• 제목/요약/키워드: 군사안보

검색결과 337건 처리시간 0.03초

US-China Hegemony Competition and Gray-Zone Conflict in the Post-Coronavirus Era: Response strategies of the Korean Navy and Coast Guard (포스트 코로나시대 미중 패권경쟁과 회색지대갈등: 한국 해군·해경의 대응전략)

  • Lee, Shin-wha;Pyo, Kwang-min
    • Maritime Security
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.149-173
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    • 2020
  • While the United States and other Western states are in trouble with COVID-19 crisis, China is continuing its aggressive ocean expansion with its Gray-zone strategy. The Gray-zone strategy, which China uses around the South China Sea, refers to a strategy that promotes a change in international politics by creating an unclear state, neither war or peace. China, which is trying to expand its influence across East Asia, will also try to project a Gray zone strategy on the Korean Peninsula. The possible scenarios are as follows: 1) South Korea is accidentally involved in a dispute in the South China Sea, 2) Military conflicts between South Korea and China is caused by illegal fishing of Chinese boats in Yellow Sea, 3) China tries to interfere with Socotra Rock, 4) Unlikely, but possible in the future that China induce the military conflicts between Korea and Japan on the Dokdo issue. In order to cope with these scenarios, Korea should prepare the following measures from a long-term perspective: the creation of an Asian maritime safety fleet, the integ rated operation of the navy and the coast guard in the framework of the national fleet, and strengthening the conflict control system for China's provocations.

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How to Respond to Complex Disasters on Future Megacities at the Government Level (미래 메가시티의 복합재난과 범정부 차원의 대응 방향)

  • Moon, Sang Jun;Cho, Sang Keun;Jung, Min-Sub;Park, Sang-Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.211-215
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    • 2021
  • The number of megacities are increasing, due to the global urbanization. Along with this change, climate change, social development and technology advance make the calamities complicated and more devastating. Especially, megacities are hyper-netted, hyper-connected and hyper-converged with population more than 10 million and their domain. When calamities break out, the damage will be aggravated for they lead to another ones. Since megacities are the center of politics, economics and culture of a nation. so when complex disaster break out in megacities, this may be developed to a peril to the national security. Therefore, pan-government effort must be concentrated in preparing abilities to forecast, react, rapid response and resilience.

Verification of the effectiveness of Taekwondo Dojang service quality on satisfaction using meta-analysis : (Focusing on the satisfaction of customers and trainees) (메타분석을 활용한 태권도장 서비스품질이 만족에 미치는 영향력 효과검증: 고객, 수련생 만족을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Kyung Hwan;Yeo, Hyeing Il
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.231-239
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the effectiveness of service quality on satisfaction factors, and to provide practical information on the management of Taekwondo Dojang nationwide, which are facing difficulties due to the decrease in trainees and COVID-19. In this study, 11 studies were selected from January 2010 to December 2020. The conclusion is as follows. First of all, it has been confirmed that the overall influence of Taekwondo dojo service on satisfaction is moderate. Second, the effectiveness of low-quality service on satisfaction (painting, customers, trainees) was the highest, and there was no significant difference between the factors in order of confidence, response, empathy and reliability. Third, the quality, effectiveness and satisfaction of the satisfaction type were the greatest, and the satisfaction of the trainees was the coating and customer satisfaction.

A Study on Korea's Countermeasures Through the Analysis of Cyberattack Cases in the Russia-Ukraine War (러시아-우크라이나 전쟁에서의 사이버공격 사례 분석을 통한 한국의 대응 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyungdong;Yoon, Joonhee;Lee, Doeggyu;Shin, Yongtae
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • 제11권10호
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    • pp.353-362
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    • 2022
  • The Russian-Ukraine war is accompanied by a military armed conflict and cyberattacks are in progress. As Russia designated Korea as an unfriendly country, there is an urgent need to prepare countermeasures as the risk of cyberattacks on Korea has also increased. Accordingly, impact of 19 cyberattack cases were analyzed by their type, and characteristics and implications were derived by examining them from five perspectives, including resource mobilization and technological progress. Through this, a total of seven measures were suggested as countermeasures for the Korean government, including strengthening multilateral cooperation with value-sharing countries, securing cyberattack capabilities and strengthening defense systems, and preparing plans to connect with foreign security companies. The results of this study can be used to establish the Korean government's cybersecurity policy.

A Case Study of Multicultural Applications of World Military Powers (세계 강군의 다문화 적용사례 연구)

  • Kim, In Chan;Cho, Sang Keun;Kim, Jong Hoon;Hong, Myung Sook;Bang, Dong Hyup;Park, Sang Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.441-447
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    • 2022
  • The Republic of Korea Army predicted that the continuous decline in fertility rate and the low birth rate, one of the biggest issues in our society, would lead to a security crisis due to a lack of military personnel, and revised the Military Service Act in 2010 to prevent enlistment of 'clearly mixed races', which had previously restricted enlistment. made it compulsory As a result, 50 children from multicultural families enlisted in the military in 2011, and the Military Manpower Administration at the time predicted that more than 8,000 people would enlist every year after 2020. This poses another challenge for the Army. A lack of understanding and respect for different languages, religions, and eating habits can lead to conflict among members, which will lead to weakening of combat power. Therefore, through a case study of multicultural application by world powers, the history of success and failure of respect for multiculturalism and the current policy of respecting multiculturalism of the U.S. Army are studied to examine the direction of our army.

Effect of Military Officer's Ethical Disposition and Perceived Work Environment on Organizational Security Policy Compliance (군장교의 윤리적 성향과 업무환경 지각이 조직의 보안정책준수에 미치는 영향)

  • Bora Kim;Kisoo Seong;Beomsoo Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.31-58
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    • 2020
  • Based on the social control theory, this study intends to find out the influential factors of organizational members' information security policy compliance (ISPC). Survey data from 195 military officers were analyzed to examine the effect of ethical disposition (morality, responsibility, the perceived value of ethical education) and perceived work environment (relationships with supervisors, overwork, and pay satisfaction) on ISPC attitude, ISPC intention, and turnover intention. The results of partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) show that ethical dispositions affect ISPC attitude and that work environments (except for pay satisfaction) affect turnover intention. In addition, ISPC attitude significantly mediates relations between ethical disposition and ISPC intention, between relationships with supervisors and ISPC intention, and between turnover intention and ISPC intention. These findings suggest that ethical disposition factors can predict an individual's security awareness level, and the ISPC attitude is a significant variable in the organizational security context.

A Study on China's Sea Gray Zone Strategy and Korean Navy's Countermeasures: Focusing on the response to the development of the maritime-based Three Wars (중국의 해양 회색지대 전략과 우리해군 대응책 연구: 해양 기반 삼전(三戰) 전개에 대한 대응을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Nam-su
    • Maritime Security
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.1-39
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    • 2024
  • This study started with the awareness that domestic studies on China's maritime gray zone strategy have been following the analysis results of previous studies, and that only principled positions and directions for countermeasures remain at the 'declarative and conceptual' level. In order to overcome the above problems, the author analyzed the maritime gray zone strategy being developed in the South China Sea, East China Sea, and the West Sea and Ieodo areas, recognizing that China is developing a maritime gray area strategy based on the 'three warfare' that constitutes its own strategic culture. As a result of the analysis, it is predicted that China's maritime gray zone strategy will be more aggressive in order to occupy the West Sea and Ieodo in the future. As a concept of our naval response strategy, The author proposed to 'neutralize' the development effect of 'three warfare', the basis of China's maritime gray zone strategy, to stop the gradual change in the phenomenon induced by China, and to continuously pursue 'return' to a maritime order based on norms and rules. In this study, a 'concrete and systemized' countermeasure to implement this was presented.

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A Study on Future Operations of the ROK Marine Corps in Island Area: From the Perspective of Sea Denial (미래 한국 해병대의 도서지역 작전수행 연구: 해양거부 관점에서)

  • Cho, Min Sung;Jung, Chang Yun
    • Maritime Security
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.73-102
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    • 2024
  • The recent rise of China has the potential to intensify competition for hegemony between the U.S. and China. China is strengthening its influence in the region through maritime military actions represented by Anti-Access/Area Denial(A2/AD). The U.S. is establishing a new concept of operation to respond to China's A2/AD and achieve superiority in the U.S - China competition. In particular, this study focused on the U.S. Marine Corps' contribution to naval operations as a means of sea denial through Expeditionary Advanced Base Operation(EABO), which mainly centered on islands, and changes to strengthen its influence in the sea. By applying these changes in the U.S. Marine Corps to the ROK Marine Corps, the future direction of the ROK Marine Corps' offensive island area operations that can contribute to joint and naval operations was suggested. This study is meaningful in that it presents the ROK Marine Corps' offensive island area operations using the strategic value of the island from the perspective of sea denial. However, by presenting the direction of operational performance and military power construction / development conceptually, specific discussions of this aspect are needed in the future. I hope that this study will be the starting point.

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Aspect of the chief of state guard EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) protection system for the consideration (국가원수 경호적 측면에서의 EMP(Electro Magnetic Pulse) 방호 시스템에 대한 고찰)

  • Jung, Joo-Sub
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • 제41호
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    • pp.37-66
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, with the development of computers and electronics, electronics and communication technology in a growing and each part is dependent on the cross-referencing makes all electronic equipment is obsolete due to direct or indirect damage EMP. Korea and the impending standoff North Korea has a considerable level of technologies related to the EMP, EMP weapons you already have or in a few years, the development of EMP weapons will complete. North Korea launched a long-range missile and conducted a nuclear test on several occasions immediately after, when I saw the high-altitude nuclear blackmail has been strengthening the outright offensive nuclear EMP attacks at any time and practical significance for the EMP will need offensive skills would improve. At this point you can predict the damage situation of Korea's security reality that satisfy the need, more than anything else to build a protective system of the EMP. The scale of the damage that unforeseen but significant military damage and socio-economic damage and fatalities when I looked into the situation which started out as a satellite communications systems and equipment to attack military and security systems and transportation, finance, national emergency system, such as the damage elsewhere. In General, there is no direct casualties reported, but EMP medical devices that rely on lethal damage to people who can show up. In addition, the State power system failure due to a power supply interruption would not have thought the damage would bring State highly dependent on domestic power generation of nuclear plants is a serious nuclear power plant accident in the event of a blackout phenomenon can lead to the plant's internal problems should see a forecast. First of all, a special expert Committee of the EMP, the demand for protective facilities and equipment and conduct an investigation, he takes fits into your budget is under strict criteria by configuring the contractors should be sifting through. He then created the Agency for verification of performance EMP protection after you have verified the performance of maintenance, maintenance, safety and security management, design and construction company organized and systematic process Guard facilities or secret communications equipment and perfect for the EMP, such as protective equipment maneuver system should take.

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Efficient Utilization of Private Resources for the National Defense - Focused on maintenance, supply, transportation, training & education - (국방분야 민간자원의 효율적 활용방안 - 정비, 보급, 수송, 교육훈련분야를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Kyun-Yong
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • 통권9호
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    • pp.313-340
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    • 2011
  • The National Defense Reformation bill of "National Defense Reformation 2020" which have been constantly disputed and reformed by the government went through various levels of complementary measures after the North Korean sinking on the Republic of Korea (ROK) Naval Vessel "Cheonan". The final outcome of this reform is also known as the 307 Plan and this was announced on the 8th March. The reformed National Defense Reformation is to reduce the number of units and military personnel under the military structure reformation. However, in order for us to undertake successful National Defense Reformation, the use of privatized civilian resources are essential. Therefore according to this theory, the ROK Ministry of National Defense (MND) have selected the usage of privatized resources as one of the main core agenda for the National Defense Reformation management procedures, and under this agenda the MND plans to further expand the usage of private Especially the MND plans to minimize the personnel resources applied in non-combat areas and in turn use these supplemented personnel with optimization. In order to do this, the MND have initiated necessary appropriate analysis over the whole national defense section by understanding various projects and acquisition requests required by each militaries and civilian research institutions. However for efficient management of privatized civilian resources, first of all, those possible efficient private resources which can achieve optimization will need to be identified, and secondly continuous systematic reinforcements will need to be made in private resource usage legislations. Furthermore, we would need to consider the possibility of labor disputes because of privatization expansion. Therefore, full legal and systematic complementary measures are required in all possible issue arising areas which can affect the combat readiness posture. There is another problem of huge increase in operational expenses as reduction of standby forces are only reducing the number of soldiers and filling these numbers with more cost expensive commissioned officers. However, to overcome this problem, we would need to reduce the number of positions available for active officers and fill these positions with military reserve personnel who previously had working experiences with the related positions (thereby guaranteeing active officers re-employment after completing active service). This would in tum maintain the standards of combat readiness posture and reduce necessary financial budgets which may newly arise. The area of maintenance, supply, transportation, training & education duties which are highly efficient when using privatized resources, will need to be transformed from military management based to civilian management based system. For maintenance, this can be processed by integrating National Maintenance Support System. In order for us to undertake this procedure, we would need to develop maintenance units which are possible to be privatized and this will in turn reduce the military personnel executing job duties, improve service quality and prevent duplicate investments etc. For supply area, we will need to establish Integrated Military Logistics Center in-connection with national and civilian logistics system. This will in turn reduce the logistics time frame as well as required personnel and equipments. In terms of transportation, we will need to further expand the renting and leasing system. This will need to be executed by integrating the National Defense Transportation Information System which will in turn reduce the required personnel and financial budgets. Finally for training and education, retired military personnel can be employed as training instructors and at the military academy, further expansion in the number of civilian professors can be employed in-connection with National Defense Reformation. In other words, more active privatized civilian resources will need to be managed and used for National Defense Reformation.

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