• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공극시험

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Analysis of Rainfall Infiltration Velocity for Unsaturated Soils by an Unsaturated Soil Column Test : Comparison of Weathered Gneiss Soil and Weathered Granite Soil (불포화토 칼럼시험을 통한 불포화토 내 강우침투속도 분석: 편마암 풍화토와 화강암 풍화토의 비교)

  • Park, Kyu-Bo;Chae, Byung-Gon;Kim, Kyeong-Su;Park, Hyuek-Jin
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2011
  • The unsaturated soil column tests were carried out for weathered gneiss soil and weathered granite soil in order to obtain the relationship between rainfall intensity and infiltration velocity of rainfall on the basis of different unit weight conditions of soil. In this study, volumetric water content and pore water pressure were measured using TDR sensors and tensiometers at constant time interval. For the column test, three different unit weights were used as in-situ condition, loose condition and dense condition, and rainfall intensities were selected as 20 mm/h and 50 mm/h. In 20 mm/h rainfall intensity condition, average rainfall infiltration velocities for both gneiss and weathered granite soils were obtained as $2.854{\times}10^{-3}$ cm/s ~ $1.297{\times}10^{-3}$ cm/s for different unit weight values and $2.734{\times}10^{-3}$ cm/s ~ $1.707{\times}10^{-3}$ cm/s, respectively. In 50 mm/h rainfall intensity condition, rainfall infiltration velocities were obtained as $4.509{\times}10^{-3}$ cm/s ~ $2.016{\times}10^{-3}$ cm/s and $4.265{\times}10^{-3}$ cm/s ~ $3.764{\times}10^{-3}$ cm/s respectively. The test results showed that the higher rainfall intensity and the lower unit weight of soil, the faster average infiltration velocity. In addition, the weathered granite soils had faster rainfall infiltration velocities than those of the weathered gneiss soils except for the looser unit weight conditions. This is due to the fact that the weathered granite soil had more homogeneous particle size, smaller unit weight condition and larger porosity.

Studies on Amelioration of Soil Physico-Chemical Properties and Rice Yield in Sandy Tidal Saline Paddy Soil (사질(砂質) 염해답(鹽害畓)에서 개량제(改良劑) 시용(施用)이 토양(土壤)의 물리화학성(物理化學性) 변화(變化)와 수도수량(水稻收量)에 미친 영향(影響))

  • Yoo, Chul-Hyun;Kim, Jong-Gu;Choi, Song-Yeol;Cho, Guk-Hyun;Yoo, Sug-Jong;So, Jae-Dong;Rhee, Gyeong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.241-248
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    • 1993
  • An experiment was conducted in 1990~1991 to study the effects of various soil amelioration on the soil productivity and machine workability at tidal land paddy field of Kyewhado Substation, Homam Crop Experiment Station. The soil, Munpo Series(fine sandy loam, Typic Fluvaquents) was treated with gipsum, rice straw, rice straw compost and foreign soil(at 20cm depth) after deep ploughing. The results are surmerized as follows. 1. Sand and clay were slightly increased, while silt was slightly decreased in the rice straw and compost plots. The soil texture was changed from loam to sand loam by the addition of foreign soil 2. Soil bulk density and porosity was decreased in the rice straw, compost and foreign soil addition plots. 3. Cone penetration resistance was $12.5kg/cm^2$ at 10cm of soil depth before experiment and $12.5kg/cm^2$ at 20cm of soil depth after experiment except control, and the root zone was expended down to 20cm. 4. Soil salt content before experiment was 0.46 and 0.48% for surface soil(10cm) and subsoil(20cm), respectively ; The salt content of ameliorated plot was 0.26~0.32% and 0.16~0.31%, respectively, indicating good leaching of soil salt by the soil improvements. 5. The yields of rice in different treatments were in the order of the foreign soil addition > compost > gypsum > rice straw > control.

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Japanese Medaka, Oryzias latipes as a Test Animal for Marine Ecotoxicological Evaluation (해양생태독성평가를 위한 표준시험생물로서의 송사리(Oryzias latipes)에 관한 연구)

  • Park Gyung Soo;Yoon Seong Jin;Lee Seung Min;Kim Ae Hyang;Park Soung Yun;Kang Duk Young
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.23 no.3 s.59
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    • pp.293-303
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    • 2005
  • Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes is widely distributed in the North East Asia including Korea, Japan and east China, and commonly used for freshwater toxicity tests and cytotoxicological studies worldwide. In this study, a series of experiments were conducted to identify the potential of the fish as a standard test species for saltwater toxicity evaluation such as marine receiving waters, ocean-dumped materials and sediment pore waters etc. Hatching, growth and mortality rates of the fish were estimated with the wide ranges of salinity from freshwater to seawater (35 psu). Direct exposure of the fertilized eggs in freshwater to the wide ranges of salinity (from 0 to 35 psu) without pre- acclimation to the saltwater revealed no significant differences in hatching rates by salinities (p =0.24). On the other hand, medaka larvae hatched in freshwater and exposed to saltwater directly showed high mortality at > 25 psu treatment groups (p < 0.0001). However, there was no significant difference in mortality of medaka larvae hatched in 13.8 and 14.2 psu at the wide ranges of salinities ($0\~35$ psu). Growth rates of medaka larvae hatched in the above two salinities showed no differences in body length either from 0 to 35 psu treatment groups (p =0.64 for 13.8 psu group and p=0.32 for 14.2 psu group). The number of gill chloride cell in medaka larvae sharply increased when the larvae were exposed to high salinity. Reference tests with zinc chloride revealed 96h $LC_{50}=8.84(7.19\~10.87)mg\;L^{-1}$ using 7~10 day old medaka larvae. These were comparable or better sensitivity in comparison with the other standard test species such as North American sheepshead minnow Cyprinodon variegatus. Based on the results of these experiments, hatching rates and larvalmortality of medaka must be good toxicity parameters for seawater bioassay and the species seems to be a good standard species for both the freshwater and seawater toxicity test.

Studies on The Effects of Several Methods Irrigation Control Affecting The Growth and Yields of Rice Plants and Saving the Irrigation Water (관개조절의 몇가지 방식이 수함의 생육 및 수량과 관개수절약에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 이창구
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.2322-2341
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    • 1971
  • The studies were conducted to determine the methods of irrigation control which is not only able to save the irrigation water as a adaptable measures for the insufficient irrigation water and the drought but also increase the yields of rice, in the paddy field which shows over percolating tendency through the couple years of 1968 and 1969 at Suwon. These experiments were carried with late maturing rice variety, Norim No. 6 and the major treatments in this experiments were filling the clay under surface soil, periodic irrigation and lining the Vinyl under the surface soil and three replicated completely randomized design was employed. Results obtained will be summarzed as follows. 1. Through the couple years, the plots tilled the clay under 15cm of the surface soil saved the irrigation water by 364% to 45% and 78% to 88% respectively. Particulary, the plot of filling the clay with 9cm thick under 15cm of the surface soil, saved the amount of irrigation water by 45% to 88% and also increased yields by 12% to 20% through the couple years. 2. The plots in which amount of 40mm of irrigation water is irrigated periodically from 5 to 8 days at the stages of tillering and ripening, saved theamount of irrigation water by 41% to 55% and also increased yields by 10% to 16% respectively through the couple years. 3. The plot lined the Vinyl under 15cm of the surface soil, saved the amount of irrigation water by 75% to 88% in accordance with the size of hole. The plot of lining the Vinyl with $3cm/m^2$ hole yielded almost same as the check plot, but in the case of lesser hole than above yielded less. 4. The plots inserted the Vinyl paper in 57cm depth and with 6cm height from the soil surface around the plot to prevent the ridge percolation reduced the amount of percolation by 25% to 33%. 5. The plot filled the wheat straw with 6cm thick under 15cm of the surface soil increased yields by 30% in former year but opposite results were gained in later year. 6. Generally, yields and yield components such as number of spikes of spikes per hill and number of grains per spike were decreased in 1969. These faots are considered to depend upon the rainy and cold weather in the stages of vigorous tillering and less sunshine in the stages of ripening. 7. The variation of characters among the plots will be summarized as follows. (1) Tallerplant height was found in the plots of clay filling and irrigation control. (2) longer culm length and higher yields were founds in the plots filled the clay with 9cm thick and controled the irrigation periodically froir 7 to 8 days. (3) Length of spike increased generally with yields but opposite tendency was found also. (4) Number of spikes per hill increased with yields in the plots of irrigation control. (5) Number of grains per spike increased with yields in the plots filled the clay with 9cm thick and controled irrigation periodically from 5 to 8 days. (6) Tendency of variation of 1000 grain weight is similar to Number of grains per spike. (7) Percentage of complete grains increased in the plot of clay filling and irrigation control.

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Effect of Hydration on Swelling Properties and Shear Strength Behavior of MgO-sand Mixture (수화 반응에 따른 MgO-모래 혼합물의 팽창 특성 및 전단 거동 변화)

  • Lee, Jihwan;Yoon, Boyoung;Choo, Hyunwook;Lee, Woojin;Lee, Changho
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2020
  • Swelling properties and shear strength behavior of MgO-Sand mixtures with hydration procese of MgO are compared according to different MgO contents (WMgO/WTotal=0, 30, 50, 70, 100%) in this study. The specimens are prepared by mixing with crushed MgO refractory bricks and silica sand. After hydration, the particle size and the specific gravity of MgO were decreases. Through microstructure observation and X-ray diffraction analysis, it is confirmed that MgO changes from the cubic structure of Periclase to the hexagonal cubic structure of Brucite after hydration. As the MgO content increases, both swelling rate and swelling pressure of the mixtures increase. WMgO/WTotal=30% specimen shows relatively low swelling pressure and swelling rate because produced Mg(OH)2 mainly fills the pores between sand particles. However, in the case of MgO more than 50%, swelling pressure and swelling rate increase significantly because Mg(OH)2 fills the pores of sand particles at first and then either pushes out sand particles or Mg(OH)2 particles after filling the pores. As a result of the direct shear test, before hydration, the mixtures show a dilative behavior on high MgO contents and a contractive behavior on low MgO contents. However, after hydration, the behavior of all mixtures changes to contractive behavior. The threshold fraction of fine (i.e., Mg(OH)2) contents of the hydrated MgO-Sand mixtures reveals approximately 60% compared with normalized shear strength.

Utilization of Wood Chips for Disposing of Swine Manure (목질칩의 축분뇨 정화재로의 이용)

  • Choi, In-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2001
  • In order to environmentally use wood chips manufactured from low valued forest resources by forest tendering, wood chips were used for the evaluation on chips characteristics, decomposition capability of organic wastes, and field experiment and determination of conditions for decomposer. Bioclusters manufactured by Cryptomeria japonica, commercially available wood chips in Japan, showed higher pore ratio, water reservation and water resistance, and higher cellulose content with lower hot water solubles than domestic wood chips. The useful size of wood chips for swine manure decomposition was 10 (length) ${\times}$ 5 (width) ${\times}$ 2 (thickness) mm, and cellulose contents and alkali solubles of Pinus densiflora and Populus tomentiglandulosa were similar to those of bioclusters. According to the decomposition ratio depending on wood species, it was ordered as Pinus densiflora > Pinus koraiensis > Cryptomeria japonica. The swine manure decomposition ratio depending on treatment hours by Pinus koraiensis was constant with the ratio of 15 to 16 g per hour by 1 kg of chip, indicating of daily swine decomposition amount of 390 kg by 1 ton of chips which was equal to the amount of daily swine manure production by 70 swines. Analyzing by long term used wood chips during 40 days treatment, the treated wood chips characteristically showed stable total nitrogen content, suitable pH, high accumulation of inorganic contents such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, and no odor. During winter, the inner temperature of decomposer was kept at $43^{\circ}C$, but air bubble was occurred due to high pH and viscosity of swine manure. The most appropriate mixing ratio between wood chips and swine manure was 1 versus 2 or 3, and at more than ratio 1 versus 3, ammonia gas was caused because of anaerobic fermentation status by high moisture content of wood chips. The mixing interval of decomposer was 3 mins. per hour for the best swine decomposition.

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A Study on Salt Removal in Controlled Cultivation Soil Using Electrokinetic Technology (전기동력학 기술을 이용한 시설재배지 토양의 염류제거 효과연구)

  • Kim, Lee Yul;Choi, Jeong Hee;Lee, You Jin;Hong, Soon Dal;Bae, Jeong Hyo;Baek, Ki Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1230-1236
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    • 2012
  • To verify that the electrokinetic remediation is effective for decreasing salinity of fields of the plastic-film house, field tests for physical property, chemical property, and crop productivity of soils have been conducted. The abridged result of those tests is as follows. In the EK treatment, the electrokinetic remediation has been treated at the constant voltage (about 0.8 V $cm^{-1}$) for fields of the farm household. At this time, an alternating current (AC) 220 V of the farm household was transformed a direct current. The HSCI (High Silicon Cast Iron) that the length of the stick for a cation is 20cm, and the Fe Plate for an anion have been spread out on the ground. As the PVC pipe that is 10 cm in diameter was laid in the bottom of soils, cations descend on the cathode were discharged together. For soil physical properties according to the EK treatment, the destruction effect of soil aggregate was large, and the infiltration rate of water was increased. However, variations of bulk density and porosity were not considerable. Meanwhile, in chemical properties of soils, principal ions of such as EC, $NO_3{^-}$-N, $K^+$, and $Na^+$ were better rapidly reduced in the EK treated control plot than in the untreated control plot. And properties such as pH, $P_2O_5$ and $Ca^{2+}$ had a small impact on the EK. For cropping season of crop cultivation according to the EK treatment, decreasing rates of chemical properties of soils were as follows; $NO_3{^-}$-N 78.3% > $K^+$ 72.3% > EC 71.6% $$\geq_-$$ $Na^+$ 71.5% > $Mg^{2+}$ 36.8%. As results of comparing the experimental plot that EK was treated before crop cultivation with it that EK was treated during crop cultivation, the decreasing effect of chemical properties was higher in the case that EK was treated during crop cultivation. After the EK treatment, treatment effects were distinct for $NO_3{^-}$-N and EC that a decrease of nutrients is clear. However, because the lasting effect of decreasing salinity were not distinct for the single EK treatment, fertilization for soil testing was desirable carrying on testing for chemical properties of soils after EK treatments more than two times. In the growth of cabbages according to the EK treatment, the rate of yield increase was 225.5% for the primary treatment, 181.0% for the secondary treatment, and 124.2% for third treatment compared with the untreated control plot. The yield was increased by a factor of 130.0% for the hot pepper at the primary treatment (Apr. 2011), 248.1% for the lettuce at the secondary treatment (Nov.2011), and 125.4% for the young radish at the third treatment (Jul. 2012). In conclusion, the effect of yield increase was accepted officially for all announced crops.

Changes of soil characteristics, rice growth and lodging traits by different fertilization and drainage system in paddy soil (논 토양에서 배수 및 시비조건에 따른 토양특성, 생육 및 도복 관련 형질의 변화)

  • Jeon, Weon-Tai;Park, Chang-Young;Park, Ki-Do;Cho, Young-Son;Lee, Jeom-Sig;Lee, Dong-Chang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2002
  • The installation of subsurface drainage equipment is required for generalized use of paddy field and to improve soil productivity. The internal drainage of paddy field has improved root condition from the increasing of oxygen supply and removing noxious elements. This experiment was carried out to determine the effects of fertilization and drainage system on soil characteristic, growth and lodging trait of rice in paddy soil. A subsurface drainage system was installed a depth of 0.8m. Three fertilizer treatments were applied : 1) Conventional fertilized plot, 2) Controlled-release fertilized plot, 3) No-fertilized plot. In conventional plot, 110 kg N (as urea 46%), 45 kg P (as fused phosphate 20%) and 57 kg K (as potassium chloride 60%) per hectare fertilizers were applied. Controlled-release fertilizer was applied by 70% of N compared to the conventional plot. During the rice cropping, the water depth decrease was two times higher in subsurface drainage(SD) plot than non-drained(ND) plot. After harvesting of rice, the bulk density of sub-soil(10-20cm depth) was lower in SD plot than ND plot. After the experiment, the surface soil pH was high at SD plot but sub-soil was high at ND plot. Organic matter content was higher in all soil layer for SD plot than fro ND plot. Available $P_2O_5$ was not different between SD and ND plot for surface soil, but was high for SD plot for sub soil. The $NH_4{^+}-N$ content of soil, shoot dry matter, total nitrogen and $K_2O$ of rice plant were greater after panicle formation stage in SD plot. Total nitrogen content, $P_2O_5$ and $K_2O$ of rice root were high in SD plot after heading. Though the gravity center and 3rd internode length were greater, pulling force of rice root was higher in SD plot than ND plot. Rice yield in SD plot were low at conventional and controlled-release fertilized plot because of the greater field lodging, but yield in SD plot was high at no-fertilized plot. This study indicates that the fertilization level should be decrease on subsurface drainage system for rice cropping.

Study on the Effects of an Organic Fertilizer (Glutamic Acid Fermentation Residue Amended with N) on the Yield of Chinese Cabbage and Radish and the Physico-Chemical Properties of Soil (유기질비료(有機質肥料) 시용(施用)이 배추와 무우의 생육(生育)과 수량(收量) 및 토양(土壤)의 이화학성(理化學性)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lim, S.U.;Ryu, J.C.;Hong, C.W.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 1979
  • A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of an organic fertilizer (Glutamic acid fermentation by product ameded with nitrogen) on the growth and yield of radish and chinese cabbage on a relatively fertile soil. Additional laboratory studies were also made to find out the influence of mentioned fertilizer on the phisical and chemical characteristic of soils. The results are summarized as following. 1. Effect of fertilizer on the growth and yield. a. On a relatively fertile soil with high organic matter content (3%), the organic fertilizer was not effective for the growth and yield of radish and yield of radish and chinese cabbage. b. The application of organic fertilizer increased the K contents in plants both in radish and chinese cabbage. It was observed that the high content of K in radish leave lowered the leaf/root ratio and the leaf/root ratio showed a positive correlation with root weight. 2. Effect on soil physical and chemical properties. a. The application of organic fertilizer resulted in the improvement of soil physical property by lowering bulk density and increasing porosity. b. It was found that application of organic fertilizer increased the water stable soil aggregates. c. The application of organic fertilizer did not result in the significant increase in soil organic matter. d. Soil pH was lowered by the application of organic matter. It was speculated that the oxidation of ammonical nitrogen in the fertilizer is responsible for the lowering of soil pH.

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A Study on the Effect of Improving Permeability by Injecting a Soil Remediation Agent in the In-situ Remediation Method Using Plasma Blasting, Pneumatic Fracturing, and Vacuum Suction Method (플라즈마 블라스팅, 공압파쇄, 진공추출이 활용된 지중 토양정화공법의 정화제 주입에 따른 투수성 개선 연구)

  • Geun-Chun Lee;Jae-Yong Song;Cha-Won Kang;Hyun-Shic Jang;Bo-An Jang;Yu-Chul Park
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.371-388
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    • 2023
  • A stratum with a complex composition and a distributed low-permeability soil layer is difficult to remediate quickly because the soil remediation does not proceed easily. For efficient purification, the permeability should be improved and the soil remediation agent (H2O2) should be injected into the contaminated section to make sufficient contact with the TPH (Total petroleum hydrocarbons). This study analyzed a method for crack formation and effective delivery of the soil remediation agent based on pneumatic fracturing, plasma blasting, and vacuum suction (the PPV method) and compared its improvement effect relative to chemical oxidation. A demonstration test confirmed the effective delivery of the soil remediation agent to a site contaminated with TPH. The injection amount and injection time were monitored to calculate the delivery characteristics and the range of influence, and electrical resistivity surveying qualitatively confirmed changes in the underground environment. Permeability tests also evaluated and compared the permeability changes for each method. The amount of soil remediation agent injected was increased by about 4.74 to 7.48 times in the experimental group (PPV method) compared with the control group (chemical oxidation); the PPV method allowed injection rates per unit time (L/min) about 5.00 to 7.54 times quicker than the control method. Electrical resistivity measurements assessed that in the PPV method, the diffusion of H2O22 and other fluids to the surface soil layer reduced the low resistivity change ratio: the horizontal change ratio between the injection well and the extraction well decreased the resistivity by about 1.12 to 2.38 times. Quantitative evaluation of hydraulic conductivity at the end of the test found that the control group had 21.1% of the original hydraulic conductivity and the experimental group retained 81.3% of the initial value, close to the initial permeability coefficient. Calculated radii of influence based on the survey results showed that the results of the PPV method were improved by 220% on average compared with those of the control group.