• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공기의 저항

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Comparison of Thermal Insulation of Multi-Layer Thermal Screens for Greenhouse: Results of Hot-Box Test (온실용 다겹보온자재의 보온성 비교 -Hot box 시험 결과를 중심으로-)

  • Yun, Sung-Wook;Lee, Si-Young;Kang, Dong-Hyeon;Son, Jinkwan;Park, Min-Jung;Kim, Hee-Tae;Choi, Duk-Kyu
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.255-264
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we conducted the hot box tests to compare the changes in thermal insulation for the four types of multi-layer thermal screens by the used period after collecting them from the greenhouses in the field when they were replaced at the end of their usage. The main materials for these four types of multi-layer thermal screens were matt georgette, non-woven fabrics, polyethylene (PE) foam, chemical cotton, etc. These materials were differently combined for each multi-layer thermal screen. We built specimens ($70{\times}70cm$) for each of these multi-layer thermal screens and measured the temperature descending rate, heat transmission coefficient, and thermal resistance for each specimen through the hot box tests. With regard to the material combinations of multi-layer thermal screens, thermal insulation can be increased by applying a multi-layered PE foam. However, it is considered that the multi-layered PE foam significantly less contributes to heat-retaining than chemical wool that forms an air-insulating layer inside multi-layer thermal screens. For the suitable heat-retaining performance of multi-layer thermal screens, basically, materials with the function of forming an air-insulating layer such as chemical cotton should be contained in multi-layer thermal screens. The temperature descending rate, heat transmission coefficient, and thermal resistance of multi-layer thermal screens were appropriately measured through the hot box tests designed in this study. However, in this study, we took into consideration only the four kinds of multi-layer thermal screens due to difficulties in collecting used multi-layer thermal screens. This is the results obtained with relatively few examples and it is the limit of this study. In the future, more cases should be investigated and supplemented through related research.

Experimental Study on the Hysteresis of Suction Stress in Unsaturated Sand (불포화 모래의 흡입응력 이력현상에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Song, Young-Suk;Choi, Jin-Su;Kim, Gyo-Won
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.145-155
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    • 2012
  • The matric suction and volumetric water content of Jumunin standard sand with a relative density of 60% were measured using an Automated Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) apparatus during both drying and wetting processes. The test time for the drying process was longer than that for the wetting process, because the flow of water is likely to be protected by air trapped in voids within the soils during the drying process. Based on the matric suction and volumetric water content, the SWCC was estimated using the model proposed by van Genuchten (1980). For the drying process, the unsaturated fitting parameters ${\alpha}$, n, and m were 0.399, 8.586, and 0.884, respectively; for the wetting process, the values were 0.548, 5.625, and 8.220, respectively. The hysteresis phenomenon occurred in the SWCCs, which means the SWCC of the drying process is not matched with the SWCC of the wetting process. Using these unsaturated parameters, we estimated the Suction Stress Characteristic Curve (SSCC), based on the relationship between suction stress and the effective degree of saturation. The suction stress showed a rapid decrease when the matric suction exceeds the Air Entry Value (AEV). Therefore, the effective stress of unsaturated soils is different from that of saturated soils when the matric suction exceeds the AEV. The suction stress of the drying process exceeds that of the wetting process for a given effective degree of saturation. The hysteresis phenomenon was also recognized in SSCCs. The hysteresis phenomenon of SSCCs arises from that of SWCCs, which is induced by the ink bottle effect and the contact angle effect. In the case of a sandy slope, the suction stress is positive and acts to enhance the slope stability as the water infiltrates the ground, but is negative when the suction stress exceeds the AEV. The results obtained for the wetting process should be applied in analyses of slope stability, because the process of water infiltration into ground is similar to the wetting process.

The Effect of Chemical Composition and Sintering Temperature on the Experiment of Physical Properties of Ni-Zn Ferrite (Ni-Zn Ferrite의 조성성분 및 소결온도에 따른 물리적 특성의 실험적 연구)

  • Koh, Jae-Gui
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 2006
  • The basic composition of Ni-Zn ferrite was $(Ni_{0.35}Cu_{0.2}Zn_{0.45})_{1.02}(Fe_2O_3)_{0.98}$ (group A) and $(Ni_{0.4}Cu_{0.2}Zn_{0.4})_{1.02}(Fe_2O_3)_{0.98}$(group B) with additional 0.1 mol% $CaCO_3$ and 0.03 mol% $V_2O_5$. For high permeability and acceleration of grain growth, $CaCO_3$ and $V_2O_5$ was added. The mixture of the law materials was calcinated at $600^{\circ}C$ for 2 hours and then milled. The compacts of toroidal type were sintered at different temperature ($1,050^{\circ}C,\;1,070^{\circ}C,\;1,100^{\circ}C$) for 2 hours in air followed by an air cooling. Then, effects of various composition and sintering temperatures on the microstructure and physical properties such as density, resistivity, magnetic induction, coercive force, initial permeability, quality factor, and curie temperature of the Ni-Zn ferrite were investigated. The density of the Ni-Zn ferrite was $4.90{\sim}5.10g/cm^3$, resistivity revealed $10^8{\sim}10^{12}{\Omega}-cm$. The average grain size increased with the increase of sintering temperatures. The magnetic properties obtained from the aforementioned Ni-Zn ferrite specimens were 4,000 gauss for the maximum induction, 0.25 oersted for the coercive force, 2,997 for the initial permeability, 208 for the quality factor, and $202^{\circ}C$ for the curie temperature. The physical properties indicated that the specimens could be utilized as the core of microwave communication and high permeability deflection yoke of high permeability.

Development of LSM-Coated Crofer Mesh for Current Collectors in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (LSM이 코팅된 고체산화물 연료전지용 Crofer Mesh 집전체 개발)

  • Baek, Joo-Yul;Park, Seok-Joo;Lee, Seung-Bok;Lee, Jong-Won;Lim, Tak-Hyoung;Song, Rak-Hyun;Kim, Kwang-Bum;Shin, Dong-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.256-263
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    • 2010
  • A Crofer 22 APU mesh coated with a conductive ceramic material was developed as an alternative cathode current collector to Ag-based materials for solid oxide fuel cells. $(La_{0.80}Sr_{0.20})_{0.98}MnO_3$ (LSM) layer was deposited onto the Crofer mesh using a spray-coating technique, in an attempt to mitigate the degradation of electrical properties due to surface oxidation at high temperatures. The oxidation experiments at $800^{\circ}C$ in air indicated that the areaspecific resistance (ASR) of the LSM-coated Crofer mesh was strongly dependent on the wire diameter and the contact morphology between mesh and cell. In addition, the post-heat-treatment in $H_2/N_2$ resulted in a reduced thickness of Cr-containing oxide scales at the interface between Crofer mesh and LSM layer, leading to a decreased ASR.

Characteristics of Wakes in a Viscous Liquid Medium of a Simulated GTL Process (모사된 GTL공정의 점성액체 매체에서 wake의 특성)

  • Lim, Dae Ho;Jang, Ji Hwa;Kang, Yong;Jun, Ki Won
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.571-576
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    • 2011
  • Characteristics of bubble driven wakes were investigated in a simulated GTL process(0.102 m ${\times}$ 1.5 m in height) with viscous liquid medium. Effects of gas velocity(0.04 ~ 0.12 m/s) and liquid viscosity(0.001 ~ 0.050 $Pa{\cdot}s$) on the wake characteristics such as rising velocity, frequency, size and holdup were determined by employing a resistivity probe method. The wake phase formed behind the rising multi-bubbles as well as single bubbles were detected effectively from the conductivity fluctuations measured by the probe. Compressed, filtered and regulated air and aqueous solutions of Carboxy Methyl Cellulose(CMC) were used as a dispersed gas phase and a continuous liquid medium, respectively. It was found that the rising velocity and size of wake phase increased with an increase in gas velocity or liquid viscosity. The holdup and frequency of wake phase increased with increasing gas velocity due to the increase of gas input into the process with increasing gas velocity. However, the values of holdup and frequency of wake phase decreased with increasing liquid viscosity, since the size of bubbles and thus that of wakes increased with increasing liquid viscosity. The ratio of wake holdup to that of gas phase, which was in the range of 0.25 ~ 0.48, increased with an increase in liquid viscosity but decreased with gas velocity. The wake characteristics were well correlated in terms of operating variables within this experimental conditions.

A Study on Strength of Plat-Plate Wall-Column Connections (Wall Column을 적용한 플랫플레이트 접합부 강도발현에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Do-Bum;Park, Hong-Gun;Lee, Li-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.18 no.2 s.92
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2006
  • Flat-plate building systems are utilized extensively for construction of apartments, hotels and office buildings because of short construction period, low floor-to-floor height and flexibility in plan design. Recently, to increase lateral seismic resistance of flat-plate building systems, wall-columns are used frequently. Therefore, to estimate strength of flat-plate column connection accurately, the effect of column section shape on the behavior of flat-plate column connection should be considered properly, In the present study, a numerical analysis was performed for interior connections of continuous flat-plate to analyze the effect of column section shape. For the purpose, a computer program for nonlinear FE analysis was developed, and the validity was verified. Through the parametric study, the variations of shear stress distribution around the connection were investigated. According to the result of numerical analysis, as the length of the cross section of column in the direction of lateral load increases, the effective area and the maximum shear strength providing the torsional resistance decrease considerably. Therefore, these effects should be considered properly to estimate the strength of flat-plate connection accurately.

Evaluation for Applicability of Reinforced Concrete Structure with Domestic Pond Ash (국산 매립회 골재를 사용한 콘크리트 구조물의 적용성 평가)

  • Lee, Bong-Chun;Jung, Sang-Hwa;Chae, Sung-Tae;Kwon, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.541-550
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    • 2011
  • Many researches have been performed on concrete with fly ash and bottom ash. However researches on concrete with pond ash (PA) and its application to RC (Reinforced Concrete) structure are limitedly carried out. This paper presents an applicability of PA concrete in construction of real size structure. Referring to the previous study, 2 domestic PA samples with normal performance are selected and 2 replacement ratios (25% and 50%) to fine aggregate are considered for 5 PA concrete structures consisting of column, slab, and wall. In order to evaluate the property of fresh concrete, several tests including air content, slump, and setting time are performed. Using cored out samples from hardened PA concrete structure, tests for strength, resistance to carbonation and chloride penetration are carried out and compared with control samples. Additionally, tests for rebound hardness, drying shrinkage, and hydration heat are performed for PA concrete structure. The test results showed that PA concrete has reasonable strength and durability performances compared to those of normal concrete. Therefore, its potential application to RC structure is promising. The PA aggregate can be more actively used for RC structures with better quality control for content of fly ash, bottom ash, and unburned carbon.

Autogenous Shrinkage Mock-up Test of High Performance Concrete by Emulsified Refined Cooking Oil (유화처리 정제식용유를 사용한 고성능 콘크리트의 자기수축 Mock-up 실험)

  • Jo, Man-Ki;Han, Cheon-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.307-315
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this research is analyzing the fundamental properties and autogenous shrinkage reducing performance of 70 and 100MPa grade high performance concrete including emusified refined cooking oil(ERCO) under the mock-up conditions. As a results of experiment, the mixture contained 0.5% of ERCO showed slightly decreased slump flow while the slump was increased and segregation resistance performance was improved as 2.5 of EIS. For air content, all mixtures satisfied target air content with increased unit weight and delayed setting time with ERCO addition. In the case of compressive strength, when ERCO was added 0.5%, the result of approximately 5 to 10% of increased compressive strength was observed. For the autogenous shrinkage, ERCO contributed on 20-30% of shrinkage reducing performance comparing to Plain mixture without ERCO. It is considered that capillary pore filling action of soap particles occurred by the reaction of ERCO in cement paste between fatty aicd and calcium hydroxide contributed the shrinkage reducing performance. Based on these mock-up test results, application of the high performance concrete mixture with ERCO on CFT actual structure was decided.

Field Application of a Precast Concrete-panel Retaining Wall Adhered to In-situ Ground (원지반 부착식 판넬옹벽의 현장 적용성 평가)

  • Min, Kyoung-Nam;Lee, Jae-Won;Lee, Jung-Gwan;Kang, In-Kyu;Ahn, Tae-Bong
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2016
  • New building methods are needed to aid increased inner-city redevelopment and industrial construction. A particular area of improvement is the efficient use of cut slopes, with the minimization of associated problems. A retaining wall of precast panels can resist the horizontal earth pressure by increasing the shear strength of the ground and reinforcing it through contact with the panels. Precast panels allow quick construction and avoid the problem of concrete deterioration. Other problems to be solved include the digging of borrow pits, the disposal of material cut from the slope, and degradation of the landscape caused by the exposed concrete retaining wall.This study suggest the methods of improvement of an existing precast panel wall system by changing the appearance of the panels to that of natural rock and improving the process of adhering the panel to a vertical slope. The panels were tested in the laboratory and in the field. The laboratory test verified their specific strength and behavior, and the field test assessed the panels' ground adherence at a vertical cutting. Reinforcement of the cutting slope was also measured and compared with the results of 3D numerical analysis. The results of laboratory test, identified that the shear bar increase the punching resistance of panel. And as a results of test construction, identified the construct ability and field applicability of the panel wall system adhered to in-situ ground. In addition to that, extended measurement and numerical analysis, identified the long-term stability of panel wall system adhered to in-situ ground.

Moisture Transfer and Velocity of Moisture Transmission by Wood in Steady State (정상상태(定常狀態)에 있어서 목재(木材)의 습기전달(濕氣傳達)과 투습속도(透濕速度))

  • Lee, Weon Hee
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.10
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 1992
  • In general, the behavior of moisture transmission is estimated by vapor permeability or vapor transmission resistance, but its values obtained by experiments do not have great adaptability for practical situations because of changes in the experimental conditions. This fact is why only theoretical discussions have advanced. Thus, the fundamental study of the moisture transmission phenomenon has been treated lightly. Here, as the first step toward the basic research of moisture transmission, the amount of moisture transmission and the moisture distribution in specimens were investigated. The experiment was conducted in a steady state, and the moisture distribution was measured by slicing and weighing the specimens. From the examination of the vapor transmission resistance, the phenomenon of moisture transmission was dealt with devide the moisture transfer on the wood surface and moisture diffusion in wood. The following results were obtained. 1) The phenomenon of moisture transmission should be approached by its division into moisture transfer on the wood surface and moisture diffusion in the wood because the positive values of vapor transmission resistance exist in the extrapolation of thickness 0mm. 2) The distribution of moisture in wood can be illustrated by two straight lines intersecting at the point of nine percent moisture content : namely, diffusion coefficients have two constant values at moisture contents below and above nine percent. The shape of the distribution curve of moisture content is similar irrespective of the wood thickness. On the other hand, when the moisture contents on both sides was more than nine percent, the distribution of the moisture content could be illustrated by one straight lines. 3) The amount of moisture movement is determined by the moisture gradient in wood. 4) Coefficients of the moisture transfer depend on the thickness of the specimens.

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