• Title/Summary/Keyword: 국경지역

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Current Status of Standard Diagnostics and Treatment for Malaria, Tuberculosis, and Hepatitis in Myanmar (미얀마의 말라리아, 결핵 및 간염의 표준 진단법 및 치료법 현황)

  • Han, Eun-Taek;Lee, Jong-Seok;Cheong, Jae-Hun;Chang, Chulhun L.;Nyunt, Myat Htut;Aung, Wah Wah;Kyaw, Yi Yi;Thant, Kyaw Zin
    • Laboratory Medicine Online
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2017
  • Malaria, tuberculosis, and hepatitis are common and notorious infectious diseases in Myanmar. Despite intensive efforts to control these diseases, their prevalence remains high. For malaria, which is a vector-borne disease, a remarkable success in the reduction of new cases has been achieved. However, the annual number of tuberculosis cases has increased over the last few decades, and the prevalence of chronic viral hepatitis infection has been high in Myanmar and other nearby countries. Early detection and prompt treatment are crucial to control these diseases. We have devoted our research efforts to understanding the status of these infectious diseases and working towards their eventual elimination for the last four years with the support of the Korea International Cooperation Agency. In the modern era, an infection that develops in one geographical area can spread globally because national borders do not effectively limit disease transmission. Our efforts to understand the status of infectious diseases in Myanmar will benefit not only Myanmar but also neighboring countries such as Korea.

Overview of Appropriate Technology Research Organizations in France (프랑스의 적정기술 관련 연구기관 개요 및 주요 활동 소개)

  • Kim, Byoung-Yoon;Choi, Kyeong-Il;Kim, Eunjung;Kim, Dowon;Shim, Changhyun
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.144-150
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this paper is to introduce representative appropriate technology research organizations operating in France. Among them, we would like to investigate and introduce five institutions that have acquired a lot of experience due to their long history. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) is a government-funded institution that strengthens science and technology infrastructure in Africa and overseas territories with the aim of supporting and educating science communities in developing countries, and conducts collaborative research with more diverse developing countries. Antenna France is an NGO organization whose main activity is to improve malnutrition in Africa. Ingénieurs sans frontiers is an NGO organization that sets sustainable development as the main goal of the association's activities and leads various activities such as education. Terre & Humanism is an NGO organization that practices ecological agriculture and carries out a social change movement urging to respect life and land, and to constitute an alternative society. Humanitarian Design Bureau is a corporation concept company that mainly carries out R&D for environmentally friendly products necessary for NGO activities.

Problems of Water Use and Estimation of Water Right in North Han River Shared by North and South Korea (II) - Estimation of Water Right in Downstream Area (남북공유하천 북한강의 물이용 문제점 및 수리권 추정 (II) -하류유역 수리권 추정)

  • Ahn, Jong-Seo;Lee, Gwang-Man;Jung, Kwan-Sue
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.315-325
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    • 2011
  • There are not many practical measures to solve a water conflict, when a hydromorphologically asymmetric situation in international rivers exists whereby downstream users may not affect upstream users but upstream users do cause downstream impacts. In taking advantage of this merit, North Korea has built Imnam Dam in upstream of North Han River and uses water for trans-basin hydropower generation. As an impact of this dam South Korean' area as a downstream user has been suffered from water deficit and dry river. It is very critical for South Korea to solve a key problem such as water allocation for water supply and river maintenance. Therefore, this study is aim to suggest alternatives for equitable water allocation in consideration of special circumstances between the South and the North. For this, reviewing the allocation methods of water rights is carried using lessons obtained from international river cases. The results show that the minimum desired streamflow is calculated at 7.3 $m^3/sec$; water budget analysis by the equitable distribution of streamflows at the border line of the North Han River, the difference in water supply deficiency is at 3.7 $m^3/sec$ before and after Imnam Dam; in the determined distribution method, the difference in water deficiency is at 11.38 $m^3/sec$. These results show that South Korea should be secured 11.38 $m^3/sec$ from North Korean's Imnam Dam in respective of water use right and sound river maintenance.

Monitoring Reports about Nine High Risk Insect Pests in 2018 (2018년 고위험해충 9종에 대한 예찰조사 보고)

  • Lee, Jieun;Lee, Hyobin;Ki, Woong;Kim, Dong-Soon;Kim, Subin;Kim, Hyojoong;Park, Jong-Seok;Oh, Jaeseok;Yu, Yeonghyeok;Lee, Seunghwan;Lee, Jaeha;Jung, Chuleui;Cho, Geonho;Hong, Ki-Jeong;Lee, Wonhoon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.183-187
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    • 2019
  • To establish the cooperative monitoring network which can investigate introductions or outbreaks of high risk insect pests into Korea, seven universities, Gyeongsang National University, Kunsan National University, Seoul National University, Sunchon National University, Andong National University, Jeju National University, and Chungbuk National University, carried out seven regions' monitoring about nine high risk insect pests, Aceria diospyri, Bactrocera dorsalis, Bactrocera minax, Bactrocera tsuneonis, Cydia pomonella, Lobesia botrana, Proeulia sp., Solenopsis invicta, Stephanitis takeyai, from June to October in 2018. A total of 7,560 traps/visual scouting were investigated in 315 points of 105 local sites of seven regions, resulting the nine species, A. diospyri, B. dorsalis, B. minax, B. tsuneonis, C. pomonella, L. botrana, Proeulia sp., S. invicta, and S. takeyai, were not detected. From this study, we established the nationwide monitoring system which can early detect high risk insect pests and secured a bridgehead for monitoring invasive insect pests passing the border.

An Exploratory study on the Direction of Home Economics Education associated with the future social change: focusing on the new recognition of the characteristic as the Subjects for Life and Happiness (미래 사회의 변화와 가정과교육의 방향 탐색 - '삶 중심 교과'와 '행복 교과'로서의 성격 재인식을 중심으로 -)

  • Wang, Seok-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2016
  • This exploratory study which applied environmental scanning method to analyse a change in a future society tried to diagnose a reaction ability of our education system for the change in the future society. In addition, the study tried to explore an adequate direction for Home Economics Subject to be an mandatory subject continuously toward the change in the future society. Main changes in the future society can be expected as 1) demographic change due to low birth rate and aging society, 2) an increasing threat of a human living environment due to unexpectable natural disasters and accidents, 3) a radical progress into a ubiquitous computing environment led by AI, 4) an advent of a borderless economic society and a change for jobs, 5) a change in North Korea, and so on. Our education system which mostly concentrates on education to develop constructive intelligence by halving the society and schooling as yet, however, is diagnosed as it has a paradox that can not understand an emotional competency as a target for studying. Home Economics Subject is worth as the subject that can exactly complement a blind spot of our education system which can not respond to the future society adequately. This is because Home Economics Subject has had a characteristic as a 'Subject of Life' traditionally that has dealt with an overall 'life' of human beings, and the characteristic is favorable to develop human practical intelligence. Thus, because the 'life' is the main point of Home Economics Subject, it has the characteristic as a 'Subject of Happiness' which is the most effective method to develop a tendency to appreciate, a sense of empathy, and lots of pro-social behaviors that are important capacities to seek for happiness. As Alderfer's ERG Theory is to understand human beings' behavior based on the satisfactory of human beings' hierarchical desires, it is suggested as an adequate frame for the theory to restructure the characteristic of Home Economics Subject which develops the 'capacity to seek for happiness' by focusing the 'life', into core concept and core capacity of curriculum. A follow-up study should make a connection between ERG Theory and core concept and core capacity of curriculum to explore how the theory can be reflected on Home Economics curriculum.

Understanding Contemporary Interstate Rivalries: Consensus Rivalries and Rivalry Termination (숙적관계 국가들에 대한 연구 - 숙적관계 종식에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인들을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Soon-Kun
    • Strategy21
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    • s.32
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    • pp.222-270
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    • 2013
  • 서구 근대 국제관계학의 태동은 "전쟁의 원인"을 밝혀내려고 했던 유럽 지식인들의 학문적 도전에서부터 비롯되었다고 할 수 있다. 1, 2차 세계대전의 잔혹함을 겪으면서 이들은 전쟁(특히 전쟁의 원인)에 대한 좀 더 과학적인 연구를 통해 어떻게 하면 국가들 간의 전쟁을 예방할 수 있을까에 집중해 왔다. 이러한 학문적 경향을 반영한 것이 잘 알려진 미국 미시간 대학의 "전쟁 상관성 연구 프로젝트(Correlates of War Project)"이다. 이는 나폴레옹 전쟁이 끝나고 비엔나체제가 시작된 1815년 이후 국가들 간 발생한 모든 전쟁 관련 자료를 데이터베이스화하여,국제관계학자들이 전쟁(Interstate War)이나 군사분쟁(Militarized Interstate Disputes)을 정량 또는 정성적으로 연구할 수 있도록 다양한 정보들을 제공하고 있다. 최근 Paul F. Diehl, William R. Thompson과 같은 학자들은 전쟁을 분석단위로 하는 전쟁의 원인(Causes of War)을 연구하는 학풍에서 벗어나, 국가들 간의 분쟁과 전쟁을 연구하기 위해 숙적관계(Rivalry)라는 새로운 분석의 단위를 제시하였다. 숙적관계는 국제관계에 있어서 지속적으로 분쟁 또는 전쟁을 일으키는, 즉 무력분쟁의 긴 역사를 가지고 있는, 두 국가를 일컫는다. 국가들 간의 숙적관계는 학자들에 따라 Interstate Rivalry, Enduring Rivalry, Strategic Rivalry 등 다양한 정의와 성격을 갖고 있다. 이러한 국가들의 사례로는 2차대전 이전까지 프랑스-독일 관계, 2차대전 이후 중동지역 이스라엘과 아랍국가들 간의 관계, 냉전기 미소관계, 인도-파키스탄 및 남북한 관계 등을 예로 들 수 있다. 이렇게 널리 알려진 숙적관계 외에도 남미의 칠레-아르헨티나, 에콰도르-페루와 아프리카의 소말리아-에티오피아 등 학자들에 따라 1815년 이후 약 200개의 숙적관계를 제시하고 있다. 숙적관계에 대한 연구는 기존의 전쟁의 원인 중심이었던 정량적 국제분쟁 연구에 두 국가의 분쟁역사를 포함시키는 정성적 연구를 접합시키고 있다. 본 연구는 1945년 이후 숙적관계 국가들의 관계종식과 관련하여, 거시론적이고 전체론적 접근방법(Macro - level Holistic Approach)을 제시하고 있다. 먼저 1945년 이후 발생한 국가들 간의 숙적관계 종식(Rivalry Termination)을 이해하기 위해, 거시적 관점에서 숙적관계를 발생시키게 된 역사적 원인을 살펴보고 있다. 특히 1945년 이후 숙적관계와 관련된 중요한 요인들 중에서 전쟁, 영토분쟁, 그리고 근대국가 형성에 대해 살펴보고 다음과 같은 두 가지 명제(proposition)를 제시한다. 첫째, 1945년 이후의 숙적관계 형성과 지속에는 2차대전 이후 독립국가 형성, 헌팅턴이 주장한 제3의 물결(민주화), 그리고 냉전기 미소경쟁 등의 역사적 배경이 영향을 주었다는 것이다. 둘째, 이러한 역사적 배경에 더하여 1945년 이후 숙적관계는 전쟁에 의해 시작된 숙적관계와 전쟁 없이 시작된 숙적관계 등 2가지로 나눌 수 있으며, 전쟁에 의해 시작되고 영토분쟁과 근대국가 형성 문제를 내포하고 있는 숙적관계가 그렇지 않은 숙적관계에 비해 오랫동안 지속되며 관계해결이 어렵다는 것이다. 앞서 제시된 2가지 명제들과 관련하여 본문에서는 다양한 학자들이 제시한 숙적관계 정의들에 일치하는 23개의 숙적관계(Consensus Rivalries)를 선정하여 이들에 대한 비교분석(Descriptive Analysis)을 실시하였다. 이들 사례들을 1945년 이전과 이후로 나누어, 숙적관계 형성과 종식에 있어 핵심요소인 국가들 간 힘의 차이(Power Relations), 분쟁의 주요 원인(Primary Conflict Issue), 숙적관계에 있어 다른 국가들과의 연계성(Rivalry Linkage), 전쟁의 횟수와 시기 등을 통해 비교하였다. 숙적관계의 종식과 관련하여 약소국 간의 숙적관계(Minor Dyad)가 오래 지속되고, 영토분쟁(Territorial Disputes)이 숙적관계를 지속시키는 주요인이며, 다른 숙적관계와의 연계성이 적은 숙적들이 오래 지속된다는 비교분석 결과가 나왔다. 또한 전쟁의 횟수는 숙적관계 종식에 큰 영향을 미치지 못하지만 전쟁으로 인해 시작된 숙적관계가 그렇지 않은 경우보다 더욱 오래 지속되는 것으로 확인되었다. 끝으로 2차대전 이전의 숙적관계는 대부분 전쟁을 통해 종식되었지만, 1945년 이후에는 전쟁 없이도 숙적관계가 종식된 경우가 많았음을 보여 주고 있다. 본 연구의 주목적은 "1945년 이후 형성된 숙적관계를 어떻게 종식시킬 수 있을 것인가?"라는 규범적 논제를 통해, 23개의 주요 숙적관계를 발굴하여 거시적, 역사적 관점에서 비교분석함에 있다. 이는 특히 우리나라가 처한 현실과 관련하여 중요한 시사점을 갖는다. 남북관계가 갖는 특수성보다는 1945년 이후 국제정치 역사속에서 발생한 숙적관계 현상이라는 일반성의 틀에서 남북관계를 이해하고자 했다. 남북관계를 베트남, 예멘, 독일 등 분단국가의 사례들과만 비교 연구하는 제한된 시각에서 벗어나, 인도-파키스탄, 그리스-터키, 에콰도르-페루 등 유사한 숙적들 간의 관계들과 비교하는 새로운 연구의 장을 제시하고자 한다. 따라서 앞으로 숙적관계 종식에 대한 더욱 다양화된 사례연구를 통해 한반도 분쟁해결에 필요한 새로운 교훈을 얻을 수 있을 것이다. 예를 들면 2차대전 이후 발생한 국경을 접하고 있는 비강대국들의 평화적인 숙적관계 종식에 대한 사례연구는 남북한이 앞으로 지향해야 할 방향을 제시해 줄 수 있을 것이다. 끝으로 본 연구는 특정한 정책적 함의를 도출하기 보다는 숙적관계와 관련된 하나의 거시적 이론를 제시하고, 주요 숙적관계 국가들에 대한 비교설명을 통해 현존하는 숙적관계 해결을 위한 하나의 분석의 틀을 제시하는 것으로 국제분쟁 연구에 기여하고자 하였다.

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Paleozoic Strata in the Lankawi Geopark, Malaysia: Correlation with Paleozoic Strata in the Korean Peninsula (말레이시아 랑카위 지질공원의 고생대 퇴적층: 한반도 고생대 퇴적층과의 대비)

  • Ryu, In-Chang
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.417-427
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    • 2010
  • The Lankawi archipelago is located in 30 km western offshore near the Thailand-Malaysia border in west coast of the Malay Peninsula and consists of 99 (+5) tropical islands, covering an area of about $479km^2$. Together with biodiversity in flora and fauna, the Lankawi archipelago displays also geodiversity that includes rock diversity, landform diversity, and fossil diversity. These biodiversity and geodiversity have led to the Lankawi islands as a newly emerging hub for ecotourism in Southeast Asia. As a result, the Lankawi islands have been designated the first Global Geopark in Southeast Asia by UNESCO since July 1st, 2007. The geodiversity of Lankawi Geopark today is a result of a very long depositional history under the various sedimentological regimes and paleoenvironments during the Paleozoic, followed by tectonic and magmatic activities until the early Mesozoic, and finally by surface processes that etched to the present beautiful landscape. Paleozoic strata exposed in the Lankawi Geopark are subdivided into four formations that include the Machinchang (Cambrian), Setul (Ordovician to Early Devonian), Singa (Late Devonian to Carboniferous), and Chuping (Permian) formations in ascending order. These strata are younging to the east, but they are truncated by the Kisap Thrust in the eastern part of the islands. Top-to-the-westward transportation of the Kisap Thrust has brought the older Setul Formation (and possibly Machinchang Formation) from the east to overlay the younger Chuping and Singa formations in the central axis of the Lankawi islands. Triassic Gunung Raya Granite intruded into these sedimentary strata, and turned them partially into various types of contact metamorphic rocks that locally contain tin mineral deposits. Since Triassic, not much geologic records are known for the Lankawi islands. Tropical weathering upon rocks of the Lankawi islands might have taken place since the Early Jurassic and continues until the present. This weathering process played a very important role in producing beautiful landscapes of the Lankawi islands today.

A Study on the Legislation for the Commercial and Civil Unmanned Aircraft System Operation (국내 상업용 민간 무인항공기 운용을 위한 법제화 고찰)

  • Kim, Jong-Bok
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.3-54
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    • 2013
  • Nowadays, major advanced countries in aviation technology are putting their effort to develop commercial and civil Unmanned Aircraft System(UAS) due to its highly promising market demand in the future. The market scale of commercial and civil UAS is expected to increase up to approximately 8.8 billon U.S. dollars by the year 2020. The usage of commercial and civil UAS covers various areas such as remote sensing, relaying communications, pollution monitoring, fire detection, aerial reconnaissance and photography, coastline monitoring, traffic monitoring and control, disaster control, search and rescue, etc. With the introduction of UAS, changes need to be made on current Air Traffic Management Systems which are focused mainly manned aircrafts to support the operation of UAS. Accordingly, the legislation for the UAS operation should be followed. Currently, ICAO's Unmanned Aircraft System Study Group(UASSG) is leading the standardization process of legislation for UAS operation internationally. However, some advanced countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Australia have adopted its own legislation. Among these countries, United States is most forth going with President Obama signing a bill to integrate UAS into U.S. national airspace by 2015. In case of Korea, legislation for the unmanned aircraft system is just in the beginning stage. There are no regulations regarding the operation of unmanned aircraft in Korea's domestic aviation law except some clauses regarding definition and permission of the unmanned aircraft flight. However, the unmanned aircrafts are currently being used in military and under development for commercial use. In addition, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has a ambitious plan to develop commercial and civil UAS as Korea's most competitive area in aircraft production and export. Thus, Korea is in need of the legislation for the UAS operation domestically. In this regards, I personally think that Korea's domestic legislation for UAS operation will be enacted focusing on following 12 areas : (1)use of airspace, (2)licenses of personnel, (3)certification of airworthiness, (4)definition, (5)classification, (6)equipments and documents, (7)communication, (8)rules of air, (9)training, (10)security, (11)insurance, (12)others. Im parallel with enacting domestic legislation, korea should contribute to the development of international standards for UAS operation by actively participating ICAO's UASSG.

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Policy Suggestions for Korea Aviation Industry's Fair Competition (항공운송산업의 공정경쟁에 대한 이해와 정책적 제언)

  • Park, Jin-Seo;Kim, Je-Chul;Han, Ik-Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.129-153
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    • 2017
  • Fair Competition policy in aviation field has been discussed since open skies policy began in 1970s. This issue has been also the main topic in the ICAO's Worldwide Air Transport Conference, the Air Transport Symposium, etc. ICAO defines competition as the existent or potential rivalry between two or more operators, carriers or groups, striving for advantages in the same market based on different prices, qualities and services. In a broader sense, the definition includes more various meanings; reasonable, fair, effective, and unrestricted competitions. Nowadays, competition laws and regulations to air transportation have been applied more frequently and the issues varies from antitrust immunity, mergers and alliances, abuse of dominant positions, capacity dumping and predatory pricing, sales and marketing, to airport charges and fees, state aid and loan guarantees. Now, the competition among the airlines or nations in aviation industry is changing to cooperation level. A lot of airlines try to survive by various cooperation methods. Therefore the policy of Korean aviation industry should be developed, taking so-called "the viewpoint of national aviation industry ecosystem" into consideration and Korean government should prepare a policy of fair competition to cope with it. First, in the process of open skies policy with neighboring countries such as China, Japan and the Middle East, it is necessary to apply the fair competition act and prepare laws and regulations to implement it. Second, the standards of effective ownership and control of air transportation business should be reviewed. Third, in preparation for aviation agreements and liberalization, the Korean aviation industry needs to study and review competition and cooperation issues through the analysis of strict aviation market structure for airlines and airport operations. Fourth, it is necessary to create a fair air transportation environment for the development of air transportation and competitiveness through preemptive policies such as the approval of mergers, acquisitions, JV and the ripple effects analysis.

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Environmental cooperation strategies of Korean Peninsula considering International Environmental Regimes (한반도 환경협력을 위한 국제사회 동향과 미래 협력방안)

  • Chul-Hee Lim;Hyun-Ah Choi
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.224-238
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    • 2022
  • North Korea has actively participated in the international community related to environmental agreements. It has proposed various environmental policies internally since the Kim Jong-un regime. In particular, it emphasizes activities related to climate change response, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the conservation of ecosystems including forests and wetlands. In this study, a new security cooperation plan was proposed with an understanding of the climate crisis and environmental regime as a starting point. To this end, trends and recent activities for climate-environment cooperation in the international community and on the Korean Peninsula were analyzed. In addition, North Korea's conditions for cooperation on the Korean Peninsula, technology demand, and the projected future environment of the Korean Peninsula were dealt with. Ultimately, through advice of experts, we were able to discover cooperation agendas by sector and propose short-term and long-term environmental cooperation strategies for the Korean Peninsula based on them. In this study, conditions and directions for cooperation in fields of climate technology, biological resources, air/weather, water environment, biodiversity, renewable energy, bioenergy, and so on were considered comprehensively. Among 21 cooperation agendas discovered in this study, energy showed the largest number of areas. Renewable energy, forest resources, and environmental and meteorological information stood out as agendas that could be cooperated in the short term. As representative initiatives, joint promotion of 'renewable energy' that could contribute to North Korea's energy demand and carbon neutrality and 'forest cooperation' that could be recognized as a source of disaster reduction and greenhouse gas sinks were suggested.