• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교배조합

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A Study on Effects of Breeding Combination for Feeding and Economic Analysis in Broiler Stock (육용종계의 교배조합이 실용계의 사양과 경제성에 미치는 영향)

  • 박준영;오세정
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 1980
  • In order to identify the best superior cross combination of breeder stocks for broiler production, combining ability test and analyses of phenotypic performances for parent stocks were examined on records of 1,440 broiler chicken which were produced from 4 parental strains and 3 maternal strains at Hanhyup Poultry Breeding Farm from September 28, 1978 to January 5, 1979. The results obtained were as follows; 1. There was not found heterosis effect in viability but it seems to be desirable to select Hubbard strain in paternal line to improve viability. 2. As the paternal and maternal lines, selection of Ross strain showed the best paternal and maternal performance and the best general combining ability in body weight at 8 weeks of age is expected to be able to improve body weight of it s crossbred And the most superior cross combinations based on the specific combining ability and performance of rack crossbred were identified as Hubbard x Ross ana Ross x Hypeco crossbreds. 3. The best paternal and maternal lines on the smallest feed consumption for 8 weeks were Hubbard and Ross strains, and Hypeco strain, respectively. Especially Hubbard x Hypeco cross combination was proved as the smallest feed consumption compared with other cross combinations. 4. In feed requirement per Kg body weight increase, Hubbard strain for paternal line, Hypeco strain for naternal line, and cross combinations of Hubbard x Hypeco, Hubbard x Ross and Ross x Hypeco were certified as the most superiors. 5. Also superior cross combinations of Hubbard x Hypeco and Hubbard x Ross earned the most profit per bird through economic analysis. According to results as shown above, this experiment seems to be able to reach a such conclusion that production of superior cross combinations Hubbard x Ross, Hubbard x Hypeco and Ross x Hypeco through selection of Ross and Hubbard strains to paternal line and Hypeco and Ross strains for maternal line may become to considerable improvement for important economic characters of broiler; viability, body weight, feed consumption and feed requirement.

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Progeny Analysis of Hybrid Lilies Crossed Between Several Genotypes and Tetraploid Oriental-Asiatic Hybrids (체세포 염색체가 배가된 4배체 Oriental-Asiatic(OA) hybrid 유래 종간잡종 백합의 후대검정)

  • Chung, Mi-Young;Chung, Jae-Dong;Van Tuyl, Jaap M.;Lim, Ki-Byung
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.100-108
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to confirm the chromosome constitution and homoeologous recombination of progenies derived from various cross combination using tetraploid OA interspecific hybrid originated from mitotic chromosome doubling. Based on the chromosome analysis of progenies crossed reciprocally, there were only triploid progenies when crossed with diploid Asiatics as male or female parent. While only tetraploid progenies were produced when crossed tetraploid Asiatics or tetraploid OA hybrid with tetraploid OA hybrid, respectively. However, two types of progenies, that is, diploid and triploid plants, were produced from cross combinations between diploid Oriental hybrid and tetraploid OA hybrid. From the GISH analysis of OA hybrid, it was confirmed that diploid $F_1$ OA hybrid was consisted of 24 chromosomes (12 Oriental and 12 Asiatics) showing authentic OA hybrid. On the other hand, it was notified that triploid plants (3x=36) were consisted of 24 Asiatics lily chromosomes and 12 Oriental lily chromosomes by analysis of backcross progenies derived from either $A{\times}OA$ or $OA{\times}A$ crosses. In cross between tetraploid OA and OA, all the progenies were tetraploid with equal number of chromosomes without any homoeologous recombination, i.e. each 24 chromosomes of Oriental and Asiatics. In 2x-4x ($O{\times}OA$) cross combination, some progenies had 2x=24 chromosomes originated from only Oriental hybrid, and other progenies had 3x=36 chromosomes derived from 24 chromosomes of Oriental hybrid and 12 chromosomes of Asiatic hybrid. Only tetraploid Asiatics chromosomes without any Oriental one were produced in all the progenies from 4x-4x ($AA{\times}OA$) cross combination.

Productivity and Performance Test of Egg-Type Commercial Korean Native Chickens (산란형 토종닭 실용계의 생산 및 산란 능력 검정)

  • Kang, Bo-Seok;Hong, Eui-Chul;Kim, Hak-Kyu;Kim, Chong-Dae;Heo, Kang-Nyeong;Choo, Hyo-Jun;Suh, Ok-Suk;HwangBo, Jong
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.331-338
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    • 2011
  • The study was conducted to evaluate the production and the performance test of egg-type commercial Korean Native Chickens. A total of 360 female layers were produced from CY${\times}$C (A), CL${\times}$C (B), CG${\times}$C (C) and CW${\times}$C (D) crossbreds kept at National Institute of Animal Science, Korea, and breed during 20~64 weeks to investigate the productivity and the performance. Layers were divided into 4 crossbreds (6 replications/crossbred, 15 heads/replication). Age and egg weight at first egg was no significantly different among crossbreds. Body weight (BW) at first egg of D crossbred was significantly lower compared to that of other crossbreds (P<0.05). Weekly BW of B crossbred was the highest at 20, 30 and 40 weeks of age, but BW of D crossbred was the lowest among crossbreds. Feed intake (FI) of B crossbred was significantly higher compared to the other crossbreds at 20~24, 32~44 and 52~60 weeks of age. FI of D crossbred was significantly lower compared to other crossbreds after the age of 44 weeks (P<0.05). Average egg weight of B crossbred was significantly higher than the other crossbreds at the age of 24~60 weeks (P<0.05). Egg production ratio (%) of C crossbred was significantly higher compared to the other crossbreds for whole test periods (P<0.05). Hen-housed egg production number at 64 weeks of age for A, B, C and D crossbreds resulted in 241.4, 235.6, 232.3 and 227.0, respectively. Feed conversion ratio of A and C crossbreds was lower compared to the other crossbreds at the age of 20~24 weeks and C crossbred was the lowest among the crossbreds at the age of 60~64 weeks. These results provide the basic data which will be helpful to develope the new strains of commercial Korean Native Chickens.

Performance and Meat Quality of Three-Crossbreed Korean Native Chickens (KNC) (한국토종닭 3원교배종의 생산성과 육질 특성)

  • Park, Mi-Na;Hong, Eui-Chul;Kang, Bo-Seok;HwangBo, Jong;Kim, Hak-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.293-304
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    • 2011
  • The current work was carried out to investigate the effect of crossbred Korean native chickens (KNC) on performance and meat quality. A total of 720 chicks (1d of age) was used in this work and were divided into groups by crossbreds (A, B, C and D) and sex (male and female). Crossbreds were A) (KNC egg-meat type C strains ${\times}$ KNC meat type S strains) ${\times}$ Ross broiler, B) (KNC egg-meat type C strains ${\times}$ KNC meat type H strains) ${\times}$ KNC meat type S strains, C) (KNC native R strains${\times}$KNC meat type S strains)${\times}$KNC meat type H strains and D(White Semibroiler Chickens). Experimental diets consisted of 3 phases such as starter (0~5 weeks; CP 20.0%, ME 3,050 kcal/kg), earlier (5~8 weeks; CP 18.0%, ME 3,100 kcal/kg) and finisher (8~12 weeks; CP 16.0%, ME 3,150 kcal/kg). They were fed the broiler diets for 12 weeks at the flat house and thirty six chickens were slaughtered at week 5 and 10. There was no significant difference on the fertility of crossbred KNCs, and the hatchability of B crossbred was low compared to other crossbreds. On body weight (BW), D crossbred resulted in a higher BW after 5 weeks (P<0.05). Body weight gain (BWG) and feed intake (FI) of A crossbred were also significant higher compared to the other crossbreds for all periods. On carcass ratio (CR), A crossbred showed higher CR at 5 weeks, there was no significant among crossbreds at 10 weeks. The partial meat ratio(ala, breast, neck, leg) of C crossbred was the lowest among other crossbreds (P<0.05), but the back meat ratio was not difference among treatments at 5 and 10 weeks. pH of meats have no difference among crossbreds at 5 week, and A crossbred was high compared to other crossbreds at 10 week (P<0.05). The moisture content of D crossbred meat and the protein content of B crossbred meat were high compared to other crossbreds at 5 week. Chemical compositions of meats have no difference among crossbreds at 10 week. Lightness and redness have not significance among crossbreds at 5 week, and redness of A crossbred was the highest among all crossbreds (P<0.05). Shear force and cooking loss of A crossbred were high at 5 week, and cooking loss of A crossbred was low compared with other crossbreds at 10 week. These results suggested the basic data that needed to develope the new strains.

The Effects of Beak Trimming and Crossbreeding-Combinations on the Productive Performance and Stress Response Levels of Korean Native Chickens (한국 토종닭에 있어 부리 다듬기 및 교배조합이 생산능력과 스트레스 반응 정도에 미치는 영향)

  • Ka Bin Shin;Sang-Hyon Oh;See Hwan Sohn
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.213-229
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to investigate the effects of beak trimming and crossbreeding-combinations on the productive performance and stress response levels of Korean native chickens. The study divided 248 individuals from six crossbreeding-combinations into two groups: one underwent beak trimming, and the other did not. The survival rate, body weight, egg production rate, egg quality, feather damage score, HSP-70 gene expression level, H/L ratio, and intracellular DNA damage rate were measured and analyzed. The results showed that the beak-trimmed group had significantly higher survival rates and hen-housed egg production compared to the non-beak-trimmed group (P<0.05). Feather damage and DNA damage rates were significantly lower in the beak-trimmed group (P<0.05). On the other hand, there were no significant differences between the two groups in adult body weight, hen-day egg production, egg quality, HSP-70 gene expression level, and H/L ratio. Among the crossbreeding-combinations, there were significant differences in survival rate, body weight, feather damage score, egg quality, and DNA damage rate (P<0.05), while egg production rate, HSP-70 gene expression level, and H/L ratio showed no significant differences. There was an interaction between beak trimming and crossbreeding-combinations in some traits. In conclusion, beak trimming in Korean native chickens has a positive impact on productive performance, and in terms of stress response, beak trimming may not act as a stress factor or may even reduce stress after the growing period. Furthermore, there were differences in productive performance and stress response levels among crossbreeding-combinations, but the effects of beak trimming were similar across these combinations.

Effect of Mating System, Carcass Grade and Age at Marketing on Carcass Characteristics of Pigs (돼지의 교배조합·도체등급 및 출하일령이 도체특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Gye-Woong;Kim, Seok-Eun
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to investigate the carcass characteristics of crossbred pigs according to mating system, carcass grade and age at marketing. A total of 656 pigs of 128 gilts and 528 barrows were collected and analyzed at public slaughter house. Differences between LY and LYD crossbred on marbling score and water holding capacity were significantly (p<0.05) found. The influences of LY and LYD crossbred on carcass weight, backfat thickness, meat colour, carcass grade and age at marketing were not significantly showed. The carcass weight of D carcass grade was significantly (p<0.05) heavier than that of the other grade. The backfat thickness was significantly (p<0.05) appeared gradually in accordance with the increase of carcass grade. There was significantly difference among the carcass grades on water holding capacity (p<0.05). The differences among the carcass grades on the meat colour, marbling score and age at marketing were not found significantly. The carcass weight of high age group at marketing was significantly heavier than that of the low age group (p<0.05). The backfat thickness of the group of high age at marketing was significantly thicker than that of the group of low age (p<0.05). There were significant differences among age group at marketing in marbling score, carcass grade, and water holding capacity, respectively (p<0.05). The carcass weight was positively correlated with the backfat thickness but negatively correlated with the carcass grade. The correlation between the backfat and carcass grade was significantly negative. The meat colour was negatively correlated with water holding capacity.

Inheritance of Fruit Ripening Time in Oriental Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta Nakai) (동양배 과실 숙기형질의 유전분석)

  • Hwang, Hae-Sung;Byeon, Jae-Kyun;Kim, Whee-Cheon;Shin, Il-Sheob
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.712-721
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    • 2015
  • To improve the breeding efficiency of oriental pear, heritability, correlation and frequency distribution of fruit ripening date were analyzed using 4,035 seedlings obtained from 15 families between 13 parental cultivars. Although variation of fruit ripening time was higher in most early-ripening parental cultivars than in late-ripening parental cultivars, according to analysis of average, standard deviation, and coefficient of ripening variation for ten years, fruit ripening time obtained from all parental cultivars was inherited narrower and more stable variation than others fruit trait, with 0.92-3.41 in coefficient of variation. The heritability of fruit ripening time was calculated to be over 0.8 in almost all crosses and average fruit ripening time of seedlings from cross combinations could be predicted based on that of the parental cultivars due to its superior heritability relative to other fruit traits. The average ripening time was earlier than the mid-parental value in families obtained from cross combinations using at least one late-ripening cultivar as parent, indicating that the early-ripening trait was more likely to be dominant compared to the late-ripening trait. By contrast, average ripening time was clustered in families of crosses not only between mid-season and early-season cultivars, but also between mid-season and mid-season cultivars. There was highly significant relationship (at 0.68) between mid-parental and progeny mean fruit ripening time. The correlation between fruit ripening time and fruit weight was also highly positive and thus, the mid-parental fruit ripening time could be a potent criterion for indirect selection of fruit weight.

Hybrid Vigor and Reciprocal Effect of Several Growth and Yield Characters in Fls crossed between Hulled and Naked Barley (겉보리와 쌀보리의 교잡 F1 세대에서 생육 및 수량형질의 잡종강세와 정역간 교잡효과)

  • 정원복;정영주;정영수
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.256-263
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to estimate the degree of heterosis and heterobeltiosis, and the heritability and genetic correlation in F$_1$hybrid produced by reciprocal crosses between two six-rowed hulled barley (Gangbori and Olbori) and three six-rowed naked barley (Saechalssalbori, Saessalbori, and Moodeongssalbori). Heterosis was observed positively in traits such as cults length, spike length, awn length, leaf length, leaf width, number of spikes per plant, number of grains per spike, and 1000 grain weight. Heterosis and heterobeltiosis from the crosses with hulled barley as a material parent showed higher performance in culm length, leaf length, leaf width, number of spike per plant, number of grains per spike. The hulled grain characteristics is dominant over the naked one. The highest heritability was confirmed in leaf width with a value of 94.5% and overall high heritability was observed in most traits with the range from 76.7% to 94.5%. In an analysis of correlation coefficient, higher genetic correlations were observed between leaf length and number of spikes per plant(0.970), between cults length and number of grains per spike(0.963), and between awn length and leaf length(0.862) in the forward crosses in which hulled barley was maternal. In the reverse crosses, higher genetic correlation was observed between culm length and spike length(0.926), between awn length and leaf length(0.922), and between number of spikes per plant and number of grains per spike(0.713).

Study on Reproductive and Pork Production Performance for Two-way and Three-way Crosses in Swine (이원교잡종(二元交雜種) 및 삼원교잡종(三元交雜種) 돼지의 산자(産仔) 및 산육능력(産肉能力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Chang Sik;Lee, Kyu Seung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 1981
  • The results of a crossbreeding experiment with a total of 315 litters and 325 pigs of Berkshires, Hampshires, Durocs, Landraces, Large Whites, eight different two-breed crosses and twelve different three-breed crosses, produced at Livestock Experiment Station from 1975 through 1979, are summarized as follows. 1. Number born alive per litter was largest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by the D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ mating, and smallest in the Hampshires. The pigs in the 3rd-6th parities had larger litter size at birth than those in other parities. 2. Birth weight of pig was heaviest in L♂${\times}$Lw♀ mating and lightest in the Large White. The total litter weight at birth was heaviest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and Lw♂${\times}$L♀ matings, and was smaller in Hampshires and Birkshires. 3. Litter size at weaning was largest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and Lw♂${\times}$L♀ matings, and was smaller in Durocs and Hampshires. The pigs in the 3rd-6th parities had larger litter size at weaning than those in other parities. 4. The total litter weight at weaning was heaviest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$♀ and Lw♂${\times}$L♀ matings, and was lighter in Durocs and Hampshires. The weaning weight of pig was largest in D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating and lightest in L♂${\times}$H♀ mating. 5. Survival rate at weaning was highest in L♂${\times}$Lw♀ mating, followed by D♂${\times}$(L♂${\times}$H♀) $F_1$ ♀ and D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, and was lowest in Durocs. 6. The three-breed cross from D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating had the highest average gain and lowest feed requirement per unit gain, followed by the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ matings. The Birkshires and Landraces ranked lowest among the 25 mating groups compared for both of the traits. Males had higher average daily gain than females by about 0.06kg and had lower feed requirement by about 0.14. 7. The three-breed crosses from D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀, D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ matings reached 90kg body weight at younger age than the other groups. The D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ group reached 90kg at younger age than the Landrace by 39 days. 8. The dressing percentage and lean meat percentage tended to be higher in H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀, H♂${\times}$L♀ and L♂${\times}$B♀ matings compared to the other mating groups. The loin-eye area was largest in the Lw♂${\times}$L♀ mating and smallest in the B♂${\times}$L♀ mating. Males had higher dressing percentage, higher lean meat percentage and lion-eye area than females. The backfat was thinnest in purebred Hampshire and was thickest in B♂${\times}$L♀ mating. 9. The results obtained in this study suggest that the two-breed cross from Lw♂${\times}$L♀ mating, and the three-breed crosses from D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L-♀) $F_1$ ♀ and D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$♀ matings are superior crossbreds for reproductive and pork prodnction performance.

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Diallel Cross Combination Test for Improving the Laying Performance of Korean Native Chickens (토종닭의 산란능력 개량을 위한 이면교배조합 검정시험)

  • See Hwan Sohn;Kigon Kim;Ka Bin Shin;Seul Gy Lee;Junho Lee;Suyong Jang;Jung Min Heo;Hyo Jun Choo
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2023
  • We conducted a 5 × 5 diallel cross-combination test using 1,060 chickens from pure lines of Korean Rhode-C, -D, Korean Leghorn-F, -K, and Korean Native Yellowish-brown chicken (KNC-Y) to develop a new Korean native chicken layer breeder. The laying performance and combining ability, including livability, body weight, age of first egg-laying, hen-day egg production, and egg weight, were analyzed. The livability from birth to 48 weeks was 72.1±24.0%, with the highest observed in the YC and the lowest in the DK combination (P<0.01). The YC combination exhibited the highest general combining ability (GCA), while the YD combination showed the highest specific combining ability (SCA). Regarding body weight, combinations involving Leghorn showed lighter weights compared to combinations with Rhode and KNC-Y (P<0.01). Additionally, the offspring from the KNC-Y combination reached sexual maturity earlier than those from the Rhode combination. The hen-day egg production was 70.7±12.0%, with the highest seen in the CK combination at 86% (P<0.01). The effects of GCA and SCA on hen-day egg production were similar, with the SCA being highest in the YD combination and the GCA being highest in the Rhode-C. Significant differences in egg weight were observed among the combinations, with the eggs from Rhode and Leghorn combinations being heavier than those from combinations with KNC-Y (P<0.01). In conclusion, the YC and YD combinations, characterized by excellent livability, are highly desirable paternal strains, while the CF and CK combinations, with excellent laying performance and moderate egg weight, are preferred maternal strains for Korean native chicken layer breeders.