• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기도 공간

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The relation between Movement working as a Grouping clue in Moving Picture and Semantic structure forming (동영상에서 그룹핑(grouping) 단서로 작용하는 움직임(Movement)과 의미구조 형성의 관계)

  • Lee, Soo-Jin
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2006
  • The scale of visual expression has expanded from freeze frame to motion picture as media have developed. Moving pictures such as animation, movies, TV CM and GUI become formative elements whose movement is necessary compared to freeze frame as apparent movement phenomenon and unit structure such as short and scene appear. Therefore, of formative elements such as a shape, color, space, size and movement, movement is importantly distinguished in the moving image. The expression and form of image as a relationship between the signified and signifier explained by Saussure are accepted as a sign by mutual complement even though they limit the content. This makes it possible to infer that the formal feature of movement participates in the message content. To verify this, the result of moving picture visual perception experiment based on the gestalt grouping principle result shows that 70-80 percent of subjects think that 'movement' is the important grouping clue in perception. Movement affects the maintenance of the context of message content in the communication process when the meaning structure of moving picture is analyzed based on the structural feature. The identity can be maintained with if there is a movement with similar directive point even if the color and shape of people, things and background are changed. Second, the clarity of the content is elevated by a distinguished object as a figure by movement. Third, it acts as a knowledge representation which can predict similar movement process of next information processing. Forth, movement gives the content consistency even though more than two scenes have fast switch and complicated editing structure like cross-cutting. Movement becomes a clue which can make grouping information input by visual perception reaction. Also, it gives the order to the visual expression which can be used improperly by formation of structural frame of image message and has the effectiveness which elevates the clarity of signification. Moving picture has discourse with several mixed unit structures because it fundamentally contains time and the common and distinguished expression is needed by media-mix circumstances. Therefore, by the application of gestalt grouping principle to moving picture field, movement becomes the more distinguished than other formative elements and affects the formation of meaning structure. This study propose a viewpoint that develops structural formative beauty and new image expression in the media image field.

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Evaluation on the Radiation Exposure of Radiation Workers in Proton Therapy (양성자 치료 시 방사선 작업 종사자에게 미치는 방사선 피폭에 대한 평가)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyun;Jang, Yo-Jong;Kim, Tae-Yoon;Jeong, Do-Hyung;Choi, Gye-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Unlike the existing linear accelerator with photon, proton therapy produces a number of second radiation due to the kinds of nuclide including neutron that is produced from the interaction with matter, and more attention must be paid on the exposure level of radiation workers for this reason. Therefore, thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) that is being widely used to measure radiation was utilized to analyze the exposure level of the radiation workers and propose a basic data about the radiation exposure level during the proton therapy. Materials and Methods: The subjects were radiation workers who worked at the proton therapy center of National Cancer Center and TLD Badge was used to compare the measured data of exposure level. In order to check the dispersion of exposure dose on body parts from the second radiation coming out surrounding the beam line of proton, TLD (width and length: 3 mm each) was attached to on the body spots (lateral canthi, neck, nipples, umbilicus, back, wrists) and retained them for 8 working hours, and the average data was obtained after measuring them for 80 hours. Moreover, in order to look into the dispersion of spatial exposure in the treatment room, TLD was attached on the snout, PPS (Patient Positioning System), Pendant, block closet, DIPS (Digital Image Positioning System), Console, doors and measured its exposure dose level during the working hours per day. Results: As a result of measuring exposure level of TLD Badge of radiation workers, quarterly average was 0.174 mSv, yearly average was 0.543 mSv, and after measuring the exposure level of body spots, it showed that the highest exposed body spot was neck and the lowest exposed body spot was back (the middle point of a line connecting both scapula superior angles). Investigation into the spatial exposure according to the workers' movement revealed that the exposure level was highest near the snout and as the distance becomes distant, it went lower. Conclusion: Even a small amount of exposure will eventually increase cumulative dose and exposure dose on a specific body part can bring health risks if one works in a same location for a long period. Therefore, radiation workers must thoroughly manage exposure dose and try their best to minimize it according to ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) as the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recommends.

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A Study on Trust and Commitment between Buyer and Supplier of Industrial Parts, and Their Usage of Information Technology (산업재 부품 구매자와 공급자의 신뢰와 몰입, 그리고 정보기술의 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Hun;Yun, Hui-Taek
    • Proceedings of the Korean DIstribution Association Conference
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.47-68
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to determine the association structure of the behavioral relationship variables, such as trust, commitment, cooperation, communication and coercive power, in the relationship between the buyers and suppliers of industrial parts. It also investigates the impact of the use of IT technologies on the relationships quality. Data was collected from 216 part suppliers of machinery, electronics and automobiles located in Incheon. Data supported all of the proposed hypotheses. First, it was confirmed that parts suppliers' trust in buyers leads to the commitment into relationships with buyers. Second, cooperation and communication showed a positive influence on parts suppliers' trust in buyers, and coercive power gave a negative influence on trust. Third, the use of IT technologies like Internet and E-Mail between parts suppliers and buyers was verified to have generally a positive influence on the quality of relationships. At the same time, cooperation and communication were confirmed to have a positive influence on each other, and cooperation and coercive power as well as communication and coercive power were confirmed to have negative influence on each other. This study is a pioneering attempt to examine the relationships between suppliers and buyers of industrial parts, and the influence IT technologies on the relationship quality. Also, the findings will be practically much helpful to find how to reinforce the relationships between parts suppliers and buyers.

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Environmental Characteristics of Seawater and Sediment in Mariculture Management Area in Ongjin-gun, Korea (옹진군 어장관리해역의 수질 및 퇴적물 환경 특성)

  • Kim, Sun-Young;Kim, Hyung-Chul;Lee, Won-Chan;Hwang, Dong-Woon;Hong, Sok-Jin;Kim, Jeong-Bae;Cho, Yoon-Sik;Kim, Chung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.570-581
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    • 2013
  • To improve productivity of aquaculture animals with management of culturing grounds, survey of mariculture management area in Ongjin-gun about water quality and sedimentary environment had been conducted on June, August and November in 2011. Water temperature in surface and bottom waters ranged from 9.49 to $24.14^{\circ}C$. Salinity and dissolved oxygen concentrations were in the range of 23.19~31.49 and 5.48~9.36 mg/L, respectively, depending on the variation of water temperature. The average concentration of COD was 1.57 mg/L and the concentrations of DIN and DIP showed entirely low level. As the result of grain size analysis, sand(56.66 %) and silt(34.60 %) were predominated. The Mz of sediment showed a variation of 2.59 to $6.62{\O}$ and sorting appeared to be poorly sorted. The concentrations of COD and IL in surface sediment ranged from 1.00 to $11.03mg/g{\cdot}dry$ and 0.72 to 5.29 %, respectively, which showed relatively good positive correlations. On the environmental assessment of trace metals in surface sediment, geoaccumulation index ($I_{geo}$) class indicated that sediments were not contaminated by most of metallic elements except Cr and As. Our result implies that this study area showed good water quality and sediments were not polluted by organic matters and metallic elements.

Spatial Variation in the Reproductive Effort of Mania Clam Ruditapes philippinarum during Spawning and Effects of the Protozoan Parasite Perkinsus olseni Infection on the Reproductive Effort (여름철 산란기에 있어 바지락 번식량의 공간적 변이와 기생 원생생물 Perkinsus olseni 감염이 바지락 번식에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Hyun-Sil;Hong, Hyun-Ki;Yang, Hyun-Sung;Park, Kyung-Il;Lee, Taek-Kyun;Kim, Young-Ok;Choi, Kwang-Sik
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2015
  • Spatial variation in the reproductive effort of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum is often closely associated with variation in the seawater temperature and food availability, which determines gonad maturity and the quantity of gamates produced during spawning. Previous studies also have reported that severe infection by the protozoan parasite Perkinsus olseni exerts a negative impact on clam reproduction, retarding gonad maturation or decreasing the reproductive effort. In the present study, we investigated impacts of P. olseni infection on the reproductive condition of Manila clam during a spawning season. Histology revealed that 54% of female clams in Wando off the south coast were in spawning, while only 10% of the female from Gomso and 0% of the female from Seonjaedo in Gyeonggi bay off the west coast were engaged in spawning at the end of May in 2004. Ray's fluid thioglycollate media (RFTM) assay was applied to assess P. olseni infection and indicated that the infection intensity in Wando ($3,608,000{\pm}258,000cells/g$ wet tissue) was significantly higher than the levels in Gomso ($1,305,000{\pm}106,000cells/g$ wet tissue) and Seonjaedo ($1,083,000{\pm}137,000cells/g$ wet tissue, p < 0.001). The size of the ripe female follicle determined from histology was significantly smaller in Wando ($0.032mm^2$) compared to the sizes in Gomso ($0.059mm^2$) and Seonjaedo ($0.052mm^2$, p < 0.05). Accordingly, the number of ripe eggs in the follicle was significantly fewer among clams in Wando (14) compared to the numbers determined in Gomso (23) and Seonjaedo (22). The absolute quantity of egg in ripe clams from Wando (31.01 mg) was also significantly smaller than Seonjaedo (61.79 mg) and Gomso (133.3 mg). Quantity of total protein, carbohydrate, and lipid in the tissue in the Wando samples was significantly smaller than the quantities determined in Gomso and Seonjaedo (p < 0.001). The observed poor reproductive condition and proximate tissue composition of the females in Wando were, in part, explained by the extremely high level of the parasites, sapping the ability to store energy in the host tissues, which is used in tissue growth and the egg production.

A Study on an Estimated Location of Seongjae Ryu, Junggyo's Okgye Gugok in GaPyeong-Gun (성재 유중교의 가평 옥계구곡 위치추정 연구)

  • Kang, Kee-Rae;Lee, Hae-Ju;Lee, Hyun-Chae;Kim, Hee-Chae;Kim, Dong-Phil;Ha, Seung Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.32-40
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    • 2017
  • The introduction of neo-Confucianism as the ideological foundation of Joseon, and its root Confucianism have become the origin of the life, scholarship and ideology of the Korean people. Additionally, it was considered the best to follow the teachings of the discipline's advocates including Confucius (孔子), Mencius (孟子), Zisi (子思), ZhuXi (朱子). Among these teachers, ZhuXi was the one who overtly presented the way of self-discipline, of which goal lies in attaining the character by the manifestation of vitality (氣 ki) and rationality (理 i) and contemplating on them. As he regarded natural places with mountains and waters as stages and tools for practicing toward the enlightenment, Confucian scholars in Joseon also followed his example in the spirit of honoring and studying ZhuXi (尊朱子, 學朱子), which became the basic thoughts and practical philosophy among them. Ryu, Junggyo, the neo-Confucian dogmatist, was no exception to applaud the nature, as he designated and ruled Okgye Gugok. On the basis of these backgrounds, this study aims to estimate the geographic places of Okgye Gugok, which was set by Ryu, Junggyo, a Confucian scholar in late-Joseon period, by collecting and analyzing the basic data, starting from Gareung-gun Okgye Sansugi(嘉陵郡玉溪山水記) which is the primary text authored by Seongjae Ryu, Junggyo. The literature study is followed by ten field trips to the estimated locations of Okgye Gugok, and verification of the estimations by three locals who were born and raised in Okgye Gugok. Coordinates and photographs were obtained as spatial data for each location of nine Gok(曲) estimated through this study. They will serve as a primary and critical data for story-telling and tourism resource in Okgye Gugok. The significance of this study is that it provides the primary data for designating the locations of Gok(曲) in Okgyeo Gugok.

The Formation Process of Tribal Landscape through Place Attachment of the Haeju Oh Family at Gohak-ri, Geochang (거창 고학리 해주오씨의 장소애착을 통해 본 종족경관의 형성과정)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.28-37
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    • 2013
  • This research, which sought to conjecture the formation process of tribal landscape while confirming the method and characteristic of place attachment of the Haeju Oh Family, which is rooted within the village and the Yongwon Pavilion and Garden of Gohak-ri, Mari-myeon, Geochang-gun, Gyeongnam, reached the following conclusion based on the interpretation and analysis of cultural and scenic elements such as the names and sculptures nearby the village and Yongwon Pavilion and Garden. This place is where Goohwagong Oh Sue, a Haeju person, settled down. This is also where his descendants were refined while yearning for their ancestors. The Yongwon Pavilion was established in 1964. It can be sufficiently known that this place was managed and maintained as a garden-like place where the spirit of yearning was shared and which was the basis of the life and entertainment of descendants after being the monumental place for Master Oh Guhwa, through stories, documents, nearby facilities, and writings on many rocks. It is clear that the meaning of 'Bang-Hak(訪鶴) and Jung-Hak (停鶴)' which is carved in many places around this area and Gohak-ri, which symbolizes the Hakbong(crane peak), the vein of Wonjak-dong which is one of the Ahneuisamdong(three outstanding scenic places of Ahneui), is a scenic language explaining the ecological settlement and lives of the Haeju Oh Family. When considering the definition of a sense of place as "a 'social device' made by discussions and practice rather than its existing as a substance," the many structures scattered around the village, Yongwon Pavilion Garden, and nearby designations show the monumental place inheritance of tribal group clearly exhibiting the characteristics of a Korean sense of place. Ever since Guhwagon Oh Sue settled down in Guhak-ri, the tribal group of Haeju Oh Family went through a life settlement phase and landscape formation phase by realizing the sense of place. Afterwards, while yearning for ancestors and repeatedly rooting down in the place, territoriality expanded and the place was reproduced. In particular, timber houses and monuments were constructed during the Japanese Colonization Period, and after independence, the Yongwon Pavilion was constructed through place reproduction, and monumental tribal landscape is currently being expressed in various forms to this day. Thus, allowing to reach the conclusion of 'Tribal Landscape of Gohak-ri, Mari-myeong, Geochang-gun,' which we perceive today. The products of territorial expansion formed by the repeating phenomenon of place rootedness and place attachment by tribal groups are in fact the substance of tribal landscape. Through such, it is possible to confirm the true spirit of place attachment and the earnest interest and affection of descendants towards a unique place that is repeatedly constructed and inherited within the group memory.

The Consideration about Heavy Metal Contamination of Room and Worker in a Workshop (공작실에서 실내 및 작업종사자의 중금속 오염도에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim Jeong-Ho;Kim Gha-Jung;Kim Sung-Ki;Bea Suk-Hwan
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Heavy metal use when producing the block from the workshop. At this time, production of heavy metal dust and fume gives risk in human. This like heavy metal to improve seriousness through measurement and analysis. And by the quest in solution is purpose of this thesis. Materials and Methods : Organization is Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer, and the object is Deajeon city 4 workshops in university hospital radiation oncology (Bismuth, Lead, Tin and cadmium). Method is the ppb the pumping it does at unit, comparison analysis. And the Calculation heavy metal standard level in air through heavy metal standard level in body and blood, so Heavy metal temporary standard set. Results : Subterranean existence room air quality the administration laws appointed Lead and Cadmium's exposure recommend that it is $3{\mu}g/m^3\;and\;2{\mu}g/m^3$. And Bismuth and Tin decides $7{\mu}g/m^3\;and\;6{\mu}g/m^3$ through standard level in air heavy metal and standard level in body and blood. Heavy metal measurement level of workshops in 4 university hospital Daejeon city compares with work existence and nonexistence. On work nonexistence almost measurement level is below the recommend level. But work existence case express high level. Also consequently in composition ratio of the block is continuous with the detection ratio. Conclusion : Worker's heavy metal contamination imbrued serious for solution founds basic part. In hospital may operation on local air exhauster and periodical efficiency check, protector offer, et al. And worker have a correct understanding part of heavy metal contamination, and have continuous interest, health control. Finally, learned society sphere administer to establishment standard level and periodical measurement. And it founds basic solution plan of periodical special health checkup.

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Satisfaction Realization of Apartment House Inhabitants for CPTED Design Element: To with Group by CPTED Application Level, Reciprocal Action Effect of Crime Prevention Effort (CPTED 설계요소에 대한 공동주택주민의 만족도 인식: CPTED 적용수준별 집단과 거주기간, 범죄예방노력의 교호작용효과)

  • Choi, Hyun-Sick;Park, Hyeon-Ho
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.22
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    • pp.231-258
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    • 2010
  • A study apartment house inhabitants of to, crime prevention effort is done satisfaction analysis and that deduce design plan of CPTED that can overcome safe life space embodiment and criminal fear from crime in Juminin viewpoint through atomize group's interaction by background fantast. Is positive because factor analysis wave and satisfaction index of deduce universe (Total group) 8 factor are presented more than all 0, and quite was expose by level that is worth accommodating. Satisfaction index of The secondary design group (Group1) 8 factor is positive because is presented more than all 0, and mechanical access control, mechanical surveillance is level that is worth accommodating quite, and level that is proper in remainder 6 dimension appear. Can know that 1 The secondary design group(Group2) is expose by level that satisfaction characteristic of 8 factor can be presented more than all 0 and appeared positively, and accommodate quite in all dimensions. Result that analyze Two-way ANOVA satisfaction difference of environment design of group by satisfaction of the primary and the secondary design group is high in 8 all dimensions of CPTED, and satisfaction by appeared satisfaction high in group less than natural access control, 2 years of natural surveillance, and reciprocal action effect that go with group is high satisfaction in 2 years low in The secondary design group more than the primary and the secondary design group of systematic access control and natural access control, and the primary and the secondary design group appeared high in subgroup of 2 remainders. Satisfaction difference by group by crime prevention effort satisfaction of the primary and the secondary design group is high in 8 all dimensions of CPTED, and satisfaction difference by crime prevention effort appeared satisfaction high in 'A prize' group to The secondary design group, and reciprocal action efficiency is high in 'A prize' group in The secondary design group more than the primary and the secondary design group in mechanical access control, systematic access control, natural access control, territoriality reinforcement, and satisfaction of 'Between' and 'Very' group appeared high in the primary and the secondary design group.

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Setup Verification in Stereotactic Radiotherapy Using Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph (DRR) (디지털화재구성사진(Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph)을 이용한 정위방사선수술 및 치료의 치료위치 확인)

  • Cho, Byung-Chul;Oh, Do-Hoon;Bae, Hoon-Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.84-88
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    • 1999
  • Purpose :To develop a method for verifying a treatment setup in stereotactic radiotherapy by ma- tching portal images to DRRs. Materials and Methods : Four pairs of orthogonal portal images of one patient immobilized by a thermoplastic mask frame for fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy were compared with DRRs. Portal images are obtained in AP (anteriorfposterior) and lateral directions with a target localizer box containing fiducial markers attached to a stereotactic frame. DRRs superimposed over a planned iso-center and fiducial markers are printed out on transparent films. And then, they were overlaid over onhogonal penal images by matching anatomical structures. From three different kind of objects (isgcenter, fiducial markers, anatomical structure) on DRRs and portal images, the displacement error between anatomical structure and isocenters (overall setup error), the displacement error between anatomical structure and fiducial markers (irnrnobiliBation error), and the displacement error between fiducial markers and isocenters (localization error) were measured. Results : Localization error were 1.5$\pm$0.3 mm (AP), 0.9$\pm$0.3 mm (lateral), and immobilization errors were 1.9$\pm$0.5 mm (AP), 1.9$\pm$0.4 mm (lateral). In addition, overall setup errors were 1.0$\pm$0.9 mm (AP), 1.3$\pm$0.4 mm (lateral). From these orthogonal displacement errors, maximum 3D displacement errors($\sqrt{(\DeltaAP)^{2}+(\DeltaLat)^{2}$)) were found to be 1.7$\pm$0.4 mm for localization, 2.0$\pm$0.6 mm for immobilization, and 2.3$\pm$0.7 mm for overall treatment setup. Conclusion : By comparing orthogonal portal images with DRRs, we find out that it is possible to verify treatment setup directly in stereotactic radiotherapy.

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