• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공진 보

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Compensation of low Frequency Resonance in Current Driven Loudspeakers using DSP (DSP를 이용한 전류구동 스피커의 저주파 공진 보상)

  • Park, Jong-phil;Eun, Changsoo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.584-588
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    • 2021
  • The impedance of the speaker is likely to be recognized as a fixed value. However, speaker impedance continues to vary with frequency variation, especially larger in resonant frequency region. The sound pressure level of loudspeakers is determined by the current flowing throughout the coil that consists loudspeakers. If loudspeakers are driven by voltage, sound pressure level of the loudspeaker is distorted by the variation of loudspeaker impedance. Current-drive of loudspeakers can solve this problem, but distortion of sound pressure level occurs in low frequencies due to resonance. The distortion can degrade the sound quality of the sound system. So to solve this problem, In this paper, we propose a resonance compensation circuit using DSP. we simulates audio systems using an equivalent model of loudspeakers to verify distortion of sound pressure level due to impedance variation and propose a circuit to compensate it. The proposed circuit is configured using a state variable filter and it can adjust the center frequency and output, so it will be used various sound systems.

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Miniaturization and Transmission Efficiency Improvement of Resonant Aperture Structure (공진 개구 구조의 소형화 및 투과 효율 개선)

  • Yoo, Jong-Gyeong;Yeo, Junho;Ko, Ji-Whan;Kim, Byung-Mun;Cho, Young-Ki
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.470-477
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    • 2017
  • As a method of the transmission efficiency improvement of an aperture smaller than the wavelength, we modified the conventional H-shaped resonant aperture to lower the resonance frequency of resonant aperture, and the transmission efficiency of resonant aperture was improved more than the conventional aperture. The maximum transmission cross section(TCS) calculated using the equivalent circuit tends to be almost equal to the maximum TCS from the small resonant aperture modified to improve the transmission efficiency. The transmission characteristics of resonant apertures can be quantified as the TCS, and the transmission efficiency of that can be compared. The modified resonant aperture has a maximum TCS increased by about 2.87 times from $846mm^2$ to $2,431mm^2$ compared to the H-shaped aperture, and the resonant frequency decreased from 5.06 GHz to 2.92 GHz, and the length-to-wavelength ratio of the aperture was reduced from 0.178 to 0.103.

High Efficiency Resonant Flyback Converter using a Single-Chip Microcontroller (싱글칩 마이크로컨트롤러를 이용한 고효율 공진형 플라이백 전력변환기)

  • Jeong, Gang-Youl
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.803-813
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents a high efficiency resonant flyback converter using a single-chip microcontroller. The proposed converter primary performs the resonant switching by applying the asymmetrical pulse-width modulation (APWM) to the half-bridge power topology. And the converter secondary uses the diode flyback rectifier as its power topology and operates with the zero current switching (ZCS). Thus the proposed converter achieves high efficiency. The total structure of proposed converter is very simple because it uses a single-chip microcontroller and bootstrap circuit for its control and drive, respectively. First, this paper describes the converter operation according to each operation mode and shows its steady-state analysis. And the software control algorithm and drive circuits operating the proposed converter are explained. Then, the operation characteristics of proposed converter are shown through the experimental results of an implemented prototype based on each explanation.

Analysis of Electromagnetic Scattering from Arbitrarily Shaped Three-Dimensional Dielectric Objects Using Combined Field Integral Equation (결합 적분방정식을 이용한 삼차원 임의형태 유전체의 전자파 산란 해석)

  • 정백호;한상호;이화용
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.39 no.10
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we present various combined field integral equation (CFIE) formulations for the analysis of electromagnetic scattering from arbitrarily shaped three dimensional homogeneous dielectric body in the frequency domain. For the CFIE case, we propose eight separate formulations with different combinations of testing functions that result in sixteen different formulations of CFIE by neglecting one of testing terms. One of the objectives of this paper is to illustrate that not all CFIE are valid methodologies in removing defects, which occur at a frequency corresponding to an internal resonance of the structure. Numerical results involving far scattered fields and radar cross section (RCS) are presented for a dielectric sphere to illustrate which formulation works and which do not.

Nonlinear Responses of a Hinged-Clamped Beam under Random Excitation (불규칙 가진되는 회전-고정보의 비선형응답특성)

  • 조덕상;김영종
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.427-436
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    • 2000
  • This study presents the nonlinear responses of a hinged-clamped beam under broadband random excitation. By using Galerkin's method the governing equation is reduced to a system or nonautonomous nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The Fokker-Planck equation is used to generate a general first-order differential equation in the joint moments of response coordinates. Gaussian and non-Gaussian closure schemes are used to close the infinite coupled moment equations. The closed equations are then solved for response statistics in terms of system and excitation parameters. The case of two mode interaction is considered in order to compare it with the case of three mode interaction. Monte Carlo simulation is used for numerical verification.

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