• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공동체 정원

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A Study on the Structural Characteristics of Marginal Village : The Case of Goheung-gun in Jeollanamdo (우리나라 한계촌락의 구조적 특성에 관한 연구 - 전라남도 고흥군을 사례로 -)

  • Jeong, Won-Gi;Ahn, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.515-528
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    • 2016
  • Since 1960s the rural population of Korea has continually decreased as a result of the rapid rural-to-urban migration and this caused an economic recession as well as the accelerated aging phenomenon in the rural communities. Such problems got worse in smaller rural villages and marginal villages began to appear among the rural communities. This study aims to analyze the structures and characteristics of rural marginal villages. A case study on the county of Goheung, Jeollanamdo, is carried out using survey and stakeholder interviews. With the survey results a series of comparative analysis are done revealing the commonalities and peculiarities between two different types of marginal villages. This study also tries to reveal the residents's perceptions on the marginal villages and the potential determinants of rural rehabilitation.

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Knowledge Ecological Approach to Emergence of Korean Online-game Industry (한국 온라인게임 산업 부상의 지식생태계적 접근)

  • Chang, Yong-Ho;Joung, Won-Jo
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.79-91
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzes that Korea online-game emerges by naturally developed demanders, not by intentional suppliers(government/firms). Knowledge Ecological Approach is used to explain the emergence of Korea online-game industry. The research shows several knowledge factors that Korea online-game developed successfully. First, newly developed human resource(mainly lead users) play a strong positive feedback in the knowledge ecology system. The interactive system consists of social & environmental actors(local/global technological textbooks, universities, informal education institutes, companies etc.). Second, early developers start up venture firms through on/offline creative communities which give them project based job experience. Policy implication of the research is that the naturally emerged knowledge ecology, where various actors interact efficiently, determines the fountain new industry rather than discontinuous, intentional physical resources.

Production of Herbicide-resistant Transgenic Plants from Embryogenic Suspension Cultures of Cucumber (오이의 배발생 현탁 배양세포로부터 제초제 저항성 형질전환 식물체 생산)

  • 우제욱;정원중;최관삼;박효근;백남긴;유장렬
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2001
  • To develop herbicide-resistant cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L. cv Green Angle) embryogenic suspension cultures were co-cultured with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 carrying a disarmed binary vector pGA-bar. The T-DNA region of this binary vector contains the nopalin synthase/neomycin phosphotransferase Ⅱ (npt Ⅱ) chimeric gene for kanamycin resistance and the cauliflower 35S/phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (bar) chimeric gene for phosphinothricin (PPT) resistance, After co-cultivation for 48 h, embryogenic calli were placed on maturation media containing 20 mg/L PPT. Approximately 200 putatively transgenic plantlets were obtained in hormone free media containing 40 mg/L PPT. Northern blot hybridization analysis confirmed the expression of the bar gene that was integrated into the genome of five transgenic plants. Transgenic cucumber plants were grown to maturity. Mature plants in soil showed tolerance to the commercial herbicide (Basta) of PPT at the manufacturer's suggested level (3 mL/L).

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Genetic transformation of Sedum erythrostichum via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation by introducing herbicide-resistant gene (아그로박테리움을 통한 제초제 저항 꿩의비름(Sedum erythrostichum) 형질전환체 개발)

  • 윤의수;정재훈;최용의
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2002.11b
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    • pp.30-30
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    • 2002
  • 꿩의비름 (Sedum erythrostichum)은 매우 우수한 지피식물이며 건조에 강한 대표적 식물로 바위정원 (rock garden)을 가꾸는데 있어서 중요한 수종으로 이용되며, 유럽등지에서는 지붕에 식재하기도 하며 최근에는 빌딩옥상녹화의 대표적 수종으로 식재되고 있다. 또한 한방에서는 경천이라 불리우기도 하는데 피부상처 치유 및 미백효과가 탁월하다고 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 Agrobacterium을 매개로한 꿩의비름의 형질전환 시스템을 개발하고 아울러 phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase (PAT) 유전자를 도입하여 제초제 저항 식물을 개발하고자 수행되었다. 꿩의비름 잎을 Agrobacterium에 담근후 0.5 mg/l NAA와 2 mg/1 BA가 첨가된 MS 배지에 3일간 공동배앙 하였다. 그 후 300 mg/1 cefotaxime이 첨가된 같은 배지에 옮겨 계대하면서 Agrobacterium을 제거하였다. 약 3주후에 잎 절편으로 부터 직접적으로 부정아가 형성되기 시작 하였는데 이 시기부터 잎 절편을 25 mg/1 kanamycin이 첨가된 선발배지에 옮겨 주었다. 이 결과 배양된 잎 절편 절편 중 3.75%에서 kanamycin에 저항하는 부정아를 얻을 수 있었다. 형질전환체는 X-gluc 반응, PCR, Southern, Nothern analysis를 통하여 확인하였다. 약 94%의 형질전환 식물체는 성공적으로 토양에 옮길 수 있었으며 약 3개월후에 꽃을 피웠다. 형질전환체는 제초제인 Basta ($^{(R)}$ phosphinothricine at 200 mg/1)를 살포하여 주었을 경우 생존함을 확인 하였다.

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Examination of Urban Gardening as an Everydayness in Urban Residential Area, Haebangchon (도심주거지에 나타나는 일상문화로서의 도시정원가꾸기에 대한 고찰 - 용산구 용산동2가 해방촌을 중심으로 -)

  • Sim, Joo-Young;Zoh, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2015
  • This study explores urban gardening and garden culture in residential area as an everydayness that has been overlooked during the modern period urbanization and investigates the meaning and value of urban gardening from the perspective of urban formations and growth in spontaneous urban residential area, Haebangchon. The result identified that urban gardening as a meaning of contemporary culture is a new clue to improving the urban physical environment and changing the lives and community network of residents. Haebangchon is one of the few remaining spontaneous habitations in Seoul, and was created as a temporary unlicensed shantytown in 1940s. It became the representative habitation for common people in downtown Seoul through the revitalization of the 60s and the local reform through self-sustaining redevelopment projects during the 70s through the 90s. This area still contains the image of times during the 50s to the 60s, the 70s to the 80s and present, with the percentage of long-term stay residents high. Within this context, the site is divided into third quarters, and the research undertaken by observation and investigation to determine characteristics of urban gardening as an everydayness. It can be said that urban gardening and garden culture in Haebangchon is a unique location culture that has accumulated in the crevices of the physical condition and culture of life. These places are an expression of resident's desires that seeking out nature and gardening as revealed in densely-populated areas and the grounds of practical acting and participating in care and cultivation. It forms a unique, indigenous local landscape as an accumulation of everyday life of residents. Urban gardens in detached home has retained the original function of the dwelling and the garden, or 'madang', and takes on the characteristic of public space through the sharing of a public nature as well as semi-private spatial characteristic. Also, urban gardens including small kitchen garden and flowerpots that appear in the narrow streets provide pleasure as a part of nature that blossoms in narrow alley and functions as a public garden for exchanging with neighbors by sharing produce. This paper provides the concept of redefining the relationship between the private-public area that occurs between outside spaces that are cut off in a modern city.

Design of the COMS Satellite Ground Control System (통신해양기상위성 관제시스템 설계)

  • Lee, Byeong-Seon;Jeong, Won-Chan;Lee, Sang-Uk;Lee, Jeom-Hun;Kim, Jae-Hun
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2006
  • As a multi-mission GEO satellite, COMS system is being developed jointly by KARI, ETRI, KORDI, KMA, and industries from both abroad and domestic. EADS ASRTIUM is the prime contractor for manufacturing the COMS. ETRI is developing the COMS Ka-band payload and SGCS with the fund from MIC. COMS Satellite Ground Control System (SGCS) will be the only system for monitor and control of the satellite in orbit. In order to fulfill the mission operations of the three payloads and spacecraft bus, COMS SGCS performs telemetry reception and processing, satellite tracking and ranging, command generation and transmission, satellite mission planning, flight dynamics operations, and satellite simulation, By the proper functional allocations, COMS SGCS is divided into five subsystems such as TTC, ROS, MPS, FDS, and CSS. In this paper, functional design of the COMS SGCS is described as five subsystems and the interfaces among the subsystems.

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Factors Affecting Introduction of rolC Gene in Lycium chinense Mill. (구기자나무(Lycium chinense Mill.)로의 rolC유전자 도입에 미치는 요인)

  • 박용구;최명석;김병원;정원일;노광수
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.329-334
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    • 1995
  • Transformation system of rolC gene, dwarf gene in Lycium chinenese Mill. established by using system. Pin-punctured leaves induced numerous adventious buds in abaxial side when cultured on 3/2 MS medium containing 2.0 mg/L zeatin. Survival rate and shoot regeneration frequency of leaf explants decreased as kanamycin sulfate level increased. Shoot buds were not regenerated on 3/2 MS medium containing 10 mg/L kanamycin sulfate and 2.0 mg/L zeaein. Of the level tested, 10 mg/L of kanamycin sulfate was optimum in selection of kanamycin sulfate resistant plant. Co-culture time of bacteria and leaf explants was affected at the frequency of shoot regeneration and survival of leaf explants. Leaf explants co-cultivated during above 48hr severely decreased survival rate and shooting rate. Best result on survival rate and shooting rate were obtained when exposed for 24 h. 80 explants of 105 leaf explants survived on 3/2 MS medium containing 2.0 mg/L zeatin and 10 mg/L kanamycin sulfate, and 15 shoots was regenerated on the same medium. To select kanamycin sulfate resistant plant, regenerate as cultured on 3/2 MS medium containing 10 mg/L kanamycin sulfate, and obtained 5 kanamycin resistant plants. Southern blot analysis conformed that the rolC gene was incorporated into the genomic DNA of kanamycin resistant plants.

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Development of transgenic strawberry plants expressing monellin, a sweet protein (감미단백질 모넬린 발현 딸기 형질전환 식물체 개발)

  • Min, Sung Ran;Ko, Suk Min;Lyu, Jae Il;Park, Ji Hyun;Yi, So Young;Lee, In-Ha;Kim, Hyun Sook;Kim, Tae Il;Choi, Pil Son;Jeong, Won-Joong;Kim, Suk Weon;Kim, Jonghyun;Liu, Jang R.
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.180-185
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    • 2015
  • Leaf discs from 'Yeobong' and 'Maehyang' strawberry plants were used as explants for transformation. The Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 harboring the monellin gene under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter was used in co-cultivation experiments. The frequencies of callus formation and plant regeneration from leaf explants after co-cultivation in 'Yeobong' were higher than those of 'Maehyang'. These transgenic plants showed normal growth patterns and flowering. PCR and Southern hybridization confirmed that 1 to 2 copies of the monellin gene were integrated into genome of the transgenic strawberry plants. Northern blot analysis confirm that the transcripts were expressed in transgenic strawberry plants. Although long-term subcultured transgenic strawberry plants showed a phenomenon to escape the transgene, the transformation system established in this study provides new opportunities for genetic improvement of strawberry plants.

Introduction of VP6 Gene into Potato Plant by Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation and Analysis of VP6 Expression in Transgenic Potatoes (Rotavirus VP6 유전자의 감자식물체내로의 도입과 형질전환체의 발현분석)

  • Youm, Jung-Won;Jeon, Jae-Heung;Jung, Jae-Yeol;Lee, Byoung-Chan;Kang, Won-Jin;Kim, Mi-Sun;Kim, Chul-Joong;Joung, Hyouk;Kim, Hyun-Soon
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2002
  • A VP6 fragments was subcloned with BamHI in the binary pMBP-1 vector under Califlower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) 355 promoter and neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt II) gene. The recombinant binary vector was mobilized into Agrobacterium-tumefaciens LBA4404 by the freeze-thaw method and potato (Solanum tubensum L. cv Desiree) was transformed by modified leaf-disc cocultivation. Shoots were induced on MS medium with 0.01 mg/L NAA, 0.1 mg/L GA$_3$, 2.0 mg/L Zeatin, 100.0 mg/L kanamycin, 500.0 mg/L carbenicillin. In order to identify the copy number of VP6 into potato plant, total genomic DNA was isolated from transgenic potato and analysed by Southern blotting. Genomic DNA and total mRNA analysis demonstrated the incorporation of the foreign gene into the potato genome, as well as their transcription.

Improvement and Evaluation of Resident Satisfaction Degree on Rural Village Development Project by Rural Territory (지역유형을 고려한 농촌마을종합개발사업의 주민평가 및 개선방안)

  • Choi, Young-Wan;Park, Jeong-Won;Yoon, Yong-Cheol;Kim, Young-Joo
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2011
  • This research had selected current rural village development projects with the representative meaning of rural regional development projects in order to analyze results of projects and various policies of the government to enhance the quality of resident life and to develop rural regions. For the analysis, this research had selected 2 districts of the case study in Gyeongnam-province and Jeonnam-province, respectively. In the result of the satisfaction analysis on the projects, it was considerably difficult to analyze satisfaction degree by using a clear distinction of each region type when promoting overall project. However, this research confirmed that there were some differences about residents' understanding of the project and satisfaction degree in the process of projects according to the regional characteristics (rural and mountain areas). In general, two districts' residents of rural areas expressed relatively more negative feedbacks in process of the project compared to two district residents of mountain areas. This research suggested that it is needed to have residents' understanding of the project, a restoration of village community spirit to help each other and to cooperate, fostering a desirable leader, establishing effective village regulations, transition into an open and inclusive attitude, promoting rural village development project, and realization of the operating method in order to have an amicable project process in the future.