• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근대교육

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A Critical Study on the Three Models of Practical Theology in the Second Half of the 20th Century (20세기 후반 실천신학의 세 가지 유형에 대한 비판적 연구)

  • Shin-Geun Jang
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.25-48
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    • 2022
  • This essay is a critical study of the three models of practical theology that emerged in the second half of the 20th century: the critical correlational model (Sherrill, Browning), the hermeneutical model (Groome, Gerkin), and the faith community formation model (Westerhoff, Campbell). This essay first explores the central ideas of practical theologians who adhere to each of the three models and focuses on Christian education, pastoral counseling, and homiletics. This essay then critically evaluates the three models in accordance to the following four themes: how practical theology has 1) responded to the challenges of postmodernity, 2) engaged in dialogue with different types of theology, 3) participated in interdisciplinary dialogue, and 4) understood Christian practice. In conclusion, this essay suggests that the essential tasks of contemporary Christian education as practical theology include: 1) providing an active response to many challenges of postmodern, postsecular, postdigital, and posthuman era, 2) engaging in interactive dialogue with diverse forms of theology, and 3) facilitating interdisciplinary dialogue based on transversal rationality, and 4) establishing of the concept of Christian practice at the individual, ecclesial, social, public, ecological, and digital levels.

The historical change of children's education recognition by Chosun & Donga newspaper articles from 1920s to 1990s (신문기사에 나타난 자녀교육 인식 변천 -1920년대~1990년대 조선일보와 동아일보를 중심으로-)

  • Hahn, Yong Jin;Choe, Jeong-Hui
    • (The)Korea Educational Review
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.175-240
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to understand how the perception and attitude in children's education have changed over the 20th century in South Korea by searching the newspaper articles. The modernization in 20th century brought radical changes in every aspect of Korean society including education. As an educational attitude and policies from the government changed, so did the tones reflected in the newspaper articles. To sum up, there were four (4) principal changes found from this study as follows;Firstly, parental involvement and role as an educator became more important in Korean society and huge generation gap arose in attitudes towards children's education and custody. Secondly, the traditional gender-based roles of mothers' with image of love and fathers' with strength disappeared and mothers' responsibility of children's education were more emphasized during 20th century. Meanwhile, today's society is calling for an immediate return of fathers' involvement and commitment to children's education in the household. Thirdly, as the overflow of information and knowledge in 20th society caused an excessive interest in children's education, there were rising demands for establishing proper views and ideas on children's education. Lastly, the responsibilities of children's education which had been laid on household was expanded to public and government, which can be seen from the fact that an educational support from the government was extended to the children of overseas Korean as well as those residing in Korea.

A Study on characteristics and techniques of 20C Modernism ceramist Lucie Rie's works and activity. (20C모더니즘 기(器)의 도예가 루시 리(Lucie Rie)의 작품 특성과 제작 기법에 대한 연구)

  • Jeong, Hee-Jyun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.179-190
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    • 2007
  • Lucie Rie as an individual ceramist in terms of contemporary meaning was influenced by early 20th century's academic education and the ideology of modern formative arts. Modernity in her ceramic works has had a dramatic exert on numerous potters. Also, she is highly required to be studied in the history of modern pottery as a potter who took the initiative of studio pottery by the individual artistic handicraft. This paper considered an analysis of characteristics and techniques of 20C Modernistic ceramist Lucie Rie's works and activities. The body of this research investigated classification by chronicles and stylistic characteristics of her activity in the background of early 20th century European Modernism which influenced her formative arts. In addition, this article attempted to build up more specific comprehension on Lucie Rie's works and production process through an analysis of her techniques and artistic know-how..

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Eunsa Memorial Science Museum and Colonial Science Technology (은사기념과학관(恩賜記念科學館)과 식민지 과학기술)

  • Jung In-Kyung
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.5 no.2 s.10
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    • pp.69-95
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    • 2005
  • Eunsa Memorial Science Museum is a political space to justify ruling colony. Japanese imperialism made use of science museum in ruling colony under the cloak of propagating science thoughts. The science museums made it natural to rule the inferior Joseon(Korea) by bring the concept of 'Great Science Empire' into relief. The exhibition, lecture, experiment and science movies propagated those colonial ruling ideology. This transplantation of the colonial science museumraised the following problems. First, the science museum was used as means for the propagation of political power. All the aspects of the architecture, exhibition, and operation of the colonial science museum propagated and supported the direction of political authority, and furthermore planted a rosy phantasm of 'Development' and 'Progression' into the colony. Second, The science technology of science museum was treated as 'Result' and 'Instrument'. Japanese imperialism denied that the science is a historical and cultural staple product; it instilled only the 'Instrumental Rationality' in the colony. Third, the science technology dealt in the colonial science museum was below the level. What they educated and set forth as domestic science was to cultivate the laborers people for the political power by internalizing modernistic discipline.

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The Development of Agriculture and Society in Late Chos$\hat{o}$n Dynasty, 1700-1870 (조선후기(朝鮮後期) 농업(農業)과 사회발전(社會發展)의 역사적(歷史的) 성격(性格))

  • Lee, Hochol
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.13
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1995
  • The Chos$\hat{o}$n society witnessed internal unrest that culminated in popular uprisings during the years of 1700~1870, and this circumstances in Korean society offered a good opportunity to reorganize the relationship between production and society. However, it is not clear whether this pointed toward a modern capitalist society. Nevertheless, Korean society and agriculture developed under various difficult circumstances. In the view of the increase of land productivity and population during this period. Despite such tribulations, alter WWII the country underwent rapid industrialization, but it is not clear how lar the historical experience aided this development. The educational investment which builds upon the peasants' work morale and thriftiness certainly transforms the human capital and thus exerts important influence on the development of Korean modernization.

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Meanings of Family Reproduced by the Real Entertainment Program (리얼 예능 프로그램 <삼시세끼>가 재현한 가족에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Mikyung;Lee, Jungwon;Kim, Jiwook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.553-564
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the family reproduced by fishing village episode 1. (삼시세끼, three meals a day), which attempted a new type of entertainment termed an experiential real entertainment documentary, was produced in a total of nine episodes from October 2014 to March 2015. This study analyzed fishing village episode 1, which was aired in 2015 and obtained the highest ratings, using narrative analysis. The development of was consistently structured in the order of 'wake up - free time - breakfast - lunch - dinner - rest - sleep'. The character construction of the characters was created through the arrangement of a main space and a main role for each of the characters. Also, the characters were in relationships through which they became the background of each other. Therefore, in the family reproduced by , a mother without a father and a father without a mother are impossible. Despite that all the cast members were male, the subtitles constantly gave them the roles of 'housewife/wife/mother', 'father/husband/dad', and 'son', while actively blocking the image of a homosexual family. The family created as such was a family with children, a family with both mother and father, a heterosexual family, and a nuclear family. As a result, reproduced the typical modern family, normal family, and standard family.

Developments of Cultural Heritage Education and the Raising of Local Cultural Heritage Education (문화유산교육의 전개과정과 지역문화유산교육의 부상)

  • Kim, Yong-Goo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.154-169
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    • 2018
  • In modern society, cultural heritage has played a role in constituting national identity. The Cultural Heritage Education Project started in the 2000s by the Cultural Heritage Administration was also aware of the issue of sustainable development and cultural diversity as major cultural issues at the time. However, the main purpose of previous cultural heritage education was to foster national identity. The Cultural Heritage Administration has executed cultural heritage education programs since 2006. The education program of the cultural heritage teacher visiting the school, the project to designate a cultural heritage school, and an education program to experience cultural heritage at an archaeological site were carried out. In the 2010s, the theme of cultural rights and enjoyment of cultural heritage in life was raised as an important issue. Cultural heritage education had to accept the 'new meaning of cultural heritage', 'cultural rights', and 'learnercentered education'. In this context, the local cultural heritage education project started. The region is a space where various identities are reconstructed. However, local cultural heritage education itself cannot realize cultural heritage enjoyment in life. Therefore, it is necessary to seek cultural heritage in life through the various efforts of local cultural heritage education.

Letters by Medical Missionaries to Korea: Exploring Digital Humanities Approaches (북미지역에 소장된 내한 의료선교사 편지 기록의 현황과 디지털 인문학적 활용 가능성)

  • Hur, Kyungjin;Kim Han, Mikyung;Lee, Hye Eun
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.233-252
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    • 2018
  • The first Protestant medical missionary, Horace Allen, came to Korea in 1884 and built the first western-style hospital, Jaejungwon. John Heron, Oliver Avison and other foreign medical doctors soon followed. They established hospitals and medical schools, and, by treating patients and educating native doctors, they disseminated and developed modern medicine in Korea. At the same time, they wrote letters and reports to their sponsoring agencies, as well as family and friends, thereby leaving a vast body of literature that is scattered all over the world. Since the end of the 19th century, the records left by foreign medical missionaries have been valuable resources for the study of Korean history. While all types of records, such as diaries, memoirs, reports and travel logs, are available, these tend to be exaggerated or unverifiable because they are unilateral records. In contrast, letters can be verified because they are bilateral records between the recipient and the sender, and cannot be modified or altered according to changes in circumstances. Despite the academic value of these materials, however, there have been insufficient efforts to discover or identify these primary data sources, or to systematically organize them for scholars. This paper identified 49 archival collections from 29 institutions in North America. After analyzing their academic value, the paper will explore digital humanities options in utilizing the letters for future scholarship.

A Study and Evaluation of Japanese Design Group "Keiji Kobo" -especially on the designs of Toyokuchi Katshei- (일본 디자인그룹 "형이공방(型而工房)"의 활동과 업적에 관한 평가-토요쿠치 카츠헤이의 디자인 활동을 중심으로-)

  • 서병기
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2004
  • Keiji Kobo is a unique self-generated design research group in Japan, which was founded in 1928 when Bauhaus movement was in its peak, and which lasted ten years until the end of the Second World War, when any activity of the group became virtually impossible due to the war. With insight to see the future, the group aimed at Modern Design advocating a new spirit in architecture, and played a significant role in prosperity of Japanese Modern Design assimilating Western design trends. Pursuing of craft works for everyday life--practical furniture works--Keiji Kobo actively executed various projects to realize modern philosophy. The range of the works of this group was very large: survey, mock-up, experiment, research, exhibition, lecture, order-based sale, advertising and writing. The works of the group were oriented to serious academicism, not compromising with commercialism. Considering the peculiar political situation such as Japanese Militarism, the spirit of functionalism that the group pursued was surprisingly academical and pure. This group was relatively small and clumsy, which lasted as short as around ten years. However, strong motivation was in their seemingly quiet movements, and the influence of the group cannot be underestimated even with today's criteria. There were a number of pioneers who contributed to today's prosperity of Japan and Keiji Kobo can be estimated to be one of the pioneers in the field of design. It was found that the contemporary intellectuals hoped that the committment and activity of the group would contribute to modernization of the life quality of ordinary people. In a sense, Keiji Kobo can be estimated to be a little Japanese equivalent for Bauhaus that could not fully bloom.

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The Medical Scholarly Communication in the 1930s : an analysis on the The Korean Medical Journal (1930년대 의학 학술커뮤니케이션에 대한 연구 : ‘조선의보’를 중심으로)

  • 정경희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Information Management Conference
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    • 1999.08a
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 1999
  • 본 논문은 1930년에 창간하여 당시 한국인 의학연구집단의 중심적 학술 커뮤니케이션 장을 담당하였던 조선외보에 대하여 연구하였다. 먼저 조선의 보가 출현하게 된 배경으로써 한국에 서양근대의학이 도입되어 교육되는 과정을 살피고, 1930년 이전까지 의학자집단에 형성과 소식지 및 학회지의 발간 사항을 살펴보았다. 이러한 과정을 통하여 조선의보의 발간에 미친 직·간접적인 영향을 찾아보고자 하였다. 또한 조선의보로 발간하였던 조선의사협회의 결성과 그 성격에 대하여 언급하였으며, 본격적 의학 학술지로써의 조선의보의 면모에 대해서도 살펴보았다. 아울러 이 저널에 게재되었던 논문을 분석하여 당시 의학적 관심과 핵심적인 의학 연구자 집단을 구성해보았다.

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