• Title/Summary/Keyword: 광역지역

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Dietary behaviors of female marriage immigrants residing in Gwangju, Korea (광주지역에 거주하는 결혼이주 여성의 식생활 조사)

  • Yang, Eun Ju
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This cross-sectional study aimed to document the dietary behaviors, dietary changes, and health status of female marriage immigrants residing in Gwangju, Korea. Methods: The survey included 92 female immigrants attending Korean language class at a multi-cultural family support center. General characteristics, health status, anthropometric data, dietary behaviors, and dietary changes were collected. Results: Mean age of subjects was 31.3 years, and home countries of subjects were Vietnam (50.0%), China (26.0%), Philippines (12.0%), and others (12.0%). Frequently reported chronic diseases were digestive diseases (13.2%), anemia (12.1%), and neuropsychiatry disorder (8.9%). Seventeen percent of the subjects was obese ($BMI{\geq}25kg/m^2$). Dietary score by Mini Dietary Assessment was 3.45 out of 5 points. Dietary scores for dairy foods, meat/fish/egg/bean intake, meal regularity, and food variety were low, and those for fried foods and high fat meat intake were also low. Thirty-three percent of subjects answered that they have changed their diet and increased their consumption of fruits and vegetables after immigration. Length of residence in Korea was positively associated with BMI and waist circumference. Length of residence tends to be positively associated with dietary changes and obesity as well as inversely associated with disease prevalence. Conclusion: The study shows that length of residence is inversely related to disease prevalence. However, this association is thought to be due to the relatively short period of residence in Korea and thus the transitional phase to adapting to dietary practices. As the length of residence increases, disease patterns related to obesity are subject to change. Healthy dietary behaviors and adaptation to dietary practices in Korea in female marriage immigrants will not only benefit individuals but also their families and social structure. Therefore, varied, long-term, and target-specific studies on female marriage immigrants are highly needed.

A Study on User Behavior and Satisfaction with Neighborhood Parks within Walking Distance with Consideration for Interior and Exterior Environments - Focusing on the Case Study Hwarang and Gwanum Park, Daegu - (도보권 근린공원의 내·외부 환경을 고려한 이용행태 및 만족도에 관한 연구 - 대구광역시 화랑공원과 관음공원을 대상으로 -)

  • Jung, Sung-Gwan;Lee, Seul-Gi;Kang, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.110-123
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    • 2014
  • Recently, having neighborhood parks within walking distance has grown in importance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of user satisfaction with neighborhood parks within walking distance considering interior and exterior environments. To do so, a field survey and GIS were conducted to construct data which were then compared with result of the analysed environment. Finally, amultiple regression analysis was conducted to confirm impact on user satisfaction of environment. By summarizing the study results, it was found that users of Hwarang Park exhibited a high level of satisfaction with 'park facilities' and 'safety of park use'. In the case of Gwanum Park, users exhibited a high level of satisfaction with 'green space' and 'amount of shade'. On the contrary, two park users exhibited low levels of satisfaction with 'facilities for children' and 'various attractions' within the parks. The pedestrian environment of Hwarang Park was rated higher than Gwanum Park within the park service area. User satisfaction was also rated higher than for Gwanum Park. However, two park users exhibited low levels of satisfaction with 'various attractions' within the pedestrian environment. From the result regression analysis of the total satisfaction factors, 'environment of access route', 'park facilities' and 'space for walking' positively influenced park use satisfaction. It was found that improvement of the pedestrian environment would be more effective than the improvement of the internal environment on Hwarang Park. This study investigated correlation with the access road environment as well as the interior environment of the parks. The results of this research will be used to improve accessibility and availability for neighborhood parks within walking distance.

Perception and Utilization of Food Labeling System of Middle School Students in Gwangju (광주지역 중학생의 식품표시에 대한 인식 및 이용실태)

  • Kim, Yun-Ji;Jeon, Eun-Raye;Yoo, Maeng-Ja;Jung, Lan-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.796-806
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate dietary attitude, and nutritional knowledge of middle school students in Gwangju and examine their perception and utilization of food labeling systems. The total and mean dietary attitude scores were 75 and 49.47, respectively. The total and mean nutrition knowledge scores were 15 and 10.88, respectively. Girls showed significantly higher nutrition knowledge than boys (p<0.01). Overall, 62.9% of respondents checked food labeling, and there were significant differences in dietary attitudes among groups that did and did not checking labeling (p<0.001), with higher dietary attitude being associated with checking the label. Moreover, higher nutritional knowledge was associated with checking the food label. Individuals who checked the food label considered the expiration date (54.9%), product name (14.4%) and price (10.2%). The main reasons for checking food labeling were (in descending order) to confirm the expiration date (61.6%), determine the ingredients and nutritional information, learn how to store the product, and compare the price and weight with other products. The overall satisfaction with the food labeling system was 16.20 out of 30, and significant differences (p<0.001) were observed among individuals with high, moderate and low dietary attitudes, as indicated by satisfaction scores of 17.54, 16.32 and 14.86, respectively. Individuals with high, moderate and low dietary attitudes had nutritional knowledge scores of 15.79, 16.08, and 17.08 respectively. The overall score for understanding nutrition labeling was 4.71 out of 7, and the understanding differed significantly among groups (p<0.01), with those with moderate food attitudes having the highest score.

A Study on Awareness and Knowledge of Obesity, Life Style, and Eating Habits According to Body Mass Index in High School Students (고등학생에서 체질량지수에 따른 비만에 대한 인식과 생활습관의 차이에 관한 조사)

  • Kim, Mi Jung;Choi, Kwang Hae;Lee, Kyeong Soo
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.12
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    • pp.1491-1496
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : This study was performed to investigate the level of obesity awareness and to help to prevent and to treat obesity by examining the relationship between knowledge of obesity and life style. Methods : Of the students who were surveyed, 1514 answered seriously and were accepted as subjects for the study. The questionaire was anonymous and was filled in by the students themselves. Body mass index was used to compare and analyze the subjects according to gender and age, with 85 percentiles or lower as group one, 86-94 percentiles as group two, and 95 percentiles or higher as group three. Results : Among the boys, level of obesity-awareness was significantly higher(P<0.01) in the obese group than in the normal-weight group. Among the girls, there was no difference in the level of obesity-awareness among the groups(P=0.332). The knowledge of obesity between the groups was not significantly different in either boys or girls. As for the relationship between healthy eating habits and knowledge of obesity, there were no significant differences in either boys or girls. There was no significant difference between the habit of regular exercise and the knowledge level of obesity in either boys or girls. Conclusion : Although this was a localized study and the students were aware of the seriousness of obesity to a certain extent, there was no difference in knowledge of obesity between normal-weight students and obese students. Also, there was no relationship between knowledge of obesity and healthy eating habits or the presence/absence of regular exercises.

Present Status and Future Prospect of Satellite Image Uses in Water Resources Area (수자원분야의 위성영상 활용 현황과 전망)

  • Kim, Seongjoon;Lee, Yonggwan
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.105-123
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    • 2018
  • Currently, satellite images act as essential and important data in water resources, environment, and ecology as well as information of geographic information system. In this paper, we will investigate basic characteristics of satellite images, especially application examples in water resources. In recent years, researches on spatial and temporal characteristics of large-scale regions utilizing the advantages of satellite imagery have been actively conducted for fundamental hydrological components such as evapotranspiration, soil moisture and natural disasters such as drought, flood, and heavy snow. Furthermore, it is possible to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics such as vegetation characteristics, plant production, net primary production, turbidity of water bodies, chlorophyll concentration, and water quality by using various image information utilizing various sensor information of satellites. Korea is planning to launch a satellite for water resources and environment in the near future, so various researches are expected to be activated on this field.

Red Tide Detection through Image Fusion of GOCI and Landsat OLI (GOCI와 Landsat OLI 영상 융합을 통한 적조 탐지)

  • Shin, Jisun;Kim, Keunyong;Min, Jee-Eun;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_2
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    • pp.377-391
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    • 2018
  • In order to efficiently monitor red tide over a wide range, the need for red tide detection using remote sensing is increasing. However, the previous studies focus on the development of red tide detection algorithm for ocean colour sensor. In this study, we propose the use of multi-sensor to improve the inaccuracy for red tide detection and remote sensing data in coastal areas with high turbidity, which are pointed out as limitations of satellite-based red tide monitoring. The study area were selected based on the red tide information provided by National Institute of Fisheries Science, and spatial fusion and spectral-based fusion were attempted using GOCI image as ocean colour sensor and Landsat OLI image as terrestrial sensor. Through spatial fusion of the two images, both the red tide of the coastal area and the outer sea areas, where the quality of Landsat OLI image was low, which were impossible to observe in GOCI images, showed improved detection results. As a result of spectral-based fusion performed by feature-level and rawdata-level, there was no significant difference in red tide distribution patterns derived from the two methods. However, in the feature-level method, the red tide area tends to overestimated as spatial resolution of the image low. As a result of pixel segmentation by linear spectral unmixing method, the difference in the red tide area was found to increase as the number of pixels with low red tide ratio increased. For rawdata-level, Gram-Schmidt sharpening method estimated a somewhat larger area than PC spectral sharpening method, but no significant difference was observed. In this study, it is shown that coastal red tide with high turbidity as well as outer sea areas can be detected through spatial fusion of ocean colour and terrestrial sensor. Also, by presenting various spectral-based fusion methods, more accurate red tide area estimation method is suggested. It is expected that this result will provide more precise detection of red tide around the Korean peninsula and accurate red tide area information needed to determine countermeasure to effectively control red tide.

The Prevalence of Elevated Serum Liver Enzymes in Obese Children (인천 지역내 비만아에서 혈청 간효소치 상승의 유병률)

  • Oh, Yun Jung;Lee, Ji Eun;Son, Byong Kwan;Kim, Soon Ki
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.218-225
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: With a remarkable increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity, the prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is assumed to be increasing. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, hyperlipidemia, and glucose intolerance in normal and obese children. Methods: A total of 2,206 elementary students (boys: 1340, girls: 866) were grouped according to obesity index; normal group and obesity group (mild, moderate, severe). Aspartate aminotransferase (AST, SGOT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT) were measured with total cholesterol, triglyceride, and fasting blood glucose. Results: Compared with the 4.6% of elevated aminotransferases in normal group, obese groups showed significantly higher prevalence; 12.1% in mild obesity group, 19.4% in moderate group, and 21.6% in severe group (p<0.0001). The prevalence of hypertriglyceremia was 16.9% in normal weight group, which was significantly lower than obesity group (mild obesity group 30.3%, moderate and severe 37.6%, 38.2% each). In boys, the prevalences of elevated aminotransferases in normal weight and obese groups (mild, moderate, severe) were 6.8%, 18.0%, 23.0%, and 26.0%, respectively (p<0.0001). In girls, those were 2.1%, 5.1%, 12.0%, and 12.6%, respectively (p< 0.0001). The prevalence of hypertriglyceremia was relative to severity of obesity in boys and girls (p<0.0001). Conclusion: The prevalence of elevated serum liver enzymes increased with severity of obesity. For the prevention and treatment of fatty liver and hypertriglycemia, it is important to lower the obesity degree and enforce the education for a weight loss in the student and the parents.

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Petrology and Geochemistry of Jurassic Daejeon and Nonsan Granitoids in the Ogcheon Fold Belt, Korea (옥천(沃川) 변성대(變成帶)에 분포하는 쥬라기(紀) 대전(大田) 및 논산(論山) 화강암류(花崗岩類)의 암석지화학적(岩石地化學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Hong, Young Kook
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.179-195
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    • 1984
  • The Jurassic Daejeon and Nonsan granitoids are "S-type" syntectonic calc-alkaline two-mica monzogranite and granodiorite, respectively. With evidences of high CaO, $Al_2O_3$, LIL/HFS elements, total REE, (Ce/Yb)N and initial ($^{87}Sr/^{88}Sr$) ratio, and no significant Eu anomaly, the primary magmas for the Daejeon and Nonsan granitic rocks are derived from partial melting of the Precambrian granulite (e.g. grey gneisses). But those Jurassic granitoids crystallised from different chemical characteristics of parental magmas which is mainly due to varying degree of partial melting of the granulite (crustal anatexis). The absence of significant anomalous Eu($Eu/Eu^*=O.82{\sim}1.00$) in the Daejeon and Nonsan granitoids could indicate that feldspars, mainly plagioclase, did not separate from the magmas. The parental hydrous magmas could not rise appreciably above their source region before crystallisation. The Jurassic granitoids may be resulted by closing-collision situation and belong to the Hercynotype (Pitcher 1979) such as compressive ductile regime of an intracontinental orogen.

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Factors Influencing Infection Control Awareness and Implementation Levels among Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 감염관리 인지도와 실천도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jang, Kyeung-Ae;Park, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2016
  • A total of 228 dental hygienists working in dental hospitals and clinics in the Busan and Gyeongnam areas were surveyed between August 1, 2015, and October 15, 2015. The factors influencing infection control awareness and implementation levels among the dental hygienists were investigated to prepare basic data with the goal of establishing guidelines for systemic infection control. Treatment preparation support for infection control positively correlated with equipment and facility support (r=0.4343, p<0.01), treatment skill and information support (r=0.231, p<0.01), infection control education support (r=0.266, p<0.01), infection control awareness (r=0.354, p<0.01), and infection control implementation levels (r=0.442, p<0.01). Equipment and facility support positively correlated with treatment skill and information support (r=0.418, p<0.01), infection control education support (r=0.422, p<0.01), infection control awareness (r=0.404, p<0.01), and infection control implementation levels (r=0.454, p<0.01). Infection control education support positively correlated with infection control awareness (r=0.348, p<0.01) and infection control implementation levels (r=0.405, p<0.01). Infection control awareness positively correlated with the infection control implementation level (r=0.879, p<0.01). The factors influencing the awareness of infection control include treatment preparation support, equipment and facility support, treatment skill and information support, and infection control education support. The influencing the infection control implementation level include treatment preparation support, equipment and facility support, infection control education support, and treatment skill and information support. To enhance the awareness of infection control and implementation levels amongdental hygienists, an infection control system must be established and implemented A rigorous system for evaluating dental clinics must also be established to ensure an ideal dental treatment environment and to protect patients' health and safety.

A study on the effect of the motivation of choosing the tourist spots on the image of the tourist spots and the intention of revisiting - Focusing on Gamcheon Culture Village - (관광지 선택 동기가 관광지 이미지, 재방문의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 감천문화마을을 중심으로 -)

  • Byun, Sang-Woo
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.197-213
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    • 2015
  • This study is to investigate the effect of the motivation of choosing the tourist spots on the image of the tourist spots and the intention of revisiting targeting the tourists visiting Gamcheon Culture Village. The motivations of choosing the tourist spots, such as experiences, sightseeing, viewing of the cultural events, have a positive (+) effect on the affective image of the tourists. Only sightseeing in the motivations of choosing the tourist spots has a positive (+) effect on the epistemic image of the tourists. With the results of the analyzed effect of the affective image of the tourist spots on the intention of revisiting, it is revealed that the affective image has a significant effect on the intention of revisiting, not the epistemic image. It is suggested that the tourists have a good impression of Gamcheon Culture Village through experiences, sightseeing, viewing of the cultural events. In order for Gamcheon Culture Village to be one of the world-famous tourist spots, many attractions should be provided along with more different experience programs than now, various attractions, alley festivals held throughout the year. With the village developed with the greatest care, the tourists should have the intention of revisiting the village through experiences, sightseeing, viewing of the cultural events with their precious memories, since positive images tourists have tend to be anchored in the affective area rather than in the epistemic one.

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