• Title/Summary/Keyword: 규칙기반 방법

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Analysis of Seasonal Importance of Construction Hazards Using Text Mining (텍스트마이닝을 이용한 건설공사 위험요소의 계절별 중요도 분석)

  • Park, Kichang;Kim, Hyoungkwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.305-316
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    • 2021
  • Construction accidents occur due to a number of reasons-worker carelessness, non-adoption of safety equipment, and failure to comply with safety rules are some examples. Because much construction work is done outdoors, weather conditions can also be a factor in accidents. Past construction accident data are useful for accident prevention, but since construction accident data are often in a text format consisting of natural language, extracting construction hazards from construction accident data can take a lot of time and that entails extra cost. Therefore, in this study, we extracted construction hazards from 2,026 domestic construction accident reports using text mining and performed a seasonal analysis of construction hazards through frequency analysis and centrality analysis. Of the 254 construction hazards defined by Korea's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, we extracted 51 risk factors from the construction accident data. The results showed that a significant hazard was "Formwork" in spring and autumn, "Scaffold" in summer, and "Crane" in winter. The proposed method would enable construction safety managers to prepare better safety measures against outdoor construction accidents according to weather, season, and climate.

A Qualitative Study on Librarians' Recognition of the Joint Utilization of National Authority Data (국가전거데이터 공동활용에 대한 사서들의 인식에 관한 질적 탐구)

  • Lee, Sung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.443-467
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to conduct interviews with librarians who have experience in establishing local authority data by participating in the national authority sharing system of the National Library of Korea and to understand librarians' recognition and support for the joint utilization of national authority data. For this purpose, a total of 10 librarians who participated in the national authority sharing system project were interviewed by telephone using semi-structured questionnaires. Through this, it was possible to investigate the benefits, difficulties, utilization plans, revision plans of headings, and opinions on necessary support. The results of this study showed that the participants recognized that the joint utilization of national authority data provides the basis for the authority work of the local library and brings about the efficiency of the authority work, but they recognized the difficulty of modifying, selecting, creating new data, lacking knowledge, and lacking support system. The necessary support for the joint utilization of national authority data was provided with education and manuals related to authority, provision of rules related to authority that fully consider the position of the institution, budget and manpower support for system development and maintenance, establishment of communication channel and council, system and data advancement, and incentive to participating libraries. Based on the results of the study, the method and direction for the future operation of the joint utilization of national authority data were presented.

Analysis of Intrinsic Patterns of Time Series Based on Chaos Theory: Focusing on Roulette and KOSPI200 Index Future (카오스 이론 기반 시계열의 내재적 패턴분석: 룰렛과 KOSPI200 지수선물 데이터 대상)

  • Lee, HeeChul;Kim, HongGon;Kim, Hee-Woong
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 2021
  • As a large amount of data is produced in each industry, a number of time series pattern prediction studies are being conducted to make quick business decisions. However, there is a limit to predicting specific patterns in nonlinear time series data due to the uncertainty inherent in the data, and there are difficulties in making strategic decisions in corporate management. In addition, in recent decades, various studies have been conducted on data such as demand/supply and financial markets that are suitable for industrial purposes to predict time series data of irregular random walk models, but predict specific rules and achieve sustainable corporate objectives There are difficulties. In this study, the prediction results were compared and analyzed using the Chaos analysis method for roulette data and financial market data, and meaningful results were derived. And, this study confirmed that chaos analysis is useful for finding a new method in analyzing time series data. By comparing and analyzing the characteristics of roulette games with the time series of Korean stock index future, it was derived that predictive power can be improved if the trend is confirmed, and it is meaningful in determining whether nonlinear time series data with high uncertainty have a specific pattern.

Aristotle's Static World and Traditional Education (아리스토텔레스의 정적인 세계와 전통적인 교육)

  • Oh, Jun-Young;Son, Yeon-A
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.158-170
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of Aristotle's view of nature that is, the static view of the universe, and find implications for education. Plato sought to interpret the natural world using a rational approach rather than an incomplete observation, in terms of from the perspective of geometry and mathematical regularity, as the best way to understand the world. On the other hand, Aristotle believed that we could understand the world by observing what we see. This world is a static worldview full of the purpose of the individual with a sense of purposive legitimacy. In addition, the natural motion of earthly objects and celestial bodies, which are natural movements towards the world of order, are the original actions. Aristotle thought that, given the opportunity, all natural things would carry out some movement, that is, their natural movement. Above all, the world that Plato and Aristotle built is a static universe. It is possible to fully grasp the world by approaching the objective nature that exists independently of human being with human reason and observation. After all, for Aristotle, like Plato, their belief that the natural world was subject to regular and orderly laws of nature, despite the complexity of what seemed to be an embarrassingly continual change, became the basis of Western thought. Since the universe, the metaphysical perspective of ancient Greece and modern philosophy, relies on the development of a dichotomy of understanding (cutting branches) into what has already been completed or planned, ideal and inevitable, so it is the basis of traditional teaching-learning that does not value learner's opinions.

Improvement of Face Recognition Algorithm for Residential Area Surveillance System Based on Graph Convolution Network (그래프 컨벌루션 네트워크 기반 주거지역 감시시스템의 얼굴인식 알고리즘 개선)

  • Tan Heyi;Byung-Won Min
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2024
  • The construction of smart communities is a new method and important measure to ensure the security of residential areas. In order to solve the problem of low accuracy in face recognition caused by distorting facial features due to monitoring camera angles and other external factors, this paper proposes the following optimization strategies in designing a face recognition network: firstly, a global graph convolution module is designed to encode facial features as graph nodes, and a multi-scale feature enhancement residual module is designed to extract facial keypoint features in conjunction with the global graph convolution module. Secondly, after obtaining facial keypoints, they are constructed as a directed graph structure, and graph attention mechanisms are used to enhance the representation power of graph features. Finally, tensor computations are performed on the graph features of two faces, and the aggregated features are extracted and discriminated by a fully connected layer to determine whether the individuals' identities are the same. Through various experimental tests, the network designed in this paper achieves an AUC index of 85.65% for facial keypoint localization on the 300W public dataset and 88.92% on a self-built dataset. In terms of face recognition accuracy, the proposed network achieves an accuracy of 83.41% on the IBUG public dataset and 96.74% on a self-built dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that the network designed in this paper exhibits high detection and recognition accuracy for faces in surveillance videos.

Estimation of GARCH Models and Performance Analysis of Volatility Trading System using Support Vector Regression (Support Vector Regression을 이용한 GARCH 모형의 추정과 투자전략의 성과분석)

  • Kim, Sun Woong;Choi, Heung Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.107-122
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    • 2017
  • Volatility in the stock market returns is a measure of investment risk. It plays a central role in portfolio optimization, asset pricing and risk management as well as most theoretical financial models. Engle(1982) presented a pioneering paper on the stock market volatility that explains the time-variant characteristics embedded in the stock market return volatility. His model, Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH), was generalized by Bollerslev(1986) as GARCH models. Empirical studies have shown that GARCH models describes well the fat-tailed return distributions and volatility clustering phenomenon appearing in stock prices. The parameters of the GARCH models are generally estimated by the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) based on the standard normal density. But, since 1987 Black Monday, the stock market prices have become very complex and shown a lot of noisy terms. Recent studies start to apply artificial intelligent approach in estimating the GARCH parameters as a substitute for the MLE. The paper presents SVR-based GARCH process and compares with MLE-based GARCH process to estimate the parameters of GARCH models which are known to well forecast stock market volatility. Kernel functions used in SVR estimation process are linear, polynomial and radial. We analyzed the suggested models with KOSPI 200 Index. This index is constituted by 200 blue chip stocks listed in the Korea Exchange. We sampled KOSPI 200 daily closing values from 2010 to 2015. Sample observations are 1487 days. We used 1187 days to train the suggested GARCH models and the remaining 300 days were used as testing data. First, symmetric and asymmetric GARCH models are estimated by MLE. We forecasted KOSPI 200 Index return volatility and the statistical metric MSE shows better results for the asymmetric GARCH models such as E-GARCH or GJR-GARCH. This is consistent with the documented non-normal return distribution characteristics with fat-tail and leptokurtosis. Compared with MLE estimation process, SVR-based GARCH models outperform the MLE methodology in KOSPI 200 Index return volatility forecasting. Polynomial kernel function shows exceptionally lower forecasting accuracy. We suggested Intelligent Volatility Trading System (IVTS) that utilizes the forecasted volatility results. IVTS entry rules are as follows. If forecasted tomorrow volatility will increase then buy volatility today. If forecasted tomorrow volatility will decrease then sell volatility today. If forecasted volatility direction does not change we hold the existing buy or sell positions. IVTS is assumed to buy and sell historical volatility values. This is somewhat unreal because we cannot trade historical volatility values themselves. But our simulation results are meaningful since the Korea Exchange introduced volatility futures contract that traders can trade since November 2014. The trading systems with SVR-based GARCH models show higher returns than MLE-based GARCH in the testing period. And trading profitable percentages of MLE-based GARCH IVTS models range from 47.5% to 50.0%, trading profitable percentages of SVR-based GARCH IVTS models range from 51.8% to 59.7%. MLE-based symmetric S-GARCH shows +150.2% return and SVR-based symmetric S-GARCH shows +526.4% return. MLE-based asymmetric E-GARCH shows -72% return and SVR-based asymmetric E-GARCH shows +245.6% return. MLE-based asymmetric GJR-GARCH shows -98.7% return and SVR-based asymmetric GJR-GARCH shows +126.3% return. Linear kernel function shows higher trading returns than radial kernel function. Best performance of SVR-based IVTS is +526.4% and that of MLE-based IVTS is +150.2%. SVR-based GARCH IVTS shows higher trading frequency. This study has some limitations. Our models are solely based on SVR. Other artificial intelligence models are needed to search for better performance. We do not consider costs incurred in the trading process including brokerage commissions and slippage costs. IVTS trading performance is unreal since we use historical volatility values as trading objects. The exact forecasting of stock market volatility is essential in the real trading as well as asset pricing models. Further studies on other machine learning-based GARCH models can give better information for the stock market investors.

Term Mapping Methodology between Everyday Words and Legal Terms for Law Information Search System (법령정보 검색을 위한 생활용어와 법률용어 간의 대응관계 탐색 방법론)

  • Kim, Ji Hyun;Lee, Jong-Seo;Lee, Myungjin;Kim, Wooju;Hong, June Seok
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.137-152
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    • 2012
  • In the generation of Web 2.0, as many users start to make lots of web contents called user created contents by themselves, the World Wide Web is overflowing by countless information. Therefore, it becomes the key to find out meaningful information among lots of resources. Nowadays, the information retrieval is the most important thing throughout the whole field and several types of search services are developed and widely used in various fields to retrieve information that user really wants. Especially, the legal information search is one of the indispensable services in order to provide people with their convenience through searching the law necessary to their present situation as a channel getting knowledge about it. The Office of Legislation in Korea provides the Korean Law Information portal service to search the law information such as legislation, administrative rule, and judicial precedent from 2009, so people can conveniently find information related to the law. However, this service has limitation because the recent technology for search engine basically returns documents depending on whether the query is included in it or not as a search result. Therefore, it is really difficult to retrieve information related the law for general users who are not familiar with legal terms in the search engine using simple matching of keywords in spite of those kinds of efforts of the Office of Legislation in Korea, because there is a huge divergence between everyday words and legal terms which are especially from Chinese words. Generally, people try to access the law information using everyday words, so they have a difficulty to get the result that they exactly want. In this paper, we propose a term mapping methodology between everyday words and legal terms for general users who don't have sufficient background about legal terms, and we develop a search service that can provide the search results of law information from everyday words. This will be able to search the law information accurately without the knowledge of legal terminology. In other words, our research goal is to make a law information search system that general users are able to retrieval the law information with everyday words. First, this paper takes advantage of tags of internet blogs using the concept for collective intelligence to find out the term mapping relationship between everyday words and legal terms. In order to achieve our goal, we collect tags related to an everyday word from web blog posts. Generally, people add a non-hierarchical keyword or term like a synonym, especially called tag, in order to describe, classify, and manage their posts when they make any post in the internet blog. Second, the collected tags are clustered through the cluster analysis method, K-means. Then, we find a mapping relationship between an everyday word and a legal term using our estimation measure to select the fittest one that can match with an everyday word. Selected legal terms are given the definite relationship, and the relations between everyday words and legal terms are described using SKOS that is an ontology to describe the knowledge related to thesauri, classification schemes, taxonomies, and subject-heading. Thus, based on proposed mapping and searching methodologies, our legal information search system finds out a legal term mapped with user query and retrieves law information using a matched legal term, if users try to retrieve law information using an everyday word. Therefore, from our research, users can get exact results even if they do not have the knowledge related to legal terms. As a result of our research, we expect that general users who don't have professional legal background can conveniently and efficiently retrieve the legal information using everyday words.

Establishment of Safety Factors for Determining Use-by-Date for Foods (식품의 소비기한 참고치 설정을 위한 안전계수)

  • Byoung Hu Kim;Soo-Jin Jung;June Gu Kang;Yohan Yoon;Jae-Wook Shin;Cheol-Soo Lee;Sang-Do Ha
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.528-536
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    • 2023
  • In Korea, from January 2023, the Act on Labeling and Advertising of Food was revised to reflect the use-by-date rather than the sell-by-date. Hence, the purpose of this study was to establish a system for calculating the safety factor and determining the recommended use-by-date for each food type, thereby providing a scientific basis for the recommended use-by-date labels. A safety factor calculation technique based on scientific principles was designed through literature review and simulation, and opinions were collected by conducting surveys and discussions including industry and academia, among others. The main considerations in this study were pH, Aw, sterilization, preservatives, packaging for storage improvement, storage temperature, and other external factors. A safety factor of 0.97 was exceptionally applied for frozen products and 1.0 for sterilized products. In addition, a between-sample error value of 0.08 was applied to factors related to product and experimental design. This study suggests that clearly providing a safe use-by-date will help reduce food waste and contribute to carbon neutrality.

A Study on the Performance Evaluation of G2B Procurement Process Innovation by Using MAS: Korea G2B KONEPS Case (멀티에이전트시스템(MAS)을 이용한 G2B 조달 프로세스 혁신의 효과평가에 관한 연구 : 나라장터 G2B사례)

  • Seo, Won-Jun;Lee, Dae-Cheor;Lim, Gyoo-Gun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.157-175
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    • 2012
  • It is difficult to evaluate the performance of process innovation of e-procurement which has large scale and complex processes. The existing evaluation methods for measuring the effects of process innovation have been mainly done with statistically quantitative methods by analyzing operational data or with qualitative methods by conducting surveys and interviews. However, these methods have some limitations to evaluate the effects because the performance evaluation of e-procurement process innovation should consider the interactions among participants who are active either directly or indirectly through the processes. This study considers the e-procurement process as a complex system and develops a simulation model based on MAS(Multi-Agent System) to evaluate the effects of e-procurement process innovation. Multi-agent based simulation allows observing interaction patterns of objects in virtual world through relationship among objects and their behavioral mechanism. Agent-based simulation is suitable especially for complex business problems. In this study, we used Netlogo Version 4.1.3 as a MAS simulation tool which was developed in Northwestern University. To do this, we developed a interaction model of agents in MAS environment. We defined process agents and task agents, and assigned their behavioral characteristics. The developed simulation model was applied to G2B system (KONEPS: Korea ON-line E-Procurement System) of Public Procurement Service (PPS) in Korea and used to evaluate the innovation effects of the G2B system. KONEPS is a successfully established e-procurement system started in the year 2002. KONEPS is a representative e-Procurement system which integrates characteristics of e-commerce into government for business procurement activities. KONEPS deserves the international recognition considering the annual transaction volume of 56 billion dollars, daily exchanges of electronic documents, users consisted of 121,000 suppliers and 37,000 public organizations, and the 4.5 billion dollars of cost saving. For the simulation, we analyzed the e-procurement of process of KONEPS into eight sub processes such as 'process 1: search products and acquisition of proposal', 'process 2 : review the methods of contracts and item features', 'process 3 : a notice of bid', 'process 4 : registration and confirmation of qualification', 'process 5 : bidding', 'process 6 : a screening test', 'process 7 : contracts', and 'process 8 : invoice and payment'. For the parameter settings of the agents behavior, we collected some data from the transactional database of PPS and some information by conducting a survey. The used data for the simulation are 'participants (government organizations, local government organizations and public institutions)', 'the number of bidding per year', 'the number of total contracts', 'the number of shopping mall transactions', 'the rate of contracts between bidding and shopping mall', 'the successful bidding ratio', and the estimated time for each process. The comparison was done for the difference of time consumption between 'before the innovation (As-was)' and 'after the innovation (As-is).' The results showed that there were productivity improvements in every eight sub processes. The decrease ratio of 'average number of task processing' was 92.7% and the decrease ratio of 'average time of task processing' was 95.4% in entire processes when we use G2B system comparing to the conventional method. Also, this study found that the process innovation effect will be enhanced if the task process related to the 'contract' can be improved. This study shows the usability and possibility of using MAS in process innovation evaluation and its modeling.

Evaluation of Oil Spill Detection Models by Oil Spill Distribution Characteristics and CNN Architectures Using Sentinel-1 SAR data (Sentienl-1 SAR 영상을 활용한 유류 분포특성과 CNN 구조에 따른 유류오염 탐지모델 성능 평가)

  • Park, Soyeon;Ahn, Myoung-Hwan;Li, Chenglei;Kim, Junwoo;Jeon, Hyungyun;Kim, Duk-jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1475-1490
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    • 2021
  • Detecting oil spill area using statistical characteristics of SAR images has limitations in that classification algorithm is complicated and is greatly affected by outliers. To overcome these limitations, studies using neural networks to classify oil spills are recently investigated. However, the studies to evaluate whether the performance of model shows a consistent detection performance for various oil spill cases were insufficient. Therefore, in this study, two CNNs (Convolutional Neural Networks) with basic structures(Simple CNN and U-net) were used to discover whether there is a difference in detection performance according to the structure of CNN and distribution characteristics of oil spill. As a result, through the method proposed in this study, the Simple CNN with contracting path only detected oil spill with an F1 score of 86.24% and U-net, which has both contracting and expansive path showed an F1 score of 91.44%. Both models successfully detected oil spills, but detection performance of the U-net was higher than Simple CNN. Additionally, in order to compare the accuracy of models according to various oil spill cases, the cases were classified into four different categories according to the spatial distribution characteristics of the oil spill (presence of land near the oil spill area) and the clarity of border between oil and seawater. The Simple CNN had F1 score values of 85.71%, 87.43%, 86.50%, and 85.86% for each category, showing the maximum difference of 1.71%. In the case of U-net, the values for each category were 89.77%, 92.27%, 92.59%, and 92.66%, with the maximum difference of 2.90%. Such results indicate that neither model showed significant differences in detection performance by the characteristics of oil spill distribution. However, the difference in detection tendency was caused by the difference in the model structure and the oil spill distribution characteristics. In all four oil spill categories, the Simple CNN showed a tendency to overestimate the oil spill area and the U-net showed a tendency to underestimate it. These tendencies were emphasized when the border between oil and seawater was unclear.