• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공동생산 활동

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WBS Development for Acquisition and Analysis of public Housing Productivity Data (공동주택 생산성 데이터 수집/분석을 위한 WBS 개발)

  • Kim, Jae-Woo;Kim, Yea-Sang;Kim, Young-Suk;Kim, Sang-Bum
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.86-94
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    • 2008
  • Productivity is one of key management indexes for evaluating soundness of a manufacturing organization and its efficiency. In many aspects of productivity management in the construction industry, however, intuition of an experienced field manager still plays a greater role while productivity data is not utilized efficiently for the construction management purposes, because the collection and analysis of the productivity-related information are not systematic. Lack of systematic method in collecting and analyzing the productivity data results in such problems. The existing WBS should therefore be improved to solve them. The authors developed a new WBS for productivity data collection and analysis by following the research direction that was determined by literature reviews, overseas cases, and interviews with field engineers. The new breakdown structure was then evaluated for its feasibility as a productivity analysis framework. It is expected that the productivity data collected by the WBS will be used for OLAP and mining for future productivity forecast.

The Beginning of Decentralization: Seongbuk Village Archive (자치분권의 시작, 성북마을아카이브)

  • Kang, Sungbong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 2022
  • Seongbuk Village Archive is a village archive built by Seongbuk-gu Office and Seongbuk Cultural Center to contain the uniqueness and specificity of the region. It is a community archive that preserves the records of the community and a digital archive that builds a database through the digitalization of source data. The management system and home page were established through annual and step-by-step promotion through public-private governance. Seongbuk Village Archive's system is designed to facilitate data accumulation and connection between individual records based on the advanced village record standard classification system. Based on this, Seongbuk Cultural Center tried to produce convergence cultural content by linking records online and off-line. In addition, the composition of items displayed on the website has been diversified to not only preserve records but also produce and utilize content. It is a structure created after contemplating how to show the creation and existence of Seongbuk's historical and cultural resources to users in context. In addition, a richer archive platform was built through various curations and activities of the resident record group.

A Qualitative Inquiry on the Social and Economic Activities by Immigrant Farm Households (귀농인의 사회·경제 활동과 함의)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seop
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.53-89
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    • 2014
  • Immigrant farmers work in various social and economic fields of activity, settling in their rural community. In this study, I inquired into the way of acting of immigrant farmers, based on the texts which were made in the precedent studies. The texts were transcriptions that were made by interviews with immigrant farmers. I classified immigrant farmers' activities into 8 groups that were related to; farming, nonfarm business, off-farm business, volunteering, participating in community organization, lifelong learning, leisure and social interaction in everyday life. And, I tried to capture the characteristics and meanings of those activities. The implications from this analysis are as followings: 1) most of immigrant farmers have small family farm so that they need nonfarm or off-farm jobs, 2) pluri-acivities of immigrant farm households can contribute to their community's economic viability, 3) their economic activities should be observed carefully in the perspective of self-help approach in community development as well as farm households' livelihood strategy, 4) immigrant farmers have many difficulties to participate in community, nevertheless community participation will improve the social capital, 5) gender-sensitive policy should be developed.

A Comparative Analysis of Status on the Selection and Evaluation of Field Manager in Apartment and Office Building Project (공동주택과 오피스 건설현장의 조직원선정 및 평가실태 비교분석)

  • Lee Jung-Yong;Kim Byeong-Lae;Son Chang-Baek
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.290-293
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    • 2003
  • The field organization management in construction industry is very important factor improvement and cost reduction. But, until now, evaluation methods on the existing field organization did not make ready and endeavor of organization betterment was insufficient in construction industry. The purpose of this study to provide basic data for reasonable selection and evaluation of the field manager through analyzing operation status of the existing field organization in apartment and office building project by interview and questionnaire on the 22 construction companies. This study presented optimal proposal on the selection and evalution of field manager for productivity improvement and cost reduction by means of efficient construction progress in apartment and dffice building project.

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Sectoral Patterns of Technological Innovation in Korean Manufacturing Sector (한국 제조업의 산업별 기술혁신패턴 분석)

  • Hong, Jang-Pyo;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.25-53
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this paper is to analysis sectoral patterns of technological innovation in Korean manufacturing sector. Pavitt(1984) put forward a well-known taxonomy that industries three groups of industries characterized by markedly different innovative modes, namely science-based, production-intensive and supplier-dominated industries. Using Pavitt's taxonomy as a framework, we try to explain similarities and differences among sectors in the sources and impact of innovations. Based on a sample of 2,371 firms in manufacturing industry, this paper investigated its relevance to explain the sources and directions of innovative activities in Korean industries. Empirical study shows that in supplier dominated firms most process innovations come from suppliers of equipment and materials. In science-based firms product innovation is produced internally, based on the rapid development of the underlying sciences in the universities and research institutes. It also shows that production-intensive firms have a positive association between innovativeness and customer collaboration. This explanation has implications for our understanding of the sources and directions of technical changes, the formation of technological advantages at the level of both region and country.

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스마트워크 서비스 확산을 위한 정책 추진방향

  • Lee, Seung-Taek;O, Seong-Tak
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.29 no.12
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    • pp.39-42
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    • 2012
  • 스마트워크란 시간과 장소에 얽매이지 않고 언제 어디서나 편리하고 똑똑하게 근무하는 미래지향적인 업무환경을 의미한다. 스마트워크의 성공적인 도입은 업무효율성 향상을 통해 기업의 경쟁력을 강화하고 창의성과 생산성을 제고할 수 있는 혁신의 틀을 제공한다. 특히, 업무에 대한 시간 공간 신체적 조건을 완화시킴으로써 육아여성, 고령층, 장애인 등 근로소외계층의 경제활동 참여를 제고시켜 저출산 고령화 등의 사회문제를 해소하는 등 국가 사회적 측면에서도 스마트워크의 도입은 그 중요성이 날로 증대되고 있다. 향후, 스마트워크 서비스의 조기 활성화를 위해서는 정부 민간 공동의 선도 시범사업 추진, 제도적 기반 마련, 스마트워크 문화 확산 및 여건 조성 등의 정책과제를 발굴하여 추진하여야 한다.

The 18th Korea Pallet & Container Awards (제18회 한국파렛트컨테이너산업대상)

  • (사)한국포장협회
    • The monthly packaging world
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    • s.344
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    • pp.92-95
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    • 2021
  • (사)한국파렛트컨테이너협회(회장 서병륜, 이하 KPCA)는 11월 10일 서울 중구 대한상공회의소 국제회의장에서 '제18회 한국파렛트컨테이너산업대상' 시상식을 개최했다. KPCA가 주최하고, KPCA와 대한상공회의소가 공동 주관하며, 산업통산자원부, 국토교통부, 국가표준기술원, 물류신문사 등이 후원한 이번 시상식은 '제8회 글로벌 유닛로드시스템 창의성 공모전', '유닛로드시스템 컨퍼런스'와 함께 열렸다. 이번 시상식은 지난해에 이어 무관객(행사 주최 및 발표자와 수상자만 참여) 방식으로 열렸다. 동시에 유튜브 실시간 방송을 진행해 온라인으로 생중계되었다. 한국파렛트컨테이너산업대상은 우리나라 산업물류의 혁신을 위해 표준파렛트와 표준컨테이너의 생산 및 사용에 있어 가장 모범이 되는 우수한 업체와 그러한 활동에 헌신한 개인 또는 단체를 발굴, 포상함으로써 유닛로드시스템의 보급 및 확산을 촉진해 우리나라 산업물류 효율화에 기여하고자 주는 상이다. 올해 시상식에서는 산업통산자원부장관 표창 3명, 국가기술표준원장 표창 3명, 한국파렛트컨테이너 협회장 표창 5명 등 총 11명이 수상의 영광을 안았다. 다음에 제18회 한국파렛트컨테이너산업대상 수상자들의 공적 내용을 살펴보도록 한다.

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17th Korea Pallet & Container Awards (제17회 한국파렛트컨테이너산업대상)

  • (사)한국포장협회
    • The monthly packaging world
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    • s.332
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    • pp.98-101
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    • 2020
  • (사)한국파렛트컨테이너협회(회장 서병륜, 이하 KPCA)는 11월 12일 서울 중구 대한상공회의소 국제회의장에서 '제17회 한국파렛트컨테이너산업대상' 시상식을 개최했다. KPCA가 주최하고, KPCA와 대한상공회의소가 공동 주관하며, 산업통산자원부, 국토교통부, 국가표준기술원, 물류신문사 등이 후원한 이번 시상식은 '제7회 글로벌 유닛로드시스템 창의성 공모전', '유닛로드시스템 컨퍼런스'와 함께 열렸다. 이번 시상식은 최근 코로나19 팬더믹으로 무관객(행사 주최 및 발표자와 수상자만 참여) 방식으로 열렸다. 동시에 유튜브 실시간 방송을 진행해 온라인으로 생중계 되었다. 한국파렛트컨테이너산업대상은 우리나라 산업물류의 혁신을 위해 표준파렛트와 표준컨테이너의 생산 및 사용에 있어 가장 모범이 되는 우수한 업체와 그러한 활동에 헌신한 개인 또는 단체를 발굴, 포상함으로써 유닛로드시스템의 보급 및 확산을 촉진해 우리나라 산업물류 효율화에 기여하고자 주는 상이다. 올해 시상식에서는 산업통산자원부 장관 표창 3명, 국가기술표준원 원장 표창 3명, 한국파렛트컨테이너협회장 표창 5명 등 총 11명이 수상의 영광을 안았다. 다음에 제17회 한국파렛트컨테이너산업대상 수상자들의 공적사항을 살펴보도록 한다.

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A Study on the Relation between the Community and the Mask dramas of Korea southeast region (한국 동남부 탈놀음과 공동체와의 상관성 고찰)

  • Chung, Sangbak
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.32
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    • pp.7-30
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    • 2016
  • The inter­relationship of Korea southeast region community related to a mask dramas in depth. The Folk mask dramas are, for traditional community members to live well and enjoy cultural practices in society. Even if a mask drama would be performed in the 21st century, it would be the one of traditional society. It shows the life of traditional society and proposes the issue of traditional society. The thing is handed down well with technology of a mask drama assigned as intangible cultural asset. The Korea southeast region, Kyongsang Provinces, or Yeongnam area has been handed down several kind of mask dramas. These are Byeolsingut Talnori with religious, the Ogwangdae of wandering play team, the Ogwangdae of local residents, and the Dulnorum of local residents. The mask dramas of Korea southeast region are specified as intangible cultural asset, many traditional mask play were restored. The restoring is imitation. These things are difficult to assigned as the intangible cultural asset. But though it is the imitation of the mask dramas, it is culture phenomenon. So we need to make the fostering system.

An Analysis of Ensuring Partyhood of Citizen Archivists in Documenting the Underprivileged: Case of Archival Activities of Wanwol-Dong (시민의 '기록자로서의 당사자성' 획득 과정 : 완월동 시민아키비스트 기록 활동을 중심으로)

  • Eunhee Bae;Moon-Won Seol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.63-79
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    • 2023
  • In modern society, there remain underprivileged communities that do not perform their own archival activities and documentation. Thus, many outside citizen archivists take the role of documenting the lives and activities of such communities on their behalf. However, ensuring the partyhood of these citizen archivists who are not part of the community proves to be problematic. This study aims to analyze how outside citizen archivists acquire partyhood in the process of documenting underprivileged communities through a case study labeled "Citizen Archivist Training Project" in Wanwol-dong, an area in Busan with a huge prostitution business. First, the process of acquiring partyhood in the outside citizen archivists' documentation of underprivileged communities was divided into three stages, following the literature review process. Second, this partyhood acquisition process was investigated stage by stage through interviews with participants in the case study in Wanwol-dong. Third and finally, following the investigation's findings, the attitude and position outside citizen archivists should have and take, respectively, in documenting underprivileged communities were identified.