbonation process for reducing CO2 and for the production of calcium carbonate.

The Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement, of Judgments

  • Park, Yu-Sun
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.343-373
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    • 2006
  • 지적재산권의 속지주의 원칙에 따라 전통적으로 지적재산권의 침해에 있어서 결과의 발생이 없는 행위지를 침해지로 인정하지 않았다. 어문과 예술작품을 보호하기 위해 1886년 체결된 베른협약(Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works) 제5조 제1항은 저작자가 베른협약에 따라 보호되는 저작물에 관하여 본국 이외의 동맹국에서 각 법률이 현재 또는 장래에 자국민에게 부여하는 권리 및 이 협약이 특별히 부여하는 권리를 향유한다고 규정하여 내국민대우원칙을 천명하고 있다. 또한 베른협약 제5조 제2항은 저작권의 보호와 향유는 저작물의 본국에서 보호가 존재하는 여부와 관계가 없이, 보호의 범위와 저작자의 권리를 보호하기 위하여 주어지는 구제의 방법은 오로지 보호가 주장되는 국가의 법률의 지배를 받는다라고 규정하여 저작권 침해가 발행한 국가의 법률의 적용을 명시하고 있다. 인터넷과 무선통신 기술의 발달은 저작물을 디지탈 형식으로 실시간에 전세계에 배포하는 것을 가능하게 하였다. 특히 저작물의 인터넷상에서의 배포는 다국적 저작권 침해행위를 야기하여, 저작권자가 다수의 국가에서 저작권 침해소송을 제기하여 판결을 집행하는 것이 필요하게 되었다. 헤이그국제사법회의(Hague Conference on Private International Law)에서 1992년부터 논의되어 온 민사 및 상사사건의 국제재판관할과 외국판결에 관한 협약(Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgment in Civil and Commercial Matters)에서 채택된1999년의 예비초안(preliminary draft) 및 2001년 외교회의에서 수정된 잠정초안(Interim text) (이하 헤이그 협약 )은 저작권자가 저작권침해행위가 발생한 각 국가에서 저작권 침해행위를 금지하는 소송을 제기할 필요없이, 동 협약의 한 가맹국가의 법원의 저작권침해금지판결을 다른 가맹국가에서도 집행할 수 있는 가능성을 제시해 주는데 의미가 있다. 헤이그 협약 제10조는 불법행위(torts)에 관한 일반적인 재판관할에 관한 규정을 두고 있으며, 저작권침해에 관한 분쟁은 동 조항의 적용을 받는다. 제10조에 의해 당사자는 가해행위지 국가의 법원 또는 결과발생지 국가의 법원에서 소송을 제기할 수 있다. 결과발생지의 경우 제10조 1항 (b)는 피고가 자신의 행위가 본국의 법규에 비추어 동일한 성격의 손해를 초래할 수 있다라고 합리적으로 예견할 수 없었던 경우에 본 조항의 적용을 배제하고 있다. 인터넷을 통한 저작권침해의 경우, 피고가 자신의 국가의 법규하에서 합법적으로 저작물을 웹사이트에 게시하였으나, 그 행위가 다운로딩이 행해진 국가에서 불법인 경우, 피고는 저작권침해를 예견할 수 없었으므로 이에 문제가 제기된다. iCrave TV사건에서, 피고인 캐나다회사가 미국 및 캐나다에서 방송되는 텔레비젼 방송 프로그램을 자신의 웹사이트에 게시하여 이용자들로 하여금 컴퓨터를 통하여 방송을 재시청 할 수 있도록 하였는데 이는 캐나다에서 합법인 반면에 미국에서는 저작권 침해에 해당한다. 피고는 방송 프로그램을 인터넷상에서 재방송하는 것은 캐나다법상 합법이므로 저작권침해를 예견할 수 없었다고 주장하면서, 해당 사이트에 오직 캐나다 거주자만의 접속을 허용하고 미국 거주자의 접속을 제한하는 일련의 Click-Wrap 계약과 스크린 장치를 제공하였다고 주장하였다. 본 사건 피고의 주장을 받아들인다고 가정할 때, 제10조 1항(b)에 의해 원고는 결과발생지인 미국법원의 재판관할을 강제할 수 없을 것이다. 지적재산권을 둘러싼 분쟁에 관한 재판관할과 국제법상의 판결의 승인 및 집행의 통일성을 기하기 위하여 2001년 1월 세계지적재산권기구(World Intellectual Property Organization)가 제안한 WIPO 협약초안(Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Recognition of Judgments in Intellectual Property Matters)은 헤이그 협약이 재판관할과 판결의 승인 및 집행에 대한 일반적인 접근을 하고 있는 점에 반하여 지적재산권자의 보호라는 측면을 고려하여 지적재산권침해소송에 국제재판관할권을 규정하고 있다. WIPO 협약초안 제6조는 저작권자가 저작권 침해를 막기 위한 합리적인 조치를 취한 국가에서 저작권 침해소송을 피할 수 있다고 규정하고 있다. 따라서 본 조항에 의할 경우, iCrave TV사건의 피고는 미국에서의 저작권 침해소송을 회피할 수 있을 것이다. 이상과 같이 헤이그 협약이 외국판결의 승인 및 집행을 가능하게 하고 있음에도 불구하고, 외국법원의 판결이 다수의 가맹국가에서 집행되지 못하는 가장 큰 장애는 대다수의 국가들이 외국법원의 판결이 공서양속(Public Policy)에 반하는 경우 판결을 승인하지 않는 예외규정을 두고 있기 때문이다. 미국의 경우, Uniform Recognition Act와 Restatement(Third) of Foreign Relations에 따른 공서양속의 예외규정(Public Policy exception)은 외국법원의 판결의 승인을 부인하는 근거가 된다. Yahoo! 사건에서 Yahoo! Inc.의 옥션 사이트를 통해 독일 나치 소장물의 판매가 이루어졌는데, 프랑스 형법상 이는 범죄행위에 해당하므로, 프랑스 법원은Yahoo! Inc.에게 프랑스 이용자가 당해 옥션 사이트에 접속할 수 없도록 모든 가능한 조치를 취할 것을 명하였다. 이에 미국 법원은 프랑스 법원의 판결은 Yahoo! Inc.의 미국헌법 제1 수정(First Amendment)의 언론의 자유(freedom of speech)에 반하므로 판결의 집행을 거부하였는데 이는 공서양속의 예외규정을 보여주는 예이다. 헤이그 협약 제28조와 WIPO 협약초안 제25조 또한 공서양속의 예외규정을 두고 있다. 본 논문은 인터넷과 통신기술의 발달로 야기되는 다국적 저작권 침해사건에서 한 국가의 법원의 저작권 침해금지판결이 다수의 국가에서 승인 및 집행될 수 있는 능성을 헤이그 협약과 WIPO 협약초안 및 미국판결을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 국제적으로 통일된 저작권법이 존재하지 않고 외국 판결의 승인을 부인하는 예외조항과 외국판결의 집행에 관한 각국의 이해관계와 준거법의 해석이 다른 현시점에서 지적재산권의 속지주의를 뛰어넘어 외국법원의 판결을 국제적으로 집행하는 것은 다소 어려움이 있어 보이나 국제적인 집행가능성의 열쇠를 제시하는 헤이그 협약과 장래의 국제조약에 그 기대를 걸어볼 수 있겠다.

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Comparison of Image Uniformity Due to Position Shifting in COR on Myocardial SPECT (Myocardial SPECT시 COR에서 위치변화에 따른 Image Uniformity 비교)

  • Lim, Hyun-Jin;Kim, Joong-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Il;Lim, Jung-Jin;Kim, Jin-Eui;Kim, Hyun-Joo;Lee, Jae-Sung;Lee, Dong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: It is important to acquire accurate data because the SPECT scan affected by various physical factors. The aim of this study was to compare the uniformity when both centers were matched or mismatched differed from position of heart in COR. Materials and methods: The images were acquired with cylindrical uniform phantom (6.7 cm diameter, 9 cm length) and heart insert phantom using Cardio MD SPECT system (Philips, USA). The phantoms were positioned on COR as well as four different points which were 10 cm above, below, left and right side from the COR. The counts from the both edge of cylindrical uniform phantom and those from the both wall of heart insert phantom were compared by using vertical and horizontal line profile. In addition, the qualitative evaluation was performed with heart insert phantom images and volunteer test. Results: In heart insert phantom study, the differences of counts between COR and 10 cm above, below, left and right point of COR were 1.1, 4.1, 4.9, 2.2 and 0.9% using T-A curve for horizontal view. In case of vertical view of COR 3.9, 21.9, 3.5, 23.9, 14.0% were shown. In cylindrical phantom study, the differences of counts between COR and 10 cm above, below, left and right point of COR were 4.3, 0.3, 3.3, 2.6 and 0.7% using T-A curve for horizontal view. In case of vertical view of COR 2.7, 3.0, 1.0, 0.3, 3.4% were shown. For qualitative evaluation, the images at COR were the most uniform for both of heart insert phantom and volunteer test, whereas other four positions showed somewhat distorted images. Conclusion: It showed the most uniform images when COR is matched with the heart. Therefore, we can expect that distortion which increased or decreased of myocardial perfusion will be prevented by matching the heart and COR when positioning. Furthermore, the accuracy of diagnosis will be improved as well.

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The Effects of Near Miss and Accident Prevention Activities and the Culture of Patient Safety Management for the Patient Safety (Near Miss 사고 예방 활동과 환자안전관리 문화형성이 환자안전에 미치는 영향)

  • Chang, Ho-Suk;Lee, Gui-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Despite the rapidly changing healthcare environment, healthcare organizations have recognized the importance of patient safety management. But patient safety management has the problem of the lack of participation of members due to the process of focusing on the follow-up service and punishment. The department of nuclear medicine in Uijeongbu St. Mary's Hospital started this research to reduce the near miss and prevent patient safety accidents by both initiating the participatory near-miss-proof activities as an advance management and constructing a system without disadvantages of reporting. In addition, this research aims to establish a differentiated patient safety management system in the department of nuclear medicine. Materials and Methods: 1. Colleting cases of team members' past and present near miss and accidents(First data collection). 2. Quantifying the cases of near miss and accidents after identifying the degree of importance and urgency through surveys(Second data collection). 3. Quantifying cases and indentifying important points of contact through data analysis. 4. Making and standardizing a manual for important points of contact, and initiating participatory activities to prevent errors. 5. Activating web-based community for establishing the report system of near miss. 6. Estimating the result of before and after activities through surveys and focus group interviews. Results: 1) Quantified safety accidents and near miss in the department of nuclear medicine. About 50 near misses a month and one safety accident a year. 2) Establishing improvement measurements based on quantified data. About 11 participatory activities, the improvement of process, a manual for standardization. 3) Creating a system of safety culture and high participation rate of team members. Constructing a report system, making a check list and a slogan for safety culture, and establishing assessment index. 4) Activating communities for sharing the information of cases of near misses and accidents. 5) As the result of activities, the rate of near miss occurrence declined by 50% and the safety accident did not happen. Conclusion: The best service in the department of nuclear medicine is to provide patients with safety-guaranteed high-quality examination and cure. This research started from the question, 'what is the most faithful-to-the-basics way to provide the best service for patients?' and team members' common answer for this question was building a system with participation of all members. Building a system through the participatory improvement activities for preventing near miss and creating safety culture resulted in the 50% decline of near miss occurrence and no accident. This is a meaningful result from the perspective of advance management for patient safety. Moreover, this research paved the way for creating a culture to report and admit near miss or accidents by establishing a report system with no disadvantage of reporting. The system which sticks to the basics is the best service for patients and will form a patient safety culture system, which will lead to the customer satisfaction. Therefore, all members of the department of nuclear medicine will develop a differentiated patient safety culture with stabilizing the established system.

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Evaluation of MR Based Respiratory Motion Correction Technique in Liver PET/MRI Study (Liver PET/MRI 검사 시 MR 기반 호흡 움직임 보정 방법의 유용성 평가)

  • Do, Yong Ho;Lee, Hong Jae;Kim, Jin Eui;Noh, Gyeong Woon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2018
  • Purpose Respiratory motion during PET/MRI acquisition may result in image blurring and error in measurement for volume and quantification of lesion. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes of quantitative accuracy, tumor size and image quality by applying MR based respiratory motion correction technique (MBRMCT) using integrated PET/MR scanner. Materials and Methods Data of 30 patients (aged $62.5{\pm}10.2y$) underwent $^{18}F-FDG$ liver PET/MR (Biograph mMR 3.0T, Siemens) study were collected. PET listmode data for 7 minutes was simultaneously acquired with maximum average gate (MAG), minimum time gate (MTG) and non gate (NG) T1 weighted MR images. Gated PET reconstruction was performed using mu-maps generated from MAG and MTG by setting 35% of efficiency window. Maximum SUV ($SUV_{max}$), peak SUV ($SUV_{peak}$), tumor size and full width at half maximum (FWHM) in the z-axis direction of MAG, MTG and NG PET images were evaluated. Results Compared to NG, mean $SUV_{max}$ and $SUV_{peak}$ were increased in MAG 13.15%(p<0.0001), 8.66%(p<0.0001), MTG 13.27%(p<0.0001), 8.80%(p<0.0001) and mean tumor size and FWHM were decreased in MAG 14.47%(p<0.0001), 15.49%(p=0.0004), MTG 14.89%(p<0.0001), 15.79%(p=0.0003) respectively. Mean $SUV_{max}$ and $SUV_{peak}$ of MTG were increased by 0.07%(p=0.8802), 0.13%(p=0.7766). Mean tumor size and FWHM of MTG were decreased by 0.49%(p=0.2786), 0.36%(p=0.2488) compared to MAG. There was no statistically significant difference between MAG and MTG which increase total scan time for about 7 and 2 minutes. Conclusion SUV, accuracy of tumor size and spatial resolution were improved in both of MAG and MTG by applying MBRMCT without installing additional hardware in liver PET/MR study. More accurate information can be provided with the increase of 2 minutes scan time if applying MTG of MBRMCT to various abdominal PET/MR studies affected by respiratory motion.

Evaluation of the combination of Bone Scan Image and Pelvic X-ray Image (뼈 검사 영상과 골반 X선 영상의 결합 유용성 평가)

  • Lee, Choong Woon;You, Yeon Wook;Kim, Yong Keun;Weon, Woo Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2018
  • Purpose The introduction of bone scan has been reported as a useful tool in the diagnosis, treatment, and treatment response of skeletal disease. The purpose of this study is to improve the anatomical information and tolerance of the bone by combining bone scan and pelvic X-ray without additional radiation exposure. Materials and Methods From November 2015 to August 2016, 236 patients(64 men and 172 women, average age $50.96{\pm}15.39years$) take Bone scan and Pelvis AP(Anteroposterior) X-ray scan at the National Cancer Center. The scan equipment was a gamma camera, Symbia Ecam (SIEMENS, Germany), and a digital x-ray, DRS-800 (Listem, Korea). Osirix version 3.8.1 (Osirix, USA) and Stata/SE version 14.0 (StataCorp, USA) were used for image combination and analysis. The patient was intravenously injected with $^{99m}Tc-DPD$ (740 MBq), and the scan was performed 2 to 4 hours later. Gamma camera image acquisition were Matrix size $256{\times}1024$, Zoom 1.00, and scan speed 17 cm/min. The digital X-ray was made with a collimator size of $14^{{\prime}{\prime}}{\times}17^{{\prime}{\prime}}$, 77 kVp (60 to 97 kVp) and an average of 30 mAs (20 to 48). ASIS and pubic symphysis Select virtual points then Combine three virtual points and pelvic contour lines. The acquired images were evaluated by three radiologists who worked for more than 5 years in the nuclear medicine department. Results Of the total 236 patients, 216 (91.53%) were matched. The median and range (min~max) of the age were 67 (46~81) years old in the unmatched group and 52 (22~87) years old in the matched group, The Wilcoxon rank-sum test was performed to determine whether age was different between the two groups. As a result, the age difference between the two groups was statistically significant at p < 0.0001. Of the 64 men, 60 (93.75%) were match and of the 172 women, 156 (93.75%) were match. There was no statistically significant difference according to gender(p = 0.4542). Of the 54 patients without pelvic lesions, 54 (100.00%) were match, and 162 (89.01%) of 182 patients with pelvic lesions were match. There was a statistically significant difference according to the presence of pelvic lesions. Conclusion There are many variables in the combination of bone scan and pelvic X-ray imaging, and the patient's age and pelvic lesion may have some effect on the image combination. This study is expected to be useful for the diagnosis of pelvic osteosarcoma of children without radiation exposure. It is expected that this combination of images will help to develop the nuclear medicine image.

Effective Dose Determination From CT Head & Neck Region (두경부(Head & Neck) CT 검사 시 장기의 유효선량 측정)

  • Yun, Jae-Hyeok;Lee, Kwang-Weon;Cho, Young-Ki;Choi, Ji-Won;Lee, Joon-Il
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we present the measurements of effective dose from CT of head & neck region. A series of dose measurements in anthropomorphic Rando phantom was conducted using a radio photoluminescent glass rod dosimeter to evaluate effective doses of organs of head and neck region from the patient. The experiments were performed with respect to four anatomic regions of head & neck: optic nerve, pons, cerebellum, and thyroid gland. The head & neck CT protocol was used in the single scan (Brain, 3D Facial, Temporal, Brain Angiography and 3D Cervical Spine) and the multiple scan (Brain+Brain Angiography, Brain+3D Facial, Brain+Temporal, Brain+3D Cervical spine, Brain+3D Facial+Temporal, Brain+3D Cervical Spine+Brain Angiography). The largest effective dose was measured at optic nerve in Brain CT and Brain Angiography. The largest effective dose was delivered to the thyroid grand in 3D faical CT and 3D cervical spine, and to the pons in Temporal CT. In multiple scans, the higher effective dose was measured in the thyroid grand in Brain+3D Facial, Brain+3D Cervical Spine, Brain+3D Facial+Temporal and Brain+3D Cervical Spine+Brain Angiography. In addition, the largest effective dose was delivered to the cerebellum in Brain CT+Brain Angiography CT and higher effective dose was delivered to the pons in Brain+Temporal CT. The results indicate that in multiple scan of Brain+3D Cervical Spine+Brain Angiography, effective dose was 2.52 mSv. This is significantly higher dose than the limitation of annual effective dose of 1 mSv. The effective dose to the optic nerve was 0.31 mSv in Brain CT, which shows a possibility of surpassing the limitation of 1 mSv by furthre examination. Therefore, special efforts should be made in clinical practice to reduce dose to the patients.

Accuracy of Death Certificates Completed by Medical Students (일부 의과대학생들의 사망진단서 작성의 정확성 평가 - 사망진단서 작성법 교육 유형에 따른 비교 -)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ae;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Kam, Sin;Oh, Gyung-Jae;Shin, Min-Ho;Sohn, Seok-Joon;Kim, Soon-Young;Nam, Hae-Sung
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the ability of completing death certificates among medical students. Methods: The self-administered questionnaires were completed, during May to August 2007, by 380 medical students in senior. The questionnaire was composed of 10 cases to write the death certificate. The cause-of-deaths written by students were compared with the gold standards and their errors in the certificates also evaluated. Results: Mean agreement score for 10 underlying cause-of-deaths completed on the lowest line of part I in the death certificate (UC1) was $4.8{\pm}1.7$, and for underlying cause-of-death selected by a coder of the death certificates (UC2) was $5.6{\pm}1.5$. The UC1 and UC2 were significantly higher among the students having the case-oriented education for death certificate than others. For the major errors in the certificates completed by students, the students having the error with no antecedent cause were highest, the error with two or more conditions secondly highest. Mean number of errors was significantly lower in the case-oriented education group than others. Conclusions: Errors are common in the death certificates completed by medical students in senior. The accuracy of death certification may be more improved with the case-oriented education than the traditional method.

Effect of Boxing Aerobic Dance on Body Composition, Blood Component and Vascular Compliance in Obese Middle Aged Women (복싱에어로빅 참여가 비만 중년여성의 신체조성, 혈액성분 및 혈관탄성에 미치는 영향)

  • Zhang, Seok-Am;Kim, Seung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.4009-4017
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to test the effects of participation in 12-week program of boxing aerobics by obese middle-aged women on their body composition, blood constituents, and vascular compliance The samples are the middle-aged women in their forties or more, who has 30% or more body fat percentage, but has no medical history in cardiovascular disorders or metabolic diseases. The samples are divided into 8 of exercising group, and 8 of control group by random assignment. The intensity of boxing aerobics was HRmax 50% for the initial 4 weeks, HRmax 60% for the 5th to 8th week, and HRmax 70% for the 9th to 12th week. Each session took 60 minutes. The result is as follows. First, as a result of participating in the boxing aerobics program, body weight, body fat percentage, and muscle showed significant differences depending on the measuring period and the interacting term of the group and measuring period(p<.001), and the result of t-test on the sample matched to each group's measuring time also showed the significant increase or decrease in the exercising group(p<.001). Second, as a result of participating in the boxing aerobics program, the exercising group's TC, TG, HDL-C, and LDL-C, all showed significant differences in accordance with each group, measuring time, and the interaction term between groups and measuring time(p<.01, p<.001), and the result of t-test on each group's samples matched to the measuring time also shows significant increase or decrease in the exercising group(p<.01). Third, as a result of participating in the boxing aerobics programs, the vascular compliance of right hand, left hand, right hand, and left hand showed significant differences in accordance with each group, measuring time, and the interacting term between the measuring time and the group(p<.001), the t-test results of the samples matched to the each group's measuring time also showed significant differences in the exercising group(p<.001). To summarize the results above, it is suggested that the 12-week boxing aerobics program can improve body composition, blood constituents, and the blood circulation, which may prevent or enhance relevant diseases such as cardiovascular disorders.