• Title/Summary/Keyword: 군집 자료

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User Perception of Olfactory Information for Video Reality and Video Classification (영상실감을 위한 후각정보에 대한 사용자 지각과 영상분류)

  • Lee, Guk-Hee;Li, Hyung-Chul O.;Ahn, Chung Hyun;Choi, Ji Hoon;Kim, Shin Woo
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2013
  • There has been much advancement in reality enhancement using audio-visual information. On the other hand, there is little research on provision of olfactory information because smell is difficult to implement and control. In order to obtain necessary basic data when intend to provide smell for video reality, in this research, we investigated user perception of smell in diverse videos and then classified the videos based on the collected user perception data. To do so, we chose five main questions which were 'whether smell is present in the video'(smell presence), 'whether one desire to experience the smell with the video'(preference for smell presence with the video), 'whether one likes the smell itself'(preference for the smell itself), 'desired smell intensity if it is presented with the video'(smell intensity), and 'the degree of smell concreteness'(smell concreteness). After sampling video clips of various genre which are likely to receive either high and low ratings in the questions, we had participants watch each video after which they provided ratings on 7-point scale for the above five questions. Using the rating data for each video clips, we constructed scatter plots by pairing the five questions and representing the rating scale of each paired questions as X-Y axes in 2 dimensional spaces. The video clusters and distributional shape in the scatter plots would provide important insight into characteristics of each video clusters and about how to present olfactory information for video reality.

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Vegetation of Moojechi Moor in Ulsan: Syntaxonomy and Syndynamics (울산 무제치늪의 식생: 군락분류와 군락동태)

  • 김종원;김중훈
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.281-287
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    • 2003
  • We present the first analysis of moor vegetation on the Moojechi of Ulsan including syntaxonomy and syndynamics. We classified plant communities according to the Braun-Blanquet approach. In order to better understand ecological alteration processes and changing species compositions along successional gradients we also examined synecological differences using Principal Coordinate Analysis(PCoA) in terms of moisture gradient, species richness, and community structure. Classification resulted in one association and five plant communities occupying distinct moor habitats: Hypericum laxum-Eleocharis acicularis for. longiseta community, Drosera rotundifolia-Eleocharis congesta community, Platanthero-Molinietum japonicae ass. nova hoc loco, Molinia japonica-Alnus japonica community, Miscanthus sinensis-Pinus densiflora community, and Convallaria keiskei-Quercus serrata community. Due to synecological correspondences and floristic similarities in supraregional perspective, Platanthero-Molinietum can be assigned to existing higher syntaxonomic units of Molinion and Molinietalia in Braun-Blanquet system, established in Japan. We propose to extend their range and designate the new class Molinietea japonicae representative to the intermediate moor (Zwischenmoor) vegetation in Northeast Asia. PCoA resulted in four types showing a sequencess of succession: Needle spike-rush type, moor-grass type (incl. alder forest type), eulalia type, and oak forest type. A combination of edaphic conditions (soil eutrphication and soil moisture) and hydrologic patterns of moor ecosystem related to topography, occurring as result of external geophysical forces, controls inter alia spatial patterns and floristic compositions of moor plant communities.

Visitor Segmentation as a Means of Reducing Variance in spending profiles Corps of Engineers Lakes (미국공병대(美國工兵隊) 관할 호수에 수반되는 여행비용의 분산 감소를 위한 시장분할법)

  • Lee, Ju Hee;Propst, Dennis B.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.3
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to segment recreationists into groups which are homogeneous with respect to their spending patterns and trip characteristics. Date were derived from a larger study aimed at developing nationally representative expenditure profiles for recreation visitors to Corps of Engineers projects. Segmentation of these data reduces variance and helps to identify distinctive final demand vectors for input - output application. A - priori and cluster analysis approaches for identifying segments are compared. The a - priori segmentation approach identified 12 segments and the cluster analysis approach identified 3 segments. The 3 nonresident clusters - labeled "day use", "overnight", and "overnight camping" - show lower mean squares within groups than the a - priori segments on almost all nonresident spending categories with an exception of boating expenses. For the Corps of Engineers, implications of these findings for the estimation of economic impacts are discussed.

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Variation of Meiobenthic Community in the Sediment of Coastal Area in Bangameori Daebudo, Korea (대부도 방아머리 연안 퇴적물에 서식하는 중형저서동물 군집 변동)

  • 김동성;민원기;이재학
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.308-320
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    • 2004
  • The Community structure of meiobenthos was studied seasonally at 5 stations of Bangameori tidal flat and 3 stations of subtidal area in Daebudo near the Shiwha dike in the west coast of Korea, from May 2000 to February 2001. Mean grain size of intertidal stations ranged from $3.16\;\varphi\;to\;3.73\varphi$ (sand), subtidal stations were $5.81~6.67\;\varphi$ (mud). Nematodes were the most dominant group among the representative 19 meiofaunal groups at all stations in both tidal flat and sub-tidal area. The subdominant groups were benthic harpacticoid copepods and Sarcomastigophorans. The density of meiobenthos ranged from 145 inds. $10cm^{-2}$ to 2,057 inds. $10cm^{-2}$ (0~1 cm) in the sediment of intertidal stations, and from 391 to 3,787 inds. $10cm^{-2}$ (0~5 cm) in the subtidal stations. The lowest meiofaunal density was recorded in winter, whereas the highest density was shown in spring. Comparing with another previous work at the same area, data from this study does not statistically shown differences with results before discharge of shiwha lake water.

The Characterization of Fish Communities in Urban Streams of the Busan Metropolitan City and Suggestions of Stream Restoration (부산시 도시하천의 어류군집과 하천복원을 위한 제안)

  • Yoon, Ju-Duk;Jang, Min-Ho;Oh, Dong-Ha;Joo, Gea-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.303-317
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    • 2007
  • The fish community of small freshwater ecosystems gets easily disturbed by direct or indirect human induced disturbances during the period of urbanization. Urbanization is one of factors that generate changes in stream and influences fish fauna in developed countries. This study was conducted in Busan Metropolitan City from 2001 to 2004. In order to investigate the fish community, the city was divided into 3 parts, eastern, central and western. A total of 3,206 individuals of 46 species from 19 families were collected from 55 sites. The dominant species was Rhynchocypris oxycephalus, whereas Zacco temminckii was the subdominant species. Cluster analysis was conducted using primary freshwater fish species collected from each stream. As a result of the analysis, study sites were well differentiated into 3 parts. Two species of Z. temminckii and R. oxycephalus represented the upper part of the stream and Carassius cuvieri, Acheilognathus rhombeus, Hemiculter eigenmanni and Micropterus salmoides represented the middle and lower parts of the stream. When compared with previous studies, fish community of the eastern part of the Busan city where urbanization is in progress, showed similar patterns to the central part. At the time of the habitat restoration of fish fauna in stream, appropriate selection of fish species should be made through analysis of stream character and biogeographic distribution of fish, and long-term monitoring is also needed for sustaining the management of fish fauna.

Evaluation of Pollutant Characteristics in Yeongsan River Using Multivariate Analysis (영산강 수계 오염특성 파악을 위한 다변량 통계분석법의 적용)

  • Jung, Soojung;Lee, Dongjin;Hwang, Kyungsup;Lee, Kyounghee;Choi, Kyoungchuk;Im, Sangsun;Lee, Yunhee;Lee, Jaeyoung;Lim, Byoungjin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.368-377
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    • 2012
  • This study evaluated the water quality of Yeongsan River by multivariate analysis using the data collected during 2001~2010. Water quality in Yeongsan River could be explained up to 75.2% by four factors, which were included in loading of nutrients (32.021%) and organic matters (17.453%), seasonal variation (14.775%) and microbes (10.951%). The results of cluster analysis were classified into three groups by factor 1 and 2, which has different water quality characteristics. Group 1 included sampling stations located in the upper stream and estuary dyke of Yeongsan River, group 2 included Gwangju 1 and Gwangsan affected by domestic sewage of Gwangju-cheon, and group 3 included sampling stations located in the midstream around the livestock farm and farmland.

Ecotourism Visitors' Motivation/Attitude-Based Market Segmentation - Focused on Visitors at the Daebu Haesolgil, Gyeonggi Province - (생태관광지 방문객의 동기 및 태도에 따른 시장세분화 - 경기도 대부 해솔길 방문객을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Yoonjeong;Kim, Seong-il
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.46-57
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    • 2018
  • To increase knowledge regarding the ecotourism market in Korea, this study conducted a market segmentation based on tourists' motivations and attitudes. An onsite survey of visitors to Daebu Haesol 1 gil, Gyeonggi Province, was conducted from late November 2016 to early January 2017. An exploratory factor analysis and K-means cluster analysis were employed to identify market segments by using data collected from 434 respondents. The results showed three distinct segments labelled 'Nature Seeking Responsible Tourists', 'Passive Nature Seeking Tourists' and 'Nature/Cohesion Seeking Responsible Tourists.' All three segments had different levels of 'escape', 'health' and 'cohesion' motivations but commonly they all had a relatively high level of 'nature' motivation. As they also differed from each other in terms of sociodemographic and travel related characteristics as well as satisfaction level, it was concluded that motivation and attitudes of responsibility can be used for ecotourism market segmentation. A significant implication is that this research confirmed that the indicators on tourists' attitude of responsibility toward local communities are useful in segmenting visitors to ecotourism sites, which have been rarely studied in previous ecotourism market studies.

Multivariate Analysis on Fruit Morphological Characteristics and Estimation on Selection Effect of Selected Individuals of Sorbus alnifolia (Sieb. et Zucc.) K. Koch (팥배나무 집단의 열매의 형태적 특성에 의한 다변량분석과 선발효과추정)

  • Kim, Moon Sup;Kim, Sea Hyun;Han, Jingyu;Kwon, Hae Yun;Song, Jeong Ho;Kim, Hyeusoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.2
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    • pp.196-202
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    • 2014
  • In order to select superior trees based on fruit characteristics and provide basic informations necessary for their improvement, total 107 individual trees of Sorbus alnifolia (Sieb. et Zucc.) K. Koch were selected from 11 wild populations in South Korea. After collecting normal fruit branch, we investigated morphological characteristics of fruit and then considered its relationship among the 11 populations by multivariate analysis method. Results from principal compound analysis showed that it represented 85.8% accumulated explanation from five principal compounds. According to cluster analysis based on fruit characteristics, the natural S. alnifolia populations were classified into four groups and Mt. Mani population was different from other populations. Selection effect with outstanding candidate trees including superior 5 individual trees (Gwangyo 1, Gwangyo 2, Deogyu 7, Mani 29, Mani 30) was estimated at 122.8%, 115.5% and 182.7% in fruit width, length and yield per fruit bunch, respectively. The object of this results will give us invaluable information about breeding by selection of S. alnifolia in south Korea.

Analysis of Enactment and Utilization of Korean Industrial Standards(KS) by Time Series Data Mining (시계열 자료의 데이터마이닝을 통한 한국산업표준의 제정과 활용 분석)

  • Yoon, Jaekwon;Kim, Wan;Lee, Heesang
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.225-253
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    • 2015
  • The standard is a nation's one of the most important industrial issues that improve the social and economic efficiency and also the basis of the industrial development and trade liberalization. This research analyzes the enactment and the utilization of Korean industrial standards(KS) of various industries. This paper examines Korean industries' KS utilization status based on the KS possession, enactments and inquiry records. First, we implement multidimensional scaling method to visualize and group the KS possession records and the nation's institutional issues. We develop several hypothesis to find the decision factors of how each group's KS possession status impacts on the standard enactment activities of similar industry sectors, and analyzes the data by implementing regression analysis. The results show that the capital intensity, R&D activities and sales revenues affect standardization activities. It suggests that the government should encourage companies with high capital intensity, sales revenues to lead the industry's standard activities, and link the policies with the industry's standard and patent related activities from R&D. Second, we analyze the impacts of each KS data's inquiry records, the year of enactments, the form and the industrial segment on the utilization status by implementing statistical analysis and decision tree method. The results show that the enactment year has significant impact on the KS utilization status and some KSs of specific form and industrial segment have high utilization records despite of short enactment history. Our study suggests that government should make policies to utilize the low-utilized KSs and also consider the utilization of standards during the enactment processes.

Implication of the Ratio of Exchangeable Cations in Mountain Wetlands (산지습지 치환성 양이온 함량비의 특성과 함의)

  • Shin, Young Ho;Kim, Sung Hwan;Rhew, Hosahang
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.221-244
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    • 2014
  • We suggested several implications by examining geochemical properties of sediments in Simjeok, Jangdo, and Hwaeomneup mountain wetlands which are natural preservation areas. Geochemical properties of wetland sediments show that all wetlands were included in the type of fens, but their distribution patterns were different from one another. We classified three sub-groups of sediments using the two step cluster analysis on the ratio of exchangeable cations. Wetland sediments can be grouped into Ca-dominated, Mg-dominated, and K-dominated types. Simjeok wetland have Ca-dominated sediments, while the sediments of Jangdo wetland indicate the Mg-dominated and Ca-dominated characteristics. Hwaeomneup wetland is composed of K-dominated sediment mainly. Different properties in the ratio are affected by various environmental factors such as geological, pedological, and vegetational settings. Because these geochemical properties will be affected by climate change and human impacts, these will be environmental indicator in mountain wetlands and be used in wetland management. This scheme can be used for classification of mountain wetlands. Therefore, we should work on geochemical properties of wetland sediments and classification schemes based on geochemical properties not only to widen understanding in geomorphic system or ecosystem of mountain wetlands but to conserve mountain wetlands properly.

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