• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구조적 붕괴

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A Study on the Dynamic Instability Characteristics of Latticed Dome Under STEP Excitations (STEP 하중을 받는 래티스 돔 구조물의 동적 구조불안정 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seung-Deog;Jang, Je-Pil
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2012
  • The space frame structure is one of the large span structural system consisting of longitudinal and latitudinal members. The members are connected in three dimension. A space frame structure has high stiffness with a structure resisting external forces in steric conformation. According to many structural conditions, structural stability problems in the space frame are determined and considered very important. This study seeks to understand the space frame collapse mechanism using the 2-free nodes truss model in order to examine static structural instability characteristics of the latticed dome. According to geometrical shape, the star dome, parallel lamella dome and three way grid dome were selected as models. The models were examined for characteristics of instability under STEP Excitations behavior according to rise-span ratio(${\mu}$) and shape imperfection.

A Study on Flood Inundation Analysis of Dam Downstream Area by Using Mike Flood (Mike Flood를 이용한 댐 하류하천 홍수범람 분석)

  • Choi, Byung-Kyu;Kang, Tae-Ho;Choi, Kyung-Lok;Moon, Young-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2006
  • 최근 들어 지구온난화 및 이상기후 등 기상이변으로 인해 빈번히 발생하고 있는 이상홍수에 대한 댐의 적극적인 대응을 위하여 댐 지역의 가능최대강수량(PMP) 및 가능최대홍수량(PMF)을 산정 수문학적 안정성을 검토하고, 이에 따른 댐의 치수능력 확보를 위해 구조적, 비구조적 계획을 수행하고 있으며, 이상호우로 인한 댐 붕괴 혹은 댐 하류하천 홍수범람 영향을 검토하여 인명과 재산 피해를 최소화하기 위한 침수예상지역의 비상대피계획(EAP)을 수립하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이상홍수에 있어서 댐 치수능력 증대에 따른 댐 방류시 하류하천의 홍수범람 양상을 모의하기 위하여 1차원, 2차원 결합모형인 Mike Flood 모형을 이용하여 댐 하류하천의 홍수범람 분석을 실시하였다. Mike Flood 모형의 적용성을 검증하기 위해 1998년 8월 홍수시 서울시 우이천유역의 홍수범람 실측자료를 바탕으로 Mike Flood 모형을 모의를 수행한 결과 실제 조사된 홍수범람지역과 대체로 일치함을 알 수 있었다. 따라서, 댐 치수능력 증대에 따른 하류하천 영향을 검토하기 위해 Mike Flood 모형을 이용 수어댐에 적용하여 이상홍수시 하류하천 침수예상지역을 예측함으로써 이 지역의 비상대피계획 수립에 있어서 기초 자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다.

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Stability Analysis and Design of Reinforced Masonry Walls (보강석축의 안정해석 및 설계)

  • Kim, Hong Taek;Kang, In Kyu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.239-253
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    • 1992
  • The masonry walls, having the characters of cheap construction materials and relatively easy construction, have been widely used in supporting slopes. However, the necessity of reinforcing methods to improve the stability of masonry walls has been continuously required due to the collapses taken place quite often. In the present study, a new method to improve the stability of masonry walls was developed based on the soil nailing system proven effective in strengthening the surrounding soils. The developed method could be used in reinforcing the old masonry walls structually unsafe as well as in constructing new masonry walls. The effects of pore water pressures due to heavy rainfalls were included in the developed method and also the chart practically applicable to design was presented, together with a design example.

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Transition from Spectacular Point of View to Contractual Point of View on Video Games - Theatrical Contract between Video Games and Player - (비디오 게임에 대한 스펙터클적 관점에서 계약의 관점으로 이동 - 비디오게임과 플레이어가 맺는 연극적 계약 -)

  • Ko, Kyu-Heun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2004
  • With the development of hardware and 3D graphic technologies since the 1990s, video games have been evolving in the direction in which they wholly pursue illusions and movie formats, and thus they are considered to be media centered on spectacles. However, video games, due to their inherent characteristics, cannot be transparent media like the existing spectacular entertainments centering on optical illusions. In their structure, there can be found elements that continually disillusion players from visions. Strictly speaking, players are not lost in visions, but are kept a certain distance from internal contexts. Games rely not on illusion but on contracts with players which are similar to a kind of convention, clearing internal imperfections. This paper aims to identify and analyze disillusioning elements and discuss theatrical contacts between players and games. The purpose of this paper is to reconsider the awareness of video games as a spectacle entertainment and to help discover future directions for game culture.

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Visualization Study of High-Incidence Vortical Flow over the LEX/Delta Wing Configuration with Sideslip (옆미끄럼을 갖는 LEX/삼각 날개 형상에 대한 높은 받음각 와유동의 가시화 연구)

  • Sohn, Myong-Hwan;Lee, Ki-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2002
  • An off-surface flow visualization experiments have been performed to investigate the flow field over a delta wing with the leading edge extension(LEX). The model is a flat wing with $65^{\circ}$ sweepback angle. The free stream velocity is 6.2 m/s, which corresponds to Reynolds number of $4.4\times10^5$ based on the wing root chord. The angle of attack and sideslip angle range from $16^{\circ}\sim28^{\circ}$ and $0^{\circ}\sim-15^{\circ}$, respectively. The visualization technique of using the micro water-droplet and the laser beam sheet enabled to observe the vortical flow structures, which can not be obtained by 5-hole probe measurements. With sideslip angle, the interaction and breakdown of the LEX and wing vortices was promoted in the windward side, whereas, it was suppressed in the leeward side.

Derivation of the Mechanical Properties of Structural Steels at High Temperatures (고열 환경에서의 구조용 강재 특성 데이터베이스 구축)

  • Kwon, In-Kyu
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2007
  • The mechanical properties such as 0.2% and 1% offset proof strength and elastic modulus are essential for a structural steel structure when the structure would be evaluated and designed to identify the performance of the structural stability exposed to fire condition. To obtain the mechanical properties for the structural steels at high temperature which are consisted of ordinary and marine ones, the tensile tests at various high temperatures had been conducted with two kinds of specimen of general structural steel SS 400 and welded steel SM 490 at the range of room temperature to $900^{\circ}C$ at interval of $100^{\circ}C$.

Proposal of Construction System to prevent Dongbari Collapse by applying IT Convergence Technology (IT 융합기술을 적용한 동바리 붕괴사고 방지를 위한 건설공사 시스템 제안)

  • Jeon, Kyong-Deck;Shin, Seung-Jung
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2020
  • Safety accidents, called industrial accidents in construction work, are causing a lot of casualties, property damage and social controversy in the event of an accident, causing the construction to lose public confidence. The risk of safety accidents at construction sites may continue to increase as the construction of high-rise, large-scale, and multi-purpose complex buildings has increased in recent years. In particular, the most frequently constructed apartment construction among reinforced concrete buildings is designed and constructed with a wall-like structure with no beams for each floor, while the lower floors are made of lamen with columns and beams. As a result, the transfer beam or transfer slab to withstand the upper load is installed on the upper part of the Ramen structure, so the system Dongbari, which is installed as a temporary material during concrete laying construction, may collapse at any time during plowing and curing. The purpose of this study is to apply IT convergence technology to prevent the collapse of the system Dongbari during concrete installation, and to apply many of the variables that may occur during construction on a case-by-case basis to check the stability of the system Dongbari and to propose a model of the anti-conducting prediction system.

Estimation of buckling and collapse behaviour for continuous stiffened plate under combined transverse axial compression and lateral pressure (조합하중을 받는 연속보강판의 좌굴 및 붕괴거동 평가)

  • Park, Joo-Shin;Choi, Joung-Hwan;Hong, Kwan-Young;Lee, Gyoung-Woo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2009
  • Estimation of the buckling and ultimate strength of a continuous stiffened plate subjected to combined transverse compression and lateral pressure is of high importance to ensure the safety of ship structures, particularly for the bottom plating under a deep draft condition For example, bottom plating of bulk carriers is subjected to transverse thrust caused by the bending of double bottom structure and the direct action of pressure on the side shells. Most of experimental tests, theoretical approach and numerical researches have been performed on the buckling and ultimate strength behaviour of plates or stiffened plates under combined compression and lateral pressure. With regard to stiffened panels, however, most of studies have been concerned with the load conditions of combined longitudinal thrust and lateral pressure, while fewer studies have been performed for the combined transverse thrust and lateral pressure. In addition, the previous researches are mainly concerned with an isolated rectangular plate simply supported along the all edges, whereas actual ship plating is continuous across the transverse frames and heavy girders. In the present paper, a series of elastoplastic large deflection FEA on a continuous stiffened plate is performed and then clarify the characteristic of collapse mode and explain the effect of transverse compression.

Evaluation of the Structure Stability of a Plate Girder Bridge Using MIDAS Structure Analysis (MIDAS를 활용한 플레이트 거더교 구조 안정성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eui Soo;Kim, Jong Hyuk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.451-457
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    • 2014
  • Recently, as a means of resolving the issue of legal liability in the event of an accident or a disaster, a wide variety of simulation techniques, such as structural and structure-fluid interaction analysis, have been used in the field of forensic engineering. The plate girder bridge discussed in this paper was being constructed between a pier and an abutment to expand an existing bridge, but an accident whereby the bridge overturned occurred at the end of the concrete laying process for a protective wall. This accident was caused by additional loads not being considered at the time of the design as well as the actual construction being different from the design. The additional loads ultimately generated a negative support force. In this study, we determined the cause of the accident by comparing the structural stability of the original design with that of the additional, non-conforming construction using MIDAS structural analysis.

Spatial Structure Analysis of Traditional Periodical Market using Space Syntax Method (공간구문론을 활용한 전통정기시장 공간구조분석 -평창 대화장을 중심으로-)

  • Jeong, Dae Young;Yoon, Ah Young;Yoon, Ji Hwan;Kim, Sang Bum
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.679-700
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    • 2013
  • Due to the decline of a rural community, traditional periodic markets regarded as a center of an agricultural village have been gradually downsized. While researchers have made a counterproposal to revitalize the traditional periodic markets, there has limit in examining how space structure of the traditional periodic markets affect visitors. Thus this study aims to analyze space structure and visitor circulation using a space syntax, a quantitative analysis focusing on PyeongChang Daehwa market. The finding revealed high degree of unification and clearness which means overall space structure was efficient for visitors to recognize and move across the space. However, there is required to build strategies encouraging consumption. The result of analyzing visitor circulation showed the degree of unification is the highest in visitor circulation where center of the market or main facilities is located. In sum, in order to revitalize deserted traditional periodic markets, rural communities need to work out strategies to encourage consumption and expand both information desk and convenience facilities.