• Title/Summary/Keyword: 군집 자료

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이론적 강제대류CHF 해석 모델의 연구 현황 및 성능 평가

  • Kwon, Hyuk-Sung;Jeon, Tae-Hyun;Hong, Sung-Duk;Hwang, Dae-Hyun;Park, Chul
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.918-931
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    • 1995
  • 임계열속을 예측하는 기존의 여러 방법중 임계열속 발생 역학구조에 근거한 이론적 접근 방법은 여러 유동형태(Flow pattern)별로 연구되고 있으며, 대표적으로 환상유동에서의 LFD(Liquid Film Dryout) 이론, 기포류에서의 BBLD(Bubble Boundary Layer Dryout) 흑은 LNID(Local Nucleation Initiated Dryout)이론 등이 제시되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 일반적으로 원자로 조건에 서 적용될 수 있는 LFD이론과 BBLD 이론에 대하여 대표적인 모델들을 소개하고 특성을 검토하였다. 특히 BBLD 이론중에서 기포군집 (Bubble coalescence) 모델과 층류막 드라이 아웃(Sublayer dryout) 모델에 대해서는 원형관에서의 임계열속 시험자료를 사용하여 각 모델의 예측 성능 및 특성을 평가하였다. 평가 결과, 기포군집 모형인 Weisman 모델의 예측성능이 가장 우수했으며 아울러 층류막 드라이아웃 모델인 Katto 모델과 Mudawwar 모델은 구성 인자중 기포군속도와 층류막 두께와의 관계가 보다 정확히 모형화되야 할 것으로 판단된다.

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Competitive Benchmarking using Self-Organizing Neural Networks (자기조직화 신경망을 이용한 경쟁적 벤치마킹)

  • 민재형;이영찬
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.479-488
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    • 2000
  • 다양한 재무정보를 이용하여 기업간 경쟁적 벤치마킹을 수행하는 것은 매우 어려운 작업인 동시에 분석에 상담한 시간이 소요된다. 본 연구에서는 재무정보를 이용한 기업간 경쟁적 벤치마킹을 효과적으로 수행하기 위하여 대표적인 자율신경망 모형인 자기조직화 신경망을 분석에 이용하였다. 자기조직화 신경망은 다차원적인 재무자료를 2차원 출력 공간으로 투영함으로써 결과를 시각화하는데 매우 효과적이며, 시각화된 결과는 재무적인 경쟁우위에 따라 기업을 군집화함으로써 효과적인 경쟁적 벤치마킹을 수행할 수 있도록 한다. 본 연구에서는 1998년. 1999년, 그리고 2000년 상반기까지의 국내 제조업체 재무구조 분석사례에 자기조직화 신경함을 적용하여 재무적 경쟁우위에 따른 기업들의 군집화 모형으로서의 가능성을 제시하였다.

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Proximate Word Filtering by Hierarchical Clustering (계층적 군집화를 이용한 근사 단어 필터링 기법)

  • Kim, Sung-Hwan;Cho, Hwan-Gue
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.1101-1104
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    • 2012
  • 단어 필터링은 유해정보를 차단위한 기본적인 기능이다. 그러나 악의적인 사용자는 필터링 시스템을 우회하기 위하여 금지 단어에 의도적인 변형을 가한다. 이에 대응하기 위해 일정 오류를 허용하여 필터링을 수행하는 근사 단어 필터링이 있다. 근사 단어를 검색하기 위한 문자열 색인 방법으로는 주로 기준 단어(Pivot)을 이용한 유클리드 공간에의 사상을 이용하는데, 이는 단어 필터링에 응용하기에는 근본적인 구조상의 한계점이 있다. 본 논문에서는 필터링 대상이 되는 단어 집합 내에서 군집화를 수행하여 계층적인 자료구조를 구성하고, 단어 필터링을 위한 필터링 질의(Filtering query)를 정의한 뒤 그에 적합한 탐색 상의 적용에 관하여 설명한다. 실험 결과 기존의 기준 단어(Pivot)을 이용한 색인 기법에 비하여 16.9%~26.6%의 탐색 속도 향상을 확인할 수 있었다.

The Study of Soil Chemical Properties and Soil Bacterial Communities on the Cultivation Systems of Cnidium officinale Makino (일천궁의 연작재배에 따른 토양 이화학성 및 토양세균군집 연구)

  • Kim, Kiyoon;Han, Kyeung Min;Kim, Hyun-Jun;Jeon, Kwon Seok;Kim, Chung Woo;Jung, Chung Ryul
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the soil chemical properties and soil bacterial community of the cropping system for Cnidium officinale Makino. METHODS AND RESULTS: The bacterial community was analyzed for the relative abundance and principal coordinated analysis (PCoA analysis) by using by Illumina Miseq sequencing. The correlation analysis between soil chemical properties and soil bacterial community were analyzed by Spearman's rank correlation and DISTLM analysis. Soil bacterial community (phylum and class) showed two distinct clusters consisting of cluster 1 (first cropping) and cluster 2 (continuous cropping) from 2 different cultivation methods of Cnidium officinale Makino. PCoA and DISTLM analyses showed that soil pH and Ca significantly affected soil bacterial community in cultivation area of Cnidium officinale Makino. In addition, Spearman's rank correlation showed significant correlation between relative abundance (Acidobacteria and Actinobacteria) and soil factors (soil pH and Ca). CONCLUSION: The results of this study were considered to be important for determining the correlation between soil properties and soil bacterial community of the cropping method for Cnidium officinale Makino. Furthermore, the results will be helpful to investigate the cause of continuous cropping injury of the Cnidium officinale Makino by examining the changes of soil properties and soil bacterial communities.

Plant Community Structure of Abies holophylla Community from Sinseongam to Jungdaesa in Odaesan National Park (오대산국립공원 신성암~중대사 전나무림 식물군집구조 특성)

  • Kim, Dong-Wook;Han, Bong-Ho;Kim, Jong-Yup;Yeum, Jung-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.895-906
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to the structure of plant community from Sinseongam to Jungdaesa in Odaesan National Park, furthermore, it seeks to curate the basic data for planning of the Abies holophylla's forest management in Odaesan National Park. In order to identify the current ecological environment, this study explored the actual vegetation as primary research and set to twenty plots(i.e. $400m^2$) for analysing detailed structure of plant communities. The research methodology was qualitative analysis, therefore it used TWINSPAN and DCA analysis tools. Especially, TWINSPAN performed well in several comparisons of classification techniques, DCA is one of the ordination technique showed that the plant communities. The plant community was analysed classification and ordination by TWINSPAN and DCA, moreover it was analysed the structure of plant community such as importance percentage of woody species, DBH class distribution, the index of diversity and rate of sample tree growth. The main vegetation was A. holophylla-Quercus mongolica forest and Deciduous broad-leaved forest in the communities where located in low altitude and valley, whereas main vegetation where located in high altitude and slope was Q. mongolica forest. The research site's plant communities were classified four groups. In all of communities, A. holophylla was dominant species in main canopy layer, furthermore, the three communities (community I, II, III) are growing up next generation of A. holophylla excluding community IV. The communities (community I, II, III) can be sustained current status which dominates the A. holophylla communities, simultaneously, there might be expanded the Deciduous broad-leaved communities by Carpinus cordata, Betula schmidtii and so on. While, it showed that the community IV tended to be weaken the forces of A. holophylla, therefore the community IV can be transferred to C. cordata-Deciduous broad-leaved communities in the future. The age of sample trees was 79~128(i.e. A. holophylla), 75~87(i.e. Pinus koraiensis) and 190 years(i.e. Ulmus davidiana var. japonica). The index of Shannon's Species diversity (H') were ranged from 0.3889 to 1.3332 in the communities.

The Demersal Fishes of Asan Bay -III. Spatial Variation In Abundance and Species Composition- (아산만 저어류 -III. 정점간 양적 변동과 종조성-)

  • LEE Tae Won
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.438-445
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    • 1993
  • Spatial and seasonal variations of community structure of demersal fishes in Asan Bay were studied using seasonal samples collected by an otter trawl from autumn 1991 to summer 1992. For each sampling station, three trawl hauls were completed to obtain a reliable sample. Of 34 species identified, Cynoglossus joyneri, Johnius belengeri, Zoraces gillii and Thrissa koreana accounted for $93\%$ of the individuals collected. The former three dominant species were more abundant on the finer sediment of the inner bay than on the sandy bottom of the outer bay. Spatial variation of community structure of demersal fishes was analysed by principal component analysis using rank correlation. The community structure did not show a spatial difference, but a clear seasonal trend. This distribution pattern seems to be related significantly to the seasonal temperature fluctuation and to the active mixing of the water by strong tidal current of the bay.

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Development of Subsurface Spatial Information Model with Cluster Analysis and Ontology Model (온톨로지와 군집분석을 이용한 지하공간 정보모델 개발)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.170-180
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    • 2010
  • With development of the earth's subsurface space, the need for a reliable subsurface spatial model such as a cross-section, boring log is increasing. However, the ground mass was essentially uncertain. To generate model was uncertain because of the shortage of data and the absence of geotechnical interpretation standard(non-statistical uncertainty) as well as field environment variables(statistical uncertainty). Therefore, the current interpretation of the data and the generation of the model were accomplished by a highly trained experts. In this study, a geotechnical ontology model was developed using the current expert experience and knowledge, and the information content was calculated in the ontology hierarchy. After the relative distance between the information contents in the ontology model was combined with the distance between cluster centers, a cluster analysis that considered the geotechnical semantics was performed. In a comparative test of the proposed method, k-means method, and expert's interpretation, the proposed method is most similar to expert's interpretation, and can be 3D-GIS visualization through easily handling massive data. We expect that the proposed method is able to generate the more reasonable subsurface spatial information model without geotechnical experts' help.

Characteristics of Vegetation Structure and Bird Community in the Urban Park of Gwangju City (광주시 도시공원의 식생구조 및 야생조류군집 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이규완;이두표
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.94-103
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    • 2002
  • To suggest basic research data for a plan raising naturalness of urban park forest, the structure of forest vegetation and bird community were analyzed in four urban parks of Gwangju city. And also, their relationships were discussed. Some of the structural characteristics in the two communities were closely related to each other. Species and individual densities of birds were relatively high in Songjong and Sangmu park showing the vigorous successional progress, but were low in Anchong park with simple vegetation. The bird group that nest and feed in canopy or dead wood held occupy the highest percent in Sajik park with well developed upper layer of forest, the bird group that nest and feed in shrub did in Sangmu park with developed middle layer, and the bird group that feed in ground did in Songjong park with developed low layer. Relationship between the species diversities of forest and birds was not significant. Nevertheless, bird diversity was relatively high in Sajik and Sangmu park with the high proportion of broad-leaved trees in upper and middle layers.

Comparison of journal clustering methods based on citation structure (논문 인용에 따른 학술지 군집화 방법의 비교)

  • Kim, Jinkwang;Kim, Sohyung;Oh, Changhyuck
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.827-839
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    • 2015
  • Extraction of communities from a journal citation database by the citation structure is a useful tool to see closely related groups of the journals. SCI of Thomson Reuters or SCOPUS of Elsevier have had tried to grasp community structure of the journals in their indices according to citation relationships, but such a trial has not been made yet with the Korean Citation Index, KCI. Therefore, in this study, we extracted communities of the journals of the natural science area in KCI, using various clustering algorithms for a social network based on citations among the journals and compared the groups obtained with the classfication of KCI. The infomap algorithm, one of the clustering methods applied in this article, showed the best grouping result in the sense that groups obtained by it are closer to the KCI classification than by other algorithms considered and reflect well the citation structure of the journals. The classification results obtained in this study might be taken consideration when reclassification of the KCI journals will be made in the future.

A Study on the Improvement of Quantitative Precipitation Forecast using a Clustering Method (군집기법을 이용한 연강수량 예보개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gwang-Seob;Jo, So-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.94-97
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    • 2009
  • 연 및 계절강수량의 정확한 예보는 수자원관리에 매우 중요하다. 예보 정확도를 높이기 위한 다양한 연구가 계속 진행되어 왔다. 그럼에도 불구하고 강수자료가 가지는 매우 큰 불확실성 때문에 예보의 정확도 향상은 계속되는 숙제로 우리에게 남아 있다. 이를 개선하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 군집화 기법을 이용한 연 및 계절 강수량 예측개선에 대한 연구 결과를 제시하였다. 이를 위하여 연강수량, 계절강수량 및 월강수량의 예측을 위하여 전구에서 일어나는 각종 기후 인자들과의 상관성 분석은 대단히 중요하다. 전 세계적으로 어느 특정 지역에서의 선행 기후인자 변화 양상이 우리나라의 강수량에 높은 상관성을 가지며 영향을 미친다면 예측을 위한 매우 유용한 정보라 하겠으나 국내 강수량과 기후 지수 사이의 선형 상관성은 매우 낮을 뿐만 아니라 지체상관성도 특정 지체에서 매우 큰 상관성을 보이는 인자를 찾기 어려움을 알 수 있다. 이를 극복하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 k-mean clustering을 이용하여 우리나라 주변의 기후조건을 분류하고 기후조건에 따른 강수량의 변화를 분석하였다. 남중국해역($105^{\circ}E\;^{\sim}\;135^{\circ}E$, $0^{\circ}N\;^{\sim}\;35^{\circ}N$), 우리나라 연안 해역 ($110^{\circ}E\;^{\sim}\;150^{\circ}E$, $20^{\circ}N\;^{\sim}\;40^{\circ}N$), 인도양 해역 ($75^{\circ}E\;^{\sim}\;105^{\circ}E$, $0^{\circ}N\;^{\sim}\;25^{\circ}N$) 및 아라비아 해역 ($45^{\circ}E\;^{\sim}\;75^{\circ}E$, $0^{\circ}N\;^{\sim}\;30^{\circ}N$ 평균 해수면 온도 변화에 따라 8개 군집으로 분류한 분석결과로 분석결과 2008년도는 그룹 5에 해당하며 그룹 5의 기후 상태는 근해와 남중국해역의 평균 해수면 온도가 평년보다 낮고 인도양 해역과 아라비아 해역의 평균 해수면 온도는 평년값과 비슷한 상태를 나타낸다. 그룹 5에 해당하는 기후조건에서 차년의 강수평균은 평년값 보다 적음을 보였다. 이러한 특성은 전체 유역에 걸쳐 동일하게 나타났다. 이에 대한 계절적 평균 분포는 군집 5에 대한 차년도 강수의 평균 계절분포는 전체적으로 평년값보다 낮게 나타났다. 이에 근거하여 올해 연 평균 강수량은 평년값보다 적을 것이며 전체 계절에 대하여도 평년값보다 적은 강수량이 올 것으로 판단된다. 이는 기상청의 2009년 봄철 기후전망과 유사한 예측 결과를 보여준다.

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