• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공기의 저항

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Experimental Study on the Behavior of Building Hardware with Joint Details (접합 방법에 따른 하지철물 구조물의 거동에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Hong, Seonguk;Kim, Seunghun;Baek, Kiyoul
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.190-198
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, non-welded building hardware has been installed by bolt assembly is used. The non-welded building hardware method can reduce accidents caused by welding, and can be constructed by bolt assembly, which can reduce labor costs and shorten the construction period. However, there is a need for a method to compensate for the occurrence of buckling at the time of construction. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the behavior of joints between steel pipe and fastener and to evaluate the behavior of joints of non-welded and welded hardware frame. As a result, it was found that the foundation steel structure without welded joints was deformed to a rotation angle of member much larger than the allowable interlayer displacement angle 0.01 to 0.02 required according to the seismic load rating in the seismic load resistance system.

Synthesis and Characterization of La0.75Sr0.25FeO3 Used as Cathode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell by GNP Method (GNP법을 이용한 고체산화물 연료전지의 공기극용 La0.75Sr0.25FeO3의 제조 및 특성)

  • Park, Ju-Hyun;Son, Hui-Jeong;Lim, Tak-Hyoung;Lee, Seung-Bok;Yun, Ki-Seok;Yoon, Soon-Gil;Shin, Dong-Ryul;Song, Rak-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2007
  • We synthesized and investigated $La_{0.75}Sr_{0.25}FeO_3$ by Glycine Nitrate Process(GNP) method used as cathode materials for SOFC(solid oxide fuel cell). Optimized amount of glycine is 3.17 mol. ICP elemental composition analysis indicated that the stoichiometry of the synthesized powders have nearly nominal values. SEM images and XRD patterns reveal that the synthesized powder has uniform size distribution and high degree of crystallinity. The sample powders were isostatically pressed to form a pellet. The green body was sintered at $1200^{\circ}C$ and the relative density of the sintered specimens were measured by Archimedes mettled. We measured electrochemical performance of LSF by AC impedance spectroscopy. Resistance of LSF shows lower value than that of LSM throughout all temperature region. The anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell showed a performance of $342mW/cm^2(0.7V,\;488mA/cm^2)$ at $750^{\circ}C$. The electrochemical characteristics of the single cell were examined by at impedance method.

Joint Design and Strength Evaluation of Composite Air Spoiler for Ship (선박용 복합재 에어 스포일러의 체결부 설계 및 강도 평가)

  • Pi, June-Woo;Jeon, Sang-Bae;Lee, Guen-Ho;Jo, Young-Dae;Choi, Jin-Ho;Kweon, Jin-Hwe
    • Composites Research
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2015
  • Air spoiler, which can reduce the drag during operation, can be considered as a possible means to reduce carbon dioxide emission and to increase fuel efficiency. In this study, a composite air spoiler was designed and tested by static and repeated loads. The Green Water Pressure of 0.1 MPa a ship experiences during operation was perpendicularly applied to the air spoiler. Air spoiler was manufactured with sandwich panel which has glass fabric face and balsa core. Multiple sandwich panels were assembled to steel frame by bolt joint. The joint was designed to have bearing failure and examined by static and fatigue tests. Tests showed that the designed joint has enough margin of safety to endure joint failure. The developed sandwich panel to air spoiler is planned to be applied to a large scale commercial ship.

An Experimental Study on Mortar to Apply Building Structure (건축물 구조체에 적용가능한 모르타르에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kwon, Mi-Ok;Yoon, Ki-Hyun;Jung, Kang-Sik;Kim, Gang-Ki;Paik, Min-Su;Jung, Sang-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.413-416
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    • 2008
  • The concrete used most in construction materials. There is an overcrowded iron dimensions use of the concrete at time of the other concrete theory on the reinforcing rod back which did congestion and compares it with this, and there are more few dimensions of the aggregate than concrete, and quantity of aggregate passage is superior in mortar than concrete. If a volume rate of the aggregate writes mortar than concrete against this, therefore, unit amount increases, and quantity of paste increases and quantity of dry shrinkage than increase concrete. However, I let I regulate lay priest distribution of the aggregate, and the results rates increase and reduce unit amount and decrease quantity of dry shrinkage, and separation resistance and the gap passage characteristics are judged because it can be it in a substitute document of very superior concrete. I came to carry out the study that I watched to let I was useful a little more and do the improvement repair of a become building wall body, a basement pillar and repair reinforcement of the assistant in the reinforcing rod back, the old age when I made congestion here. I regulated lay priest distribution of the aggregate in the study and regulated substitution rate of the aggregate (40%, 50%, 60%) and divided W/C 30%, 40% standards and produced mortar and I compared quantity of air by this, slump, compression robbery and showed it this time.

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Effect of Powder Hardening Accelerator on the Physical Properties of Precast Concrete (분말형 경화촉진제를 혼입한 PC부재용 콘크리트의 기초특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Jun, Woo-Chul;Seo, Hwi-Wan;Bae, Yeoun-Ki;Park, Hee-Gon;Min, Tae-Beom;Kwon, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.265-271
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    • 2015
  • This study is intended to produce a PC (Precast Concrete) member without a steam curing process in developing the high early strength concrete satisfying the condition of 10MPa in compressive strength at the age of 6 hours, and is intended to ensure economic feasibility by increasing the turnover rate of concrete form. Hence, high early strength cement with high $C_3S$ content and the hardening accelerator of powder type accelerating the hydration of $C_3S$ was used. And the properties of concrete were evaluated according to the hardening accelerator mixing ratio (0, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0). No big difference was found from the tests of both slump and air content. When 1.6 % or higher amounts of the hardening accelerator were mixed, the compressive strength of 10MPa was achieved at the age of 6 hours. From the test results of autogenous (drying) shrinkage and plastic shrinkage, it can be seen that there was a difference according to hydration reaction rate due to the addition of the hardening accelerator. However, it was shown that no problem arose with crack and durability. And it was shown that resistance to freezing-thawing, carbonation, and penetration were excellent.

Characterization of Physical Factor of Unsaturated Ground Deformation induced by Rainfall (강우를 고려한 불포화 지반변형의 영향인자 평가)

  • Kim, Man-Il;Jeon, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2008
  • Geophysical survey for establishing a wide site for the distribution of water content, wetting front infiltration due to the rainfall, and distribution of groundwater level has been performed by using 8round penetration radar (GPR) method, electrical resistivity method, and so on. On the other hand, a narrow area survey was performed to use a permittivity method such as time domain reflectometry, frequency domain reflectometry, and amplitude domain reflectometry methods for estimating volumetric water content, soil density, and concentration of contaminant in surface and subsurface. The permittivity methods establish more corrective physical parameters than different found survey technologies mentioned above. In this study for establishment of infiltration behaviors for wetting front in the unsaturated soil caused by an artificial rainfall, soil physical parameters for volumetric water content, pore water pressure, and pore air pressure were measured by FDR measurement device and pore water pressure meter which are installed in the unsaturated weathered granite soil with different depths. Consequently, the authors were proposed to a new establishment method for analyzing the variations of volumetric water content and wetting front infiltration from the responses of infiltrating pore water in the unsaturated soil.

Water-Soluble Conjugated Polymer and Graphene Oxide Composite Used as an Efficient Hole-Transporting Layer for Organic Solar Cells (수용성 공액고분자/그래핀 옥사이드 복합체를 이용한 유기태양전지의 정공수송층에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyu-Ri;Oh, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Hyun Bin;Jeun, Joon-Pyo;Kang, Phil-Huyn
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.38-42
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    • 2014
  • The poly[(9,9-bis((6'-(N,N,N-trimethylammonium)hexyl)-2,7-fluorene)-alt-(9,9-bis(2-(2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethoxy)ethyl)-9-fluorene)) dibromide (WPF-6-oxy-F)] and graphene oxide (GO) was blended and irradiated with gamma ray under ambient condition. This WPF-6-oxy-F-GO composite was investigated as a hole-transporting layer (HTL) in organic solar cells (OSCs). Compared with the pristine GO, the sheet resistance ($R_{sheet}$) of irradiated WPF-6-oxy-F-GO was decreased about 2 orders of magnitude. The reason for the decrease of $R_{sheet}$ is the effect of efficient ${\pi}-{\pi}$ packing resulted from the formation of C-N bond between WPF6-oxy-F and GO. As a result, the efficiency of OSCs was dramatically enhanced ~ 6.10% by introducing irradiated WPF-6-oxy-F-GO as a HTL. WPF-6-oxy-F-GO is a sufficient candidate for HTL to facilitate the low-cost and high efficiency OSCs.

Optimization of anode and electrolyte microstructure for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (고체산화물 연료전지 연료극 및 전해질 미세구조 최적화)

  • Noh, Jong Hyeok;Myung, Jae-ha
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.525-530
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    • 2019
  • The performance and stability of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) depend on the microstructure of the electrode and electrolyte. In anode, porosity and pore distribution affect the active site and fuel gas transfer. In an electrolyte, density and thickness determine the ohmic resistance. To optimizing these conditions, using costly method cannot be a suitable research plan for aiming at commercialization. To solve these drawbacks, we made high performance unit cells with low cost and highly efficient ceramic processes. We selected the NiO-YSZ cermet that is a commercial anode material and used facile methods like die pressing and dip coating process. The porosity of anode was controlled by the amount of carbon black (CB) pore former from 10 wt% to 20 wt% and final sintering temperature from $1350^{\circ}C$ to $1450^{\circ}C$. To achieve a dense thin film electrolyte, the thickness and microstructure of electrolyte were controlled by changing the YSZ loading (vol%) of the slurry from 1 vol% to 5 vol. From results, we achieved the 40% porosity that is well known as an optimum value in Ni-YSZ anode, by adding 15wt% of CB and sintering at $1350^{\circ}C$. YSZ electrolyte thickness was controllable from $2{\mu}m$ to $28{\mu}m$ and dense microstructure is formed at 3vol% of YSZ loading via dip coating process. Finally, a unit cell composed of Ni-YSZ anode with 40% porosity, YSZ electrolyte with a $22{\mu}m$ thickness and LSM-YSZ cathode had a maximum power density of $1.426Wcm^{-2}$ at $800^{\circ}C$.

Integrated Algorithm for Identification of Long Range Artillery Type and Impact Point Prediction With IMM Filter (IMM 필터를 이용한 장사정포의 탄종 분리 및 탄착점 예측 통합 알고리즘)

  • Jung, Cheol-Goo;Lee, Chang-Hun;Tahk, Min-Jea;Yoo, Dong-Gil;Sohn, Sung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.50 no.8
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    • pp.531-540
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we present an algorithm that identifies artillery type and rapidly predicts the impact point based on the IMM filter. The ballistic trajectory equation is used as a system model, and three models with different ballistic coefficient values are used. Acceleration was divided into three components of gravity, air resistance, and lift. And lift acceleration was added as a new state variable. The kinematic condition that the velocity vector and lift acceleration are perpendicular was used as a pseudo-measurement value. The impact point was predicted based on the state variable estimated through the IMM filter and the ballistic coefficient of the model with the highest mode probability. Instead of the commonly used Runge-Kutta numerical integration for impact point prediction, a semi-analytic method was used to predict impact point with a small amount of calculation. Finally, a state variable initialization method using the least-square method was proposed. An integrated algorithm including artillery type identification, impact point prediction and initialization was presented, and the validity of the proposed method was verified through simulation.

Evaluation of Freeze-Thaw Damage on Concrete Using Nonlinear Ultrasound (초음파의 비선형 특성을 이용한 콘크리트 동결융해 손상 평가)

  • Choi, Ha-Jin;Kim, Ryul-Ri;Lee, Jong-Suk;Min, Ji-Young
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2021
  • Leakage due to deterioration and damage is one of the major causes of volume change by freezing and thawing, and it leads micro-cracking and surface scaling in concrete structures. The deterioration of damaged concrete accelerates with the chloride attack. Thus, in the detailed guidelines for facility performance evaluation (2020), the quality of cover concrete and the freeze-thaw (FT) repetition cycle were newly suggested for concrete durability assessment. The quality of cover concrete should be evaluated by the rebound hammer test and the FT repetition cycle should be also considered in the deterioration environmental assessment. This study suggested the application of fast dynamic based nonlinear ultrasound method to monitor initial micro-scale damage under freezing and thawing environment. Concrete specimens were fabricated with different water-cement ratios (40%, 60%) and air contents (1.5% and 3.0%). The compressive strength, rebound number, relative dynamic modulus, and nonlinear ultrasound were measured with different FT cycles. The scanning electron microscopy was also performed to investigate the micro-scale FT damage. As a result, both the rebound number and the relative dynamic modulus had difficulty to detect early damage but the proposed method showed a potential to detect initial micro-scale damage and predict the FT resistance performance of concrete.