• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과제중심접근

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An Essay on Establishing the Theory of Reverence-based Ethics Education : Focussed on 'Gyeong(敬)' in the Early Confucianism (외경윤리교육론 정립을 위한 시론 -원시유교의 '경(敬)'을 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Seung Hee
    • Journal of Ethics
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    • no.74
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    • pp.35-62
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    • 2009
  • This study purports to explore the possibility of establishing the theory of ethics education based on the concept 'Gyeong(敬)' in Early Confucianism. There was a negative viewpoint on Confucianism directly after the modernization of Korea. However, a positive trend for Confucianism has emerged in almost all sorts of studies even though the results of the studies in Moral education are not always successful. West moral education theories and traditional ethics education theories should be integrated dialectically so that traditional ethics education may be updated. Recently a reappraisal of traditional values has been undertaken as a replacement of liberal democracy values. Faced with the modern civilization's crisis and a decline in morals in Korea, reverence needs to be dealt with in ethics education. This study is primarily concerned with the nature-transcendental relation whose concrete concept is 'Gyeong(敬)' in Confucianism. And the study attempts to put forward the theory of reverence-centered ethics education. The contents of the study consists of the substance of 'Gyeong(敬)' in Early Confucianism, and practical principles and methods of reverence-based ethics education. Some tasks of moral education are also suggested for the scientific establishment of reverence-centered ethics education.

A Study on the relationship between family relations of grandparent-grandchildren family adolescent and resilience -centering around the parameters of self esteem, empathy and internal·external locus control - (조손가족 청소년의 가족관계와 적응유연성의 관계 -자아존중감, 공감, 내·외통제감의 매개효과를 중심으로-)

  • Song, Yoo-Mee;Lee, Sun-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.329-353
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    • 2011
  • Adolescence is the important period of experiencing primary social relations through family relations. Adolescent of grandparent-grandchildren family who are provided social welfare service, however, causes many psychological and social problems on account of the negative family relationship, so it is needed resilience in order to recover from those circumstances through easing their negative family relations. This study set self esteem, empathy and internal·external locus control as parameters in order to know how negative family relations of grandparent-grandchildren family could influence the resilience of adolescent, then tried to reveal the entire and synthetic causal relationship in paths of them. For this, we analyzed 492 cases of grandparent-grandchildren family adolescent, which had negative family relations. In this process, we used Amos 19.0, analyzed interrelation and path, and examined significance of type and statistical significance in direct-indirect effect between paths. As the analysis result, we proposed that the development of social welfare program and use of it centered on self-esteem, empathy and internal-external control to the family relations of grandparent-grandchildren family adolescents was a practical approaching task of social welfare for them.

Study on Development of Digital Ocean Information Contents for Climate Change and Environmental Education : Focusing on the 3D Simulator Experiencing Sea Level Rise (기후변화 환경교육을 위한 디지털 해양정보 콘텐츠 개발 방안 연구 - 해수면 상승 체험 3D 시뮬레이터를 중심으로 -)

  • Jin-Hwa Doo;Hong-Joo Yoon;Cheol-Young Lee
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.953-964
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    • 2023
  • Climate change is undeniably the most urgent challenge that humanity faces today. Despite this, the level of public awareness and understanding of climate change remains insufficient, indicating a need for more proactive education and the development of supportive content. In particular, it is crucial to intensify climate change education during elementary and secondary schooling when values and ethical consciousness begin to form. However, there is a significant lack of age-appropriate, experiential educational content. To address this, our study has developed an innovative 3D simulator, enabling learners to indirectly experience the effects of climate change, specifically sea-level rise. This simulator considers not only sea-level rise caused by climate change but also storm surges, which is a design based on the analysis of long-term wave observation big data. To make the simulator accessible and engaging for students, we utilized the 'Unity' game engine. We further propose using this simulator as a part of a comprehensive educational program on climate change.

What Changed and Unchanged After Science Class: Analyzing High School Student's Conceptual Change on Circular Motion Based on Mental Model Theory (과학수업 후 변하는 것과 변하지 않는 것: 정신모형 이론을 중심으로 한 고등학생의 원운동 개념변화 사례 분석)

  • Park, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Gyoung-Ho;Shin, Jong-Ho;Song, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.475-491
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    • 2006
  • In physics education, the research on students' conceptions has developed in the discussion on the nature and the difficulty of conceptual change. Recently, mental models have been a theoretical background in concrete arguments on "how students' conceptions are constructed or created." Mental models that integrate information in the presented problem and individual knowledge in their long-term memory have important information about not only expressed ideas but also in the thinking process behind the expressed ideas. The purpose of this study is to investigate the forming process and the characteristics of high school student's mental models about circular motion, and how they were changed by instruction. We used the think-aloud method based on the instrument for identifying student's mental models about circular motion, pretest of physics concept, mind map and interview for investigating student's characteristics. The results of the study showed that instructions based on the mental model theory facilitated scientific expressed model, but several factors that affected forming mental models like epistemological belief didn't change scientifically after 3 lessons.

Research on the role of Smart Public Facilities -Focusing on public design policy- (스마트 공공시설물의 역할에 관한 연구 -공공디자인 정책을 중심으로-)

  • Son, Dong Joo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.206-230
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    • 2024
  • Background: The advancement of information and communication technology acts as a key driver in the implementation of smart cities. Smart Public Facilities leverage this technological progress to innovate urban operations, optimizing various city functions, enhancing the quality of public services, and improving citizens' accessibility and convenience. These Smart Public Facilities are introduced for the sustainable development of cities and the enhancement of citizens' quality of life. Method: This study systematically analyzed the public design policies of local governments and examined the use cases of Smart Public Facilities domestically and internationally to evaluate their functions and roles. Through this, the effectiveness and sustainability of public design policies were comprehensively reviewed, and the impact of Smart Public Facilities on urban operations and citizens' lives was analyzed from multiple perspectives. Results: The introduction of Smart Public Facilities significantly enhances the implementation and efficiency of public design policies, playing a crucial role in sustainable urban development and improving citizens' quality of life. Furthermore, positive impacts were observed in various areas such as energy management, transportation systems, and environmental monitoring. Major challenges included managing technological changes, ensuring data privacy and cybersecurity, and strengthening citizen participation. Conclusion: Smart Public Facilities serve as essential infrastructure for improving urban efficiency, sustainability, and citizens' quality of life. Successful implementation and operation require systematic management and citizen participation. Through this, Smart Public Facilities will support sustainable urban development and play a critical role in responding to environmental changes. To ensure that Smart Public Facilities function effectively as urban infrastructure, it is necessary to comprehensively evaluate their impact on the efficiency of public design policies, sustainability, citizens' quality of life, and the local economy, and to suggest concrete measures for their introduction and operation.

Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of speech processing analysis methods: Focus on phonological encoding, phonological short-term memory, articulation transcoding (메타분석을 통한 말 처리 분석방법의 효과 연구: 음운부호화, 음운단기기억, 조음전환을 중심으로)

  • Eun-Joo Ryu;Ji-Wan Ha
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to establish evaluation methods for the speech processing stages of phonological encoding, phonological short-term memory, and articulation transcoding from a psycholinguistic perspective. A meta-analysis of 21 studies published between 2000 and 2024, involving 1,442 participants, was conducted. Participants were divided into six groups: general, dyslexia, speech sound disorder, language delay, apraxia+aphasia, and childhood apraxia of speech. The analysis revealed effect sizes of g=.46 for phonological encoding errors, g=.57 for phonological short-term memory errors, and g=.63 for articulation transition errors. These results suggest that substitution errors, order and repetition errors, and phoneme addition and voicing substitution errors are key indicators for assessing these abilities. This study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of speech and language disorders by providing a methodological framework for evaluating speech processing stages and a detailed analysis of error characteristics. Future research should involve non-word repetition tasks across various speech and language disorder groups to further validate these methods, offering valuable data for the assessment and treatment of these disorders.

Implementing Home Care Services and Home Visits Model in South Korea: Strategies from U.S. Medicare (한국 재택의료와 방문진료 모델 설계: 미국 Medicare에서의 전략)

  • Kyung Shin Song;Youbeen Shim;Jun Hyup Lee
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.350-360
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    • 2024
  • This study reviews the U.S. Medicare home health care and home visits programs to derive strategic insights for effectively implementing home-based primary care in South Korea. Despite introducing policies to address the medical needs of elderly individuals with mobility limitations, significant gaps in access to healthcare persist within the hospital-centered health insurance system. This research explores key components of the U.S. Medicare system, including definitions, beneficiary eligibility, service scope, quality assurance, and reimbursement systems. Medicare differentiates between home health care and home visits based on eligibility criteria, offers tailored service, employs a reimbursement grading system reflecting diagnostic complexity, and ensures service quality through a structured quality measurement framework. Developing a sustainable home health care model in South Korea requires defining roles, establishing clear eligibility criteria, delineating care scope, implementing quality assurance measures, and designing equitable reimbursement structures. Additionally, optimizing workforce deployment can enhance system efficiency, reduce healthcare costs, and improve patient outcomes, ultimately yielding significant economic and social benefits. Key words: Primary health care, Home-based primary care, Home care services, Medicare, Home health care, Home visits, Mobility limitations.

Ground Security Activities for Prevention of Aviation Terrorism -Centered on San Francisco International Airport of the U.S.A.- (항공테러방지를 위한 지상 보안활동 -미국 샌프란시스코국제공항을 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Maeng-Jin;Kang, Jae-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.195-204
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    • 2008
  • With the growth of airline management, as well as computer and IT security, the international trade in this modern society has been rapidly increasing, Along with the advancing, airplanes have become a universal means of communication. However, the complications associated with airplane safety have also been brought up as a result, the most concerning of which is terrorism. One of the main counterplans for preventing terrorism is Ground security activities the core of Ground security activities is absolute safety for passengers in both passenger terminal and freight terminal. Subastral security refers to physical protection, proximity control and 100% security search and freight guarding of the passengers' possessions, and the personnel's duties to perform such jobs are be! coming more crucial. On the other hand, Airport security check has bee n gradually developing since the 1960's, when hijacking began to take place. Although the airports have been providing more safe and comfortable services to their customers, terrorism is still happening today. When Ground security activities is minute, the users feel displeasure and discomfort, yet considering solely their convenience can brings problems in achieving safety. Since the 9.11 terror in 2001, the idea of improving and strengthening airport security was reinforced and a considerable amount of estate is being spent today for invention and application of new technology. Various nations, including the United States, have been improving their systems of security through public services; public police department is actively carrying out their duties in airports as well. In San Francisco International Airport, private police department is in charge of collection of data, national events, VIP protection, law enforcement, cooperation within facilities, daily-based patrol and traffic control. Under guidance and supervision of national organizations, such as TSA, general police department interprets X-Rays, operates metal detectors, checks passports or IDs and observes reactions to explosives. Under these circumstances, studies about advancement of cooperation and duties of general police department and private police department necessitated: especially about private police department and their training for searching equipments, decrease in number of turn over rate, invention of technology and prior settlement in estate for security. The privacy of the public, who make up the major population of airport passengers, must also be minimized. In the following research, the activities of police departments in San Francisco International Airport will be analyzed in order to understand recent actions of the United States on airport security.

The Present Situation and Challenges of the Russian Music Industry: Centered on the Digital Sound Sources (러시아 음악 산업 현황과 과제 - 디지털 음원을 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, ki-bae;Kim, Se-il
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.50
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    • pp.395-424
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the current situation and background of the Russian consumer music market, where digital music sources are making great strides in the noted recent years. In addition, music storage technology, media and change are considered together in this report. Moreover, Russia is the 12th largest music market in the world. The Russian music industry is following the recent trend of the global music industry, where the digital music market is growing rapidly on many different levels. The explosive growth of the digital sound sources in Russia's music industry is attributed to the explosive increase in available consumer downloads, streaming sound source service, and the increase in the number of digital sound sources using mobile technologies due to the development of the Internet. In particular, the sales of the available and accessible streaming sound sources are expected to grow explosively by the year 2020, which is expected to account for more than 85% of total digital music sales. In other words, the spread of smartphones and the resulting changes in the lifestyle of the Russians have created these changes for the global consumer of music. In other words, the time has come for anyone to easily access music and listen to music without a separate audio or digital player. And the fact that the Russian government's strong policy on the eradication of illegal copying of music is becoming an effective deterrent, as is also the factor that led to the increase of the share of the digital sound source to increase sales in Russia. Today, the Russian music industry is leading this change through the age and process of simply adapting to the digital age. Music is the most important element of cultural assets, and it is the beneficial content, which drives the overall growth of the digital economy. In addition, if the following five improvements(First, strengthen the consciousness of the Russian people about copyright protection; Second, utilizing the Big Data Internet resources in the digital music industry; Third, to improve the monopoly situation of digital music distributors; Fourth, distribution of fair music revenues; and Fifth, revitalization of a re-investment in the current Russian music industry) are effective and productive, Russia's role and position in the world music market is likely to expand.