• Title/Summary/Keyword: 광 지연 라인

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Adaptive Burst Size-based Loss Differentiation for Transmitting Massive Medical Data in Optical Internet (광 인터넷에서 대용량 의학 데이터 전송을 위한 적응형 버스트 길이 기반 손실 차등화 기법)

  • Lee, Yonggyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.389-397
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    • 2022
  • As increasing the growth of the Internet in medical area, a new technology to transmit effectively massive medical data is required. In optical internet, all OBS nodes have fiber delay lines, hardware components. These components are calculated under some optimal traffic conditions, and this means that if the conditions change, then the components should be altered. Therefore, in this article a new service differentiation algorithm using the previously installed components is proposed, which is used although the conditions vary. When traffic conditions change, the algorithm dynamically recalculates the threshold value used to decide the length of data bursts. By doing so, irrelevant to changes, the algorithm can maintain the service differentiation between classes without replacing any fiber delay lines. With the algorithm, loss sensitive medical data can be transferred well.

Analysis of Operation Areas for Automatically Tuning Burst Size-based Loss Differentiation Scheme Suitable for Transferring High Resolution Medical Data (고해상도 의학 데이터 전송에 적합한 자동 제어 버스트 크기 기반 손실 차등화 기법을 위한 동작 영역 분석)

  • Lee, Yonggyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.459-468
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    • 2022
  • In medical area, very high resolution images, which is loss sensitive data, are used. Therefore, the use of optical internet with high bandwidth and the transmission of high realiability is required. However, according to the nature of the Internet, various data use the same bandwidth and a new scheme is needed to differentiate effectively these data. In order to achieve the differentiation, optical delay line buffers are used. However, these buffers is constructed based on some optimal values such as the average offered load, measured data burst length, and basic delay unit. Once the buffers are installed, they are impossible to reinstall new buffers. So, the scheme changing burst length dynamically was considered. However, this method is highly unstable. Therefore, in this article, in order to guarantee the stable operation of the scheme, the analysis of operation conditions is performed. With the analysis together with the scheme, high resolution medical data with the higher class can transmit stably without loss.

국제광산업전시회, 한국전자전 등 국내 전시회 이모저모

  • Park, Ji-Yeon
    • The Optical Journal
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    • s.100
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    • pp.49-52
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    • 2005
  • 지난 9월과 10월에는 국내에 다양한 산업전시회들이 개최되었다. 먼저 9월 6일에는‘광 세기의 창조’라는 주제로 국제광산업전시회가, 국내 전 산업기술분야를 망라한 국내 유일의 기술축제인 대한민국기술대전, 전자산업의 현주소를 보여주는 한국전자전 등이 다채롭게 열려 다양한 첨단미래기술의 발전상을 제시했다

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첨단미래기술 발전상을 '한눈에', 다채로운 기술 박람회 '풍성'

  • Park, Ji-Yeon
    • The Optical Journal
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    • s.106
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    • pp.40-43
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    • 2006
  • 결실의 계절인 가을에는 국내에 다양한 산업 관련 전시회도 풍성하게 열렸다. 먼저 지난 9월 5일 '광 세기의 창조'라는 주제로 '국제광산업전시회'가 광주 소재 김대중컨벤션센터에서 열렸으며, 10월 17일에는 '이노베이티브 디지털 솔루션!'이라는 주제로 '한국전자전'이 한국국제전시장에 열려 ITㆍ전자ㆍ광학이 어우러진 첨단미래기술 발전상을 제시했다.

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한국 광학의 미래 - 광기술교육센터, 제6회 산학연 워크숍 이모저모

  • Park, Ji-Yeon
    • The Optical Journal
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    • s.119
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    • pp.24-29
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    • 2009
  • 인하대학교 광기술교육센터(센터장 황보창권 교수)와 한국광학기기협회(회장 박종우/삼성전자 DM총괄 사장)가 주최하고 지식경제부, 인하대학교 광과학기술연구소, 한국광학회 광기술분과, 광기술교육연구회 등이 후원하는 제6회 산학연 워크숍이 지난 12월 23일 인하대학교 광기술교육센터에서 열렸다. '한국 광학의 미래'라는 주제로 열린 이번 워크숍에서는 각계 분야의 전문가 7명을 초청하여 최근의 광학산업의 흐름 및 한국 광학기술 동향에 대해 짚어보고 미래 유망산업 및 산학연이 함께 나아가야 할 방향에 대해 전망해보는 의미 있는 시간이 마련되었다.

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A Design of Bandwidth Allocation Scheme with Priority Consideration for Upstream Channel of Ethernet PON (Ethernet PON에서 서비스 클래스별 우선 순위를 고려한 상향 채널 대역 할당 기법)

  • 이호숙;유태환;문지현;이형호
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.11A
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    • pp.859-866
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we designed the bandwidth allocation scheme with priority consideration for upstream channel access of EthernetPON. The objective of our scheme is to control the multi services in more effective way according to their CoS(Class of Service) or QoS(Quality of Service). The designed scheme considers transmission priority in the both side of OLT and ONU. In the OLT's view, the Two-step scheduling algorithm is applied with which we can support multiple bandwidth allocation policies simultaneously, i.e. SBA for the time-sensitive, constant rate transmission services and DBA for the best-effort services. This Two-step scheduling algorithm reduces the scheduling complexity by separating the process of transmission start time decision from the process of grant generation. In the ONU's view, the proposed scheme controls 8 priority queues of the 802.1d recommended 8 service classes. Higher priority queue is serviced in prior during the allowed GATE time from OLT. The OPNET modeling and simulation result compares the performance of each bandwidth allocation policy with SBA or DBA only approach.

Endoscopic Imaging and Fabrication of Micro-endoscope Catheter in Time-domain Optical Coherence Tomography (시간영역 광 간섭 단층촬영 시스템의 소형 엔도스코프 제작 및 영상구현)

  • Kim, Young-Kwan;Lee, Sung-Hun;Kim, Yong-Pyung
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.206-213
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    • 2010
  • We fabricated and characterized a compact endoscopic catheter for optical coherence tomography. The optical delay line (ODL), composed of a cylindrical piezoelectric transducer (PZT) and an optical fiber, was operated with a 1 kHz sinusoidal driving wave in the time-domain. When the ODL was driven with a sinusoidal wave function, the axial scanning speed was 6 m/s and the axial acquisition rate was 2000 line/s at a depth of about 3 mm. Endoscopic OCT images of a human finger and earhole were successfully obtained with an image rate of ten frames per second.

A Study on the Loss Probability and Dimensioning of Multi-Stage Fiber Delay Line Buffer (다단 광 지연 버퍼의 손실률과 크기에 관한 연구)

  • 김홍경;이성창
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.40 no.10
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2003
  • The buffering is a promising solution to resolve the contention problem in optical network. we study the packet loss probability and the dimensioning of optical buffer using a Fiber Delay Line for variable length packet. In this paper, we study the relation between the granularity and the loss of FDL buffer in Single-Stage FDL buffer and propose the Single-Bundle Multi-Stage FDL buffer. The Multi-Stage FDL buffer is too early yet to apply to the current backbone network, considering the current technology in view of costs. but we assume that the above restriction will be resolved in these days. The appropriate number of delay and pass line for a dimensioning is based on a amount of occupied time by packets. Once more another multi-stage FDL buffer is proposed, Split-Bundle multi-stage FDL buffer. The Split-Bundle ms-FDL buffer is more feasible for a FDL buffer structure, considering not only a size of switching matrix but also a bulk of switching element. its feasibility will be demonstrated from a loss probability.

Service Differentiation Scheme Based on Burst Size Controlling Algorithm in Optical Internet (광 인터넷에서 버스트 크기 제어 알고리즘 기반 서비스 차등화 기법)

  • Lee, Yonggyu
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.562-570
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    • 2022
  • The supply expansion of 5G services and personal smart devices has caused the sharp increase of data traffic and the demand of various services. Again, these facts have resulted in the huge demand of network bandwidth. However, existing network technologies using electronic signal have reached the limit to accommodate the demand. Therefore, in order to accept this request, optical internet has been studied actively. However, optical internet still has a lot of problems to solve, and among these barriers a very urgent issue is to develop QoS technologies. Hence, in order to achieve service differentiation between classes in optical internet, especially in OBS network, a new QoS method automatically tuning the size of data bursts is proposed in this article. Especially, the algorithm suggested in this article is based on fiber delay line.

All Optical Header Recognition for Information Processing of Packet by Packet in The Access Network based on FTTH (FTTH 기반의 가입자망에 있어 패킷단위의 정보처리를 위한 전광학 헤더 인식)

  • Park, Ki-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2010
  • We describe an all-optical circuit which recognizes the header information of packet-by-packet in the access networks based on FTTH. The circuit's operation is confirmed by an experiment in the recognition of 3 and 4 header bits. The output from the header recognition circuit appears in a signal assigned in the time axis according to the header information. The recognition circuit of header for self-routing has a very simple structure using only delay lines and switches. The circuit is expected that it can be constructed of the high reliability and the low cost. Also, the circuit can solve the problems of the power loss and private security which is the weak point of the TDM-PON method by being established a unique transmission line to each subscriber.